Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

even from proven scientific studies? i should go buy a book on that study instead, because it will be more reliable right?....
There is no proven scientific study. It is bogus. It is impossible to say "trans fats caused 15% of heart attacks" or "people who eat trans fats lost 3.5 years of life." THose things are impossible to quantify.
It is like the study that supppsedly showed reducing levels of mercury in the atmosphere would "save" some huge sum of money because fewer people would die. It is impossible to quantify something like that as there are too many variables.
The only thing you can do is say "we fed these levels of this item to these animals and they died significantly earlier than those who werent fed that." That might indicate a prudent person should avoid a lot of consumption of whatever it is. But not enough to ban it.
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.
how the fuck is that moving the goalposts? mean if someone shows something that is contradictory to what you say,then the posts must have been aint to bright were pretty ignorant in the pot threads too....same thing....any science shown doesnt matter because you have been told different....and of course its all bogus....
You dont see that you moved the goalposts on that one? You went from "any consumption of transfats will harm you" to "eating transfats is bad for you." Those arent the same statement, dumbshit. SUrely you see that, right?
you want to show me were i said .....any consumption of transfats will harm you.....dumbshit....ill wait....
he cant do tha
There is no proven scientific study. It is bogus. It is impossible to say "trans fats caused 15% of heart attacks" or "people who eat trans fats lost 3.5 years of life." THose things are impossible to quantify.
It is like the study that supppsedly showed reducing levels of mercury in the atmosphere would "save" some huge sum of money because fewer people would die. It is impossible to quantify something like that as there are too many variables.
The only thing you can do is say "we fed these levels of this item to these animals and they died significantly earlier than those who werent fed that." That might indicate a prudent person should avoid a lot of consumption of whatever it is. But not enough to ban it.
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.

Doooon't think so, Randbot.

Tellya what -- the case for the negatives of ingesting transfats has been made; make the case for the positives of ingesting them.
he cant do that.....because there is no study anywhere backing his claim that trans fats are not bad for least thats what someone told him....
But don't we have a right to eat unhealthy food if we choose to? I mean who gave the FDA the power to regulate things like slaughtering pigs? I don't see that in the constitution. I hope and pray Justice John "not Jay" Roberts returns this great nation to where it was before all this progressive legislation was unconstitutionally, and unnecessarily passed because of some muckraking by the likes of Upton Sinclair! (sarcasm)
sure you do....but if they were putting something in many foods because no one knew about it,and it aint the best thing for you.....and now they know a lot more about it....dont you think they should have been allowed to do something?...this fat was added to a lot of things...the food companies would not have said anything about it if they were the only ones who knew.....even when they knew,many were not doing something about it....its like a chemical company dumping into a lake and no one knew about it and people were getting cancer in the you think they would have corrected it on their own especially if it was going to cost them a lot of money to change things?....i aint that naive....
There is no proven scientific study. It is bogus. It is impossible to say "trans fats caused 15% of heart attacks" or "people who eat trans fats lost 3.5 years of life." THose things are impossible to quantify.
It is like the study that supppsedly showed reducing levels of mercury in the atmosphere would "save" some huge sum of money because fewer people would die. It is impossible to quantify something like that as there are too many variables.
The only thing you can do is say "we fed these levels of this item to these animals and they died significantly earlier than those who werent fed that." That might indicate a prudent person should avoid a lot of consumption of whatever it is. But not enough to ban it.
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.
how the fuck is that moving the goalposts? mean if someone shows something that is contradictory to what you say,then the posts must have been aint to bright were pretty ignorant in the pot threads too....same thing....any science shown doesnt matter because you have been told different....and of course its all bogus....
You dont see that you moved the goalposts on that one? You went from "any consumption of transfats will harm you" to "eating transfats is bad for you." Those arent the same statement, dumbshit. SUrely you see that, right?
you want to show me were i said .....any consumption of transfats will harm you.....dumbshit....ill wait....
It was Statisheilhitler who posted that banning trans fats would save 7,000 lives a year I called it a bogus statistic. You disagreed with me.
It was Flopper who maintained that the tiniest bit of trans fats were harmful. Again, you didnt disagree with him.
You seem unclear on the concept of quantity as a determinative factor. I cant help that
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.

