Flying the confederate flag is no different than flying the nazi flag

Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Just to point out how incredibly stupid your post is, there is no election in 2015 and the Nazis are not part of American heritage, well, unless you were a spy. Carry on oh ignorant one, you're great entertainment.
Yo ignorant, ever hear of Vernher von Braun? My 2015 typo isn't even close to as stupid as your post.

Right, someone the government brought here after the war suddenly gives the US a Nazi heritage, I guess the Nazi's that got to this country through fraud did also. You really are pathetic.
BWAH HA HA! You're trying to defend nazism and the confederate flag, and you call me pathetic. Very funny, BWAH HA HA!

You're one of the most hateful SOB's on this board, yep, you're one pathetic person. Now fuck off I've got better people to talk to.
The confederate flag is a tribute to the Great South. It doesn't mean racism to many people. It's honoring those who died for their right to secede while the US flag honors all Americans who are a part of this great land.
The confederate flag is a tribute to the Great South. It doesn't mean racism to many people. It's honoring those who died for their right to secede while the US flag honors all Americans who are a part of this great land.

Opinions vary. There were southerners against slavery in the civil war, there were northerners who could care less about the plight of blacks in the south.
The confederate flag is a tribute to the Great South. It doesn't mean racism to many people. It's honoring those who died for their right to secede while the US flag honors all Americans who are a part of this great land.
and what is the Swastika ...? something to rally round for German heritage ?.... The Dixie flag its the Battle rag of moron slave mongers losers and traitors...
The confederate flag is a tribute to the Great South. It doesn't mean racism to many people. It's honoring those who died for their right to secede while the US flag honors all Americans who are a part of this great land.

Opinions vary. There were southerners against slavery in the civil war, there were northerners who could care less about the plight of blacks in the south.


Slavery as an institution was on its way out.

No need to slaughter 650,000 Americans.

You can't defend your position so you change the subject.

Ah yes, one of the tenents of Faux News.

First, it would help if you quoted the post you are responding to.

Second, what is the "subject" that is being changed?
Flags of losers is changing the subject from flags of bigotry. But please, just keep digging your hole.

You're the one who went on and on about how the Confederate flag was the flag of losers. You seem to believe that the fact that the Confederacy lost proves something about the justness of their cause. That's called the "might makes right" theory of ethics. Thanks for making it clear where liberals stand on the subject of ethics. You stand in the exact same place as the Nazis.

The South wanted the right to keep millions of people in slavery.

That is what you are defending as some 'noble' cause. Good luck with that.
Pray tell, how many Northern slaves by Lincoln's great Emancipation proclamation?
The confederate flag is a tribute to the Great South. It doesn't mean racism to many people. It's honoring those who died for their right to secede while the US flag honors all Americans who are a part of this great land.
and what is the Swastika ...? something to rally round for German heritage ?.... The Dixie flag its the Battle rag of moron slave mongers losers and traitors...

Lincoln was the traitor, douche bag. He was a dictator and a tyrant. He murdered 850,000 people. He shut down newspapers, arrested the entire state legislature of Maryland, build concentration camps and threw people in them without a trial to rot.

That's the saint you worship.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
No one wants to say they can't fly it, so get that out of your head, however, anyone who does fly the flag is a moron who is more then likely racist.
whenever I see a statue of Robert E Lee or some other Confederate bandit I wish I could morph into a pigeon momentarily...
The confederate flag is a tribute to the Great South. It doesn't mean racism to many people. It's honoring those who died for their right to secede while the US flag honors all Americans who are a part of this great land.
and what is the Swastika ...? something to rally round for German heritage ?.... The Dixie flag its the Battle rag of moron slave mongers losers and traitors...

Only a despicable piece of excrement would compare the Confederate Flag to the Swastika.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
No one wants to say they can't fly it, so get that out of your head, however, anyone who does fly the flag is a moron who is more then likely racist.

No, it's actually just a way to give the middle finger salute to the federal government and liberals in general.

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