Flynn resignation means Trump MUST prosecute HILLARY

You liberals are the ones in deep shit, and you are so arrogant, and stupid you still think you can win. You are LOOSERS and that is all you will ever be. You are hated by almost everyone in this country that is worthy of speaking to. You are the most vile scum that has ever been shit onto the earth, and no amount of perfume, soap or water can lessen the smell of death and shit that surrounds you. Look at yourself in the mirror and have a nice day HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."
i wonder how "Sol Rosenburg" feels about this. remember when he called a lawyer and said,,,"Sue Everybody"
you LUV Putin Style tactics! you three should go and live in Russia! Anyone see what just happened to the guy running in the next election against him?
Go ahead and try prosecuting Hillary. Trump's clusterfuck is giving her the last laugh.

Hillary is talking about running again in 2020 and that is why trump is not prosecuting her. She is an extremely weak candidate and since trump will not allow illegals to vote ( in contrast to obozo), she won't have a chance.
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."

Sorry, but I think that Flynn's mouth forced out Flynn and the news is that Trump and others in his cabinet knew about the phone calls for some time and others were also making calls to Russian cabinet members as well. Nne of this has anything at all to do with Hillary.
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."

That much is obvious by now. Might want to go through the phone logs to see what Hillary promised those big foreign campaign donors
Flynn's job offered to Vice Admiral Robert Harward...

Sources: Trump Offers National Security Post to Vice Admiral Harward
February 15, 2017 | WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has offered the job of White House national security adviser, vacated by former U.S. intelligence official Michael Flynn, to Vice Admiral Robert Harward, said two U.S. officials familiar with the matter on Wednesday.
It was not immediately clear if Harward, a former deputy commander of U.S. Central Command who has Navy SEAL combat experience, had accepted the offer, according to sources. A White House spokesperson had no immediate comment.

Flynn resigned on Monday after revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before President Donald Trump took office.


Vice Adm. Robert Harward, commanding officer of Combined Joint Interagency Task Force 435, speaks to an Afghan official during his visit to Zaranj, Afghanistan​

Losing his national security adviser so soon after taking office is an embarrassment for the new Republican president, who has made national security a top priority.

Harward, a Rhode Island native who went to school in Tehran before the Shah was toppled in 1979, did a tour on the National Security Council under former Republican President George W. Bush, working on counterterrorism. He also has combat experience on SEAL teams and served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Harward now works as an executive for defense contractor Lockheed Martin, with responsibility for its business in the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East.

Sources: Trump Offers National Security Post to Vice Admiral Harward
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."

For you dumbass's out there in never never land. Before you can be prosecuted for anything you first, have to be CHARGED with a crime. She has already been cleared by the FBI of any criminal wrong doing, and there's not going to be another investigation, and FOX NEWS is really not a judicial branch of government with Rudy Guiliani in charge of it.

But I can think of a couple of people that will be lead off in handcuffs about right now--LOL


Senate Republicans have announced they will be doing an "exhaustive investigation into Trump's ties with Russia--and General Flynn."
Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -


And the DOJ has announced it will be doing an investigation into the FBI & FBI director James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

So get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your FOX news you're in for one hell of a ride.

Guess what shithead theres a NEW SHERRIFF in town, he follows the law, and the clinton cartel doesn't own him. His deputies WILL do as they are charged to do and the investigation will be quick thorough and find all they need for TREASON charges. Lying lynch, and lying murdering holder are GONE there will be a new FBI mission and oversight. The investigation will be swift all of the agents who were involved in the first investigation will get a front row seat at the Next one. There are still a few thousand emails to read, and there will be plenty for a hanging, and to bring in the whole group for a large public hanging. I hope the media come crying and sobbing as we hear the necks snap like popcorn popping.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yeah sure bud
Before the election, I half-seriously said to myself, "It would be worth Trump winning just to witness him falling flat on his face and making a disaster out of the Whitehouse".

Little did I know the gifts would start coming so soon.

It's amateur hour at the Whitehouse, and I'm going to kick back and enjoy the show.
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."

