Food Doesn't Grow Here Anymore

Today, child trafficking, drug running, cartel business and human smuggling account for a large percentage of immigration into the US.
It's not the innocent escape from brutality you think it is. the rest are mostly coming here to live the American Dream, at the expense of US taxpayers.

Secondly, "global climate change" is unproven. And even if it was, it will affect the USA's ability to grow food as well, making the situation here even worse for American citizens.

Your Op is a farce.

I trimmed your post to highlight the abolute BULLSHIT, which is in your post. Child trafficking is rare and really ISN'T involved in immigration because it is so difficult to get a child which isn't yours across the border. I say this as someone who has had to do legal paperwork for people who aren't biologically related, to take children across the border for vacations or family matters.

Close to 1 million people immigrate to the United States. The crimes you speak of are seldom seen. I realize that you asshats like to make shit up to make it appear that immigration isn't a positive thing, but the USA is nation of immigrants. Always has been, and always will be.

Climate change has been proven in spades. Every single study, every single research paper. Only convservative idiots are in denial. Scientists have been clear about it for decades.

Look out the window idiot. When I was a child we had snow on the ground all winter, every winter. Now having snow on the ground is a rarity. My granchildren don't even own sleds of or tobaggans. I could live without A/C when I was younger, but no longer.

What pure bullshit. You've been caught lying more than Bill Clinton has.

Go fuck yourself.

". The International Labor Organization estimates that there are 20.9 million victims of human trafficking globally, including 5.5 million children. Every year 300,000 children are taken worldwide and sold by human traffickers as slaves. 17,000 of those children are in the United States. That is 46 children every day. "

What is Child Trafficking? | ERASE Child Trafficking #HelpERASE
Climate change? Yes, the democrats are the party of fake science or no science at all! We produce more food now than ever before. Countries that never produced food now produce food. Climate Change? There is no Climate Change. The warming we have seen grows more food, I am sure someone has already stated that. More CO2, that results in more food. The party of "science", the dumbocrats, don't know that plants need CO2 to live and that the more CO2 they have, the more they grow. More heat, less winter, also means we have longer growing seasons. But all that is just the weather, which is colder today than it was yesterday. You know what else is good for food, Hurricanes!
That is why so many people are coming north. They are starving because food doesn't grow there anymore. Which is a result of global climate change. Drought has destroyed their farming industry. People are dying from starvation. Add into that the gangs and violence.

I'm the grandchild of 2 immigrants. They were fleeing a genocide by the Ottoman Empire. My grandparents had no choice. Either leave their home or stay and die. Three brothers were sent to America. One of them was my grandfather. They were the only ones to survive the genocide. My dad was the only person who could carry on my family name. My mom had to have 4 kids just to have a son. The 4th was a boy and she went from the delivery room to the OR to get her tubes tied. There's one male born in this latest generation. He, like my dad and my brother, will be the only person who can carry on our family name.

People are doing what our ancestors and all who came here before us did, just doing all they can to stay alive.

Opinion | ‘Food Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore. That’s Why I Would Send My Son North.’

How much of your own money did you give to starving illegals this month, my guess is $0.00 :icon_rolleyes:
Today, child trafficking, drug running, cartel business and human smuggling account for a large percentage of immigration into the US.
It's not the innocent escape from brutality you think it is. the rest are mostly coming here to live the American Dream, at the expense of US taxpayers.

Secondly, "global climate change" is unproven. And even if it was, it will affect the USA's ability to grow food as well, making the situation here even worse for American citizens.

Your Op is a farce.

I trimmed your post to highlight the abolute BULLSHIT, which is in your post. Child trafficking is rare and really ISN'T involved in immigration because it is so difficult to get a child which isn't yours across the border. I say this as someone who has had to do legal paperwork for people who aren't biologically related, to take children across the border for vacations or family matters.

Close to 1 million people immigrate to the United States. The crimes you speak of are seldom seen. I realize that you asshats like to make shit up to make it appear that immigration isn't a positive thing, but the USA is nation of immigrants. Always has been, and always will be.

Climate change has been proven in spades. Every single study, every single research paper. Only convservative idiots are in denial. Scientists have been clear about it for decades.

Look out the window idiot. When I was a child we had snow on the ground all winter, every winter. Now having snow on the ground is a rarity. My granchildren don't even own sleds of or tobaggans. I could live without A/C when I was younger, but no longer.

Maybe that's because when you were younger not everybody had AC and you just adapted like most humans and animals.

The last two winters have been great here in Cleveland. I only used my snowblower about two or three times each of the seasons. However as I posted earlier, it's tough finding a nice day with all the rain and much cooler temperatures than normal.

What the environmental freaks would do is point to our mild winters, and totally ignore the data for our cooler spring and summer. It's ignored because it doesn't promote their political agenda.

List of scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Wikipedia
I trimmed your post to highlight the abolute BULLSHIT, which is in your post. Child trafficking is rare and really ISN'T involved in immigration because it is so difficult to get a child which isn't yours across the border. I say this as someone who has had to do legal paperwork for people who aren't biologically related, to take children across the border for vacations or family matters.

Close to 1 million people immigrate to the United States. The crimes you speak of are seldom seen. I realize that you asshats like to make shit up to make it appear that immigration isn't a positive thing, but the USA is nation of immigrants. Always has been, and always will be.

Climate change has been proven in spades. Every single study, every single research paper. Only convservative idiots are in denial. Scientists have been clear about it for decades.

Look out the window idiot. When I was a child we had snow on the ground all winter, every winter. Now having snow on the ground is a rarity. My granchildren don't even own sleds of or tobaggans. I could live without A/C when I was younger, but no longer.

Well, let's see.....
In this post alone you called me ""Asshat", "Conservative idiot", and (non-conservative?) Idiot"

That was quite a lengthy post considering you felt you were talking to such an Asshat idiot.......does that make sense? just sayin.
(notice how short my reply is) ;)

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