Flying the confederate flag is no different than flying the nazi flag

Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?
Don't you Abe lickers ever get tired of being reminded how much of a tyrant Lincoln truly was?
Most cons brag about how Lincoln freed the slaves, while they defend the bigoted confederacy. Hypocrite much?
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?
Don't you Abe lickers ever get tired of being reminded how much of a tyrant Lincoln truly was?
Most cons brag about how Lincoln freed the slaves, while they defend the bigoted confederacy. Hypocrite much?
I have done neither.
The left wing doesn't have the ability or the education to argue a political point so they resort to hate speech. Their way of coping with an insane act is to hate a piece of freaking cloth instead of the shooter.The flag that flew from the stern of slave ships for two hundred freaking years wasn't the Confederate flag. It was the Stars and Stripes, the Union Jack and the French and Spanish flags. Should we ban the Union Jack as a symbol of hatred? More freed slaves were probably lynched during the 1863 draft riots in NYC than in the Confederacy. The radical hypocrite left has been been burning and crapping on the Stars and Stripes for forty years but they would be outraged if the Islamic flag was desecrated. Now the pot head lefties are in a tizzy because they found a photo of a schizophrenic idiot waving the Confederate flag. I bet they could have located a photo of the jihad Army major waving an Islamic flag but they weren't interested.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?

It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.
Hey, how about that, we both agree that Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of all those that died in the Civil war. Most cons will say that he did it to free the slaves. But we both know he did it for the profits of the northern corporations. Lincoln was a bigot just like you. He wanted to deport all the blacks after the war. That's why a lot of southerners were pissed at Booth for killing him.

The only thing wrong with your post is the fact that I'm not a bigot.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?

It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.
Hey, how about that, we both agree that Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of all those that died in the Civil war. Most cons will say that he did it to free the slaves. But we both know he did it for the profits of the northern corporations. Lincoln was a bigot just like you. He wanted to deport all the blacks after the war. That's why a lot of southerners were pissed at Booth for killing him.
I heard Lincoln was taking money from Halliburton in order to start the war with the South so he could profit from it.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?

It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.
Hey, how about that, we both agree that Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of all those that died in the Civil war. Most cons will say that he did it to free the slaves. But we both know he did it for the profits of the northern corporations. Lincoln was a bigot just like you. He wanted to deport all the blacks after the war. That's why a lot of southerners were pissed at Booth for killing him.
I heard Lincoln was taking money from Halliburton in order to start the war with the South so he could profit from it.

Libturds would probably believe that if you substituted Jeff Davis for Lincoln.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?

It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.
Hey, how about that, we both agree that Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of all those that died in the Civil war. Most cons will say that he did it to free the slaves. But we both know he did it for the profits of the northern corporations. Lincoln was a bigot just like you. He wanted to deport all the blacks after the war. That's why a lot of southerners were pissed at Booth for killing him.
I heard Lincoln was taking money from Halliburton in order to start the war with the South so he could profit from it.
So you really think Cheney is the reincarnation of Lincoln?
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?

It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.
Hey, how about that, we both agree that Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of all those that died in the Civil war. Most cons will say that he did it to free the slaves. But we both know he did it for the profits of the northern corporations. Lincoln was a bigot just like you. He wanted to deport all the blacks after the war. That's why a lot of southerners were pissed at Booth for killing him.
I heard Lincoln was taking money from Halliburton in order to start the war with the South so he could profit from it.
So you really think Cheney is the reincarnation of Lincoln?
He's Lincoln's illegitimate son with a slave woman.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?

It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.
Hey, how about that, we both agree that Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of all those that died in the Civil war. Most cons will say that he did it to free the slaves. But we both know he did it for the profits of the northern corporations. Lincoln was a bigot just like you. He wanted to deport all the blacks after the war. That's why a lot of southerners were pissed at Booth for killing him.
I heard Lincoln was taking money from Halliburton in order to start the war with the South so he could profit from it.
So you really think Cheney is the reincarnation of Lincoln?
He's Lincoln's illegitimate son with a slave woman.
the GOP is gonna wash your mouth out with soap.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Just to point out how incredibly stupid your post is, there is no election in 2015 and the Nazis are not part of American heritage, well, unless you were a spy. Carry on oh ignorant one, you're great entertainment.
Yo ignorant, ever hear of Vernher von Braun? My 2015 typo isn't even close to as stupid as your post.

Right, someone the government brought here after the war suddenly gives the US a Nazi heritage, I guess the Nazi's that got to this country through fraud did also. You really are pathetic.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Just to point out how incredibly stupid your post is, there is no election in 2015 and the Nazis are not part of American heritage, well, unless you were a spy. Carry on oh ignorant one, you're great entertainment.
Yo ignorant, ever hear of Vernher von Braun? My 2015 typo isn't even close to as stupid as your post.

