Florida, Texas, Georgia COVID 19 up.... wait until protest riots COVID numbers come out.

The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
Since this thread is about Florida, Texas, and Georgia, let's take a look at their death rates per million. And let's compare those rates to some other states that had much tougher lockdowns, such as New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Connecticut. and Massachusettes.

Source: United States Coronavirus: 2,224,814 Cases and 119,652 Deaths - Worldometer

Texas: 71

Florida: 141

Georgia: 243

Michigan: 604

Massachusettes: 1,112

Connecticut: 1,181

New Jersey: 1,450

New York: 1,595

Based on these numbers, I don't think there's any logical or rational argument that Texas, Florida, and Georgia are doing worse than the states that had much tougher lockdowns.

On the contrary, according to those numbers, Texas, Florida, and Georgia are doing far better than the states that had much tougher lockdowns.

New York and New Jersey both required nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19.

Source: Discharging COVID-19 Patients To Nursing Homes Called A 'Recipe For Disaster'

Meanwhile, Florida prohibited nursing homes from admitting such patients.

Source: Coronavirus Florida: DeSantis: Florida nursing homes safer than other states

The different results of these different policies are exactly what any logical person would expect.

On May 13, the Palm Beach Post reported the following rates of elder-care resident deaths per 100,000 people:

Florida: 3.5

New York: nearly 27

New Jersey: 51

Source: Coronavirus Florida: DeSantis: Florida nursing homes safer than other states

In addition, a study of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in New York showed that 66% of them were people who stayed home.

Source: Majority Of New Coronavirus Cases In New York Are From People Staying At Home—Not Traveling Or Working

Meanwhile, another study showed that the risk of the virus spreading at school is "extremely low."

Source: Risk of coronavirus spreading in schools 'extremely low', study finds

Here are 150 reasons why the lockdown is a scam:

Too much math and way too little anguish, hiding, tears and virtue signaling (for our own good of course)

I am pro-math, and anti-virtue signaling.
There are about 6 of us here in this blaming, emotional wasteland.
Yeah, I was kind of jealous young man. :cool: If I have the antibodies, I might even chuck the mask and act like a Republican! :dance:

New England Journal of Medicine: “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection”


World Health Organization: “If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19”

CDC and WHO offer conflicting advice on masks. An expert tells us why.
You mean when 10% have it and you test more and more people that the total number of positives can go up even if the percentage of infections doesn’t?

Libbies-before looking below go ahead and answer.

80% of libbies don’t know the answer or will answer incorrectly.

The statement is Correct
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
That is cheap and easy to say if you are not in the 16.85% of the population that doesn't represents by far largest percentage of the people that die from it, if the uncaring younger generation brings it to us just because they are too self centered to give damn.
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
I hope you feel better after getting that out... so now back to the point. Are cases going up because of more tests or not? I presented the counter argument and you changed the subject.
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
That is cheap and easy to say if you are not in the 16.85% of the population that doesn't represents by far largest percentage of the people that die from it, if the uncaring younger generation brings it to us just because they are too self centered to give damn.
Pious virtue signaling isn't an argument....Go fuck yourself.
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
I hope you feel better after getting that out... so now back to the point. Are cases going up because of more tests or not? I presented the counter argument and you changed the subject.
As I said, the known cases could be going up for any number of reasons, none of which will be changed in any way by cowering in our homes.

Speaking of changing the subject, the original bullshit excuse given for the lockdowns was to prevent hospitals from being overrun....That is no longer a danger, so all this weeping and wailing over this or that number in this or that state is just so much worthless political moral preening.
Yeah, I was kind of jealous young man. :cool: If I have the antibodies, I might even chuck the mask and act like a Republican! :dance:

New England Journal of Medicine: “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection”


World Health Organization: “If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19”

CDC and WHO offer conflicting advice on masks. An expert tells us why.
Good article about conflicting guidance of CDC and World Health Organization.
"If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19," the WHO guidelines read.

The answer may come down to practicality, according to Dr. William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.

At this point in the United States' outbreak, nearly everyone can find a mask or make one, Schaffner explained, which may not be true in every country around the world, especially countries with fewer resources than the U.S.

