Floridian Republican Is Now NPA

That guy really flipped and in a big way. From lambasting everything about Democrats and Democratic leaders to now saying he will vote against Republicans.
Soul searching has benefits. Like getting a huge monkey off your back... and now an elephant.
I see it in the posts from these right-wingers every day on this forum. They all understand that what is going on is not right. The problem is, their heads are wrapped around a cultist and a grifter. Most of them pretend to be Christians, yet, Trump and is grift have nothing to do with Christianity. But they ignore the obvious. They are so dug deep into Trump, they are willing to vote against their own interests, calling the other side communists and Nazis. Totally untrue and they know it. This explains all this outrageous, childish, dangerous talk about defending the indefensible by taking up arms over Trump. Mentally, they've done this to themselves, and they cannot find any real, intelligent/informative answers to their problems, so they blame the other side.
While shitlibs are contemplating the advantages of cutting their dick off, you normal people have fun with this one....

(Turn up your sound just a little bit.... it's worth it) :laughing0301:

Ha, if that is your sole definition of thickheaded, I have nothing left but to let your illogic speak for itself.
You want thickheadedness, show me something logical about what Trump is doing that is good for Democracy and the people, and I'll show you how thick headed you are.
A single Republican believes the liberals propaganda and Democrats consider it a huge victory.
Here is a story about a staunch right wing pundit and Trump sycophant who has now come to the conclusion how wrong he was.
It's a good read on political self-healing and how NPA and NPP voters can make the difference in future elections.

"During Trump's presidency, I adopted — and vigorously preached — the right-wing gospel: Democrats were importing foreigners to win elections forever; leftists were coming for our guns; nationalism was patriotism; there was a shadowy network of censors whose teleological purpose in life was to suppress Republican or conservative points of view; predatory men were using women's bathrooms everywhere; and, of course, Barack Obama was the worst president in history and made Jimmy Carter look like George Washington"

"I'm here to tell you that I was wrong. I was wrong about all of it. Acknowledging my errors in judgment was the start of my own personal healing process, after I came to realize that my extreme partisanship and dehumanizing of Democrats were the results of my own self-inflicted political traumatization"

"For the first year after the Jan. 6 insurrection, I was in the camp of, "Yeah, it was bad but it's being overblown." Then I began to look at the event more objectively, started to learn more about how many of the participants were radicalized, and continued to witness Trump traumatize the nation with his stolen election lies. I say — with no qualms and no fear of being hyperbolic — that Trump is the most politically traumatizing figure in American history. His "rigged and stolen election" is the new version of the Confederacy's "Lost Cause."

/———/ Yeah sure. We believe you.
And the reason for that is the Sleepy Joe is a complete FAILURE.

If Biden had instead delivered for the Middle Class, and reached across the aisle, negotiating on policies like Abortion and Gay Marriage, instead of taking a strictly partisan point of view- then a lot more Trump supporters would think that Brandon was a swell guy.
Trump supporters continue to be the problem, continue to be a threat to America’s democracy, as they enable Trump and his illiberal, anti-democratic agenda.
Of course you have to troll, it's the only thing that grants you any feeling of self-worth.
And you suck at the rebound. So, besides being shitty at trolling try some soul searching to get down to why you are such a Trumpyfucking loser. He lost and losers lose.
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