Folks. I give you the result of 5 generations of marxist education and the complete demoralization and contamination of our country.

You need to grasp the timeline of how this happened over several DECADES.

EVERYTHING that is happening is all part of it, not just the freaks on tic tok.

Your failure to notice or acknowledge it is also a symptom.

There is nothing to grasp, this is some random person on TicTock looking for their 15 min of fame and you all are giving to them.

Well done.

These people always existed, they just never had the platform they do now
More specifically, a job in the 'Wealth Creation (profits making)' Sector;
Not in the 'Wealth Redistribution (Guv'mint/taxpayer paid)' Sector.

I know right, how dare those military people and doctors and nurses at the VA be taking all the wealth from poor little old you.
I don't quote or surf the bowels of the Internet for Tik-Tok, YouTube, and Twitter vids that support the latest thing I should be outraged about.
Their just assholes with opinions...but if that's your be it. :)
Our movement into that direction is costing valuable resources to fight poverty and hunger. And even that has to be given new rules for better efficiency.
There is nothing to grasp, this is some random person on TicTock looking for their 15 min of fame and you all are giving to them.

Well done.

These people always existed, they just never had the platform they do now
Oh well, no use trying to communicate with you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies.
I know right, how dare those military people and doctors and nurses at the VA be taking all the wealth from poor little old you.
My issue is more with those whom present an elitist/superior attitude combined with the hubris of placing themselves upon a self-made pedestal, thumping their chest on how better they are then the rest of us.

Never-mind that some of us may have done our brief stint/time in such and then moved on to more lucrative/profitable/rewarding/gainful endeavors.

I'll admit that our Constitution supports the need for some element of such Public Employment.
Also that some may have found a niche where their talents and skills are best used/employed.

But there tends to be a near equal amount of those whom couldn't make-it outside of "institutional employ", whom fail to grasp or perform where productivity and profit of personal efforts would apply. Over the decades I've had to work with several whom just "couldn't get it" after time spent in Guv'mint employ.

That's my point of reference.

If you take offense, than guess which shoe fits.
"They are" = "They're"; not "Their".
What Orangecat was referring to.
I well aware of that..and even made reference to it in a following post.
Again...the point? You people are outraged by some asshole on social media posting an opinion..that just happens to align with yours. :)
Liberal Democrats don't realize how this started when hippies opposed our war efforts in Vietnam. That was when they started siding with the enemy.
Those "liberal hippies" were better friends to servicemen than the rest of the god fearing, war mongering wingers. Had the war mongers had their way, the body bags would have kept on coming. It was only because of those "liberal hippies" that the spotlight was shown brightly on the disaster that was Vietnam.
Those "liberal hippies" were better friends to servicemen than the rest of the god fearing, war mongering wingers. Had the war mongers had their way, the body bags would have kept on coming. It was only because of those "liberal hippies" that the spotlight was shown brightly on the disaster that was Vietnam.
Communists must be defeated regardless of location and regardless of cost.
There is nothing to grasp, this is some random person on TicTock looking for their 15 min of fame and you all are giving to them.

Well done.

These people always existed, they just never had the platform they do now
Only partially correct.
Yes; "These people always existed" but in much smaller numbers and influence until several decades ago, which is the theme of this thread. It started to grow and expand back in the 1930's (New Deal) but accelerated from the 1970s onward.

The 'platform' 'they now do' have has encompassed most of USA academia, most of USA Major Main-Stream Media (MSM), and too much of our major political Party apparatus. In short it has become greatly invasive and influential upon the Nation's mindset and political/administrative/economic systems has to become a parasitic and negative effect on our future Prosperity and Growth.

Our Nation now has a serious and deadly disease of "Wok-ism" which will be lethal unless exorcised and removed.

This is what some are saying you 'fail to grasp'. Perhaps because you are part of that problem?
I well aware of that..and even made reference to it in a following post.
Again...the point? You people are outraged by some asshole on social media posting an opinion..that just happens to align with yours. :)
If you are talking about that women interviewed with her "constellations determine gender(sex)" I DO NOT agree with her views.

However, after 50+ years of dealing with similar Leftists I find her views are too uncommon to such an ideology and mindset and my "outrage" is how much traction this non-sense/non-science gains among the Leftist ideology and their many social restructure agendas/justifications, now infesting our society's political, information(news), and education systems.
Constellations determine our gender. I mean we know what they are, and it wrapped up in this lost ignorant blue haired idiot.
It looks more and more like the only way to fix all the damage done by progressive marxist socialism is to start lining all the progs up like this scene with Javiar Bardeem:

If it is quick and painless enough for a cow, it has to be good enough for a Prog.
If you are talking about that women interviewed with her "constellations determine gender(sex)" I DO NOT agree with her views.

However, after 50+ years of dealing with similar Leftists I find her views are too uncommon to such an ideology and mindset and my "outrage" is how much traction this non-sense/non-science gains among the Leftist ideology and their many social restructure agendas/justifications, now infesting our society's political, information(news), and education systems.
Why do you care about what she thinks or says? Does it personally affect your daily existence? Or is it just something to keep you in a perpetual state of outrage?

It's like saying Mercury is in retrograde. After four decades of listening to people like this person say shit like this, I still have no idea what it means besides..."people do stupid shit".
Well, duh.
The 'platform' 'they now do' have has encompassed most of USA academia, most of USA Major Main-Stream Media (MSM), and too much of our major political Party apparatus.

The platform they have now is called the Internet, perhaps you have heard of it.

What this magical thing does it make it so that snowflakes like you can now see the rantings of some moron. These people always existed and always will, the only difference is that prior to the Net the only people that knew about them were their friends.
Why do you care about what she thinks or says? Does it personally affect your daily existence? Or is it just something to keep you in a perpetual state of outrage?

It's like saying Mercury is in retrograde. After four decades of listening to people like this person say shit like this, I still have no idea what it means besides..."people do stupid shit".
Well, duh.
From my post #2 of this thread;
A lot of Leftist think in similar derangement.
They are allowed to vote, and run for/hold office.
So clue why our nation is 'firetrucked'. "

She is typical of the ignorance and rigid mindset of those whom support agendas such as ACC/AGW and the greater question would be why do you support and endorse her and her opinions.*

*(HINT: By not connecting with content of my post #2 here you would imply you have no objection to her position and view of non-reality.)

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