Advising universal mask wearing in a place where it's impossible to adhere to that guidance could hurt the WHO's reputation in those countries, he explained.
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
I hope you feel better after getting that out... so now back to the point. Are cases going up because of more tests or not? I presented the counter argument and you changed the subject.
As I said, the known cases could be going up for any number of reasons, none of which will be changed in any way by cowering in our homes.

Speaking of changing the subject, the original bullshit excuse given for the lockdowns was to prevent hospitals from being overrun....That is no longer a danger, so all this weeping and wailing over this or that number in this or that state is just so much worthless political moral preening.
I agree, the initial shut down was driven by fear of overrunning our medical care system. I’m not on here supporting another shut down or saying people should hide in basements. The only subject I’ve brought up is the White House excuse for the rising numbers and the counter argument. You keep trying to steer to a different subject. Is that because you know the White House is full of shit as usual?
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
That is cheap and easy to say if you are not in the 16.85% of the population that doesn't represents by far largest percentage of the people that die from it, if the uncaring younger generation brings it to us just because they are too self centered to give damn.
Pious virtue signaling isn't an argument....Go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself, kid. You sound like the self centered type, alright. Bet you figure you can drink and drive well also, just because you have been killed or killed anybody while driving under the influence yet.
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
That is cheap and easy to say if you are not in the 16.85% of the population that doesn't represents by far largest percentage of the people that die from it, if the uncaring younger generation brings it to us just because they are too self centered to give damn.
Pious virtue signaling isn't an argument....Go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself, kid. You sound like the self centered type, alright. Bet you figure you can drink and drive well also, just because you have been killed or killed anybody while driving under the influence yet.
False equivalence isn't an argument either, Mr. Virtue Beacon.
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
I hope you feel better after getting that out... so now back to the point. Are cases going up because of more tests or not? I presented the counter argument and you changed the subject.
As I said, the known cases could be going up for any number of reasons, none of which will be changed in any way by cowering in our homes.

Speaking of changing the subject, the original bullshit excuse given for the lockdowns was to prevent hospitals from being overrun....That is no longer a danger, so all this weeping and wailing over this or that number in this or that state is just so much worthless political moral preening.
I agree, the initial shut down was driven by fear of overrunning our medical care system. I’m not on here supporting another shut down or saying people should hide in basements. The only subject I’ve brought up is the White House excuse for the rising numbers and the counter argument. You keep trying to steer to a different subject. Is that because you know the White House is full of shit as usual?
It's irrelevant minutia, that has no bearing on anything that matters...People are going to get infected, and the floating of stats of who gets infected and where amounts to nothing more than media generated noise....Who gives a fuck, beside the hacks who go around picking flecks of pepper out of piles of shit?
Here is some unbiased facts, backed up with scientific studies, no media spin, there is much more at the site;

"A. General part
Studies of Covid-19 lethality

Stanford professor John Ioannidis published an overview of Covid-19 antibody studies. According to his analysis, the lethality of Covid19 (IFR) is below 0.16% in most countries and regions. Ioannidis found an upper limit of 0.40% for three hotspots.

In its latest report, the US health authority CDC reduced the Covid19 lethality (IFR) to 0.26% (best estimate). Even this value may still be seen as an upper limit, since the CDC conservatively assumes 35% asymptomatic cases, while most studies indicate 50 to 80% asymptomatic cases.

At the end of May, however, Swiss immunologists led by Professor Onur Boyman published what is probably the most important study on Covid19 lethality to date. This preprint study comes to the conclusion that the usual antibody tests that measure antibodies in the blood (IgG and IgM) can recognize at most one fifth of all Covid19 infections.

The reason for this discrepancy is that in most people the new coronavirus is already neutralized by antibodies on the mucous membrane (IgA) or by cellular immunity (T-cells). In most of these cases, no symptoms or only mild symptoms develop.

This means that the new coronavirus is probably much more common than previously thought and the lethality per infection is up to five times lower than previously assumed. The real lethality could thus be well below 0.1% and hence in the range of strong seasonal influenza.

In fact, several studies have now shown that up to 60% of all people already have a certain cellular immunity to Covid-19, which was acquired through contact with previous coronaviruses (common cold viruses). Children in particular often come into contact with such coronaviruses, which could help explain their insensitivity to Covid19.

