folks, Al Qaeda chief & bin laden successor Ayman Zawahiri has been smoked & compromised to a permanent end thanks to our brave American troops

which proves democrats are a greater threat to democracy then al queada
Yes....definitely.............they seek to destroy America in the name of moral superiority.

Few realize that the basis or essential element of liberlism is a desire to be morally superior to other white people.

That was the basic cause of the Civil aka liberals up in the North East believed that Slavery was evil....thus they began a movement that ultimately resulted in the American Holacaust....most families lost someone to that war which should never have happened.

The Abolitionist movement in the United States was an attempt to eliminate slavery in a country that valued individual liberty and believed that “all men are created equal.” Slave owners dug in as abolitionists became louder in their demands, aggravating regional tensions that eventually led to the American Civil War

"If I knew for a certainty that a man was coming to my house with the conscious design of doing me good, I should run for my life" — Henry David Thoreau, 19th Century American philosopher and author of Walden and Civil Disobedience.

You can’t make fundamental change to a prosperous nation. That’s why Democrats are purposefully trying to destroy our country as we know it in their quest to change America into the world’s next failed socialist state. From the open borders disaster, the defund police violent crime spike, critical race theory, choking off domestic energy production, to trillions upon trillions in wasteful spending — none of it’s a mistake. In fact, it’s all part of the left’s grand plan.

And as President Biden and the Democrats’ irresponsible, anti-American policies create one crisis after the next for hardworking American families to deal with, they’re also busy breaking our institutions in Washington.

Are Whites the 'Biggest Terror Threat in This Country'? - American Renaissance
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What??? The Trump Humpers are not going to give Uncle Joe any credit.
Joe is a black brother by his own words. But he lives as a privileged man a thousand times more than his true abilities on the backs of most people of all backgrounds. When globalism is completed, population reduction will occur. The ghettos will be near empty.
Joe is a black brother by his own words. But he lives as a privileged man a thousand times more than his true abilities on the backs of most people of all backgrounds. When globalism is completed, population reduction will occur. The ghettos will be near empty.
Joe is the typical privileged white man in America, spare me that black brother bullshit.
This was Biden's greatest and only success of his tenure.

And he didn't really do anything:yes_text12:
It's now as automatic as a jiffylub.For a Democrat to take
a bow and expect { more like Demand } some huge standing
ovation for what others or another actually did.
They { standard garden variety Democrat } Live for taking
credit while the first on the block to play the Blame Game
when anything political goes awry.
Notice Biden's use of words.Like " at my Direction " as far
as this latest hit.Biden can barely find the toilet paper dispenser
in a clean as a whistle Mens Room.The guy walks like he's about
to crap his pants.If anything he'd make a perfectly cast
Hollywood movie cantankerous curmudgeon with a bad habit
of pinching a nurses butt as she bends over.The only thing this Biden directs
is making sure his lips move.If that.Probably programmed with some
space frontier technology to act as a human AI Robot.
Not as bulky nor likeable as Robby the Robot.
You’re wrong, Trump is no longer in power.
Wouldn't know it by his continued huge crowds wherever
and whenever he appears.Explain that simplest of phenomena.
Where this Biden was advised to Campaign in some basement.
If he did go out use some parking lot where his fans can honk
out approval from inside their cars.
I mean ,right thar ... a hilarious new Twilight Zone episode.
Them Martians must be having a real hoot.
Actually, the hellfire missiles they used is one that activates an extension of blades that spins before impact and slices the target up. There's no explosives to cause collateral damage to others.

The six-blade 'ninja missile' used to mince terrorists: CIA deployed two R9X Hellfires to shred Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri - a month after it was used to wipe out ISIS thug in Syria​

All well and good.But record the damn operation.
That is where the faked Bin Laden Raid was exposed.
Obama and Hillary we were told and shown a few WH photos
were watching in Live time in the Situation Room with staff
the operation.There was Never any video made available to back up that
claim.It took many months of questioning to find out whatever happened
to that Live Situation Room feed.Then the unravelling that the small
group of Seal Team 6 that snuck up into a small room where Bin Laden
was watching a small TV set hooked up to some Video player
using his hand to operate { he was left-handed not right-handed }.
That Seal Team had their Cam Helmuts turned off.So how did those
in the WH Situation room manage to view the Operation.
Where we were also told Obama was in charge of using the
Kill order code word " Geronimo ".
Plus there was NO 45 minute long firefight outside the cement
compound where Bin Laden was shown { cartoon fashion } using
an automatic AR-15 style weapon to protect one of the females
he was shielding.
According to reports, President Joe Biden, who was isolated with a rebound infection of COVID-19, authorized the strike against al-Zawahiri. Biden will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. EST Monday evening.
What for? He's sucking the Taliban's dick. Why would he kill his masters?
wonder how many children had to pay for this to get his afghan debacle off the front page of republicans as a campaign issue

bidens next trick will be to have the justice dept. round up a few ne'er-do-wells around the country and tell us he's now tough on crime
'Muslim EDUCATOR'?

'Nuff said about and enough time wasted on you / this topic.
These types of drone strikes, without regard for civilian casualties are always wrong. Under Bush and Obama thousands of innocent people were killed in such strikes.

Strike missions in enemy territory are always dangerous

Commando raids endanger our troops and innocent civilians
Bombing raids kill many innocents
Drone strikes are the most precise
Yeah that’s a tough call.

yes Mr President we can kill the leader of AQ.

Any Us lives at risk?

No, drone.

Welll gee this is a tough one.

At least Pres Obama had to weigh risking the SF guys. But even that was a relatively easy call given the magnitude of the tgt.
It is a very tough call to order a Drone strike on intelligence that is not 100 percent
Remind Me, what was the left's reaction when Trump assassinated a foreign national from Iran?
As I recall, the military assessment was the assassination would provoke a response from Iran with the potential of a dangerous escalation of an ongoing conflict. Because seen through the eyes of Iran this was like Tehran assassinating the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Very good.

Find and destroy all of America’s enemies – both foreign and domestic.
Did you say “very good” when trump took out SolemeinI, or were you wringing your hands with the Democrats who cried that Trump killed “an honored general”?

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