Florida vying to become 46th state to allow open carry

I don't fear guns, or males, but if I had a vagina I sure as hell would. Males are abusers, molesters, rapists, and killers, or can't you do math?

So you want to take everybody's gun away, then kill everybody so that they don't rape women and kids.

Folks, this is the epitome of liberal thinking. Just so you remember next time you vote.
If I want to protect people from guns, no guns.
If I want to protect women and girls from rape, no males.

Got it now?

No, and not that I have a habit of speaking for anybody but myself, I don't think anybody gets you.

Your comment only goes to show that liberals have next to nothing when it comes to logic or common sense. Kill all the males, but don't allow people to have guns so they can only kill the males that attack them. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.

It's kind of like how you people have no problem killing unborn babies, but totally object to killing cold blooded murderers in prison.
Based on your very limited mental skills, you will neither get me nor have any idea what the hell I'm talking about. Higher level and abstract thinking are beyond however here that is very normal so don't feel left out, you have plenty of company and they don't understand a word I say either.

This is true. That's because we are normal and you're not. But you have some company. I'm sure some liberals can relate to you. They too are self-hating humans that think animals should rule the planet and man should be a thing of the past.
You are normal, even very human, which is why humans are a disease...
So you want to take everybody's gun away, then kill everybody so that they don't rape women and kids.

Folks, this is the epitome of liberal thinking. Just so you remember next time you vote.
If I want to protect people from guns, no guns.
If I want to protect women and girls from rape, no males.

Got it now?

No, and not that I have a habit of speaking for anybody but myself, I don't think anybody gets you.

Your comment only goes to show that liberals have next to nothing when it comes to logic or common sense. Kill all the males, but don't allow people to have guns so they can only kill the males that attack them. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.

It's kind of like how you people have no problem killing unborn babies, but totally object to killing cold blooded murderers in prison.
Based on your very limited mental skills, you will neither get me nor have any idea what the hell I'm talking about. Higher level and abstract thinking are beyond however here that is very normal so don't feel left out, you have plenty of company and they don't understand a word I say either.

This is true. That's because we are normal and you're not. But you have some company. I'm sure some liberals can relate to you. They too are self-hating humans that think animals should rule the planet and man should be a thing of the past.
You are normal, even very human, which is why humans are a disease...
Yeah right. He should have minded his own business. Kid wasn't doing anything wrong.

And neither was Zimmerman. Zimmerman did the right thing. He noticed a suspicious person that didn't live in the complex, and he called the police to have Martin checked out.

No harassing a kid who did nothing wrong is not the right thing.

So how did he "harass" Martin? Martin ran (which looked very suspicious) and Zimmerman ran after Martin to keep an eye on where he was at until the police got there. I don't see harassment in that case. That's not to mention the fact that the chase was less than ten seconds.

This is besides the fact that somebody following you for a few seconds does not give you the right to break the law by committing felonious assault.

There is no law about following somebody, but there are laws against physically attacking a person.

You have the story just from Zimmerman. What we know is that Martin wasn't doing anything wrong. I'm not impressed by an adult starting a fight with a kid and then when he gets his butt kicked shooting him. He should have been thrown in jail no doubt. We have seen this guy is a turd by his actions since.

You have the story just from Zimmerman.

I'm curious.

Where did you get your version of the story?

His sphincter.

Some of us have a serious problem with the 2nd Amendment, which needs to be repealed by the 28th.

And right now the NRA is standing in the way of gun safety, blocking smart guns.

I understand that some Liberals have a problem with the Bill of Rights. It is not only the right to keep and bear arms that you don't like but also freedom of speech and freedom of religion so forgive me if I think that is despicable.

I am a NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and Range Safety Officer. Almost everything I do is firearm safety.

If you join the NRA and follow their guidelines for safe firearms handling then you will have no problems and you won't need a stupid ineffective "smart" gun. However, if you want one then go buy one.
I have problems only with the 2nd, and you can't get a smart gun here, the NRA will not allow them.

Why would someone as stupid as you want a smart gun?
Your inability to deal with reality, meaning Waco (a "church" dealing in illegal arms and killing Federal agents) is noted.

