Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says

Just to keep things in perspective, here's the death toll from a typical flu season. It makes the hysteria over the Wuhan flu look absolutely absurd, doesn't? That's because it is absurd. It's a TDS moron and fake news generated hysteria. These assholes are fucking over millions of Americans purely for political purposes.

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says

An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades -- since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund.

In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.

  • Flu caused an estimated 80,000 deaths last fall and winter
  • The 2017-18 season ranks as the deadliest in more than four decades
  • Record 900,000 flu hospitalizations last year

Here is what you don't understand.

1. As a Pathogen, Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than the seasonal flu virus. For those infected with seasonal flu, there is a .1% chance of death. For those infected with Coronavirus, a 4.4% chance of death.

2. There is a VACCINE every year for the seasonal flu virus. There is currently NO VACCINE for the coronavirus and may be 18 months before there is.

3. The Coronavirus is not a flu virus. Its a new pathogen for which humans have no built up immunities to unlike the seasonal flu.

4. New York State in April may require 37,000 Ventilators to keep patients alive. At the start of March, New York State only had 3,000 Ventilators. New York State is running out of supplies and capacity to treat patients. That never happens with the seasonal flu because it is evenly spread throughout the country, there is a vaccine for it, and it is 44 times less deadly.
You cant use common sense with these clowns. They are too far gone following their pied piper even though he has left the parade and is parroting what the experts were saying all along. Its a weird kind of existence if you ask me. How can you still believe something someone told you even after the person that told you has changed his tune?
Another retard that just doesnt get it ^^

Everyone is frustrated by the situation. Kids are partying on spring break not keeping social distances. In rural areas nothing really closed except the movies and schools. DC is a mess unable to agree on anything. COVID-19 needs to be handled soon so we all can get back to work or school. In urban areas its much scarier, NYC is a disaster, hoping FEMA can get them all the PPE they need. So everyone needs to stay calm, stay home, and stay safe for another week or two until the virus lessens.
COVID-19 is more deadly than normal flu by 5x to 10x, so its nothing to take lightly
Being frustrated shouldn't hinder your ability to think logically for an adult. People still comparing this to flu and whining about it doesn't make any sense to me. I want to slap the shit out of them and tell them to focus.
Why shouldn't we compare it the flu? Because then sleazy lying turds like you couldn't use it to generate hysteria and crash the market?

You're a douchebag of the worst kind.
Lying sleazy turds like trump? He’s all in.
No, like you and your filthy party.
Another retard that just doesnt get it ^^

Everyone is frustrated by the situation. Kids are partying on spring break not keeping social distances. In rural areas nothing really closed except the movies and schools. DC is a mess unable to agree on anything. COVID-19 needs to be handled soon so we all can get back to work or school. In urban areas its much scarier, NYC is a disaster, hoping FEMA can get them all the PPE they need. So everyone needs to stay calm, stay home, and stay safe for another week or two until the virus lessens.
COVID-19 is more deadly than normal flu by 5x to 10x, so its nothing to take lightly
My daughter was at NYU. Got her out just in time. They literally closed the airports after her flight left to come home.

Glad your daughter got out of NYC in time. Hope everyone is healthy.
Even though this is much deadlier than the normal flu, we are taking many more precautions, so hopefully the death rate is much lower than the expected 5x to 10x. A few more straws to grasp are, new medications, warmer weather, and much better hygiene such as frequent hand washing and gloves and masks. The economy needs attention just like COVID-19 does.

p.s. my wife raises Monarch butterflies as a hobby, so we know all about milkweeds...
Yeah I was sweating. She wasnt going to leave at first but I kept on her to come back home. Now she is glad she listened to me. I'm hoping the warmer weather does something but since its running rampant in Australia as we speak I dont think that will be the case. The economy will recover afterwards. The real questions are how many people do we allow to die if we dont shut it down, how come we cant give the general population just as much money as we give the corporations, and how are we going to make sure we can compete with China when it comes to producing things in our country at a competitive price.

