Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.

The Obama administration is expected to all but ban trans fat in a final ruling that could drop as soon as next week, killing most uses of an ingredient that has been put in everything from frozen pizza to Reese’s Pieces but since deemed harmful to human health.

The agency may create some very limited exemptions, but the ruling could force food companies to cut trans fat use beyond the 85 percent reduction already achieved over the past decade — a key piece of the Obama administration’s broader agenda to nudge Americans toward a healthier diet. (Well hell, my mommy and daddy done both passed away. thank gawd for dear Leader)

The food industry believes low-levels of trans fats are safe. Industry leaders have banded together behind-the-scenes to craft a food additive petition that will ask FDA to allow some uses of partially hydrogenated oils, such as in the sprinkles on cupcakes, cookies and ice cream. The industry hasn’t shared details, but officials maintain the uses will represent “very limited amounts.”

For more than 60 years, partially hydrogenated oils have been used in food products under the status generally recognized as safe, which does not require FDA’s approval. But since the 1990s, reams of studies have linked trans fat consumption to cardiovascular disease, causing somewhere between 30,000 and 100,000 premature deaths before the industry started phasing it out.

In late 2013 the Obama administration issued a tentative determination that partially hydrogenated oils are not generally recognized as safe. The move sent shock waves through the food industry, which has already brought down average consumption from more than 4 grams per day to about 1 gram per day — an exodus largely fueled by mandatory labeling imposed a decade ago. Scores of popular products, including Oreos and Cheetos, have quietly dropped partially hydrogenated oils over the years, but it remains an ingredient in many products, including Pop Secret microwave popcorn, Pillsbury Grands! Cinnamon Rolls and Sara Lee cheesecake, as well as some restaurant fryers and commercial bakery goods.

If FDA sticks to its guns in its final determination — and most in food policy circles assume it will — the agency will be taking a firm step toward pushing out more of the remaining uses of trans fat.

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Just ask your open heat patient boi about transfats and what they told him
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?
rabbi why dont you show us a medical study saying that trans-fats are not harmful to the human body.....because i can show you dozens saying that it is the worst fat to raises your LDL levels and lowers your HDL levels.....and in case you dont know, you dont have to be fat to have heart disease.....
Why dont you show a study that says hamburgers are not harmful? How about cheese? Heavy cream? There are none. eat any of those in enough quantities and they'll kill you. Transfats are no different.
Dont like them? Dont eat them.
Why arent you trying to ban bacon? Is there anyone who believes you can eat as much bacon as you want and not die?
is that you dean?.....
Your surrender on this topic is noted and accepted.
in other words you cant back up anything you have said about Trans Fats not being harmful.....your surrender is also noted....
Im not the one making the claim that we'll all die if we have any exposure to it, Nimrod. That would be you. Why you cant you explain why people are living longer now, that people have been consuming transfats for 50 years, than 50 years ago? If transfats were soooo bad you would see it in mortality statistics. But you dont. You see the opposite. People living longer healthier lives.
Even small amounts of trans fat in the diet can have harmful health effects. For every extra 2 percent of calories from trans fat daily, the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 23 percent.

You can eat a normal meal with 3 servings, salad, and a desert and end up with 2 grams of trans fats yet the package labeling will indicate you're getting no trans fats.

Fats and Cholesterol Out with the Bad In with the Good The Nutrition Source Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
97.8% of statistics thrown out on the internet are completely bogus and unprovable.
What percentage or amount of trans fat do you claim is a safe amount to consume on a daily or weekly basis?
What percent do you claim is harmful? Keep in mind people have been eating transfats for decades and no one can quantify the harmful effects.
Do any search, google or whatever, with the word harm trans fat and you will get page after page of of data about heart decease, strokes and other vascular illnesses. One can differentiate between natural trans fat found in natural food products and man created and engineered trans fats, but even the natural trans fat need to be consumed with moderation and personal regulation. There is no amount of man made trans fat that is deemed as safe.
Bullshit. Why hasnt everyone dropped dead after eating that shit for 50 years?

You mouth breathing southerners should keep eating that stuff, will improve the gene pool, every hear of the south is known as stroke alley
Even small amounts of trans fat in the diet can have harmful health effects. For every extra 2 percent of calories from trans fat daily, the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 23 percent.