The Obama administration is expected to all but ban trans fat in a final ruling that could drop as soon as next week, killing most uses of an ingredient that has been put in everything from frozen pizza to Reese’s Pieces but since deemed harmful to human health.

The agency may create some very limited exemptions, but the ruling could force food companies to cut trans fat use beyond the 85 percent reduction already achieved over the past decade — a key piece of the Obama administration’s broader agenda to nudge Americans toward a healthier diet. (Well hell, my mommy and daddy done both passed away. thank gawd for dear Leader)

The food industry believes low-levels of trans fats are safe. Industry leaders have banded together behind-the-scenes to craft a food additive petition that will ask FDA to allow some uses of partially hydrogenated oils, such as in the sprinkles on cupcakes, cookies and ice cream. The industry hasn’t shared details, but officials maintain the uses will represent “very limited amounts.”

For more than 60 years, partially hydrogenated oils have been used in food products under the status generally recognized as safe, which does not require FDA’s approval. But since the 1990s, reams of studies have linked trans fat consumption to cardiovascular disease, causing somewhere between 30,000 and 100,000 premature deaths before the industry started phasing it out.

In late 2013 the Obama administration issued a tentative determination that partially hydrogenated oils are not generally recognized as safe. The move sent shock waves through the food industry, which has already brought down average consumption from more than 4 grams per day to about 1 gram per day — an exodus largely fueled by mandatory labeling imposed a decade ago. Scores of popular products, including Oreos and Cheetos, have quietly dropped partially hydrogenated oils over the years, but it remains an ingredient in many products, including Pop Secret microwave popcorn, Pillsbury Grands! Cinnamon Rolls and Sara Lee cheesecake, as well as some restaurant fryers and commercial bakery goods.

If FDA sticks to its guns in its final determination — and most in food policy circles assume it will — the agency will be taking a firm step toward pushing out more of the remaining uses of trans fat.

all of it here:
Read more:

There's nothing to stop you from eating trans-fats. You'll need to take some personal responsibility and make them yourself, though. Why do you need to depend on others for your trans-fats? Are you a leech?
he cant do tha
There is no proven scientific study. It is bogus. It is impossible to say "trans fats caused 15% of heart attacks" or "people who eat trans fats lost 3.5 years of life." THose things are impossible to quantify.
It is like the study that supppsedly showed reducing levels of mercury in the atmosphere would "save" some huge sum of money because fewer people would die. It is impossible to quantify something like that as there are too many variables.
The only thing you can do is say "we fed these levels of this item to these animals and they died significantly earlier than those who werent fed that." That might indicate a prudent person should avoid a lot of consumption of whatever it is. But not enough to ban it.
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.

Doooon't think so, Randbot.