I raised Monarchs for about a decade. Finally gave up last year after two years in a row of having zero monarchs appear in my area.
I think it’s a very conservative estimate by me that considering how we mingled up until a week ago that 20% of Americans have been exposed. That’s, rounded, 60 millions people. We have 60,000 reported cases (.1% ) and 375 deaths (.0007%) and a 90% shutdown with100% economic and social damage
This may be the greatest overreaction hysteria in history. Let the But....but...but... blubbering begin
I think it’s a very conservative estimate by me that considering how we mingled up until a week ago that 20% of Americans have been exposed. That’s, rounded, 60 millions people. We have 60,000 reported cases (.1% ) and 375 deaths (.0007%) and a 90% shutdown with100% economic and social damage
This may be the greatest overreaction hysteria in history. Let the But....but...but... blubbering begin
How many dead people would it take to make this an appropriate reaction to you?
Another retard that just doesnt get it ^^

Everyone is frustrated by the situation. Kids are partying on spring break not keeping social distances. In rural areas nothing really closed except the movies and schools. DC is a mess unable to agree on anything. COVID-19 needs to be handled soon so we all can get back to work or school. In urban areas its much scarier, NYC is a disaster, hoping FEMA can get them all the PPE they need. So everyone needs to stay calm, stay home, and stay safe for another week or two until the virus lessens.
COVID-19 is more deadly than normal flu by 5x to 10x, so its nothing to take lightly
Being frustrated shouldn't hinder your ability to think logically for an adult. People still comparing this to flu and whining about it doesn't make any sense to me. I want to slap the shit out of them and tell them to focus.
Why shouldn't we compare it the flu? Because then sleazy lying turds like you couldn't use it to generate hysteria and crash the market?

You're a douchebag of the worst kind.
Lying sleazy turds like trump? He’s all in.
No, like you and your filthy party.
It’s what trump is saying. You seem behind...
Another retard that just doesnt get it ^^

Everyone is frustrated by the situation. Kids are partying on spring break not keeping social distances. In rural areas nothing really closed except the movies and schools. DC is a mess unable to agree on anything. COVID-19 needs to be handled soon so we all can get back to work or school. In urban areas its much scarier, NYC is a disaster, hoping FEMA can get them all the PPE they need. So everyone needs to stay calm, stay home, and stay safe for another week or two until the virus lessens.
COVID-19 is more deadly than normal flu by 5x to 10x, so its nothing to take lightly
My daughter was at NYU. Got her out just in time. They literally closed the airports after her flight left to come home.

Glad your daughter got out of NYC in time. Hope everyone is healthy.
Even though this is much deadlier than the normal flu, we are taking many more precautions, so hopefully the death rate is much lower than the expected 5x to 10x. A few more straws to grasp are, new medications, warmer weather, and much better hygiene such as frequent hand washing and gloves and masks. The economy needs attention just like COVID-19 does.

p.s. my wife raises Monarch butterflies as a hobby, so we know all about milkweeds...
Yeah I was sweating. She wasnt going to leave at first but I kept on her to come back home. Now she is glad she listened to me. I'm hoping the warmer weather does something but since its running rampant in Australia as we speak I dont think that will be the case. The economy will recover afterwards. The real questions are how many people do we allow to die if we dont shut it down, how come we cant give the general population just as much money as we give the corporations, and how are we going to make sure we can compete with China when it comes to producing things in our country at a competitive price.

I raised Monarchs for about a decade. Finally gave up last year after two years in a row of having zero monarchs appear in my area.

1. Agree the summer may not cure COVID-19, it didn't help with H1N1.
2. IMHO we need reasonable risk of lives to allow people to earn their livings. Pence and his team will decide when we go back to work, using all the precautions like social distancing and sanitizer.
3. The US economy is about $23T so we just don't have enough money to give away. People need to work, especially at corporations.
4. People like the low prices of things made in China, all we can do is modernize and use robotics, but that may not make enough jobs, especially if trucks drive themselves.
I think it’s a very conservative estimate by me that considering how we mingled up until a week ago that 20% of Americans have been exposed. That’s, rounded, 60 millions people. We have 60,000 reported cases (.1% ) and 375 deaths (.0007%) and a 90% shutdown with100% economic and social damage
This may be the greatest overreaction hysteria in history. Let the But....but...but... blubbering begin
How many dead people would it take to make this an appropriate reaction to you?
We face higher death rates from many other viruses and everyday living. Undoubtedly no falls from ladders if no ladders, much lower car insurance and deaths if car went 40 mph max
All kinds of ways to greatly reduce killing hazards but We Dont Live Like That-Until now
The way you posed your question is a true emotive dunce manner and shows what the meat eating thinkers of the world are up against.
Just to keep things in perspective, here's the death toll from a typical flu season. It makes the hysteria over the Wuhan flu look absolutely absurd, doesn't? That's because it is absurd. It's a TDS moron and fake news generated hysteria. These assholes are fucking over millions of Americans purely for political purposes.

