Florida's Gun Culture strikes again...

And one of USMB's resident idiots strikes again.


What killed those 50 people this morning? The gun, or the terrorist?

The bullets.

How? Without a gun the bullets can't hurt/kill anyone. I mean, you can throw them at people, but you'd be charged with disorderly conduct, not murder, plus an all expenses paid trip to the loony bin.

However, that does not mean owning a gun is a problem. The system is the problem, Mateen bought those guns legally. He had no record of any type whatsoever according to Florida authorities. With all the current gun measures in place, he still legally obtained a gun. What would make one think more of the same would have stopped this man from legally buying those guns?
Good luck then explaining this as a religious act rather than a political one.

It is. Any terror attack made by ISIS is based of their extreme religious interpretation of Islam. This might have been motivated by their religious views of homosexuality.

The religion doesn't prescribe slaughtering them --- extremist politics however, does.

Hard to believe we have to spell these things out.

See also "Rudolph, Eric", mentioned earlier.
And one of USMB's resident idiots strikes again.


What killed those 50 people this morning? The gun or the terrorist?
The gun operated by the terrorist. Maybe we should call the gun a WMD. Cause then you nits would be all about banning it.
And one of USMB's resident idiots strikes again.


What killed those 50 people this morning? The gun, or the terrorist?

The bullets.

How? Without a gun the bullets can't hurt/kill anyone. I mean, you can throw them at people, but you'd be charged with disorderly conduct, not murder, plus an all expenses paid trip to the loony bin.

However, that does not mean owning a gun is a problem. The system is the problem, Mateen bought those guns legally. He had no record of any type whatsoever according to Florida authorities. With all the current gun measures in place, he still legally obtained a gun. What would make one think more of the same would have stopped this man from legally buying those guns?

The guns are not an issue. The same act of terror would have been carried out with a bic lighter and a can of gas, car bomb, poison gas you name it. This guy was in the clutches of the FBI twice. He was on a terror watch list. Had he not been able to legally buy guns here he would have bought illegal guns. The "how" 50 people were killed and injured isn't the question. The question should be why was this worm allowed to run free to do what he did.
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I wonder how religious extremism suddenly can morph into political extremism? Perhaps you can explain that one to me.
religion and politics goes hand in hand, cannot have one without the other. could try to argue that in ideal circumstances that would not be the case, but the real world is what it is, all religions influence political discourse.
"When looking at the issue of gay marriage, two main features of the Shariah are most pertinent. First, the Shariah is law. It is concerned primarily with actions as opposed to emotions or wishes. Second, marriage in the Shariah is not a sacrament. Stripped of all the cultural accretions Muslims have added on, and minus the obviously crucial elements of love and companionship, marriage is nothing more than — literally — a contract between a man and a woman in which the man provides the woman with financial support in return for exclusive sexual access. It’s a contract that makes sex and reproduction legal in the eyes of God and legitimate in the eyes of society. Since marriage is a contract premised on vaginal intercourse and financial obligation between a man and a woman, same-sex couples could not engage in one. They could construct an arrangement for inheritance and shared property that mimicked marriage, but it would not be marriage.

The focus on actions in the Shariah means that desires or inclinations have no legal substance. The Shariah doesn’t have a position on homosexual desire. Indeed, it can be quite normal. Like ancient Athenians, classical Muslim scholars and litterateurs regularly marveled over the beauty of young boys. Heirs to the Greeks, Muslim scholars found it expectable that men would be attracted to young boys or beautiful males, since they manifested the same feminine beauty as women. Many Muslim scholars even prohibited men from gazing at beautiful young boys, and encouraged parents to dress such children in veils when in public.

But the Shariah does have a clear position on sexual acts. All sexual contact between unmarried men and women is forbidden. Sexual contact less than vaginal intercourse is punishable by the judge’s discretion. Based on the Quran, vaginal intercourse between an unmarried couple is punishable with 100 lashes."

Muslim Scholar on How Islam Really Views Homosexuality

How is it a man with known connections to terrorist organizations can get his hands on military style weapon(s)? or any weapons, or a conceal carry permit, or...