The new Swiss study may also explain why antibody studies even in hotspots like New York or Madrid found infection rates of at most about 20%, as this would correspond to an actual rate of nearly 100%. In many regions, the actual prevalence might already be well over 50% and thus in the range of herd immunity.

Should the Swiss study be confirmed, the assessment of Oxford epidemiologist Prof. Sunetra Gupta would apply, who predicted early on that Covid-19 is very widespread and its lethality below 0.1%.

Despite the comparatively low lethality of Covid-19 (deaths per infection), the mortality (deaths per population) can still be increased regionally and in the short term if the virus spreads rapidly and reaches high risk groups, especially patients in nursing homes, as indeed happened in several hotspots (see below).

Due to its rather low lethality, Covid-19 falls at most into level 2 of the five-level pandemic plan developed by US health authorities. For this level, only the “voluntary isolation of sick people” is to be applied, while further measures such as face masks, school closings, distance rules, contact tracing, vaccinations and lockdowns of entire societies are not recommended.

Regarding contact tracing, a WHO study on influenza pandemics from 2019 also came to the conclusion that from a medical point of view this is “under no circumstances recommended”, since it is not expedient for easily communicable and generally mild respiratory diseases.

It is sometimes argued that the rather low lethality was not known at the beginning of the pandemic. This is not entirely true, as data from South Korea, the cruise ships and even from Italy already showed in March that the risk to the general population is rather low.

Many health authorities also knew this, as leaked emails from Denmark in mid-March show: “The Danish Health Authority continues to consider that Covid-19 cannot be described as a generally dangerous disease, as it does not have either a usually serious course or a high mortality rate.”

Some media nevertheless continue to calculate an allegedly much higher Covid19 lethality rate of sometimes over 1% by simply dividing deaths by “infections”, without taking into account the age and risk distribution, which is absolutely crucial especially for Covid19.

The latest data from the European mortality monitoring Euromomo shows that several countries such as France, Italy and Spain are already entering a below-average mortality. The reason for this is that the average age of Covid19 deaths was very high and fewer people than usual are now dying in this age group.

See also: Studies on Covid-19 lethality

Example: Death rate per age group in Massachusetts, USA ( source )
The role of nursing homes

Nursing homes played an absolute key role in the Covid 19 pandemic. In most countries, one to two thirds of all Covid19 deaths occurred in nursing homes, and up to 80% in Canada and some US states. Even in Sweden, which did not impose a lockdown, 75% of deaths occurred in nursing facilities.

It is all the more worrying that some authorities have obliged their nursing homes to admit Covid patients from the clinics, which has almost always resulted in numerous new infections and deaths. This happened in northern Italy, England and the heavily affected US states of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

It is also known from northern Italy that the widespread fear of the virus and the announced lockdown of the country led to the flight of the predominantly Eastern European nurses, which further accelerated the breakdown of elderly care.

In the United States, at least 42% of all Covid19 deaths are accounted for by 0.6% of the population living in nursing homes. Nursing homes require targeted protection and do not benefit from a general lockdown of society as a whole.

It is well known that even common corona viruses (cold viruses) can be very dangerous for people in nursing homes. Stanford professor John Ioannidis pointed out already in mid-March that coronaviruses may have a case mortality rate of up to 8% in nursing homes.

In addition, it is often not clear whether these people really died from Covid-19 or from weeks of stress and total isolation. For example, there were approximately 30,000 additional deaths in English nursing homes, but in only 10,000 cases, Covid19 is noted on the death certificate.

In April alone, around 10,000 additional dementia patients without corona infection died in England and Wales due to weeks of isolation. Investigations into the situation in nursing homes have been initiated or requested in several countries.

Nursing home deaths, absolute and percentage ( LTCCovid )
The role of hospitals

The second central factor regarding infections and deaths, in addition to the nursing homes, are the hospitals themselves. A case study in Wuhan already showed that around 41% of hospitalized Covid patients had in fact contracted Covid in the hospital itself.