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says

An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades -- since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund.

In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.

  • Flu caused an estimated 80,000 deaths last fall and winter
  • The 2017-18 season ranks as the deadliest in more than four decades
  • Record 900,000 flu hospitalizations last year

Here is what you don't understand.

1. As a Pathogen, Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than the seasonal flu virus. For those infected with seasonal flu, there is a .1% chance of death. For those infected with Coronavirus, a 4.4% chance of death.

2. There is a VACCINE every year for the seasonal flu virus. There is currently NO VACCINE for the coronavirus and may be 18 months before there is.

3. The Coronavirus is not a flu virus. Its a new pathogen for which humans have no built up immunities to unlike the seasonal flu.

4. New York State in April may require 37,000 Ventilators to keep patients alive. At the start of March, New York State only had 3,000 Ventilators. New York State is running out of supplies and capacity to treat patients. That never happens with the seasonal flu because it is evenly spread throughout the country, there is a vaccine for it, and it is 44 times less deadly.
1. Lie
2. Lie
3. We don't have immunity to each new flu that comes out, shit for brains.
4. It doesn't happen with the flu because there is no hysteria, dumbass.

No lies, just the facts. Seasonal flu viruses are similar to each other and some people, not all do build up immunity or at least the ability to withstand certain seasonal flu's than others. Its not a substitute for the flu shot at all, but it helps. With coronavirus, this is not the case. Its a brand new pathogen.

Its not about hysteria. Its a fact that hospitals in New York City are about to be overwhelmed by this.
Just to keep things in perspective, here's the death toll from a typical flu season. It makes the hysteria over the Wuhan flu look absolutely absurd, doesn't? That's because it is absurd. It's a TDS moron and fake news generated hysteria. These assholes are fucking over millions of Americans purely for political purposes.

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says

An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades -- since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund.

In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.

  • Flu caused an estimated 80,000 deaths last fall and winter
  • The 2017-18 season ranks as the deadliest in more than four decades
  • Record 900,000 flu hospitalizations last year

Here is what you don't understand.

1. As a Pathogen, Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than the seasonal flu virus. For those infected with seasonal flu, there is a .1% chance of death. For those infected with Coronavirus, a 4.4% chance of death.

2. There is a VACCINE every year for the seasonal flu virus. There is currently NO VACCINE for the coronavirus and may be 18 months before there is.

3. The Coronavirus is not a flu virus. Its a new pathogen for which humans have no built up immunities to unlike the seasonal flu.

4. New York State in April may require 37,000 Ventilators to keep patients alive. At the start of March, New York State only had 3,000 Ventilators. New York State is running out of supplies and capacity to treat patients. That never happens with the seasonal flu because it is evenly spread throughout the country, there is a vaccine for it, and it is 44 times less deadly.
1. COVID-19 is 5x-10x more deadly, NOT 44x. I gave you the link before from the CDC and Dr. Fauci
2. Trump needs to shorten that 18 months for vaccines to 9-12.
3. ok
4. Cuomo just ordered all hospitals to acquire 50% more bed space. Without ventilators not sure what good more beds will do. Hope FEMA can get more ventilators in time.

I hope its only 5 to 10 times more deadly but, based on the latest number of cases worldwide vs deaths it is 44 times more deadly.

