Flying the confederate flag is no different than flying the nazi flag

Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
No one wants to say they can't fly it, so get that out of your head, however, anyone who does fly the flag is a moron who is more then likely racist.

No, it's actually just a way to give the middle finger salute to the federal government and liberals in general.
Keep telling yourself that, easy to identify the morons.
Only a despicable piece of excrement would compare the Confederate Flag to the Swastika.
You cannot handle the truth ...
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
No one wants to say they can't fly it, so get that out of your head, however, anyone who does fly the flag is a moron who is more then likely racist.

Actually there are plenty of people who want to make it illegal for you to fly it.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
No one wants to say they can't fly it, so get that out of your head, however, anyone who does fly the flag is a moron who is more then likely racist.

Actually there are plenty of people who want to make it illegal for you to fly it.
Not many people, trust me, and if you refer to not flying it at a government building, that's different.
Only a despicable piece of excrement would compare the Confederate Flag to the Swastika.
You cannot handle the truth ...

Sure I can. I know a piece of excrement when I encounter one.

I am sure you are conversant with excrement ...wipe your chin and grin ...Gunga din

If you had any actual facts or logic to support your case, you would use them. That's why you do nothing but constantly spew ad hominems. That's the proof that you're a piece of excrement.
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Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
No one wants to say they can't fly it, so get that out of your head, however, anyone who does fly the flag is a moron who is more then likely racist.

Actually there are plenty of people who want to make it illegal for you to fly it.
Not many people, trust me, and if you refer to not flying it at a government building, that's different.

They just made it illegal to put on a license plate.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
No one wants to say they can't fly it, so get that out of your head, however, anyone who does fly the flag is a moron who is more then likely racist.

Actually there are plenty of people who want to make it illegal for you to fly it.
Not many people, trust me, and if you refer to not flying it at a government building, that's different.

They just made it illegal to put on a license plate.
Sounds like they're making sure racist idiots don't get attacked ;)
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
And both flags are flown by White Supremacists.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
And both flags are flown by White Supremacists.

So was the American flag, numskull. Lincoln was a white supremicist.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
No one wants to say they can't fly it, so get that out of your head, however, anyone who does fly the flag is a moron who is more then likely racist.

Actually there are plenty of people who want to make it illegal for you to fly it.
Not many people, trust me, and if you refer to not flying it at a government building, that's different.

Left-wingers always manage to find a way to justify censorship.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Why does the history of this nation scare you so?
Because you are just like your Queen Barack, who neither cares for nor recognizes our storied past. :slap:
What is it with flying the flag??

Those nine people would still be dead whether the flag was flying or not.

Op's another fucking idiot.
The confederate flag is a tribute to the Great South. It doesn't mean racism to many people. It's honoring those who died for their right to secede while the US flag honors all Americans who are a part of this great land.
and what is the Swastika ...? something to rally round for German heritage ?.... The Dixie flag its the Battle rag of moron slave mongers losers and traitors...

Lincoln was the traitor, douche bag. He was a dictator and a tyrant. He murdered 850,000 people. He shut down newspapers, arrested the entire state legislature of Maryland, build concentration camps and threw people in them without a trial to rot.

That's the saint you worship.

You really, really need professional help.
The confederate flag is a tribute to the Great South. It doesn't mean racism to many people. It's honoring those who died for their right to secede while the US flag honors all Americans who are a part of this great land.
and what is the Swastika ...? something to rally round for German heritage ?.... The Dixie flag its the Battle rag of moron slave mongers losers and traitors...

Lincoln was the traitor, douche bag. He was a dictator and a tyrant. He murdered 850,000 people. He shut down newspapers, arrested the entire state legislature of Maryland, build concentration camps and threw people in them without a trial to rot.

That's the saint you worship.

You really, really need professional help.
That guy Britpat celebrates the foul murder of Abraham Lincoln
The US flag was flown over slavery almost 100 years before the Civil War, during the civil War and for almost a year the Civil War. It is the flag of slavery in the Americas.

The US flag was also flown over the extermination of the Indians.

The US flag was flown over the concentration camps for Japanese Americans.

The troops that slaughtered the WWI veterans in the bonus war was the US flag.

The US flag flew over Jim Crow states.

The US flag flew over the Supreme Court building when the court declared that a Negro was only 2/3rd a person.

We flew the US flag as we were killing Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.

It is now flying over a corrupt debt ridden abusive national socialists welfare state.

If you want to say that a flag is closely aligned to the Nazis then the US flag is far far ahead of the short lived Stainless Banner that represented opposition to US tyranny.

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