Food Doesn't Grow Here Anymore

Famines are a regular cyclic event in nature....remember the potato famine in Ireland? How about the dustbowl days in Oklahoma? We've had drought here in the southwest for the last decade. I can remember dry summers up in Michigan in the 50's and 60's. There is no "global warming"...only weather patterns that we can only guess at because weather has been happening for millions of year and we've only been able to measure it for a couple hundred years.
"There are other factors as well, and the despair also reflects a marginalization of Mayan communities that goes back hundreds of years, presided over in the capital by an incompetent kleptocracy. But climate change is aggravating the desperation."

I mean I feel bad for them, but not because of climate change induced food shortages.
Climate change is a con. The cult has blamed it for everything from hurricanes to tooth decay.
"There are other factors as well, and the despair also reflects a marginalization of Mayan communities that goes back hundreds of years, presided over in the capital by an incompetent kleptocracy. But climate change is aggravating the desperation."

I mean I feel bad for them, but not because of climate change induced food shortages.
There are no climate change induced food shortages, jackass.
Unknowingly satanic Catholic trash never follows the rule........because they aren't permitted to read and can't afford a bible.
I never had any problems.
The Sabbatical Year
…For six years you may sow your field and prune your vineyard and gather its crops. But in the seventh year there shall be a Sabbath of complete rest for the land— a Sabbath to the LORD. You are not to sow your field or prune your vineyard. You are not to reap the aftergrowth of your harvest or gather the grapes of your untended vines. The land must have a year of complete rest.…
Famines are a regular cyclic event in nature....remember the potato famine in Ireland? How about the dustbowl days in Oklahoma? We've had drought here in the southwest for the last decade. I can remember dry summers up in Michigan in the 50's and 60's. There is no "global warming"...only weather patterns that we can only guess at because weather has been happening for millions of year and we've only been able to measure it for a couple hundred years.

Our global warming only started about two weeks ago. Other than that, mostly cold days, and our lake (Lake Erie) is way above average depth. Since the spring started, it's been raining here 5 out of 7 days a week. I would be happy never to see the stuff for at least two weeks. But it's going to rain again on Sunday.

So I'm going to take a nap, get up and fix the lawn tractor for tomorrow. If the grass isn't too wet (still) I may be able to get some yard work done for a change.
NY Times.
Probably a piece meant to make more Americans sympathetic to mass immigration.

No thanks, they need to stay, have fewer kids, and work with what they have.

And that's all it's about. They are thinking of every excuse to usher these vagrants into our country diseased and all.

If food is really the problem in these countries, the solution is simple: we'll send them food if they promise to stay away from here.
That is why so many people are coming north. They are starving because food doesn't grow there anymore. Which is a result of global climate change. Drought has destroyed their farming industry. People are dying from starvation. Add into that the gangs and violence.
1. Droughts have existed as long as humans have been farming (long before fossil fuels).
2. Here's a concept---IRRIGATION!!!
3. To fix the alleged "climate change" problem, we need to kill 6 billion people. We'll start with those who think there's a problem.

That is why so many people are coming north. They are starving because food doesn't grow there anymore. Which is a result of global climate change. Drought has destroyed their farming industry. People are dying from starvation. Add into that the gangs and violence.
1. Droughts have existed as long as humans have been farming (long before fossil fuels).
2. Here's a concept---IRRIGATION!!!
3. To fix the alleged "climate change" problem, we need to kill 6 billion people. We'll start with those who think there's a problem.

Heck, the graph I posted shows it was based on a falsehood, anyway.
That is why so many people are coming north. They are starving because food doesn't grow there anymore. Which is a result of global climate change. Drought has destroyed their farming industry. People are dying from starvation. Add into that the gangs and violence.

I'm the grandchild of 2 immigrants. They were fleeing a genocide by the Ottoman Empire. My grandparents had no choice. Either leave their home or stay and die. Three brothers were sent to America. One of them was my grandfather. They were the only ones to survive the genocide. My dad was the only person who could carry on my family name. My mom had to have 4 kids just to have a son. The 4th was a boy and she went from the delivery room to the OR to get her tubes tied. There's one male born in this latest generation. He, like my dad and my brother, will be the only person who can carry on our family name.

People are doing what our ancestors and all who came here before us did, just doing all they can to stay alive.

Opinion | ‘Food Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore. That’s Why I Would Send My Son North.’
The origins of the Syria Civil war too....drought, fields won't going to the jobs...unrest...and boom!
That is why so many people are coming north. They are starving because food doesn't grow there anymore. Which is a result of global climate change. Drought has destroyed their farming industry. People are dying from starvation. Add into that the gangs and violence.