You can eat a normal meal with 3 servings, salad, and a desert and end up with 2 grams of trans fats yet the package labeling will indicate you're getting no trans fats.

Fats and Cholesterol Out with the Bad In with the Good The Nutrition Source Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
97.8% of statistics thrown out on the internet are completely bogus and unprovable.
What percentage or amount of trans fat do you claim is a safe amount to consume on a daily or weekly basis?
What percent do you claim is harmful? Keep in mind people have been eating transfats for decades and no one can quantify the harmful effects.
Do any search, google or whatever, with the word harm trans fat and you will get page after page of of data about heart decease, strokes and other vascular illnesses. One can differentiate between natural trans fat found in natural food products and man created and engineered trans fats, but even the natural trans fat need to be consumed with moderation and personal regulation. There is no amount of man made trans fat that is deemed as safe.
Bullshit. Why hasnt everyone dropped dead after eating that shit for 50 years?
A lot of people do drop dead from eating trans fat. It causes heart attacks and strokes. Lots of folks die from clogged arteries. Trans fat clogs arteries. People all over the country get bypass surgery everyday because of trans fat caused clogged arteries.
97.8% of statistics thrown out on the internet are completely bogus and unprovable.
What percentage or amount of trans fat do you claim is a safe amount to consume on a daily or weekly basis?
What percent do you claim is harmful? Keep in mind people have been eating transfats for decades and no one can quantify the harmful effects.
Do any search, google or whatever, with the word harm trans fat and you will get page after page of of data about heart decease, strokes and other vascular illnesses. One can differentiate between natural trans fat found in natural food products and man created and engineered trans fats, but even the natural trans fat need to be consumed with moderation and personal regulation. There is no amount of man made trans fat that is deemed as safe.
Bullshit. Why hasnt everyone dropped dead after eating that shit for 50 years?
A lot of people do drop dead from eating trans fat. It causes heart attacks and strokes. Lots of folks die from clogged arteries. Trans fat clogs arteries. People all over the country get bypass surgery everyday because of trans fat caused clogged arteries.
Link? People have clogged arteries for a variety of reasons--lifestyle choices and genetics mostly. You cannot separate trans fats from that. Therefore your assertions are unprovable.
Try eating bacon double cheeseburgers every day for 10 years and tell me about clogged arteries.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
really? if i eat broccoli every day ill get a heart attack because of it?....

When did it become the FEDERAL Governments job to BAN foods so they can push you towards a, HEALTHY diet?
whose job is it to keep deadly things either out of the food supply or kept to a minimum?....the food companies? i said Steph.....before they knew what this fat did to you it was added to a lot of foods for taste and to you think Tyson Foods and the rest would have stopped using it on their own?...would they have told you if only they knew?....
Trans-fats and Saturated fats

People in a large area of the American South have long been known to have more strokes and to be more likely to die from them than people living elsewhere in the country.

Now, a large national study suggests the so-called stroke belt may have another troubling health distinction. Researchers have found that Southerners there also are more likely to experience a decline in cognitive ability over several years:eusa_whistle:
You haven't known anyone who died of heat disease? Lucky you.
Not what I said, dufus.
Plenty of people have eaten transfats and they're fine. Monitor the intake and you'll be fine.It is typcal of dems that they want to demonize the object and excuse the user.
Plenty of people smoke cigarettes, drink a quart a liquor a day, and use drugs and they are still alive but that still doesn't make it safe.

How does one monitor the amount trans fats in their diet when process food labels say 0 grams when they actually contain up .5 grams? Actually any amount of trans fat is bad, worse than saturated fat. A trans-fat diet reduces blood vessel function by 30%, raises LDL ("bad")-cholesterol, and lowers HDL ("good")-cholesterol levels by about one fifth.
Please offer proof that occasionally eating .5grams of transfats is injurious to health. We'll wait.
Even small amounts of trans fat in the diet can have harmful health effects. For every extra 2 percent of calories from trans fat daily, the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 23 percent.

You can eat a normal meal with 3 servings, salad, and a desert and end up with 2 grams of trans fats yet the package labeling will indicate you're getting no trans fats.

