Flying the confederate flag is no different than flying the nazi flag

The gay rainbow flag and the black flag of Jihad are the same thing.
And then there's you, flying your "I'm a complete moron" flag.
Reality check, the rainbow flag doesn't stand for bigotry and hate.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Just to point out how incredibly stupid your post is, there is no election in 2015 and the Nazis are not part of American heritage, well, unless you were a spy. Carry on oh ignorant one, you're great entertainment.
Yo ignorant, ever hear of Vernher von Braun? My 2015 typo isn't even close to as stupid as your post.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
I make a motion to only raise the confederate National civil flag whenever we should "harass a Judge" instead of waging war on fellow citizens in the several States.
So this is just more of the separatist policies of the democratic party?
Another deflection since they have nothing of substance to bring?
Thread after thread of rebel flags and our most recent nutbar happens to call himself a republican.

Weak, Dembulbs......very weak(and obviously desperate)
The gay rainbow flag and the black flag of Jihad are the same thing.
And then there's you, flying your "I'm a complete moron" flag.
Reality check, the rainbow flag doesn't stand for bigotry and hate.
you are a FUCKING idiot the American flag had more years of slavery under it and Jim crows laws then the few years of stars and bars moron. Be realistic ass hole.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

But your a NAZI so you support this action!
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Like their Tuskegee Experiment that would later influence Mengele and the Nazis, Dems want to erase any trace of their racist past
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Just to point out how incredibly stupid your post is, there is no election in 2015 and the Nazis are not part of American heritage, well, unless you were a spy. Carry on oh ignorant one, you're great entertainment.
Yo ignorant, ever hear of Vernher von Braun? My 2015 typo isn't even close to as stupid as your post.
Werner von Braun was a scientist.
You nuts do realize that bill clinton, the violent sexual predator honored j. william fulbright, his political mentor and good friend....and who was j. william fulbright?

Selective Moral Outrage National Review Online

In Tuesday, October 22, 2002, Bill Clinton traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas to honor the life of the late Arkansas senator, J. William Fulbright by dedicating a seven-foot-tall bronze statue of the man. According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “The $100,000 sculpture is the final [expenditure] of an $850,000 fundraising campaign for a project to honor Fulbright. The $750,000 fountain was dedicated October 24, 1998.” Among other things, Clinton said, “If [Fulbright] were here today, I’m sure he would caution us not to be too utopian in our expectations, but rather utopian in our values and vision.” And back on May 5, 1993, in what the Washington Post characterized as a “… moving 88th birthday ceremony for former senator William Fulbright, President Clinton last night bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on the man he described as a visionary humanitarian, a steadfast supporter of the values of education, and ‘my mentor.’” Clinton added, “It doesn’t take long to live a life. He made the best of his, and helped us to have a better chance to make the best of ours.…The American political system produced this remarkable man, and my state did, and I’m real proud of it.

And who was j. william fulbright?

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

Of course, in 1957, the first serious challenge to Brown occurred in Fulbright’s backyard. Fulbright’s Democrat colleague, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus (another early Clinton backer) ordered the National Guard to surround Central High School in Little Rock to prevent nine black students from attending the school.

President Dwight Eisenhower dispatched the 101st Airborne Division to protect these teenagers and enforce the Supreme Court’s decision. Fulbright later voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act. And he did so because he believed in separating the races — in schools and other public places. He was a segregationist, heart and soul
You think that's a viable deflection of the topic? BTW, Monica was of age. Hastert is the pedophile.

And clinton also was friendly with orval faubus, the guy who kept the nine black students out of the white school....and clinton is a sexual predator as well...we don't defend hastert, you guys protect and love clinton....

Sarasota Journal - Google News Archive Search

Faubus had been a special guest at Clinton's inauguration two years earlier
Look up the definition of "sexual predator", you obviously don't even know what it means.
Obviously he does because Clinton fits the definition.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Conservatives don't claim it stands for freedom of speech, moron. They claim that the First Amendment allows people to fly it. I know you despise freedom of speech, but that's how it is.

Sucks to be an idiot libturd, doesn't it?
Do they let you out of your straight jacket so you can type on the computer, or do you use your nose?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Do you accuse everyone who disputes your horseshit of being insane?
Just those that say "cons don't claim it stands for freedom of speech" when that's what the first amendment is.And then there's you, who can't figure that out either.

You claimed conservatives believed the Confederate flag stood for free speech. Again, that isn't what anyone believes, dumbass.
You can't defend your position so you change the subject.

Ah yes, one of the tenents of Faux News.

First, it would help if you quoted the post you are responding to.

Second, what is the "subject" that is being changed?
Flags of losers is changing the subject from flags of bigotry. But please, just keep digging your hole.

You're the one who went on and on about how the Confederate flag was the flag of losers. You seem to believe that the fact that the Confederacy lost proves something about the justness of their cause. That's called the "might makes right" theory of ethics. Thanks for making it clear where liberals stand on the subject of ethics. You stand in the exact same place as the Nazis.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?

It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?
Don't you Abe lickers ever get tired of being reminded how much of a tyrant Lincoln truly was?
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.

Like their Tuskegee Experiment that would later influence Mengele and the Nazis, Dems want to erase any trace of their racist past
BWAH HA HA HA HA! Now you're blaming black pilots for what the nazi's did. BWAH HA HA HA HA!
Both flags stand for bigotry and hate. And the cons claim that it stands for the freedom of speech only exposes their defense of the bigots that are the base of their party. This issue will dog the GOP all the way to the 2015 election. This is the cons self inflicted stab to the heart of GOP ideology.
Godwin's Law is once again demonstrated.
With a name like yours, is anyone surprised at your bigoted defense of the confederacy?

It's no surprise that an obvious Nazi like you would defend that mass murdering tyrant Lincoln and his unprovoked invasion of sovereign states of the union.
Hey, how about that, we both agree that Lincoln is responsible for the deaths of all those that died in the Civil war. Most cons will say that he did it to free the slaves. But we both know he did it for the profits of the northern corporations. Lincoln was a bigot just like you. He wanted to deport all the blacks after the war. That's why a lot of southerners were pissed at Booth for killing him.

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