Tellya what -- the case for the negatives of ingesting transfats has been made; make the case for the positives of ingesting them.
he cant do that.....because there is no study anywhere backing his claim that trans fats are not bad for least thats what someone told him....
Putting words in my mouth? LASt refuge of failed argumentation.
There is no study that shows eating any amount of trans fats will harm you.
and yet you have already been presented with studies showing that it has....but YOU have not shown us anything contradicting anyone of those studies....WHY?....i will tell you why....because none exist.......
There is no proven scientific study. It is bogus. It is impossible to say "trans fats caused 15% of heart attacks" or "people who eat trans fats lost 3.5 years of life." THose things are impossible to quantify.
It is like the study that supppsedly showed reducing levels of mercury in the atmosphere would "save" some huge sum of money because fewer people would die. It is impossible to quantify something like that as there are too many variables.
The only thing you can do is say "we fed these levels of this item to these animals and they died significantly earlier than those who werent fed that." That might indicate a prudent person should avoid a lot of consumption of whatever it is. But not enough to ban it.
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.
how the fuck is that moving the goalposts? mean if someone shows something that is contradictory to what you say,then the posts must have been aint to bright were pretty ignorant in the pot threads too....same thing....any science shown doesnt matter because you have been told different....and of course its all bogus....
You dont see that you moved the goalposts on that one? You went from "any consumption of transfats will harm you" to "eating transfats is bad for you." Those arent the same statement, dumbshit. SUrely you see that, right?
you want to show me were i said .....any consumption of transfats will harm you.....dumbshit....ill wait....
Any amount can harm you and there are plenty of studies that show how even small amounts are harmful. That is because the affect is cumulative. The amount accumulated may or may not created a health problem.
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.
how the fuck is that moving the goalposts? mean if someone shows something that is contradictory to what you say,then the posts must have been aint to bright were pretty ignorant in the pot threads too....same thing....any science shown doesnt matter because you have been told different....and of course its all bogus....
You dont see that you moved the goalposts on that one? You went from "any consumption of transfats will harm you" to "eating transfats is bad for you." Those arent the same statement, dumbshit. SUrely you see that, right?
you want to show me were i said .....any consumption of transfats will harm you.....dumbshit....ill wait....
It was Statisheilhitler who posted that banning trans fats would save 7,000 lives a year I called it a bogus statistic. You disagreed with me.
It was Flopper who maintained that the tiniest bit of trans fats were harmful. Again, you didnt disagree with him.
You seem unclear on the concept of quantity as a determinative factor. I cant help that
You seem unclear on the concept of accumulation as a determining factor.
he cant do tha
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.

Doooon't think so, Randbot.

Tellya what -- the case for the negatives of ingesting transfats has been made; make the case for the positives of ingesting them.
he cant do that.....because there is no study anywhere backing his claim that trans fats are not bad for least thats what someone told him....
But don't we have a right to eat unhealthy food if we choose to? I mean who gave the FDA the power to regulate things like slaughtering pigs? I don't see that in the constitution. I hope and pray Justice John "not Jay" Roberts returns this great nation to where it was before all this progressive legislation was unconstitutionally, and unnecessarily passed because of some muckraking by the likes of Upton Sinclair! (sarcasm)
sure you do....but if they were putting something in many foods because no one knew about it,and it aint the best thing for you.....and now they know a lot more about it....dont you think they should have been allowed to do something?...this fat was added to a lot of things...the food companies would not have said anything about it if they were the only ones who knew.....even when they knew,many were not doing something about it....its like a chemical company dumping into a lake and no one knew about it and people were getting cancer in the you think they would have corrected it on their own especially if it was going to cost them a lot of money to change things?....i aint that naive....
I was being sarcastic. The people who oppose banning transfats are essentially parroting the same opposition to regulating slaughterhouses earlier in the last century.
no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease...... so if i show you 5 studies on this from very reputable institutions saying trans fats are not good for you and are a major contributor to heart disease will say its bogus?...
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.
how the fuck is that moving the goalposts? mean if someone shows something that is contradictory to what you say,then the posts must have been aint to bright were pretty ignorant in the pot threads too....same thing....any science shown doesnt matter because you have been told different....and of course its all bogus....
You dont see that you moved the goalposts on that one? You went from "any consumption of transfats will harm you" to "eating transfats is bad for you." Those arent the same statement, dumbshit. SUrely you see that, right?
you want to show me were i said .....any consumption of transfats will harm you.....dumbshit....ill wait....
It was Statisheilhitler who posted that banning trans fats would save 7,000 lives a year I called it a bogus statistic. You disagreed with me.
It was Flopper who maintained that the tiniest bit of trans fats were harmful. Again, you didnt disagree with him.
You seem unclear on the concept of quantity as a determinative factor. I cant help that
you are losing this argument.....i disagreed with you on the harmful effects of trans fat.....if you learn to read i stated above that no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart study i read gives a percentage,just that it is not good for you....and what flooper said was backed up in the link he showed.....but then you dont go for things being proved with science do ya?...remember i have been in pot threads with felt smoking pot is not good even if you smoked casually....because the lungs are harmed but eating foods with TF's are ok as long as you do it "casually".....
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.
how the fuck is that moving the goalposts? mean if someone shows something that is contradictory to what you say,then the posts must have been aint to bright were pretty ignorant in the pot threads too....same thing....any science shown doesnt matter because you have been told different....and of course its all bogus....
You dont see that you moved the goalposts on that one? You went from "any consumption of transfats will harm you" to "eating transfats is bad for you." Those arent the same statement, dumbshit. SUrely you see that, right?
you want to show me were i said .....any consumption of transfats will harm you.....dumbshit....ill wait....
It was Statisheilhitler who posted that banning trans fats would save 7,000 lives a year I called it a bogus statistic. You disagreed with me.
It was Flopper who maintained that the tiniest bit of trans fats were harmful. Again, you didnt disagree with him.
You seem unclear on the concept of quantity as a determinative factor. I cant help that
you are losing this argument.....i disagreed with you on the harmful effects of trans fat.....if you learn to read i stated above that no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart study i read gives a percentage,just that it is not good for you....and what flooper said was backed up in the link he showed.....but then you dont go for things being proved with science do ya?...remember i have been in pot threads with felt smoking pot is not good even if you smoked casually....because the lungs are harmed but eating foods with TF's are ok as long as you do it "casually".....
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument? No, I dont think so.
We agree eating trans fat is not part of a healthy lifestyle. We probably agree eating a certain amount is going to have bad effects. I think people ought to have the right to make those decisions on their own. You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
That's the difference here.