Fats and Cholesterol Out with the Bad In with the Good The Nutrition Source Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
97.8% of statistics thrown out on the internet are completely bogus and unprovable.
even from proven scientific studies? i should go buy a book on that study instead, because it will be more reliable right?....
Plenty of people smoke cigarettes, drink a quart a liquor a day, and use drugs and they are still alive but that still doesn't make it safe.

How does one monitor the amount trans fats in their diet when process food labels say 0 grams when they actually contain up .5 grams? Actually any amount of trans fat is bad, worse than saturated fat. A trans-fat diet reduces blood vessel function by 30%, raises LDL ("bad")-cholesterol, and lowers HDL ("good")-cholesterol levels by about one fifth.
Please offer proof that occasionally eating .5grams of transfats is injurious to health. We'll wait.
Even small amounts of trans fat in the diet can have harmful health effects. For every extra 2 percent of calories from trans fat daily, the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 23 percent.

You can eat a normal meal with 3 servings, salad, and a desert and end up with 2 grams of trans fats yet the package labeling will indicate you're getting no trans fats.

Fats and Cholesterol Out with the Bad In with the Good The Nutrition Source Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
97.8% of statistics thrown out on the internet are completely bogus and unprovable.
What percentage or amount of trans fat do you claim is a safe amount to consume on a daily or weekly basis?
What percent do you claim is harmful? Keep in mind people have been eating transfats for decades and no one can quantify the harmful effects.
they did not start studying its effect until the late 80's early 90's....
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
really? if i eat broccoli every day ill get a heart attack because of it?....

When did it become the FEDERAL Governments job to BAN foods so they can push you towards a, HEALTHY diet?

It *IS* the FDA's job to keep poison out of the food supply. That's what it's uh, there for.

Oh sorry, you asked when. That would be 1848. Perhaps news travels show up your way. That's uh, waaay before Ayn Rand was born, and that's only the USA's federal government, it doesn't count all the other previous governments that have legislated food safety for uh, centuries.

60 or 70 years ago, medical researchers found that saturated fats from animal fats in foods such as butter increased our risk of serious disease. So we turned more to vegetable oils. This resulted in greater use of hydrogenated oils which reduced saturated fats but also increased trans fats in food. Then about 1990, medical researcher came to the conclusion that trans fats were far worst that saturated fats. Thus, we saw the movement away from trans fats. However, we still had to deal with saturated fats in foods.

In order to reduce saturated fats, we began to reduce fats with all kinds of manufactured substances. Parallel to this, food processors wanted to extend shelf life. This gave rise to more preservatives. During all the years of increased processing, many foods began to loose favors and coloring that consumers expected so food processor began doctoring the foods with more artificial and natural food coloring and flavors..

So in a product such as a low fat cream, we are likely to see artificial coloring and favors, corn syrup, diglycerides, sodium citrate, dipotassium phospate, palmitate, carrageenan, and hopefully some cream. Study after study is finding that food additives may actually be making our foods less safe.

If we did as our grandparents did, buy more locally produced foods without all the additives, prepare more food from scratch and ate half as much, we wouldn't need all the crap they put in foods nor all FDA regulations on processors plus we would have better tasting and healthier foods. In other worlds, most the problems are result from our desire to eat large qualities of really crappy food.
Last edited:
Not what I said, dufus.
Plenty of people have eaten transfats and they're fine. Monitor the intake and you'll be fine.It is typcal of dems that they want to demonize the object and excuse the user.
Plenty of people smoke cigarettes, drink a quart a liquor a day, and use drugs and they are still alive but that still doesn't make it safe.

How does one monitor the amount trans fats in their diet when process food labels say 0 grams when they actually contain up .5 grams? Actually any amount of trans fat is bad, worse than saturated fat. A trans-fat diet reduces blood vessel function by 30%, raises LDL ("bad")-cholesterol, and lowers HDL ("good")-cholesterol levels by about one fifth.
Please offer proof that occasionally eating .5grams of transfats is injurious to health. We'll wait.
Even small amounts of trans fat in the diet can have harmful health effects. For every extra 2 percent of calories from trans fat daily, the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 23 percent.

You can eat a normal meal with 3 servings, salad, and a desert and end up with 2 grams of trans fats yet the package labeling will indicate you're getting no trans fats.

