folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

Strike missions in enemy territory are always dangerous

Commando raids endanger our troops and innocent civilians
Bombing raids kill many innocents
Drone strikes are the most precise
I get it.Kinda forgot about the 22 Navy Seals who perished
aboard an Old National Guard Chinook in August { months
after the Faked Bin Laden raid }. It was sparsely reported
and seldom followed up on.The Biggest loss of Navy Seals
in their history.I don't Believe Obama said more than few words
about.Imagine that.30 Servicemen perish and 38 total on board.
The " largest single-day loss of life in Naval Special Warfare history.
And the largest single-day loss of, life during the war in Afghanistan, "
Yet barely a peep out of Obama the Commander.
The guy couldn't command a popsicle in summer longer
than a few minutes.
Under Obama the top brass insured there would be a full and complete
investigation of the attack { in Wardak Province west of Kabul }.
Never hoppened.It kept getting pushed back.Reports were not
forthcoming.It started to look like it was being suppressed Big Time.
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It is a very tough call to order a Drone strike on intelligence that is not 100 percent
Go back where ya belong Norton { The Honeymooners }
in the sewers.You are about as accurate as a Man Hole cover
blowing it's stack and some Cop ... yelling out.
No Biggy.Go on about yer business ... folks.
It is a very tough call to order a Drone strike on intelligence that is not 100 percent
No it isnt.

You are tracking that the CIA didnt call up POTUS and say hey we have eyes on the AQ leader can we take the shot? There was a target list resigned when he came into office that Al Zawahiri was on (he's been on that list for over 20 years now BTW) they got PID, went through the kill chain and then took the shot. The grease spot that Zawahiri ended up as was cold before the POTUS knew about it. You didnt think they called the POTUS every time we have an opportunity to kill someone did you?

Besides even if they had called the President,

Successful drone strike on AQ leader means great headline

Unsuccessful drone strike on AQ leader means nothing, no one will ever be aware it even took place. This is a tough decision to make?

We rarely hear about the successful ones. Unless it kills someone of great significance the general public is completely unaware of how many people we are killing via drone each week.

How many unsuccessful drone strikes did we run in 2018? 2020?
And they know exactly what part of Gitmo he is in. Taking KSM out with a drone would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Further, it would send a message to the other nogoodniks that are at the facility.
Um. Who do you think is running Gitmo?
As I recall, the military assessment was the assassination would provoke a response from Iran with the potential of a dangerous escalation of an ongoing conflict. Because seen through the eyes of Iran this was like Tehran assassinating the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Yesterday's announcement of the droning { Under the Direction of Biden }
was a total replay of Obama's Bin Laden raid.To boost the appearance
of the Potus as a Strong Commander.No matter how flakey it appeared.
Biden and his usual suspects in the Media are all Gaga over the
droning.So it was used to Boost Biden's Commandership as well
distract from Pelosi's hazardous attempts to challenge China's
warning about visiting Taiwan.
Just fit the pieces into the Looney Tunes mindset of yer average
Democrat.They Fix NOTHING.They Destroy what was once good,noble
and hard-earned.They live to Propagate hysterics via propaganda
and lies.They exist to use the Blame Game.
I am sure the family of the 100's of victims of Al-Z is very happy he is dead....and aren't trying to find a way to spin it or minimize like these depraved Trumpers are....

If you can't agree on the fact that it's a better world with this guy dead than alive -- then I shouldn't be surprised to see Trumpers siding with Al-Queda over the US -- if they think it will own the libs...
Did you say “very good” when trump took out SolemeinI, or were you wringing your hands with the Democrats who cried that Trump killed “an honored general”?
Well, seeing as tho we were already at WAR AGAINST AL QUEDA and not at war against IRAN -- and also considering the fact we killed him along with IRAQIS on IRAQI soil -- that is a far different and more reckless situation than this one....but I know you Trumpers hate context...
Top Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed over the weekend in Afghanistan while hiding out at the home of an Afghan government official and Taliban member, the New York Times reported.

According to reports, President Joe Biden, who was isolated with a rebound infection of COVID-19, authorized the strike against al-Zawahiri. Biden will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. EST Monday evening.

