Folks, it's already too late.

You mean the kind who would storm the Capital and violently attack police officers because they had been convinced folks like Ruby Freeman stole the election?

No the kind that thinks women can have penises and only people on the right riot, lefties always "protest peacefully"

The old Lefty mantra "Your speech is violence, our violence is speech"
No the kind that thinks women can have penises and only people on the right riot, lefties always "protest peacefully"

The old Lefty mantra "Your speech is violence, our violence is speech"
Do you think Trump's plot to overthrow the government was protected by free speech? Are you that much of a useful idiot?
Oooh a random link?

Not happening.
Not wanting to read about the charges Smith is bringing against Don does not surprise me. Rock on.

At the heart of our differences is we live in a country with two opposing information networks. One says the election was stolen from Trump, Biden is a pedophile, and there is a massive conspiracy among federal workers called the deep state organized to engage in nefarious acts. The other is based in reality.
The gulf between left and right has been growing long before trump came along
As I said, there is no common ground between us

And little chance of ever finding common ground again

That's because fascists, like dagosa here, are hellbent on destroying this country.

There is no way forward with them. They want death and destruction.

They will get what they want.
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.
First of all, let this sink in; the CIA / FBI created and controls the left including every single agency / government in the USA. There is no formidable group of power that they do not control in the USA. THE C I A IS IN FACT THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT OF THE USA.

The current fight is not about Republicans / Democrats / Black / White etc,,, it is about a Cabal of International TechnoFascist Plutocrats vs Constitutional Nationalists. The goal is to usher in the 17 development goals of Agenda 2030 and later, full implementation of Agenda 2050 AKA NEW WORLD ORDER; an Orwellian dictatorship currently playing out in China.

You probably think that your actions will help to usher in some UTOPIAN DREAM WORLD,,,,,,WRONG,,,this is what they have you believing, but rest assured that ONCE THEY TAKE TOTAL POWER,,,,YOU WILL BE LINED UP AND SHOT. Why ??? because YOU ARE A DISRUPTER and your job is to DESTABILIZE the existing order. Once they assume control, THEY WILL DO AWAY WITH THE DISRUPTERS because what will be needed is STABILITY and STABILIZERS. This has happened after every Communist revolution.

THE TRUE PURPOSE OF THE NWO IS TO SECURE THE FINANCIAL POWER AND STATUS OF THE DYNASTIC ROYAL FAMILIES AROUND THE GLOBE. Technology has evolved to the point that even emerging nations could cause major harm to the global monetary system and thus the ruling royals. This is why they are always on both sides of any conflict.

If you are on Left, you are unknowingly working for the Fascist Plutocrats and their NWO; TRUMP IS A THREAT TO THIS FASCIST TAKEOVER and they just mentioned it in their major publication "The Economist".


For the record, I think Hunter selling paintings worth more than Picaso paintings to Chines oligarchs is legit.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Your puerile fascination with Hunter has reached heights not seen since Jared was licking MBS's nuts for seed money to start his fund.

First of all, let this sink in; the CIA / FBI created and controls the left including every single agency / government in the USA. There is no formidable group of power that they do not control in the USA. THE C I A IS IN FACT THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT OF THE USA.
Sorry, lunacy of this magnitude can't be addressed. You are too far gone.
So, you’ve never vote or registered to vote or voted absentee. Too busy whining ?

Always in person, every election. It's called putting my money where my Mouth is.

Also I vote in NY, so most elections my vote is worthless.
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.

LOL, from the guy who keeps repeating Hillary's Russia, Russia, Russia lie three years after it was proven a lie. Thanks, Mr. Russia, Russia, Russia liar
Always in person, every election. It's called putting my money where my Mouth is.

Also I vote in NY, so most elections my vote is worthless.
An absentee is what ? Not valid ? Tell that to all the service men and women and confined persons…..
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I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.

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