1. Average flu death rate is about .1%

2. Average death rate from Coronavirus right now based on reported cases and deaths:
Global Cases: 378,481
Global Deaths: 16,492
Global Death Rate: 4.4%

That's 44 times the death rate of seasonal flu!
Another retard that just doesnt get it ^^

Everyone is frustrated by the situation. Kids are partying on spring break not keeping social distances. In rural areas nothing really closed except the movies and schools. DC is a mess unable to agree on anything. COVID-19 needs to be handled soon so we all can get back to work or school. In urban areas its much scarier, NYC is a disaster, hoping FEMA can get them all the PPE they need. So everyone needs to stay calm, stay home, and stay safe for another week or two until the virus lessens.
COVID-19 is more deadly than normal flu by 5x to 10x, so its nothing to take lightly
My daughter was at NYU. Got her out just in time. They literally closed the airports after her flight left to come home.

Glad your daughter got out of NYC in time. Hope everyone is healthy.
Even though this is much deadlier than the normal flu, we are taking many more precautions, so hopefully the death rate is much lower than the expected 5x to 10x. A few more straws to grasp are, new medications, warmer weather, and much better hygiene such as frequent hand washing and gloves and masks. The economy needs attention just like COVID-19 does.

p.s. my wife raises Monarch butterflies as a hobby, so we know all about milkweeds...
Yeah I was sweating. She wasnt going to leave at first but I kept on her to come back home. Now she is glad she listened to me. I'm hoping the warmer weather does something but since its running rampant in Australia as we speak I dont think that will be the case. The economy will recover afterwards. The real questions are how many people do we allow to die if we dont shut it down, how come we cant give the general population just as much money as we give the corporations, and how are we going to make sure we can compete with China when it comes to producing things in our country at a competitive price.

I raised Monarchs for about a decade. Finally gave up last year after two years in a row of having zero monarchs appear in my area.

1. Agree the summer may not cure COVID-19, it didn't help with H1N1.
2. IMHO we need reasonable risk of lives to allow people to earn their livings. Pence and his team will decide when we go back to work, using all the precautions like social distancing and sanitizer.
3. The US economy is about $23T so we just don't have enough money to give away. People need to work, especially at corporations.
4. People like the low prices of things made in China, all we can do is modernize and use robotics, but that may not make enough jobs, especially if trucks drive themselves.

The wealth of the United States, assets minus liabilities is over 90 Trillion. Half measures don't work to contain a pandemic. The economy is switching to combating coronavirus. The restrictions should remain in place until it is destroyed and the population is safe from community spread of the virus. If we can get there through the restrictions that would be great. If not we'll have to wait 18 months to two years for a vaccine. Dollars from the Business as usual economy are NOT more important than lives.

We must not become Italy!
American death rate from Coronavirus is 1.3% which is on par with South Korea with the lowest death rate. Hope is it will remain peaked there then decline.
Just to keep things in perspective, here's the death toll from a typical flu season. It makes the hysteria over the Wuhan flu look absolutely absurd, doesn't? That's because it is absurd. It's a TDS moron and fake news generated hysteria. These assholes are fucking over millions of Americans purely for political purposes.

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says

An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades -- since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund.

In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.

  • Flu caused an estimated 80,000 deaths last fall and winter
  • The 2017-18 season ranks as the deadliest in more than four decades
  • Record 900,000 flu hospitalizations last year

Here is what you don't understand.

1. As a Pathogen, Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than the seasonal flu virus. For those infected with seasonal flu, there is a .1% chance of death. For those infected with Coronavirus, a 4.4% chance of death.

2. There is a VACCINE every year for the seasonal flu virus. There is currently NO VACCINE for the coronavirus and may be 18 months before there is.

3. The Coronavirus is not a flu virus. Its a new pathogen for which humans have no built up immunities to unlike the seasonal flu.

4. New York State in April may require 37,000 Ventilators to keep patients alive. At the start of March, New York State only had 3,000 Ventilators. New York State is running out of supplies and capacity to treat patients. That never happens with the seasonal flu because it is evenly spread throughout the country, there is a vaccine for it, and it is 44 times less deadly.
Too many numbers, too many facts.

Must be fake news.
Just to keep things in perspective, here's the death toll from a typical flu season. It makes the hysteria over the Wuhan flu look absolutely absurd, doesn't? That's because it is absurd. It's a TDS moron and fake news generated hysteria. These assholes are fucking over millions of Americans purely for political purposes.

