Florida Teacher On MSNBC Worries He Can’t Talk About His Love Life With Kindergarteners Anymore

What the hell is wrong with these people. Nobody, especially five year olds wants or needs to hear about your perverted life choices. It’s like their entire being and life revolves around being queer. There’s nothing else.

I can remember being 5-6 and at no time did it ever enter my mind to wonder about my teacher's sex life much less want to hear about it! Not that I would have understood.

And I know my parents didn't want me hearing about my teacher's sex life neither.

And neither I nor my parents wanted to hear about my teacher's GAY sex life!

Oddly, I'm hetero and I have never felt the urge or need to share my hetero sex life with strangers, much less little children.

If sharing his gay sex life with little kids is a big part of his identity as a teacher I think maybe they ought to find a new teacher.
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I can remember being 5-6 and at no time did it ever ever my mind to wonder about my teacher's sex life much less want to hear about it! Not that I would have understood.

And I know my parents didn't want me hearing about my teacher's sex life neither.

And neither I nor my parents wanted to hear about my teacher's GAY sex life!

Oddly, I'm hetero and I have never felt the urge or need to share my hetero sex life with strangers, much less little children.

If sharing his gay sex life with little kids is a big part of his identity as a teacher I think maybe they ought to find a new teacher.
I can remember being 5-6 and at no time did it ever ever my mind to wonder about my teacher's sex life much less want to hear about it! Not that I would have understood.

And I know my parents didn't want me hearing about my teacher's sex life neither.

And neither I nor my parents wanted to hear about my teacher's GAY sex life!

Oddly, I'm hetero and I have never felt the urge or need to share my hetero sex life with strangers, much less little children.

If sharing his gay sex life with little kids is a big part of his identity as a teacher I think maybe they ought to find a new teacher.
full discloser.......at the age of 16 I heard in my high school that Mrs. Paternick was having an affair with Mrs. Gorton.

Yes, it gave me a boner.
Question for you Golfing Gator
Have you ever championed anything that aligns with traditional American morality, principles and values?
Why do you believe that a society with standards is a bigoted society?

You would not know a traditional American moral, principle or value if one bit you on the ass.

Here are the original American values.... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

You though think that the government should dictate those to us. You believe that the government knows better than the individual what is best for them. You do not desire freedom or liberty, you want the government to make everyone act and think and look just like you. That is the only way you could ever be happy.

You literally worship a man that cheated on all 3 of his wives and talked about dating his daughter, and then you wish to pretend you know a damn fucking thing about morals.

You are the antithesis of everything America has ever stood for.
Here are the original American values.... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That was before your welfare bullshit and before you whacked-out motherfuckers tried forcing faggots and chicks with dicks down our kids throats. That was under the presumption that America would stay white, moral and Christian as desired and set forth by our founders.

You though think that the government should dictate those to us. You believe that the government knows better than the individual what is best for them.
You believe taxpayers should be forced to pay faggots to teach our children faggotry.

You literally worship a man that cheated on all 3 of his wives and talked about dating his daughter
I worship no man…I like good Presidents…I have mentors. I don’t need a father figure for a president…do you?
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because they can do it without worrying about some bigoted parent trying to sue them
More bullshit. Anyone who pushes sex on these 5 year old kids is subject to the law. I have no clue WTF you are babbling about some parent suing. It is a state law.

Even if your premise is correct, there is nothing stopping some gay person from suing a teacher if he talks about heterosexual sex, Dipshit.

Gays love to sue over bullshit. Remember the bakery in CO?
The gay lifestyle is just as relevant as a hetero lifestyle.
How so? Because you puff a little pole from time to time? Doesn’t heterosexuality sometimes result in the reproduction of humans? I’d say that’s a bit more “relevant” than two men buttfucking and swapping ass juice…no?
You would not know a traditional American moral, principle or value if one bit you on the ass.

Here are the original American values.... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

You though think that the government should dictate those to us. You believe that the government knows better than the individual what is best for them. You do not desire freedom or liberty, you want the government to make everyone act and think and look just like you. That is the only way you could ever be happy.

You literally worship a man that cheated on all 3 of his wives and talked about dating his daughter, and then you wish to pretend you know a damn fucking thing about morals.

You are the antithesis of everything America has ever stood for.
Persue your happiness in a gay bar with adults that share your same lifestyle. When your persuit of happiness demands telling 5-8 year olds about it the best thing that can happen to you is the government stepping in. The next option is the parent Pershing his happiness by beating your ass into a coma.
You would not know a traditional American moral, principle or value if one bit you on the ass.

Here are the original American values.... Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

You though think that the government should dictate those to us. You believe that the government knows better than the individual what is best for them. You do not desire freedom or liberty, you want the government to make everyone act and think and look just like you. That is the only way you could ever be happy.

You literally worship a man that cheated on all 3 of his wives and talked about dating his daughter, and then you wish to pretend you know a damn fucking thing about morals.

You are the antithesis of everything America has ever stood for.
why do you think you have a right to tell someone’s five year old about your sex life at their school? What sort of happiness does that give you that you feel the need to purse it? doesn’t the five year old have a right not to hear it? don’t i have a right to send my kid to school and feel secure they aren’t going to hear about it from their teacher?
why do you think you have a right to tell someone’s five year old about your sex life at their school?

Nobody wants to tell 5 year olds about their sex life. But it should not be illegal for someone to mention their same sex spouse

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