Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

I guess we should get up every morning and thank our Masters in this government for giving us a life. We surely wouldn't of ever made it without them banning what FOODS we can eat. because they need to PUSH towards a healthy diet. or they will deny you, YOUR ObamaCare which is coming

all Heil the Federal government.
I'd be happy to send you a case of Crisco, by way of Fed ex, and you can sit and eat it with a spoon.


There is no trans fat in Crisco - Cruella.
I guess we should get up every morning and thank our Masters in this government for giving us a life. We surely wouldn't of ever made it without them banning what FOODS we can eat. because they need to PUSH towards a healthy diet. or they will deny you, YOUR ObamaCare which is coming

all Heil the Federal government.


By this logic we need to be out in the streets protesting that da eebil gubmint infringes our freedom to drink sewer water by mandating those fascistic "clean water" standards. :death: Then there's the dirty commies in the FAA preventing us from the freedom to partake in mid-air plane collisions.

Eebil, eebil gubmint!
he cant do tha
even from proven scientific studies? i should go buy a book on that study instead, because it will be more reliable right?....
There is no proven scientific study. It is bogus. It is impossible to say "trans fats caused 15% of heart attacks" or "people who eat trans fats lost 3.5 years of life." THose things are impossible to quantify.
It is like the study that supppsedly showed reducing levels of mercury in the atmosphere would "save" some huge sum of money because fewer people would die. It is impossible to quantify something like that as there are too many variables.
The only thing you can do is say "we fed these levels of this item to these animals and they died significantly earlier than those who werent fed that." That might indicate a prudent person should avoid a lot of consumption of whatever it is. But not enough to ban it.
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.

Doooon't think so, Randbot.

Tellya what -- the case for the negatives of ingesting transfats has been made; make the case for the positives of ingesting them.
he cant do that.....because there is no study anywhere backing his claim that trans fats are not bad for least thats what someone told him....
Not even the food processing industry claims it's not bad for you. They claim a little want hurt you; a little being defined as whatever their food contains.
I guess we should get up every morning and thank our Masters in this government for giving us a life. We surely wouldn't of ever made it without them banning what FOODS we can eat. because they need to PUSH towards a healthy diet. or they will deny you, YOUR ObamaCare which is coming

all Heil the Federal government.

Gawd but you truly are so obsessed by your hatred for Obama that I swear you would chop of your own foot if Obama personally banned cutting off you own foot.

You are too stupid to be one person.
I doubt OP knows what cyanocobalamin is w/o googling it. She's prolly upset because it means she has to serve-up real food at her job.
I notice you be one stupid fake rabbi, but probably a total ban would be preferable, but given Citizens United and lobbying, there may be little option for regulation.

Do you support a complete repeal of the 1st Amendment as Harry Reid and the other democrats do? Perhaps you would like MSNBC to simply appoint our rulers going forward? You know, if no one but the DNC controlled media and the public employee unions are allowed a voice, why bother with the farce of elections?
Even small amounts of trans fat in the diet can have harmful health effects. For every extra 2 percent of calories from trans fat daily, the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 23 percent.

You can eat a normal meal with 3 servings, salad, and a desert and end up with 2 grams of trans fats yet the package labeling will indicate you're getting no trans fats.

Fats and Cholesterol Out with the Bad In with the Good The Nutrition Source Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
97.8% of statistics thrown out on the internet are completely bogus and unprovable.
What percentage or amount of trans fat do you claim is a safe amount to consume on a daily or weekly basis?
What percent do you claim is harmful? Keep in mind people have been eating transfats for decades and no one can quantify the harmful effects.
Do any search, google or whatever, with the word harm trans fat and you will get page after page of of data about heart decease, strokes and other vascular illnesses. One can differentiate between natural trans fat found in natural food products and man created and engineered trans fats, but even the natural trans fat need to be consumed with moderation and personal regulation. There is no amount of man made trans fat that is deemed as safe.
Bullshit. Why hasnt everyone dropped dead after eating that shit for 50 years?

You're kidding right?