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says

An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades -- since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund.

In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.

  • Flu caused an estimated 80,000 deaths last fall and winter
  • The 2017-18 season ranks as the deadliest in more than four decades
  • Record 900,000 flu hospitalizations last year

Here is what you don't understand.

1. As a Pathogen, Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than the seasonal flu virus. For those infected with seasonal flu, there is a .1% chance of death. For those infected with Coronavirus, a 4.4% chance of death.

2. There is a VACCINE every year for the seasonal flu virus. There is currently NO VACCINE for the coronavirus and may be 18 months before there is.

3. The Coronavirus is not a flu virus. Its a new pathogen for which humans have no built up immunities to unlike the seasonal flu.

4. New York State in April may require 37,000 Ventilators to keep patients alive. At the start of March, New York State only had 3,000 Ventilators. New York State is running out of supplies and capacity to treat patients. That never happens with the seasonal flu because it is evenly spread throughout the country, there is a vaccine for it, and it is 44 times less deadly.
1. COVID-19 is 5x-10x more deadly, NOT 44x. I gave you the link before from the CDC and Dr. Fauci
2. Trump needs to shorten that 18 months for vaccines to 9-12.
3. ok
4. Cuomo just ordered all hospitals to acquire 50% more bed space. Without ventilators not sure what good more beds will do. Hope FEMA can get more ventilators in time.

I hope its only 5 to 10 times more deadly but, based on the latest number of cases worldwide vs deaths it is 44 times more deadly.

1. Average flu death rate is about .1%

2. Average death rate from Coronavirus right now based on reported cases and deaths:
Global Cases: 378,481
Global Deaths: 16,492
Global Death Rate: 4.4%

That's 44 times the death rate of seasonal flu!

Use the US death rate for the US, its about 0.7% based on the latest numbers, not the 4.4% world rate.
Last edited:
Another retard that just doesnt get it ^^

Everyone is frustrated by the situation. Kids are partying on spring break not keeping social distances. In rural areas nothing really closed except the movies and schools. DC is a mess unable to agree on anything. COVID-19 needs to be handled soon so we all can get back to work or school. In urban areas its much scarier, NYC is a disaster, hoping FEMA can get them all the PPE they need. So everyone needs to stay calm, stay home, and stay safe for another week or two until the virus lessens.
COVID-19 is more deadly than normal flu by 5x to 10x, so its nothing to take lightly
My daughter was at NYU. Got her out just in time. They literally closed the airports after her flight left to come home.

Glad your daughter got out of NYC in time. Hope everyone is healthy.
Even though this is much deadlier than the normal flu, we are taking many more precautions, so hopefully the death rate is much lower than the expected 5x to 10x. A few more straws to grasp are, new medications, warmer weather, and much better hygiene such as frequent hand washing and gloves and masks. The economy needs attention just like COVID-19 does.

p.s. my wife raises Monarch butterflies as a hobby, so we know all about milkweeds...
Yeah I was sweating. She wasnt going to leave at first but I kept on her to come back home. Now she is glad she listened to me. I'm hoping the warmer weather does something but since its running rampant in Australia as we speak I dont think that will be the case. The economy will recover afterwards. The real questions are how many people do we allow to die if we dont shut it down, how come we cant give the general population just as much money as we give the corporations, and how are we going to make sure we can compete with China when it comes to producing things in our country at a competitive price.

I raised Monarchs for about a decade. Finally gave up last year after two years in a row of having zero monarchs appear in my area.

1. Agree the summer may not cure COVID-19, it didn't help with H1N1.
2. IMHO we need reasonable risk of lives to allow people to earn their livings. Pence and his team will decide when we go back to work, using all the precautions like social distancing and sanitizer.
3. The US economy is about $23T so we just don't have enough money to give away. People need to work, especially at corporations.
4. People like the low prices of things made in China, all we can do is modernize and use robotics, but that may not make enough jobs, especially if trucks drive themselves.