PS They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet.
he cant do tha
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.

Doooon't think so, Randbot.

Tellya what -- the case for the negatives of ingesting transfats has been made; make the case for the positives of ingesting them.
he cant do that.....because there is no study anywhere backing his claim that trans fats are not bad for least thats what someone told him....
But don't we have a right to eat unhealthy food if we choose to? I mean who gave the FDA the power to regulate things like slaughtering pigs? I don't see that in the constitution. I hope and pray Justice John "not Jay" Roberts returns this great nation to where it was before all this progressive legislation was unconstitutionally, and unnecessarily passed because of some muckraking by the likes of Upton Sinclair! (sarcasm)
sure you do....but if they were putting something in many foods because no one knew about it,and it aint the best thing for you.....and now they know a lot more about it....dont you think they should have been allowed to do something?...this fat was added to a lot of things...the food companies would not have said anything about it if they were the only ones who knew.....even when they knew,many were not doing something about it....its like a chemical company dumping into a lake and no one knew about it and people were getting cancer in the you think they would have corrected it on their own especially if it was going to cost them a lot of money to change things?....i aint that naive....
I was being sarcastic. The people who oppose banning transfats are essentially parroting the same opposition to regulating slaughterhouses earlier in the last century.
Smart people see two similar things and notice differences. Stupid people notice similarities.
he cant do tha
Doooon't think so, Randbot.