Contagion in hospitals also played a decisive role in northern Italy, Spain, England and other regions that were severely affected, meaning that the clinics themselves became the main place of transmission of Covid19 to already weakened people (so-called nosocomial infection) – an issue that had already been observed during the SARS outbreak from 2003.

Based on current knowledge, those countries that managed to avoid outbreaks of infection in nursing homes and hospitals had comparatively few deaths. The general lockdown of society, however, played no role or even a counterproductive role (see below).

An additional factor is the sometimes fatal medical mistreatment of Covid patients with aggressive drugs or invasive ventilation, the risks of which experts have been warning about for months. In the US, for example, there have been questionable financial incentives to connect Covid patients to ventilators, a practice that is now being investigated in several states.

See also: An undercover nurse reporting from the ‘epicenter’ in New York City (Video)

The clinical picture of Covid-19

The well-known Hamburg medical examiner Professor Klaus Püschel presented his study (English) on the first 12 of 190 detailed corona autopsies at a press conference (German).

Professor Püschel again emphasized that Covid-19 “is not nearly as threatening as was initially suspected”. The danger was “too much influenced by media images”. The media had focused on severe individual cases and fueled panic with “completely wrong messages”. Covid-19 is not a “killer virus” and the call for new medicine or vaccines is “driven by fear, not facts.”

The specific cause of death of the examined cases was pneumonia, but in about 50% of the cases there were venous thrombosis in the legs, which can lead to fatal pulmonary embolism. The kidneys and heart muscle were also partially affected. Professor Püschel therefore recommends the preventive administration of blood-thinning medication for serious Covid cases.

With regard to thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, Professor Püschel – like other experts before – emphasized that a “lockdown” with quarantine at home was “exactly the wrong measure”, since the lack of exercise itself promotes thrombosis. Indeed, US specialists have already been warning of this risk after even Covid-negative people developed unexpected thrombosis.

Many media again misinterpreted the autopsy findings and spoke of Covid-19 as a particularly dangerous disease which, unlike influenza, is said to lead to thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. This is not true, however: it has been known for 50 years that even severe influenza can greatly increase the risk of thrombosis and embolism and can affect the heart muscle and other organs. Even the recommendation regarding preventive blood thinner for severe influenza has been around for 50 years already.

Children and schools

Numerous studies have now shown that children hardly get Covid19 and do not or hardly transmit the virus, which was already known from the 2003 SARS outbreak. There was therefore no medical reason for the closure of schools at any time.

Accordingly, all those countries that reopened their schools in May saw no increase in cases of infection. Countries like Sweden, which never closed their primary schools anyway, had no problems with this either.

A preprint study by the German virologist Christian Drosten argued that the risk of infection from children is comparable to adults and schools should therefore remain closed. However, several researchers demonstrated methodological errors in the study. Drosten subsequently withdrew the recommendation regarding school closures.

In some schools, for example in France and Israel, alleged “corona outbreaks” are said to have occurred. However, it is likely that these are transmissions from teachers to schoolchildren that, to their dismay, are regularly tested, although they hardly show any symptoms and are themselves hardly or not at all contagious.

The British Kawasaki Disease Foundation again criticized the dubious and lurid media coverage of Kawasaki disease. In fact, there has been no significant increase in Kawasaki cases and no proven association with Covid-19. General inflammatory reactions in individual children are also known from other viral infections, but the number of cases reported so far is extremely low.

German medical associations have also given the all-clear: Covid-19 is imperceptible or very mild in almost all children. Schools and daycare centers should therefore be opened immediately and without restrictions, ie there is no need for small groups, distance rules or masks.

Schoolchildren in France who have to play in boxes (May 15, 2020, DailyMail )
On the effectiveness of masks

Regardless of the comparatively low lethality of Covid19 in the general population (see above), there is still no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of masks in healthy and asymptomatic people in everyday life.

A cross-country study by the University of East Anglia came to the conclusion that a mask requirement was of no benefit and could even increase the risk of infection.

Two US professors and experts in respiratory and infection protection from the University of Illinois explain in an essay that respiratory masks have no effect in everyday life, neither as self-protection nor to protect third parties (so-called source control). The widespread use of masks didn’t prevent the outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan, either.