The wealth of the United States, assets minus liabilities is over 90 Trillion. Half measures don't work to contain a pandemic. The economy is switching to combating coronavirus. The restrictions should remain in place until it is destroyed and the population is safe from community spread of the virus. If we can get there through the restrictions that would be great. If not we'll have to wait 18 months to two years for a vaccine. Dollars from the Business as usual economy are NOT more important than lives.

We must not become Italy!

You must not have seen today's presser. Trump is laying the groundwork to start opening the US economy back up, sooner rather than later. Dr. Birx said that the doctors are gathering the data thru day-15 on Monday 3/30 before making a recommendation. The CDC/FDA doctors will most likely recommend that state governors be given the ultimate decision as to what businesses could open, if any, while keeping social distances and proper hygiene.
The point being that Trump will be pushing for allowing people to go back to work.
Just to keep things in perspective, here's the death toll from a typical flu season. It makes the hysteria over the Wuhan flu look absolutely absurd, doesn't?
I've felt much as you say here, BP. That said, here is what a friend just posted to me who is a bit more than just a little bit on the "inside" of the issue:

% mortality for the flu on a bad season is about 0.2 %. Best case scenario for this virus is ~1%(assumes that more folks have caught it than is being reported). That is 400,000 deaths. If the worst case is 2-3% you can do the math. Not sure how you calculated your likelihood of catching it, but All the medical models are indicating at least half the population will eventually get it. Now it is true that most people who get it will not die. However, the problem that has got everyone in panic mode is that ENOUGH people will get sick seriously enough to swamp our hospital capacity. This IS happening in other countries, particularly Italy. More scary is that the data suggests that Medical providers have a much higher incidence of severe consequences and they are not sure why. Also, Lets assume that 1% mortality is accurate. Then if you are in a community where one person has died. At least 99 other folks probably have it. If 99 folks have it and they infect only 2 other people, in 5 days you have 198 people who are sick and/or infectious. in 10 days, it is 396, and so on. Most reports suggest that this spreads like the common cold so person to person infection rates are likely higher than 2 people for a given individual. THIS is why everyone is running around with their hair on fire. Turns out it is actually harder to catch the average flu. Who knew!

The reason they are doing what they are doing, is to slow down the rate of infection to spread it out over a longer period of time so that the medical infrastructure can handle it. this is what was done in places like South Korea and Singapore, two countries which have more or less blunted the virus attack, relatively speaking. Unfortunately, the current administration has systematically dismantled and defunded much of the CDC infrastructure that has traditionally been our early warning system which enabled us to get out front on the other pandemics that you pointed out. We USED to have CDC folks IN CHINA to let us know what was going on and often sent response teams to help fight things over THERE rather than here.. This is one of the reason that SARS, and H1N1 Etc.. had less of an impact in this country. Now we are playing catch up. it did not help that CDC recommendations to NOT transport those 20 or so sick folks from the cruise ship in Japan in the same plane as the 300 healthy folks was not followed. Or that the sick folks were greeted by untrained HHS folks with no PPE, who then were allowed to scatter to the 4 winds.

Anyway, that is my understanding of the situation, for what it is worth. Regardless, that is all water under the bridge. For better or worse we are on the roller coaster now and will have to take things day by day.
Just to keep things in perspective, here's the death toll from a typical flu season. It makes the hysteria over the Wuhan flu look absolutely absurd, doesn't?
I've felt much as you say here, BP. That said, here is what a friend just posted to me who is a bit more than just a little bit on the "inside" of the issue:

% mortality for the flu on a bad season is about 0.2 %. Best case scenario for this virus is ~1%(assumes that more folks have caught it than is being reported). That is 400,000 deaths. If the worst case is 2-3% you can do the math. Not sure how you calculated your likelihood of catching it, but All the medical models are indicating at least half the population will eventually get it. Now it is true that most people who get it will not die. However, the problem that has got everyone in panic mode is that ENOUGH people will get sick seriously enough to swamp our hospital capacity. This IS happening in other countries, particularly Italy. More scary is that the data suggests that Medical providers have a much higher incidence of severe consequences and they are not sure why. Also, Lets assume that 1% mortality is accurate. Then if you are in a community where one person has died. At least 99 other folks probably have it. If 99 folks have it and they infect only 2 other people, in 5 days you have 198 people who are sick and/or infectious. in 10 days, it is 396, and so on. Most reports suggest that this spreads like the common cold so person to person infection rates are likely higher than 2 people for a given individual. THIS is why everyone is running around with their hair on fire. Turns out it is actually harder to catch the average flu. Who knew!