Tellya what -- the case for the negatives of ingesting transfats has been made; make the case for the positives of ingesting them.
he cant do that.....because there is no study anywhere backing his claim that trans fats are not bad for least thats what someone told him....
But don't we have a right to eat unhealthy food if we choose to? I mean who gave the FDA the power to regulate things like slaughtering pigs? I don't see that in the constitution. I hope and pray Justice John "not Jay" Roberts returns this great nation to where it was before all this progressive legislation was unconstitutionally, and unnecessarily passed because of some muckraking by the likes of Upton Sinclair! (sarcasm)
sure you do....but if they were putting something in many foods because no one knew about it,and it aint the best thing for you.....and now they know a lot more about it....dont you think they should have been allowed to do something?...this fat was added to a lot of things...the food companies would not have said anything about it if they were the only ones who knew.....even when they knew,many were not doing something about it....its like a chemical company dumping into a lake and no one knew about it and people were getting cancer in the you think they would have corrected it on their own especially if it was going to cost them a lot of money to change things?....i aint that naive....
I was being sarcastic. The people who oppose banning transfats are essentially parroting the same opposition to regulating slaughterhouses earlier in the last century.
Smart people see two similar things and notice differences. Stupid people notice similarities.
I notice you be one stupid fake rabbi, but probably a total ban would be preferable, but given Citizens United and lobbying, there may be little option for regulation.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?
rabbi why dont you show us a medical study saying that trans-fats are not harmful to the human body.....because i can show you dozens saying that it is the worst fat to raises your LDL levels and lowers your HDL levels.....and in case you dont know, you dont have to be fat to have heart disease.....
Why dont you show a study that says hamburgers are not harmful? How about cheese? Heavy cream? There are none. eat any of those in enough quantities and they'll kill you. Transfats are no different.
Dont like them? Dont eat them.
Why arent you trying to ban bacon? Is there anyone who believes you can eat as much bacon as you want and not die?

See, now you've gone too far. Fun is fun, but don't bring bacon into this nonsense. Bacon is an essential element. You start throwing this kind of message out there--even in jest--and someone's bound to pick up on it. Next thing you know, I'm forced to buy my thick cut pieces of heaven in a dark alley in the bad part of town. :cry:
SillyWabbit ain't havin that. :thup:
You'll like higher food prices and earlier expiration dates!

unbelievable. this is going to hurt the poor and middle class the most. Just like his raising the cigarette tax. he could give a shit less about people in this country

Exactly correct, perfect examples of liberals throwing the poor and middle class under the bus in favor of the liberal agenda. I have never seen control freaks the likes of these dumb ass lying liberals, they want to ban and control everything. In one liberal city the idiots banned home owners from cutting down trees on their own property then slapped a leaf tax on them for cleaning up the leaves in the street. lol
People still live in this city? :confused-84:
This is one of those things that makes me glad to be a diabetic. The places that serve up shit tons of trans fats are places I can't patronize very often.
Thank God for Diabetes. :D
By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
really? if i eat broccoli every day ill get a heart attack because of it?....

When did it become the FEDERAL Governments job to BAN foods so they can push you towards a, HEALTHY diet?
since too many kids were too fat (like yourself) so that they couldn't meet weight req'ts to join the military. You know, the people repubs send to fight optional wars/enrich defense contractors? THOSE people.

Retired Generals Fear That Kids Are Too Fat for War WIRED
being fat has little to do with trans fats.....thats mostly to do with over eating and lack of exercise....

Eh -- not "mostly" any more. For a whole lot of the population it has to do with HFCS, Frankenwheat and excessive sugars. We didn't all just up and decide to eat more -- the food supply is heavily rigged. Even aside from the transfats question.

----- which I'm still waiting for Rabid to make the case for, but hey, it's only Monday.
You'll like higher food prices and earlier expiration dates!

unbelievable. this is going to hurt the poor and middle class the most. Just like his raising the cigarette tax. he could give a shit less about people in this country

I think the ONLY reason you're opposed to this ban, is because it's coming from Obama. Yes I truly believe that you're that dumb. And I base that on the evidence of your body of low information posts.
You'll like higher food prices and earlier expiration dates!

unbelievable. this is going to hurt the poor and middle class the most. Just like his raising the cigarette tax. he could give a shit less about people in this country

I think the ONLY reason you're opposed to this ban, is because it's coming from Obama. Yes I truly believe that you're that dumb. And I base that on the evidence of your body of low information posts.

Actually she just THINKS it's coming from O'bama; it's actually coming from the FDA, doing what it's mandated to do; deleting shit like transfats from the GRAS list -- because they're not safe. :banghead:

1958 -- Food Additives Amendment enacted, requiring manufacturers of new food additives to establish safety. The Delaney proviso prohibits the approval of any food additive shown to induce cancer in humans or animals.