A study from April 2020 in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine came to the conclusion that neither fabric masks nor surgical masks can prevent the spread of the Covid19 virus by coughing.

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine from May 2020 also comes to the conclusion that respiratory masks offer little or no protection in everyday life. The call for a mask requirement is described as an “irrational fear reflex”.

A May 2020 meta-study on pandemic influenza published by the U.S. CDC also found that respirators had no effect.

The WHO moreover declared in June that truly “asymptomatic transmission” is in fact “very rare”, as data from numerous countries showed. Some of the few confirmed cases were due to direct body contact, i.e. shaking hands or kissing.

In Austria, the mask requirement in retail and catering will be lifted again from mid-June. A mask requirement was never introduced in Sweden because it “does not offer additional protection for the population”, as the health authority explained.

Numerous politicians, media people and police officers have already been caught putting on their respirators in a crowd especially for the television cameras or taking them off immediately when they believed that they were no longer being filmed.

In some cases there were brutal police attacks because a person allegedly “did not wear her mask properly”. In other cases, people with a disability who cannot and do not have to wear a mask, are not allowed to enter department stores .

Despite this evidence, a group called “masks4all”, which was founded by a “young leader” of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Davos, is advocating worldwide mask requirements. Several governments and the WHO appear to be responding to this campaign.

Many critics suspect that the masks are more likely to have a psychological or political function (“muzzle” or “visible sign of obedience”) and that wearing them frequently might even lead to additional health problems.

A study from Germany empirically showed that the introduction of face masks had no effect on infection rates (see graph). Only the city of Jena appeared to experience a strong decrease in infections, but Jena simultaneously introduced very strict quarantine regulations.

Introduction of face masks in German cities had no impact on infections (IZA)
IOW, places like China, Italy, NY, Oregon, and Michigan. . . they are probably already at heard immunity in the metro areas if you read that carefully.

Other metro areas are soon to follow.

A very bad cold, that is what we are talking about.

So stop already.
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
That is cheap and easy to say if you are not in the 16.85% of the population that doesn't represents by far largest percentage of the people that die from it, if the uncaring younger generation brings it to us just because they are too self centered to give damn.
See that’s assigning responsibility for your well being which is bullshit.
The commievirus exposure numbers are up because the testing for it is nearly ubiquitous.

It's really no more complicated than that.
No, I'd say it's more like the test kits are everywhere. ;)
When I first heard the White House excuse that the increased tests are causing the higher COVID numbers, it made sense... but then I looked into it further and heard the counter argument which is, that the testing is a preventative measure so when somebody is identified as positive they can be quarantined and stopped from spreading the disease to others. That makes more sense. Add to that the fact that some places like Florida are not testing more and are seeing higher COViD number. How do you explain that?
Law of averages.....The fact that cowering in out basements isn't going to make the virus go away, and that people will be exposed regardless....Any number of reasons that don't involve the irrational fear that half the nation might end up in ICU.

And none of that can change the fact that 95+% of cases have mild or no symptoms, and the recovery rate is 99.8%.

The fearmongering is a towering heap of bullshit and the healthy should be able to get on with their lives without all this covid Kabuki theater.
That is cheap and easy to say if you are not in the 16.85% of the population that doesn't represents by far largest percentage of the people that die from it, if the uncaring younger generation brings it to us just because they are too self centered to give damn.
Pious virtue signaling isn't an argument....Go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself, kid. You sound like the self centered type, alright. Bet you figure you can drink and drive well also, just because you have been killed or killed anybody while driving under the influence yet.
False equivalence isn't an argument either, Mr. Virtue Beacon.
A true shining light, a becon of moral compassing as to how to assign your paranoia about your health to others and make them responsible for staying away from you rather than you from them.
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You mean when 10% have it and you test more and more people that the total number of positives can go up even if the percentage of infections doesn’t?

Libbies-before looking below go ahead and answer.

80% of libbies don’t know the answer or will answer incorrectly.

The statement is Correct

No Math and Stats Double Jeopardy Players?

So, when the fake MSM tell you that cases in Mudville have soared from 1,000 to 10,000 they will ALWAYS omit the fact that number of tests increased from 10,000 to 100,000.

Get it yet???

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