Gunman Used AR-15 Style Weapon in Mass Shooting, What are Florida’s Gun Laws?
by Rachel Stockman


In the wake of several mass shootings, there have been efforts under way on the federal level to ban assault rifles after a nationwide ban was lifted. So far, those efforts have been unsuccessful. However, several states have restrictions on them. In Florida, you can still purchase semi-automatic assault weapons. In general, the state’s gun laws are relatively lax. Mateen worked as a security guard and had a firearm license. He also reportedly had a statewide concealed carry permit, according to records obtained by several media outlets. All early reports indicate, if he did purchase the guns, he was legally allowed to do so..

To be clear, it has not been confirmed where Mateen got the weapon, but a review of Florida’s laws is still useful in this situation.

In Florida, the laws surrounding gun laws are the following :

More: here

How is it he was allowed into this country?
I wonder how religious extremism suddenly can morph into political extremism? Perhaps you can explain that one to me.
religion and politics goes hand in hand, cannot have one without the other. could try to argue that in ideal circumstances that would not be the case, but the real world is what it is, all religions influence political discourse.

That isn't true. You can kill someone purely based on your faith, not just politics.
The religion doesn't prescribe slaughtering them --- extremist politics however, does.

I wonder how religious extremism suddenly can morph into political extremism? Perhaps you can explain that one to me.

Is easy:

The Zionists wanted Truman to remove 1.5 million Palestinians

Harry Truman was in a tight political race against Dewey

Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars and the promise of the Jewish Vote.

Truman dispossessed 1.5 million Palestinians of their homeland.

Now the Muslims seek RETALIATION.

Is easy:

The Zionists wanted Truman to remove 1.5 million Palestinians

Harry Truman was in a tight political race against Dewey

Ben Gurion gave Truman 2 million dollars and the promise of the Jewish Vote.

Truman dispossessed 1.5 million Palestinians of their homeland.

Now the Muslims seek RETALIATION.


No. Because it's a conspiracy theory. Your hatred of Jews is duly noted.
The religion doesn't prescribe slaughtering them --- extremist politics however, does.

I wonder how religious extremism suddenly can morph into political extremism? Perhaps you can explain that one to me.

It has no need to.
All that needs is for some partisan wags on message boards to come trotting in Association Fallacies.

Association Fallacies which, one notes, suddenly become rarefied when the terrorist is of one's own religion. Which is what I noted from the start on all these threads.

How is it a man with known connections to terrorist organizations can get his hands on military style weapon(s)? or any weapons, or a conceal carry permit, or...

Gunman Used AR-15 Style Weapon in Mass Shooting, What are Florida’s Gun Laws?
by Rachel Stockman


In the wake of several mass shootings, there have been efforts under way on the federal level to ban assault rifles after a nationwide ban was lifted. So far, those efforts have been unsuccessful. However, several states have restrictions on them. In Florida, you can still purchase semi-automatic assault weapons. In general, the state’s gun laws are relatively lax. Mateen worked as a security guard and had a firearm license. He also reportedly had a statewide concealed carry permit, according to records obtained by several media outlets. All early reports indicate, if he did purchase the guns, he was legally allowed to do so..

To be clear, it has not been confirmed where Mateen got the weapon, but a review of Florida’s laws is still useful in this situation.

In Florida, the laws surrounding gun laws are the following :

More: here
Your title is misleading, it should say Florida's Muslims strike again.

How is it a man with known connections to terrorist organizations can get his hands on military style weapon(s)? or any weapons, or a conceal carry permit, or...

Gunman Used AR-15 Style Weapon in Mass Shooting, What are Florida’s Gun Laws?
by Rachel Stockman


In the wake of several mass shootings, there have been efforts under way on the federal level to ban assault rifles after a nationwide ban was lifted. So far, those efforts have been unsuccessful. However, several states have restrictions on them. In Florida, you can still purchase semi-automatic assault weapons. In general, the state’s gun laws are relatively lax. Mateen worked as a security guard and had a firearm license. He also reportedly had a statewide concealed carry permit, according to records obtained by several media outlets. All early reports indicate, if he did purchase the guns, he was legally allowed to do so..

To be clear, it has not been confirmed where Mateen got the weapon, but a review of Florida’s laws is still useful in this situation.

In Florida, the laws surrounding gun laws are the following :

More: here

How is it he was allowed into this country?
By birth.....he was born here.
Just think, if Omar Mateen had survived the event, his attorneys would be arguing his defense based on Florida's "stand your ground" law.

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