Floridian Republican Is Now NPA

LMAO. This is the best you idiots can do? Manufacturing some fake “Trump supporter” who makes a “confession” about his sins of supporting the MAGA agenda, and promises to vote for communist Dems in order to “save democracy“.

Gawd you people are so pathetic.
Hey barf breath, eat some more crow...

So why did you call him a republican in your OP title, fucking liar.
Butthurt aintcha you fucking moron...

"The author of his upcoming first book, "10 Warning Signs Your Child is Becoming a Democrat," Rich's writings have been published at Fox, RealClearPolitics, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, American Greatness, American Thinker and WND. He trademarked the phrases “DMIC: Democrat Media Industrial Complex" and "Tessio Republicans." A New Yorker-turned-Floridian, Rich is an America First, irreverent dad who spends his days and nights protecting his family and the nation from Democrats, Tessio Republicans, dupe dopes, "it takes a village" useful idiots and Vlad Lenin idol worshipers."

Now who would think that guy is not a Republican? You are a clueless POS.

The problem is that more Trump supporters aren’t becoming former Trump supporters.

And the reason for that is the Sleepy Joe is a complete FAILURE.

If Biden had instead delivered for the Middle Class, and reached across the aisle, negotiating on policies like Abortion and Gay Marriage, instead of taking a strictly partisan point of view- then a lot more Trump supporters would think that Brandon was a swell guy.
There you are. Another that didn't read it and starts in without a clue what it says. That is a problem. It is an example of narrow-mindedness.
Progs are not even narrow minded. They are brain stunted. Our nation is in decline. To repeat it over and over is to no avail. All the social justice rights will be removed, reduced or not backed when total control is the law of a much poorer land. Rich enclaves will have hundreds of well-trained security guarding them.
And the reason for that is the Sleepy Joe is a complete FAILURE.

If Biden had instead delivered for the Middle Class, and reached across the aisle, negotiating on policies like Abortion and Gay Marriage, instead of taking a strictly partisan point of view- then a lot more Trump supporters would think that Brandon was a swell guy.
Trump sure helped with the divide. One sided as hell.
Trump sure helped with the divide. One sided as hell.

If Biden would have reached across the aisle, he would have closed the divide regardless of what the Trumpster did or didn't do.

Imagine how harmonious it would be if Sleepy Joe was willing to actually negotiate on things like Gay Marriage and Sodomy Laws?
Anonymous, marxist, shit-eating rodent trying to grift off President's Trump's coattails, as usual. Can't make it on their own, so they play the "orange man bad" card. It's click bait for TDS mouth-breathing retards.

NOBODY changes their entire way of thinking in a matter of months. It's just a shameless fucking liar, but by all means put it on a pedestal with the trannies and groomers.
Apparently him as he stated categorically that he has no party affiliation. Pull your head out of your ass and read and quit embellishing. What am I saying? You're a democrat, embellishment is too good of a word. You're simply a democrat liar, which in itself is redundant.
Retard alert!
Anonymous, marxist, shit-eating rodent trying to grift off President's Trump's coattails, as usual. Can't make it on their own, so they play the "orange man bad" card. It's click bait for TDS mouth-breathing retards.

NOBODY changes their entire way of thinking in a matter of months. It's just a shameless fucking liar, but by all means put it on a pedestal with the trannies and groomers.

He supposedly wrote a book, "10 Warning Signs Your Child Is Becoming a Democrat"
A little late with your alert. No matter, we knew the moment we saw who posted this claptrap, tard.
He explained he was a die-hard Trump and DeSantis voter and despised Democrats. He pushed the Republican BS. In my eyes he was more Republican than anything imaginable. You are the exact copy. Prove me wrong.
There you are. Another that didn't read it and starts in without a clue what it says. That is a problem. It is an example of narrow-mindedness.

Actually, I did read the story.

The fellow says that "to save democracy" , he'll be voting Democrat (even though he disagrees with it) until all of the Trumpsters are eliminated as the "threat to democracy".

Regardless of how he might label himself, by definition he's just a garden variety ultraliberal totalitarian seeking to wipe out "unapproved" dissent.

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