He is among the most pursued terrorists in the world after the slaying of Osama bin Laden, MSNBC reported.

The Times also reported that the operation was not a military one, and instead was conducted through the CIA. The government won't respond to questions about it, however.

So we have Al Qaeda back in business in Afghanistan?

Why were we there for 20 years?

Biden should be impeached for how we left Afghanistan. That and the fall of Saigon are among the lowest US military moments.

Two intelligence sources say al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri was killed in a CIA drone strike​

The jury is still out on this supposed kill.
We don't have any intelligence assets in Afghanistan today since the Bai Dung fiasco of last year.
Tonight, Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats are celebrating, but they seem to have forgotten the lives lost in last year's withdrawal from Afghan, the Abbey Gate bombing, the drone strike that killed an innocent family and the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan after the withdrawal and the Afghan women becoming slaves again, which is exactly the way PM/Democrats view American women despite what they claim.
Are we sure this wasn't a guy carrying the water for humanitarian efforts, like last year? Bai Dung and his merry Maoists are so desperate for something positive that this is what they would turn to.
BTW please send condolences to Ilhan Omar for the loss of one her beloved mentors!
They waited till a couple of months before an election....and they never had to produce a body.'s all bull shit.

FAUX NOISE is calling it a significant fuck them and fuck Rupert Murdock.
No it isnt.

You are tracking that the CIA didnt call up POTUS and say hey we have eyes on the AQ leader can we take the shot? There was a target list resigned when he came into office that Al Zawahiri was on (he's been on that list for over 20 years now BTW) they got PID, went through the kill chain and then took the shot. The grease spot that Zawahiri ended up as was cold before the POTUS knew about it. You didnt think they called the POTUS every time we have an opportunity to kill someone did you?

Besides even if they had called the President,

Successful drone strike on AQ leader means great headline

Unsuccessful drone strike on AQ leader means nothing, no one will ever be aware it even took place. This is a tough decision to make?

We rarely hear about the successful ones. Unless it kills someone of great significance the general public is completely unaware of how many people we are killing via drone each week.

How many unsuccessful drone strikes did we run in 2018? 2020?
Unfortunately, you made all of it up

What really happened was our President was informed fully of the progress of the mission. To the extent that there was a mock-up of the targeted building in the White House Situation Room
The risks were briefed and the President made the decision to attack
Unfortunately, you made all of it up

What really happened was our President was informed fully of the progress of the mission. To the extent that there was a mock-up of the targeted building in the White House Situation Room
The risks were briefed and the President made the decision to attack

How do you know all that?

My guess is that our feeble Prezbo was informed of the alleged death of this evildoer after the event already occurred. And the decision was made by his handlers to have him read from a script yesterday to try and make it seem as if he is in charge.

For all we know, this death may have occurred a year ago and this announcement was timed to try and divert attention from something else that the Biden Regime sees on the horizon.
How do you know all that?

My guess is that our feeble Prezbo was informed of the alleged death of this evildoer after the event already occurred. And the decision was made by his handlers to have him read from a script yesterday to try and make it seem as if he is in charge.

For all we know, this death may have occurred a year ago and this announcement was timed to try and divert attention from something else that the Biden Regime sees on the horizon.
Maybe if you actually read the story of the attack, you wouldn’t have asked that question
Just because the state-controlled media makes a claim about their hero Biden doesn't mean its true.

Spoken like a true Conservative

Any information you don’t like you just declare fake and insert an alternate reality
Strike missions in enemy territory are always dangerous

Commando raids endanger our troops and innocent civilians
Bombing raids kill many innocents
Drone strikes are the most precise
Not only that, but according to the reporting, there were no other collateral damages done. They waited until he was by himself and isolated.

Kudos to the CIA etc. for the great intelligence work to get 'er done.
How do you know all that?

My guess is that our feeble Prezbo was informed of the alleged death of this evildoer after the event already occurred. And the decision was made by his handlers to have him read from a script yesterday to try and make it seem as if he is in charge.

Any such strike requires a presidential finding before it's carried out.
I doubt they could backdate such paperwork, since it's distributed to both the national security apparatus, DOD and congress (gang of 4).

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