You're the one unable to deal with reality. Note that the F-troop deaths were blue-on-blue! Yes: those bumbling fucks shot EACH OTHER.

The list of things we don't allow law abiding citizens to possess is too long to list. Guns need to be added to that as almost no citizen needs one.

The Second Amendment is not needs based just like you don't have to prove a need before you have freedom of speech.

The "need" is expressed quite well with the phrase in the Bill of Rights "being necessary to the security of a free State".

If you are a pussy that is afraid of firearms then don't buy one. Nobody is stopping you. However, you are being a real despicable asshole when you advocate using the force of government to "infringe" the right to keep and bear arms. What the hell is the matter with you? Did your father not show you enough affection or something?

By the way, my "needs" for firearms are the following:

1. Recreational purposes

2. Self defense

3. Hunting

4. Maintain the strength of the citizenry to hold the government accountable for oppression.

Of all of those needs it is number four that the Founding Fathers of this country felt was the most important and it is just as valid today as it was over 200 years ago. Maybe even more so.
I own guns, and your fetish for them doesn't mean we can't repeal the 2nd Amendment, which we will eventually or whatever new nations are founded here will drop. There is no need to most people to own firearms.

Again, your opinion. Citizens have the right to be armed. Period, end of story.
But armed with military designed weapons? Where's your RPG launcher? Have you got an aircraft carrier moored someplace? Is there an ICBM in your back yard?

So why do citizens need to be armed with assault weapons? Hunting?

One more time: explain, in your own words, exactly what makes something an "assault weapon". be specific.

Because people who own guns tend to shoot other people.

No they don't just like people that own cars don't tend to kill other people in drunk driving accidents.

You are obviously confused about it.
Every shooting victim is shot wounded or killed by someone who owns a gun. Stop it. Enough is enough.

Shoot paper. Shoot delicious animals. Shoot clay pigeons.
For those activities require shot guns, small caliber hand guns and rifles. YOU DO NOT NEED WEAPONS MORE POWERFUL THAN THOSE.

Weapons designed to wreck havoc do not belong on the streets. They belong in the hands of a "well regulated militia". Our constitution is not a suicide pact and our legislative process has been held hostage by an intractable gun lobby too long now. It's high time the Rambo wannabes get their common sense on and quit fantasizing about being vigilantes bent on meeting out their perverted vision of Justice.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Note that some of the most powerful rifles EVER made were hunting weapons!

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Note that some of the most powerful rifles EVER made were hunting weapons!

It is amazing how confuse that boy is. Typical for a Libtard. You are right. He does embarrass himself every time he post.

My 300 Win Mag hunting rifle is a lot more powerful than any of my puny little .223 "assault" rifles. I mean like really, really more powerful. I suspect the recoil on that would make him cry if he ever had to shoot it.

He can't even define assault rifle for you.
Some of us have a serious problem with the 2nd Amendment, which needs to be repealed by the 28th.

And right now the NRA is standing in the way of gun safety, blocking smart guns.
Take your so called "serious problem" and move to Europe, and live happily ever after...

Smart guns are dumb guns, they don't work...
They work fine, but you will never approve.
My iPad is supposed to work with just my finger print guess what, most times it does not...
These aren't made in China, by slaves.
Same technology, it sucks...

We have a new time clock at work that scans fingerprints...usually takes 2-3 tries to work. A couple of the guys I work with sometimes need to try a dozen times before it reads due to worn fingerprints, scars, or calluses.
Stop embarrassing yourself.

Note that some of the most powerful rifles EVER made were hunting weapons!

It is amazing how confuse that boy is. Typical for a Libtard. You are right. He does embarrass himself every time he post.

My 300 Win Mag hunting rifle is a lot more powerful than any of my puny little .223 "assault" rifles. I mean like really, really more powerful. I suspect the recoil on that would make him cry if he ever had to shoot it.

He can't even define assault rifle for you.

Dude...even a .300 Winchester is a popgun compared to some hunting rifles! I have shot one (.577 Nitro Express) that has half again the KE of a Win Mag...and there are a couple that have half again (or even twice) the power of THAT!

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