I'm the grandchild of 2 immigrants. They were fleeing a genocide by the Ottoman Empire. My grandparents had no choice. Either leave their home or stay and die. Three brothers were sent to America. One of them was my grandfather. They were the only ones to survive the genocide. My dad was the only person who could carry on my family name. My mom had to have 4 kids just to have a son. The 4th was a boy and she went from the delivery room to the OR to get her tubes tied. There's one male born in this latest generation. He, like my dad and my brother, will be the only person who can carry on our family name.

People are doing what our ancestors and all who came here before us did, just doing all they can to stay alive.

Opinion | ‘Food Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore. That’s Why I Would Send My Son North.’

Maybe God is trying to kill them off! Ever think of that?

People in other countries starving is as old as I am. I went to a Catholic school and remember drives to raise money for hungry kids overseas.
That is why so many people are coming north. They are starving because food doesn't grow there anymore. Which is a result of global climate change. Drought has destroyed their farming industry. People are dying from starvation. Add into that the gangs and violence.

I'm the grandchild of 2 immigrants. They were fleeing a genocide by the Ottoman Empire. My grandparents had no choice. Either leave their home or stay and die. Three brothers were sent to America. One of them was my grandfather. They were the only ones to survive the genocide. My dad was the only person who could carry on my family name. My mom had to have 4 kids just to have a son. The 4th was a boy and she went from the delivery room to the OR to get her tubes tied. There's one male born in this latest generation. He, like my dad and my brother, will be the only person who can carry on our family name.

People are doing what our ancestors and all who came here before us did, just doing all they can to stay alive.

Opinion | ‘Food Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore. That’s Why I Would Send My Son North.’

How do you feel about Turks?
So are Americans, when they protect THEIR BORDER.

In case you didn't know....immigration today is NOTHING like it was back then.
The world has changed.

Today, child trafficking, drug running, cartel business and human smuggling account for a large percentage of immigration into the US.
It's not the innocent escape from brutality you think it is. the rest are mostly coming here to live the American Dream, at the expense of US taxpayers.

Secondly, "global climate change" is unproven. And even if it was, it will affect the USA's ability to grow food as well, making the situation here even worse for American citizens.

Your Op is a farce.
We need lands to ship "minor league immigrants to". Puerto Rico could be the first-after learning English, Civics and a trade, they could apply to the mainland. It would give ICE a place to put the millions they are going to catch. Next area would be in Alaska backwoods. What do YOU think?
Today, child trafficking, drug running, cartel business and human smuggling account for a large percentage of immigration into the US.
It's not the innocent escape from brutality you think it is. the rest are mostly coming here to live the American Dream, at the expense of US taxpayers.

Secondly, "global climate change" is unproven. And even if it was, it will affect the USA's ability to grow food as well, making the situation here even worse for American citizens.

Your Op is a farce.

I trimmed your post to highlight the abolute BULLSHIT, which is in your post. Child trafficking is rare and really ISN'T involved in immigration because it is so difficult to get a child which isn't yours across the border. I say this as someone who has had to do legal paperwork for people who aren't biologically related, to take children across the border for vacations or family matters.

Close to 1 million people immigrate to the United States. The crimes you speak of are seldom seen. I realize that you asshats like to make shit up to make it appear that immigration isn't a positive thing, but the USA is nation of immigrants. Always has been, and always will be.

Climate change has been proven in spades. Every single study, every single research paper. Only convservative idiots are in denial. Scientists have been clear about it for decades.

Look out the window idiot. When I was a child we had snow on the ground all winter, every winter. Now having snow on the ground is a rarity. My granchildren don't even own sleds of or tobaggans. I could live without A/C when I was younger, but no longer.
I live in the Sonoran Desert. When I first came to Phoenix (Tempe) in April, '74 they told me to come back from Colorado in October when it was nice....and I did. So my first winter here was a mind-blower being from Michigan and a couple years in the Rockies. 65 degrees on Christmas Eve.....if we have to be in snow, Flagstaff is two hours north. When Spring came my business was up and running, I was making great money, the beer was cold, the women were other-worldly (forget California...Az women are gorgeous) and life was good. The summer was hot but not a Michigan hot with high humidity....then the monsoon rain came in July....cooled everything off and you could get by with just a swamp cooler for sleeping. And then everybody moved here. Now, we have thermal updrafts off the asphalt and buildings that block those cooling rains and hold in the pollution...we're a heat-island and it is getting worse. This is a DESERT same as California ten miles from the Pacific. And yet, this May was the most pleasant in my was like November. The global-warming schemers can't expaln this and refuse to try because they're full of shit.
Climate change has been proven in spades. Every single study, every single research paper. Only convservative idiots are in denial. Scientists have been clear about it for decades.

Look out the window idiot. When I was a child we had snow on the ground all winter, every winter. Now having snow on the ground is a rarity. My granchildren don't even own sleds of or tobaggans. I could live without A/C when I was younger, but no longer.
Bullshit. Contrary to popular belief, the CAGW hypothesis is the most controversial subject in science. There is no "consensus".

