Folks, it's already too late.

I didn't trust the results of the election the very minute the results came out.
Trump had nothing to do with that.

Until we have verified voter ID, I never will trust election results.
We do. It has worked for decades and very few people even try to organize voter fraud. It’s called, VOTER REGISTRATION. Sound like you don’t even vote or know how votes are counted.
Every public opinion poll showed Trump losing to Biden. The courts, full of Republican appointees, agreed, including the Supreme Court.
I'm speaking to my fellow progressives when I make this observation.

It is painfully apparent the unfounded, as I write this, allegations of corruption made about Joe Biden with respect to his son are now permanently part of the conservative lexicon. No amount of refutation has in any way diminished their blind devotion to it. They're all in.

This phenomenon is hardly unique. We see other examples of it all the time. Everything from bamboo in the ballots to Fast and Furious to Crossfire Hurricane to "Obama is a Muslim" and everything in between. Endless posts with irrefutable factual content laying to waste the falsehoods they've adopted break like waves on a seawall. Their beliefs are as impenetrable as they are intransigent.

I don't believe progressives have cornered the market on the truth. Nor do I believe everything that is part of the liberal lexicon is wholly, factually, accurate. But I can find no liberal equivalence to the pervasive belief on the part of Repubs in the Big Lie. Or the extent to which conspiracy theories are central to their narratives.
Nearly 700 days later, most Republicans still believe Trump’s big lie

What can be done? Persist. Persist in the hope that even if they can not bring themselves to admit it on this forum they will come to know the facts. Persist in the hope we can someday have constructive conversations over issues with which we disagree without having to argue about the color of the sky. Persist in the hope we can eventually move past the vitriol and work, TOGETHER, to address the nation's very consequential problems. IMO, Repubs have lost their way. We must remain hopeful they will find it again or all is lost.
Thanks for admitting voter fraud has happened. Now that we know that, we need recounts and audits.
Yup, and voter registration matching caught the Republicans. Dufus, the recounting of suspected fraudulent ballots ALREADY TAKES place. Why dumbo, would you recount every ballot that matches the information on a voter registration form ? Geesus, have you ever registered then voted in your life ? Are you an alien ? You didn’t know that voter fraud carries severe fines and possible imprisonment already ? That’s why you republican fraudsters get’re stupid criminals.
Until we have verified voter ID, I never will trust election results.
Then Trump has achieved his goal of undermining the legitimacy of our elections despite heightened scrutiny revealing virtually no voter fraud. IOW, he has persuaded you to question reality.
Because Jack Smith is a SJW reichsprosekutor, and he found a SJW grand jury of political lemmings.
There, there, of course he did. It's all a grand conspiracy. Everyone is in on it.

Then Trump has achieved his goal of undermining the legitimacy of our elections despite heightened scrutiny revealing virtually no voter fraud. IOW, he has persuaded you to question reality.
Nothing but GASLIGHT THEATRE from you.

Unless they win, of course.
It's a theoretical possibility. But I think too many middle of the road voters will hold their noses and vote for Biden. The alternative is too horrific to consider.
Then Trump has achieved his goal of undermining the legitimacy of our elections despite heightened scrutiny revealing virtually no voter fraud. IOW, he has persuaded you to question reality.
Never trusted elected officials or the election system long before Trump.
Both parties have been corrupted for decades.
Never trusted elected officials long before Trump.
Both parties have been corrupted for decades.'ve had difficulty accepting reality for longer than I thought. My mistake.

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