Right, someone the government brought here after the war suddenly gives the US a Nazi heritage, I guess the Nazi's that got to this country through fraud did also. You really are pathetic.

His hangover remedy is to not stop drinking
You can't defend your position so you change the subject.

Ah yes, one of the tenents of Faux News.

First, it would help if you quoted the post you are responding to.

Second, what is the "subject" that is being changed?
Flags of losers is changing the subject from flags of bigotry. But please, just keep digging your hole.

You're the one who went on and on about how the Confederate flag was the flag of losers. You seem to believe that the fact that the Confederacy lost proves something about the justness of their cause. That's called the "might makes right" theory of ethics. Thanks for making it clear where liberals stand on the subject of ethics. You stand in the exact same place as the Nazis.

The South wanted the right to keep millions of people in slavery.

That is what you are defending as some 'noble' cause. Good luck with that.
It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.[/QUOTE said:
You are calling Lincoln a 'mass murdering tyrant'.

You can't defend your position so you change the subject.

Ah yes, one of the tenents of Faux News.

First, it would help if you quoted the post you are responding to.

Second, what is the "subject" that is being changed?
Flags of losers is changing the subject from flags of bigotry. But please, just keep digging your hole.

You're the one who went on and on about how the Confederate flag was the flag of losers. You seem to believe that the fact that the Confederacy lost proves something about the justness of their cause. That's called the "might makes right" theory of ethics. Thanks for making it clear where liberals stand on the subject of ethics. You stand in the exact same place as the Nazis.

The South wanted the right to keep millions of people in slavery.

That is what you are defending as some 'noble' cause. Good luck with that.

Wrong, asshole. No one is defending that. The Lincoln cult members can't defend the crimes committed by their idol, so they accuse his critics of defending slavery. That tactic is getting old and shopworn. No one is fooled.

Lincoln didn't invade Virginia to end slavery. He invaded Virginia to enforce the Morrill tariff. He was perfectly happy to preserver slavery if that would achieve is main objective. You're saint is no better than the people you attack.
It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.[/QUOTE said:
You are calling Lincoln a 'mass murdering tyrant'.


He killed 850,000 people, and he turned the USA into a dictatorship during the war. He closed 300 newspapers for criticizing his policies. I could go on and on about all the crimes against justice and the Constitution Lincoln committed.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Like their Tuskegee Experiment that would later influence Mengele and the Nazis, Dems want to erase any trace of their racist past
BWAH HA HA HA HA! Now you're blaming black pilots for what the nazi's did. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

You never heard of FDR's Tuskegee Experiments?
So was
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

so....I agree...that is why the democrats should be ashamed...they fought to keep slavery fighting under the flag of the Confederate States of America.....

Remember, the Republicans fought under the American flag, the democrats fought under the confederate flag.

And true...if people want to fly that flag it is an act of freedom of speech, much the same way as the left when they step on or burn the American flag...........
Cons own the south, you can't escape it. The KKK and all the other racist groups voted republican since LBJ. Cons own the KKK(or visa versa), you can't escape it.

You are woefully ignorant about the KKK. It started as a Democrat organization, and it's still a Democrat organization.
The terms Democratic and Republican are political organizations and in our history they have stood for different political ideologies at times. The terms liberal and conservative are more defining, so was the KKK more conservative or liberal.
So was
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

so....I agree...that is why the democrats should be ashamed...they fought to keep slavery fighting under the flag of the Confederate States of America.....

Remember, the Republicans fought under the American flag, the democrats fought under the confederate flag.

And true...if people want to fly that flag it is an act of freedom of speech, much the same way as the left when they step on or burn the American flag...........
Cons own the south, you can't escape it. The KKK and all the other racist groups voted republican since LBJ. Cons own the KKK(or visa versa), you can't escape it.

You are woefully ignorant about the KKK. It started as a Democrat organization, and it's still a Democrat organization.
The terms Democratic and Republican are political organizations and in our history they have stood for different political ideologies at times. The terms liberal and conservative are more defining, so was the KKK more conservative or liberal.
KKK claims to be extremists Huckabee and Santorum.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Just to point out how incredibly stupid your post is, there is no election in 2015 and the Nazis are not part of American heritage, well, unless you were a spy. Carry on oh ignorant one, you're great entertainment.
Yo ignorant, ever hear of Vernher von Braun? My 2015 typo isn't even close to as stupid as your post.

Right, someone the government brought here after the war suddenly gives the US a Nazi heritage, I guess the Nazi's that got to this country through fraud did also. You really are pathetic.
BWAH HA HA! You're trying to defend nazism and the confederate flag, and you call me pathetic. Very funny, BWAH HA HA!
So I agree, but where does it stop. In a town in my area there are statues of some Confederate Generals. Should they also come down? Are they also as vile as a Nazi symbol of hate?

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