The climategate emails proved that the "scientists" spewing BS on the CAGW side are total frauds. Honest scientists don't hide inconvenient data.

And the reason you feel like you can't live without AC now, but could do without it when you were younger, is not because it is warmer, it is because you are older.

According to real science, young folks adapt to the heat better than the elderly.
One other thing.

Since the Earth's temperatures have started rising along with additional C02, food production is WAY up.

C02 causes food crops to absolutely THRIVE. Crops are being grown in places that could never grow anything.

Leftists are just fucking stupid. You really are.

Pathetically stupid.

And so gullible, you shouldn't be taught to read or allowed to watch TV. You're just too fucking stupid
It has been wet and cool here in the midwest and the gardens and crops are about six weeks behind so expect a smaller harvest this year.
Look it up for God's sakes instead of spouting Al Gore lies. Guatemala exported over a million tons of corn last year and almost a million tons of bananas.
That is why so many people are coming north. They are starving because food doesn't grow there anymore. Which is a result of global climate change. Drought has destroyed their farming industry. People are dying from starvation. Add into that the gangs and violence.

I'm the grandchild of 2 immigrants. They were fleeing a genocide by the Ottoman Empire. My grandparents had no choice. Either leave their home or stay and die. Three brothers were sent to America. One of them was my grandfather. They were the only ones to survive the genocide. My dad was the only person who could carry on my family name. My mom had to have 4 kids just to have a son. The 4th was a boy and she went from the delivery room to the OR to get her tubes tied. There's one male born in this latest generation. He, like my dad and my brother, will be the only person who can carry on our family name.

People are doing what our ancestors and all who came here before us did, just doing all they can to stay alive.

Opinion | ‘Food Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore. That’s Why I Would Send My Son North.’
My maternal gps Armenian refugees (Yerevan/Smyrna) and that piece you posted is pure fluff. This stuff doesn't get much sillier; "Food doesn't grow here anymore", FFS!

Food doesn't grow if people don't plant and care for it. It takes work, unlike getting hand outs from America.

Just sayin'.
That is why so many people are coming north. They are starving because food doesn't grow there anymore. Which is a result of global climate change. Drought has destroyed their farming industry. People are dying from starvation. Add into that the gangs and violence.

I'm the grandchild of 2 immigrants. They were fleeing a genocide by the Ottoman Empire. My grandparents had no choice. Either leave their home or stay and die. Three brothers were sent to America. One of them was my grandfather. They were the only ones to survive the genocide. My dad was the only person who could carry on my family name. My mom had to have 4 kids just to have a son. The 4th was a boy and she went from the delivery room to the OR to get her tubes tied. There's one male born in this latest generation. He, like my dad and my brother, will be the only person who can carry on our family name.

People are doing what our ancestors and all who came here before us did, just doing all they can to stay alive.

Opinion | ‘Food Doesn’t Grow Here Anymore. That’s Why I Would Send My Son North.’
The origins of the Syria Civil war too....drought, fields won't going to the jobs...unrest...and boom!
Wrong. Islam is the origin of the Syrian civil war. Obama arming the ISIS muzzie savages is what started it.
Today, child trafficking, drug running, cartel business and human smuggling account for a large percentage of immigration into the US.
It's not the innocent escape from brutality you think it is. the rest are mostly coming here to live the American Dream, at the expense of US taxpayers.

Secondly, "global climate change" is unproven. And even if it was, it will affect the USA's ability to grow food as well, making the situation here even worse for American citizens.

Your Op is a farce.

I trimmed your post to highlight the abolute BULLSHIT, which is in your post. Child trafficking is rare and really ISN'T involved in immigration because it is so difficult to get a child which isn't yours across the border. I say this as someone who has had to do legal paperwork for people who aren't biologically related, to take children across the border for vacations or family matters.

BWHAHAHAHAHA! Do you actually believe illegal immigrants fill out paper work to drag a child across the border? The depth of your stupidity is mind bending.

Close to 1 million people immigrate to the United States. The crimes you speak of are seldom seen. I realize that you asshats like to make shit up to make it appear that immigration isn't a positive thing, but the USA is nation of immigrants. Always has been, and always will be.

Climate change has been proven in spades. Every single study, every single research paper. Only convservative idiots are in denial. Scientists have been clear about it for decades.

ICE detains thousands upon thousand if illegals accompanied by children every month, dingbat.

Look out the window idiot. When I was a child we had snow on the ground all winter, every winter. Now having snow on the ground is a rarity. My granchildren don't even own sleds of or tobaggans. I could live without A/C when I was younger, but no longer.[/QUOTE]

We had two feet of snow on the ground to two straight months. You lie about everything.

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