How about you look to see how long trans fats have been added to food and then look at the numbers of diet-realted deaths in the US.
is that you dean?.....
Your surrender on this topic is noted and accepted.
in other words you cant back up anything you have said about Trans Fats not being harmful.....your surrender is also noted....
Im not the one making the claim that we'll all die if we have any exposure to it, Nimrod. That would be you. Why you cant you explain why people are living longer now, that people have been consuming transfats for 50 years, than 50 years ago? If transfats were soooo bad you would see it in mortality statistics. But you dont. You see the opposite. People living longer healthier lives.
i have to explain this shit?.....have you ever heard of Medical Advancements? we made a lot of them last about those "wonder" drugs you see advertised on TV all the time?.....did they make a difference?........why is heart disease STILL the number 1 killer of Americans? many people with clogged arteries go and get them "unclogged" as compared to pre 1950?....take your head out of your ass Rabbi,you might actually learn why things are happening and have some of your questions answered.....
So th effects of trans fats are mitigated by advances in medical technology.
You just made the case for not banning the stuff. Thank you, now fuck off.

This always cracks me up.

Its okay that I eat shit, smoke cigarettes and drink to excess because science with save my fat diabetic ass.

And the taxpayers will pay for my health care.
By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?
rabbi why dont you show us a medical study saying that trans-fats are not harmful to the human body.....because i can show you dozens saying that it is the worst fat to raises your LDL levels and lowers your HDL levels.....and in case you dont know, you dont have to be fat to have heart disease.....
Why dont you show a study that says hamburgers are not harmful? How about cheese? Heavy cream? There are none. eat any of those in enough quantities and they'll kill you. Transfats are no different.
Dont like them? Dont eat them.
Why arent you trying to ban bacon? Is there anyone who believes you can eat as much bacon as you want and not die?

See, now you've gone too far. Fun is fun, but don't bring bacon into this nonsense. Bacon is an essential element. You start throwing this kind of message out there--even in jest--and someone's bound to pick up on it. Next thing you know, I'm forced to buy my thick cut pieces of heaven in a dark alley in the bad part of town. :cry:
SillyWabbit ain't havin that. :thup:
Bacon is a food. Trans fats are a product of unnecessarily food processing.
I doubt OP knows what cyanocobalamin is w/o googling it. She's prolly upset because it means she has to serve-up real food at her job.

Stoopid Stuff lives off your taxes. Welfare, food stamps, Medicaid (that she says she doesn't understand - except that its free) and that government cheese that's clogging her arteries.

But no, she would have no idea what that is or why its important.

Like Rabbi for Stephanie ignorance really is bliss
I'd be happy to send you a case of Crisco, by way of Fed ex, and you can sit and eat it with a spoon.


There is no trans fat in Crisco - Cruella.
No, there are 0 grams of trans fat per serving listed on the Crisco label. What this mean there is less than .5 grams/ tablespoon. This in the new Crisco. Since the FDA declared war on Trans Fats, 85% of the trans fats have been eliminated from foods. However there are still brands of foods and bakery sold products that are loaded with it.
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No, there are 0 grams of trans fat per serving listed on the label. What this mean there is less than .5 grams/ tablespoon. This in the new Crisco. Since the FDA declared war on Trans Fats, 85% of the trans fats have been eliminated from foods. However there are still brands of foods and bakery sold products that loaded with it.

So effectively, no trans fats.

In a pie crust or most applications, Crisco is harmless.

It will not be affected by the Obama Administration mandates, even if they WERE to survive the court challenges - which they will not.

{Crisco and margarine became regular staples in American kitchens, though many of these products have now mostly phased out their use of partially hydrogenated oils.

Read more: Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban - Helena Bottemiller Evich - POLITICO}

Crisco hasn't used hydrogenated oils in a decade or more.
Here's what we're talking about:

FDA Moves to Eliminate Dangerous Trans Fats

The Hazards of Trans Fats
Trans fats are formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil during food processing in order to make it solidify. This process, known as hydrogenation, makes fats less likely to spoil, so foods stay fresh longer, have a longer shelf life and also have a less greasy feel.

However, the end result is a completely unnatural fat that causes cellular dysfunction. According to the FDA, 12 percent of all processed foods contain at least one partially hydrogenated oil, aka trans fat.5

See, not one mention of Bacon. :D
If you can find gallons of straight trans fat, I'll send that instead. I figured lard would have to suffice. Would you like a tub, Tubby? :D

Well, maybe you can scrape it off your anal walls, since you already have your head up there....

BTW Cruella, lard has no hydrogenated oils naturally. What's funny is that it was you ninnies who started the who hydrogenation shit, stirring fears of saturated fats.

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