Floridas extreme abortion ban puts the state in play

The Floeida supreme court has approved a ban on abortion by passing a 6 week abortion ban.

They also approved a vote on abortion alongside that measure. The vote will likely overturn another whacky Desantis law.

But it will also bring Floeida into play in the Nov elections. Who would want to live under such an extreme regime ?

Prez Joe will hammer this point home every day. Abortion should be on every ballot. Let the people decide.
ExxXtReeeeeeeeemmmmmmmm!!!!!! Abortion BAN!!!!🙃
Most women do not like men making decisions over their bodies
Most women don't think that abortion beyond first trimester is a good thing.

But dishonest fucking jackasses like you will continue this lie of omission, in order to keep your ghoulish rite in place up until the moment of birth.
Most women don't think that abortion beyond first trimester is a good thing.

But dishonest fucking jackasses like you will continue this lie of omission, in order to keep your ghoulish rite in place up until the moment of birth.
Or later. You know: if an abortion fails, put the baby on a shelf to die peacefully of medical neglect.

The new liberal amendment to the Hippocratic oath: “First, do harm.”
We have open borders, kids dying from fentanyl poison, high prices at the gas pumps and the grocery store a crazy foreign policy that nobody understands and Americans being raped and murdered by illegal aliens. Meanwhile the president will run a campaign based on unrestricted abortion in Florida? Who the hell is running the Country?
Most women don't think that abortion beyond first trimester is a good thing.

But dishonest fucking jackasses like you will continue this lie of omission, in order to keep your ghoulish rite in place up until the moment of birth.
Six weeks is well before the end of the first trimester.

And few women believe a woman should be forced to carry a child of rape to term or one that would sacrifice their health
It is extreme because most women do not know they are pregnant till after 6 weeks.
In a majority of cases .. 97%+ .. it's just done for convenience .. they don't want those pesky children. So explain .. how is it an extreme when in a high majority .. it's not medically necessary?
In a majority of cases .. 97%+ .. it's just done for convenience .. they don't want those pesky children. So explain .. how is it an extreme when in a high majority .. it's not medically necessary?

If you have to ask, you will never understand.

Try asking a woman whose body it deals with
Even the suburban pool mom abortionist types don't believe that the procedure should extend much beyond first trimester.

If the republicans didn't suck so badly at counter-messaging, this issue would've been defused two years ago.
Perhaps some of the most extreme evangelicals and some others believe abortion should be banned completely. Putting pressure on politicians. It is going to take time for women to change their views somewhat on abortion.
Here the are getting a vote in Florida to extend in November...

Does it upset you the the Government interfere with what doctors can offer there patients...
What do doctors offer their patients .. considering 97%+ are to get rid of a pesky child?
Most women don't think that abortion beyond first trimester is a good thing.

But dishonest fucking jackasses like you will continue this lie of omission, in order to keep your ghoulish rite in place up until the moment of birth.
I know your math may be weird, but the Florida law is six weeks.
In a majority of cases .. 97%+ .. it's just done for convenience .. they don't want those pesky children. So explain .. how is it an extreme when in a high majority .. it's not medically necessary?
Go ask a dozen women. They’ll “educate you”
Perhaps some of the most extreme evangelicals and some others believe abortion should be banned completely. Putting pressure on politicians. It is going to take time for women to change their views somewhat on abortion.
Not only that but it has bled over into invitro fertilization
The Floeida supreme court has approved a ban on abortion by passing a 6 week abortion ban.

They also approved a vote on abortion alongside that measure. The vote will likely overturn another whacky Desantis law.

But it will also bring Floeida into play in the Nov elections. Who would want to live under such an extreme regime ?

Prez Joe will hammer this point home every day. Abortion should be on every ballot. Let the people decide.

In Florida, all the old bags will support the abortion ban because it will put the kabash on all the young HOs stealing their rich husbands.

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