Follow The Money

Why the payout to such a well-connected and incredibly lucky group as Silverstein & Co. should be seen as evidence of anything other than business as usual (I.E. deeply seeded corruption across the board) is completely beyond me, but since we're following the money...



...we might as well follow the trail to its logical end: indisputable foreknowledge.
The 9/11 Commission conceded: “some unusual trading did in fact occur, but such trade proved to have an innocuous explanation. [...] A single U.S. based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al Qaeda purchased 95% of the UAL puts on September 6 as part of a trading strategy that also included buying 115,000 shares of American on September 10.” (Pg. 499, footnote 130) -- Emphasis mine.

So, not only did the official explanation completely ignore the S&P 500 index put options and the options on large corporations other than UAL and AA, it also failed to identify the purchaser involved in the transactions it did address.

No matter what you believe about the events of 9/11/01, this issue can't be overlooked or discounted as a 'conspiracy theory'. The "unusual trading" definitely happened in the days leading up to the attacks (on a much larger scale than officially acknowledged); and the players with apparent foreknowledge of 9/11 are yet to be publicly identified and called on the carpet.
Toward eliminating ANY excuse for the 9/11 Commission's failure to address the other put options, check out the following vid from 1:37 onward:

[ame=]ABC 9/11 Insider Trading & Foreknowledge 9/20/01 - YouTube[/ame]

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