Florida Teacher On MSNBC Worries He Can’t Talk About His Love Life With Kindergarteners Anymore

I sort of agree, would depend on the relationship. My clients knew I was gone on vacation with my wife last week. A couple I have talked to so far this week asked me how it was and if we enjoyed it.
Teacher in the video said he and his partner went and did something over the weekend. I just don't see why he needs to tell kindergarnters he's with his partner ... he could always just say his roommate or his child. If kids ask, he could just say he's not married. And not elaborate.

really? i don’t recall that at all when i was 6…what was your teacher’s spouse name?
When I was in the first grade my teacher's spouse was named Steven and my teacher was named Christine.
And is Mrs. Smith or Mr. Smith married? Not hateful but a man, woman, hetro or homo is no one else's concern, especially to a 5 year old, it is not relevant. Do you talk about your love life with people at work? I sure the hell don't, it is between my significant other and myself, let alone a kindergartener.
My wife used to come to staff parties with me and gay colleagues used to bring their partners. We all had a good time as adults who arent consumed with hate tend to do.

That is a normal lifestyle. What these crazies are advocating is insanity.

It just keeps getting worse and worse with these pathetic lying perverts.

Why doesn’t this dipstick band together with the other pervs and start their own private school.

They can tell parents to pay $10,000 per year to send their 5-7 year old kids to come there and listen to this clown tell them how he like his boyfriend to shove things up his caboose.

Im guessing enrollment would be low.
I might actually be ok with this law, if Fla also outlawed gay discrimination in employment
If you want your kids to be taught about homosexuality, then arrange it outside of the school where I send my kids. There's nothing "artificial" about not exposing your children to perversion.
Nobody is teaching kids about homosexuality. Its all in your head.
My wife used to come to staff parties with me and gay colleagues used to bring their partners. We all had a good time as adults who arent consumed with hate tend to do.

That is a normal lifestyle. What these crazies are advocating is insanity.
Good bring your mates to staff parties, that has nothing to do with kindergarteners, does it?
You are insane. Nobody is teaching kids about sex. You are going nuts over a straw man.
But neither should a teacher be required to deny their partner.hetero teachers are not required to do so and that is discriminatory.

You types are fucking crazy.
I don't think this particular law targets a teacher with a same-sex partner or spouse from talking about their spouse.

They just can't talk about FUCKING (hetero or otherwise) which is what this law prevents.

It's like allowing the KKK grand wizard to be a teacher, but he better keep his off-topic racist rants to himself.
You have no earthly clue what a real American is. I bet even most of your rightwing nuts on here would not support banning gay people from being teachers. That is all you my little hate filled buddy
Real Americans still spend their days practicing the traditional American moral order… It’s actually quite sad that you honestly believe good Americans have slid into the abyss with you disgusting leftists…. You firmly believe they have no standards and no expectations to be met.
You just underline the point I have made.. You are not helping kids, or wider society, by creating artificial pens to keep kids in.

Mainly because they will grow up to be sick individuals like the crazy fucks on this thread.
The only sick individuals are the ones pushing their gayness into childrens' faces.

Where I come from that's called HIGHLY UNPROFESSIONAL.

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