Doesn't make much sense, does it. Flynn isn't getting prosecuted, yet.
Not only should they correctly and legally prosecute Hillary Clinton, Obama committed perjury and he should also be investigated.
Particularly troubling isn't the fact that he lied about Benghazi, and lied about not knowing about Hillary Clinton's secret server, but he emailed her under a Fake Name, and even more troubling was his conspiring with terrorists in Egypt and Libya which resulted in turning Benghazi in to a weapons dump that was attacked by the very people he was running weapons to, once Clinton gave classified information about that operation to Blumenthal and it was compromised.

Lastly, this is the season for treason, and I believe that we need to root out all the moles, and prosecute them viciously in the FBI, NSA, CIA, & IRS. Unwarranted wire taps, and the leaks of classified information are felonies.

And finally, since The Intelligence community broke the law, The American Pulblic deserves to see un-redacted, unedited transcripts of the illegal wiretaps, and the people exposed in those wire taps who were involved in those wire taps need removed from office and then Criminally Prosectued, and it the rumor was true that Obama as a Civilian directed this operation, he needs prosecuted, and needs to face the Full Weight of The Law for his Crimes.
Harward Turns Down Trump's National Security Adviser Offer...

Harward Turns Down Trump's National Security Adviser Offer: Sources
Feb 17, 2017 - President Trump's first choice to succeed the departed Michael Flynn as national security adviser has turned the job down due to family reasons, sources close to the situation told Fox News late Thursday.
One source told Fox that retired Navy Vice Admiral Robert Harward "really wanted" to do the job, but ultimately decided that he could not. There was no immediate comment from the White House. Harward had been due to meet with Trump Thursday night.

At a news conference earlier Thursday, the president said he had "somebody that I think will be outstanding for the position" of national security adviser, but did not mention any names.


Vice Adm. Robert S. Harward, commanding officer of Combined Joint Interagency Task Force 435, speaks to an Afghan official during his visit to Zaranj, Afghanistan​

A former Navy SEAL, Harward served as deputy commander of the United States Central Command under Gen. James Mattis, who is now defense secretary. He quickly emerged as the favorite to replace Flynn after the latter resigned Monday night, ending days of speculation about his fate following reports that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and other officials about his discussions with Russia prior to Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration.

After Flynn stepped down, Trump named retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg as the acting national security adviser. Kellogg and former CIA Director David Petraeus were the two other candidates rumored to be under consideration.

Harward Turns Down Trump's National Security Adviser Offer: Sources |
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."
The media "cartel" didn't force Flynn out...Flynn forced Flynn out. He would never have resigned if there wasn't truth to their claims...Trump's entire administration is under attack by left wing media, Flynn got singled out simply because they have verifiable evidence to back their claims...which is not the same as the allegations that generally being thrown. If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be proven guilty.

With that being said, I would enjoy an investigation into Clinton, however, it shouldn't be conducted by Trump, it should be conducted by Congress. Allowing for a President to willy-nilly open investigations on people he doesn't agree with is not one step away from living in a IS living in a dictatorship.
The media cartel forced out Flynn over national security concerns. Now Trump needs to say "OK - if national security is a big concern with the press, then i will go after Hillary and i will expect your support."
The media "cartel" didn't force Flynn out...Flynn forced Flynn out. He would never have resigned if there wasn't truth to their claims...Trump's entire administration is under attack by left wing media, Flynn got singled out simply because they have verifiable evidence to back their claims...which is not the same as the allegations that generally being thrown. If you don't do anything wrong, you won't be proven guilty.

With that being said, I would enjoy an investigation into Clinton, however, it shouldn't be conducted by Trump, it should be conducted by Congress. Allowing for a President to willy-nilly open investigations on people he doesn't agree with is not one step away from living in a IS living in a dictatorship.

Clinton has been investigated by Congress so many times, I've lost count, but the number is close to 14 I think: Filegate, travel agency, Whitewater, Vince Foster, something involving cattle, 7 Benghazi investigations, emails, and a Special Prosecutor. $100 million of taxpayer money for NOTHING.

Anyone who thinks they're going to find anything is on a fool's errand.

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