The reason they are doing what they are doing, is to slow down the rate of infection to spread it out over a longer period of time so that the medical infrastructure can handle it. this is what was done in places like South Korea and Singapore, two countries which have more or less blunted the virus attack, relatively speaking. Unfortunately, the current administration has systematically dismantled and defunded much of the CDC infrastructure that has traditionally been our early warning system which enabled us to get out front on the other pandemics that you pointed out. We USED to have CDC folks IN CHINA to let us know what was going on and often sent response teams to help fight things over THERE rather than here.. This is one of the reason that SARS, and H1N1 Etc.. had less of an impact in this country. Now we are playing catch up. it did not help that CDC recommendations to NOT transport those 20 or so sick folks from the cruise ship in Japan in the same plane as the 300 healthy folks was not followed. Or that the sick folks were greeted by untrained HHS folks with no PPE, who then were allowed to scatter to the 4 winds.

Anyway, that is my understanding of the situation, for what it is worth. Regardless, that is all water under the bridge. For better or worse we are on the roller coaster now and will have to take things day by day.
Agreed, love that 12AX7
Just to keep things in perspective, here's the death toll from a typical flu season. It makes the hysteria over the Wuhan flu look absolutely absurd, doesn't? That's because it is absurd. It's a TDS moron and fake news generated hysteria. These assholes are fucking over millions of Americans purely for political purposes.

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says

An estimated 80,000 Americans died of flu and its complications last winter, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This means it was the deadliest season in more than four decades -- since 1976, the date of the first published paper reporting total seasonal flu deaths, said CDC Spokeswoman Kristen Nordlund.

In previous seasons, flu-related deaths have ranged from a low of about 12,000 during the 2011-2012 season to a high of about 56,000 during the 2012-2013.

  • Flu caused an estimated 80,000 deaths last fall and winter
  • The 2017-18 season ranks as the deadliest in more than four decades
  • Record 900,000 flu hospitalizations last year

Here is what you don't understand.

1. As a Pathogen, Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than the seasonal flu virus. For those infected with seasonal flu, there is a .1% chance of death. For those infected with Coronavirus, a 4.4% chance of death.

2. There is a VACCINE every year for the seasonal flu virus. There is currently NO VACCINE for the coronavirus and may be 18 months before there is.

3. The Coronavirus is not a flu virus. Its a new pathogen for which humans have no built up immunities to unlike the seasonal flu.

4. New York State in April may require 37,000 Ventilators to keep patients alive. At the start of March, New York State only had 3,000 Ventilators. New York State is running out of supplies and capacity to treat patients. That never happens with the seasonal flu because it is evenly spread throughout the country, there is a vaccine for it, and it is 44 times less deadly.
1. Lie
2. Lie
3. We don't have immunity to each new flu that comes out, shit for brains.
4. It doesn't happen with the flu because there is no hysteria, dumbass.

No lies, just the facts. Seasonal flu viruses are similar to each other and some people, not all do build up immunity or at least the ability to withstand certain seasonal flu's than others. Its not a substitute for the flu shot at all, but it helps. With coronavirus, this is not the case. Its a brand new pathogen.

Its not about hysteria. Its a fact that hospitals in New York City are about to be overwhelmed by this.
Every flu is a brand new pathogen, dumbass. The reason you have to get inoculated for flu every year is because every year we have a new virus that no one has been exposed to. If the flu virus didn't mutate every year and become a new virus, then we would all be immune to it forever. It would never trouble us again.

A marvel at the way people who are so stupid and so ignorant of epidemiology feel so confident in displaying their ignorance to the entire forum. These are the same people who claim Trump is incompetent.

Let me clear it up for you: You're a fucking dumbass and you should keep your mouth shut and quit spreading hysteria. Dumbass turds like you are the only reason this disease is turning into a disaster instead of just a viral infection like any other infection.

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