Folks, it's already too late.

OK, so maybe I over estimated you when I said you were smarter than that. My mistake. But at least it sounds like you've given up on the fatuous, "it's all just free speech" nonsense.
Ha ha
Exactly. They are either dumb or have to play dumb.
It's the end goal. Everything else is just process. Smith is stretching the law knowing cum buckets like you will cheer him on.
Conspiracy charges, by their very nature, include communication. But on the second page of the federal indictment, in the third enumerated paragraph, the prosecution attempts to make clear that Trump is not being prosecuted for his repeated lies about a stolen election. He is being prosecuted for the efforts he made and the actions he took to operationalize his desire to overturn the election.
Keep what others are saying out of it. Concentrate on what I am saying.
I did. You still can’t tell us HOW it was done and why you are so fking incompetent, you couldn’t give the info to a lawyer of the gop state representative.
Because we aren't cheating SJW hack-twats like you and your ilk.
Really ? Trump faces 90 indictments and the gop admins outnumber the Dems over 300 to 2.. indictments.
The record books in criminality of the GOP is about to be shattered, again.
Nothing about the crimes Don committed in furtherance of his goal to reject the will of the voters who kicked his ass out of the WH is protected by the 1st A. If you had read the indictment you'd know that.
Well, if you believe in states rights, Trump needs to be kicked out of this country, one state at a time. We’re just starting with the donor states.
A FEW HUNDRED THOUSAND VOTES ? How was it done....tell us how it was done. A few 100 thousand votes ? Gee, the state’s caught repugnant voter fraud attempts, of just a few hundred, so you’re saying the GOP poll watchers and state gop officials are INCOMPETENT and could NOT come up with any evidence for 60 judges.
Tell us how it was done ! Done just say...”it was done”
TELL US HOW, then tell us why you didn’t give the info to the state gop poll watchers.

Harvesting mail in ballots and shitty signature verification.
OK, so maybe I over estimated you when I said you were smarter than that. My mistake. But at least it sounds like you've given up on the fatuous, "it's all just free speech" nonsense.

Saying he thought the election was fraudulent still is, and all this is trying to punish him for that, just good old end runs.
Conspiracy charges, by their very nature, include communication. But on the second page of the federal indictment, in the third enumerated paragraph, the prosecution attempts to make clear that Trump is not being prosecuted for his repeated lies about a stolen election. He is being prosecuted for the efforts he made and the actions he took to operationalize his desire to overturn the election.

Spamming bullshit links doesn't help your cause.
Spamming bullshit links doesn't help your cause.
That would be true if that's what I did. But I didn't. Nowhere in Smith's indictment is there a charge pertaining to free speech. None.

Conspiracy is the communication between two or more people that indicates the intention to commit a crime. The indictment is grounded in the long-standing constitutional principle that simply because speech or communication is part of a transaction does not automatically imbue the transaction with constitutional protection. The First Amendment does not and was never intended to protect criminal activity or all behaviors intended to communicate.

Indeed, the indictment is nothing short of surgical. It focuses on language to procure criminal conduct. The indictment describes behavior that evidences an agreement to defraud the U.S. by obstructing the collecting, the counting, and the certification of the results of a federal election; to obstruct the certification of the election by Congress and the fulfillment of that agreement; and an agreement to violate rights, by threats and intimidation that are guaranteed by the Constitution — in this case, the right to vote.
That would be true if that's what I did. But I didn't. Nowhere in Smith's indictment is there a charge pertaining to free speech. None.

Conspiracy is the communication between two or more people that indicates the intention to commit a crime. The indictment is grounded in the long-standing constitutional principle that simply because speech or communication is part of a transaction does not automatically imbue the transaction with constitutional protection. The First Amendment does not and was never intended to protect criminal activity or all behaviors intended to communicate.

Indeed, the indictment is nothing short of surgical. It focuses on language to procure criminal conduct. The indictment describes behavior that evidences an agreement to defraud the U.S. by obstructing the collecting, the counting, and the certification of the results of a federal election; to obstruct the certification of the election by Congress and the fulfillment of that agreement; and an agreement to violate rights, by threats and intimidation that are guaranteed by the Constitution — in this case, the right to vote.

Do you get the concept of an "end run"?

"language to procure criminal conduct"

That's speech you fucking dunderhead.
Do you get the concept of an "end run"?

"language to procure criminal conduct"

That's speech you fucking dunderhead.
The First Amendment does not and was never intended to protect criminal activity or all behaviors intended to communicate.
90 indictments for 1 "crime"

Being Trump.
Nope. 90 indictments for 90 crimes. He‘s a record setter. Not unusual though. The you’d think NRA only hires convicted felons. So if Trump can’t be president, he can always apply for president of the NRA.
Harvesting mail in ballots and shitty signature verification.
Shitty signature verification ? Wow, you never registered to vote. Have you ? YOU… Must think it’s real easy to guess the information and signature on an absentee ballot to match that of another's PREVIOUS voter registration.….and if you’re wrong and caught, you could go to jail for five years. Are you that gullible or did you just forget to turn your made up shit evidence over to the local election board gop reps ? The judges laughed at Trump like we laugh at you now.
Be sure to include “ shitty signature validation” in your evidence. All that, to fraudulently cast just one vote. Can you guess the signatures of hundreds of thousands that have to match hundreds of thousands of registrations ? I think not. Your bogus claims are as idiotic as the rest of your posts.
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Nope. 90 indictments for 90 crimes. He‘s a record setter. Not unusual though. The you’d think NRA only hires convicted felons. So if Trump can’t be president, he can always apply for president of the NRA.

You fell for the prosecutor trick of making each part of a supposed crime another crime.

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