Folks...the police aren't f**king around


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
We need to realize something folks. The era of touchy-feely "community policing" is nearing its end. Violence against police has been on the rise for over a decade now. The 30 year push for a softer, kinder gentler police force did some good, but also caused a lot of people (bad guys mostly) to lose respect for police.

And we have a new generation of cops. Many are veterans of our 14 years of warfare in the Middle East. Its the "me generation" also. They aren't into ass kissing.

And the modern police simply aren't fucking around. Just follow the law. And if you don't...just comply. Don't bow up to them. DONT try to assault them. Just comply. If you think you are in the right, then get a lawyer. If a cops tells you to leave an area, just leave. If they say stop, just stop. Its so simple.

I don't think the cops are evil people. I'd say 99% are decent people with a hard job.

But they are NOT playing games. The Andy Griffith era is over, for better or worse.

But, that said, American cities aren't exactly Mayberry anymore either. I think a lot of the new turn of police tactics is more of a response to the past decades worth of ambushes on cops and violence against them.

Interesting times we live in for sure.
Legalize weed and watch as sympathy and respect for police officers subsequently skyrockets
Folks...the police aren't f**king around

We know that. They need retrained or fired.

They stopped and contained a large riot full of looting, flaming maltov cocktails, and some guns. And they did it without a single death or serious injury on either side.

It may not have been pretty, but the accomplished the objective pretty damn successfully.
We need to realize something folks. The era of touchy-feely "community policing" is nearing its end. Violence against police has been on the rise for over a decade now.

Because police corruption and thuggery against the citizenry has been on the rise for longer. Apparently, a lot of the public isn't fucking around anymore either. It was just a matter of time something like Ferguson unfolded.
It's about time, the police have been on the defense for too long
I am still unclear why the young man was there or what events he was party to prior to the shooting. The parents seem very reasonable and caring. The police have seemed rather aggressive all the way through. The protestors have gotten out of hand more than once, are these the type of people the police have to deal with day in and day out?
We need to realize something folks. The era of touchy-feely "community policing" is nearing its end. Violence against police has been on the rise for over a decade now. The 30 year push for a softer, kinder gentler police force did some good, but also caused a lot of people (bad guys mostly) to lose respect for police.

And we have a new generation of cops. Many are veterans of our 14 years of warfare in the Middle East. Its the "me generation" also. They aren't into ass kissing.

And the modern police simply aren't fucking around. Just follow the law. And if you don't...just comply. Don't bow up to them. DONT try to assault them. Just comply. If you think you are in the right, then get a lawyer. If a cops tells you to leave an area, just leave. If they say stop, just stop. Its so simple.

I don't think the cops are evil people. I'd say 99% are decent people with a hard job.

But they are NOT playing games. The Andy Griffith era is over, for better or worse.

But, that said, American cities aren't exactly Mayberry anymore either. I think a lot of the new turn of police tactics is more of a response to the past decades worth of ambushes on cops and violence against them.

Interesting times we live in for sure.

Your entire attitude is the problem and it's a good thing you aren't a cop anymore because it's your era that needs to end.

This is What Good Cops Do. MSHP Captain Marches with Protesters in Ferguson. Riots Come to a Halt | The Free Thought Project
We need to realize something folks. The era of touchy-feely "community policing" is nearing its end. Violence against police has been on the rise for over a decade now. The 30 year push for a softer, kinder gentler police force did some good, but also caused a lot of people (bad guys mostly) to lose respect for police.

And we have a new generation of cops. Many are veterans of our 14 years of warfare in the Middle East. Its the "me generation" also. They aren't into ass kissing.

And the modern police simply aren't fucking around. Just follow the law. And if you don't...just comply. Don't bow up to them. DONT try to assault them. Just comply. If you think you are in the right, then get a lawyer. If a cops tells you to leave an area, just leave. If they say stop, just stop. Its so simple.

I don't think the cops are evil people. I'd say 99% are decent people with a hard job.

But they are NOT playing games. The Andy Griffith era is over, for better or worse.

But, that said, American cities aren't exactly Mayberry anymore either. I think a lot of the new turn of police tactics is more of a response to the past decades worth of ambushes on cops and violence against them.

Interesting times we live in for sure.