FDA publishes in the Federal Register the first list of substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS). The list contains nearly 200 substances. (source)
-- so if one wanted to pin the tail on a POTUS, it's actually coming from Dwight Eisenhower.
You'll like higher food prices and earlier expiration dates!

unbelievable. this is going to hurt the poor and middle class the most. Just like his raising the cigarette tax. he could give a shit less about people in this country

Exactly correct, perfect examples of liberals throwing the poor and middle class under the bus in favor of the liberal agenda. I have never seen control freaks the likes of these dumb ass lying liberals, they want to ban and control everything. In one liberal city the idiots banned home owners from cutting down trees on their own property then slapped a leaf tax on them for cleaning up the leaves in the street. lol
People still live in this city? :confused-84:

That city is overflowing with liberal stupidity and the rotted festering stench of disgusting behavior. Would it surprise you to learn its in one of the states who blew a couple hundred million creating an Obamacare website that failed and was abandoned?
he cant do tha
Moving those goal posts again?
I can tell you that eating bacon every day is going to contribute to heart disease. But I am not for banning bacon on that basis. And most people can eat bacon on an occasional basis and be just fine. Ditto with trans fat.

Doooon't think so, Randbot.

Tellya what -- the case for the negatives of ingesting transfats has been made; make the case for the positives of ingesting them.
he cant do that.....because there is no study anywhere backing his claim that trans fats are not bad for least thats what someone told him....
But don't we have a right to eat unhealthy food if we choose to? I mean who gave the FDA the power to regulate things like slaughtering pigs? I don't see that in the constitution. I hope and pray Justice John "not Jay" Roberts returns this great nation to where it was before all this progressive legislation was unconstitutionally, and unnecessarily passed because of some muckraking by the likes of Upton Sinclair! (sarcasm)
sure you do....but if they were putting something in many foods because no one knew about it,and it aint the best thing for you.....and now they know a lot more about it....dont you think they should have been allowed to do something?...this fat was added to a lot of things...the food companies would not have said anything about it if they were the only ones who knew.....even when they knew,many were not doing something about it....its like a chemical company dumping into a lake and no one knew about it and people were getting cancer in the you think they would have corrected it on their own especially if it was going to cost them a lot of money to change things?....i aint that naive....
I was being sarcastic. The people who oppose banning transfats are essentially parroting the same opposition to regulating slaughterhouses earlier in the last century.

oh for crying out loud. how stupid
I hope they start banning everything in life that you like. It's their job afterall
he cant do tha
Doooon't think so, Randbot.

Tellya what -- the case for the negatives of ingesting transfats has been made; make the case for the positives of ingesting them.
he cant do that.....because there is no study anywhere backing his claim that trans fats are not bad for least thats what someone told him....
But don't we have a right to eat unhealthy food if we choose to? I mean who gave the FDA the power to regulate things like slaughtering pigs? I don't see that in the constitution. I hope and pray Justice John "not Jay" Roberts returns this great nation to where it was before all this progressive legislation was unconstitutionally, and unnecessarily passed because of some muckraking by the likes of Upton Sinclair! (sarcasm)
sure you do....but if they were putting something in many foods because no one knew about it,and it aint the best thing for you.....and now they know a lot more about it....dont you think they should have been allowed to do something?...this fat was added to a lot of things...the food companies would not have said anything about it if they were the only ones who knew.....even when they knew,many were not doing something about it....its like a chemical company dumping into a lake and no one knew about it and people were getting cancer in the you think they would have corrected it on their own especially if it was going to cost them a lot of money to change things?....i aint that naive....
I was being sarcastic. The people who oppose banning transfats are essentially parroting the same opposition to regulating slaughterhouses earlier in the last century.

oh for crying out loud. how stupid
I hope they start banning everything in life that you like. It's their job afterall

You "like" poisons then?
Yanno I challenged Rabbid to make the case for what anyone would be missing not having trans fats. He ran away. You, not so much -- you just sit there parroting how da eebil gubmint gone take 'em off the "safe" list, boo hoo, we're all doomed by the truth.

Get a freaking life.

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