Follow The Lead Of Those Who Have Already Been / Lived Where Democrats Want ToTake The Country

One of the reasons I've always said, Trump has to make it about the economy if he wants to win the election. Capitalism vs socialism, America First vs China First. Let citizens know, we want government out of your business, not the other way around.
Cubans also have a hard time supporting Leftards as well. As this Cuban immigrant explains, 90 miles away they are living in squalor, eating garbage, people telling them what to do.

No way they would want Sleepy Joe telling them what to do.


New Law:

ONLY Venezuelan-Americans should be allowed to vote in November.

10 out of 10 Americans who escaped Socialist hell holes the likes of which Biden and Democrats want to change America into say 'VOTE FOR TRUMP-...

The reason Democrats do not want World History to be taught to American children is to withhold the lessons of the past from them, how Socialist countries were brutal, oppressive hell holes, almost all of which economically followed by physically collapsed, and how the #1 destination due to freedom for those who escaped was / is the United States...

Those who escaped those hell holes are now looking in disbelief at us being dragged down the same road by the treasonous, oppressive, criminal, failed coup-conspiring Democrats.

Our education system, taken over by the likes of domestic terrorist Obama buddy Bill Ayers and run by flaming Socialist Libtards, who turned classrooms / schools into indoctrination camps instead of institutions of higher learning, is to well as parents who embraced a hands-off approach to let the Federal Govt raise their kids.

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