Statistics fail. Violence against the Polizei is NOT on the rise. The opposite is true.
People often lose sight of the fact that although being a policeman is inherently dangerous, police are not obliged to voluntarily endanger themselves or to "fight fair." If you - as a policeman - make it a practice to go into inordinately dangerous situations with regularity, then you will surely die before retiring.

This is why police do not respond proportionately to threats: They respond extremely DISproportionately to eliminate the threat as quickly and thoroughly as possible. If they don't do that as a normal and regular practice, then sooner or later they will pay the price for this unnecessary risk-taking.

So you can argue with a cop if you want to, but if he perceives you as a physical threat he is likely to react with extreme violence. Do what he tells you, and THEN argue.

Any "Black" parent who neglects to school his or her children on these simple principles is doing that child an extreme disservice.
We need to realize something folks. The era of touchy-feely "community policing" is nearing its end. Violence against police has been on the rise for over a decade now. The 30 year push for a softer, kinder gentler police force did some good, but also caused a lot of people (bad guys mostly) to lose respect for police.

And we have a new generation of cops. Many are veterans of our 14 years of warfare in the Middle East. Its the "me generation" also. They aren't into ass kissing.

And the modern police simply aren't fucking around. Just follow the law. And if you don't...just comply. Don't bow up to them. DONT try to assault them. Just comply. If you think you are in the right, then get a lawyer. If a cops tells you to leave an area, just leave. If they say stop, just stop. Its so simple.

I don't think the cops are evil people. I'd say 99% are decent people with a hard job.

But they are NOT playing games. The Andy Griffith era is over, for better or worse.

But, that said, American cities aren't exactly Mayberry anymore either. I think a lot of the new turn of police tactics is more of a response to the past decades worth of ambushes on cops and violence against them.

Interesting times we live in for sure.

Absolutely false. Violence against police officers is not on the rise. Generally it's been declining over the last two decades.

Police Fatality Statistics Show 2012 On Pace To Be Safest Year For Police In 60 Years Radley Balko
Is Violence Against Cops Really Increasing Cop Block
People often lose sight of the fact that although being a policeman is inherently dangerous, police are not obliged to voluntarily endanger themselves or to "fight fair." If you - as a policeman - make it a practice to go into inordinately dangerous situations with regularity, then you will surely die before retiring.

This is why police do not respond proportionately to threats: They respond extremely DISproportionately to eliminate the threat as quickly and thoroughly as possible. If they don't do that as a normal and regular practice, then sooner or later they will pay the price for this unnecessary risk-taking.

So you can argue with a cop if you want to, but if he perceives you as a physical threat he is likely to react with extreme violence. Do what he tells you, and THEN argue.

Any "Black" parent who neglects to school his or her children on these simple principles is doing that child an extreme disservice.

So, what you're saying is, for the health and safety of black people, it is best if they immediately comply to any officer's commands, and shut the fuck up.

I agree, sadly.
We need to realize something folks. The era of touchy-feely "community policing" is nearing its end. Violence against police has been on the rise for over a decade now. The 30 year push for a softer, kinder gentler police force did some good, but also caused a lot of people (bad guys mostly) to lose respect for police.

And we have a new generation of cops. Many are veterans of our 14 years of warfare in the Middle East. Its the "me generation" also. They aren't into ass kissing.

And the modern police simply aren't fucking around. Just follow the law. And if you don't...just comply. Don't bow up to them. DONT try to assault them. Just comply. If you think you are in the right, then get a lawyer. If a cops tells you to leave an area, just leave. If they say stop, just stop. Its so simple.

I don't think the cops are evil people. I'd say 99% are decent people with a hard job.

But they are NOT playing games. The Andy Griffith era is over, for better or worse.

But, that said, American cities aren't exactly Mayberry anymore either. I think a lot of the new turn of police tactics is more of a response to the past decades worth of ambushes on cops and violence against them.

Interesting times we live in for sure.

The Andy Griffith era may be over, but the times are ALWAYS right for disciplined, dedicated men and women warriors in blue who protect and serve.

Adam 12 is timeless.

"Gus Corbin"

This episode features a rookie cop riding with Reed. Gus Corbin is played by a very young Mark Harmon (NCIS; Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs).

THE Cadillac of Cop shows.

If you HATE the police, you will love Adam 12 officers Reed and Malloy.

They do it by the book, with humor, humanity and common sense.

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