Fats and Cholesterol Out with the Bad In with the Good The Nutrition Source Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
97.8% of statistics thrown out on the internet are completely bogus and unprovable.
even from proven scientific studies? i should go buy a book on that study instead, because it will be more reliable right?....
There is no proven scientific study. It is bogus. It is impossible to say "trans fats caused 15% of heart attacks" or "people who eat trans fats lost 3.5 years of life." THose things are impossible to quantify.
It is like the study that supppsedly showed reducing levels of mercury in the atmosphere would "save" some huge sum of money because fewer people would die. It is impossible to quantify something like that as there are too many variables.
The only thing you can do is say "we fed these levels of this item to these animals and they died significantly earlier than those who werent fed that." That might indicate a prudent person should avoid a lot of consumption of whatever it is. But not enough to ban it.
By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
really? if i eat broccoli every day ill get a heart attack because of it?....

When did it become the FEDERAL Governments job to BAN foods so they can push you towards a, HEALTHY diet?

It *IS* the FDA's job to keep poison out of the food supply. That's what it's uh, there for.

Oh sorry, you asked when. That would be 1848. Perhaps news travels show up your way. That's uh, waaay before Ayn Rand was born, and that's only the USA's federal government, it doesn't count all the other previous governments that have legislated food safety for uh, centuries.

60 or 70 years ago, medical researchers found that saturated fats from animal fats in foods such as butter increased our risk of serious disease. So we turned more to vegetable oils. This resulted in greater use of hydrogenated oils which reduced saturated fats but also increased trans fats in food. Then about 1990, medical researcher came to the conclusion that trans fats were far worst that saturated fats. Thus, we saw the movement away from trans fats. However, we still had to deal with saturated fats in foods.

In order to reduce saturated fats, we began to reduce fats with all kinds of manufactured substances. Parallel to this, food processors wanted to extend shelf life. This gave rise to more preservatives. During all the years of increased processing, many foods began to loose favors and coloring that consumers expected so they began doctoring the foods with more artificial and natural food coloring and flavors..

So in a product such as a low fat cream, we are likely to see artificial coloring and favors, corn syrup, diglycerides, sodium citrate, dipotassium phospate, palmitate, carrageenan, and hopefully some cream. Study after study is finding that food additives may actually be making our foods less safe.

If we did as our grandparents did, buy more locally produced foods without all the additives, prepare more food from scratch and ate half as much, we wouldn't need all the crap they put in foods nor all FDA regulations on processors plus we would have better tasting and healthier foods. In other worlds, most the problems are result from our desire to eat large qualities are really crappy food.
Our grandparents didnt live nearly as long as we do.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
really? if i eat broccoli every day ill get a heart attack because of it?....

When did it become the FEDERAL Governments job to BAN foods so they can push you towards a, HEALTHY diet?

It *IS* the FDA's job to keep poison out of the food supply. That's what it's uh, there for.

Oh sorry, you asked when. That would be 1848. Perhaps news travels show up your way. That's uh, waaay before Ayn Rand was born, and that's only the USA's federal government, it doesn't count all the other previous governments that have legislated food safety for uh, centuries.

60 or 70 years ago, medical researchers found that saturated fats from animal fats in foods such as butter increased our risk of serious disease. So we turned more to vegetable oils. This resulted in greater use of hydrogenated oils which reduced saturated fats but also increased trans fats in food. Then about 1990, medical researcher came to the conclusion that trans fats were far worst that saturated fats. Thus, we saw the movement away from trans fats. However, we still had to deal with saturated fats in foods.

In order to reduce saturated fats, we began to reduce fats with all kinds of manufactured substances. Parallel to this, food processors wanted to extend shelf life. This gave rise to more preservatives. During all the years of increased processing, many foods began to loose favors and coloring that consumers expected so they began doctoring the foods with more artificial and natural food coloring and flavors..

So in a product such as a low fat cream, we are likely to see artificial coloring and favors, corn syrup, diglycerides, sodium citrate, dipotassium phospate, palmitate, carrageenan, and hopefully some cream. Study after study is finding that food additives may actually be making our foods less safe.

If we did as our grandparents did, buy more locally produced foods without all the additives, prepare more food from scratch and ate half as much, we wouldn't need all the crap they put in foods nor all FDA regulations on processors plus we would have better tasting and healthier foods. In other worlds, most the problems are result from our desire to eat large qualities are really crappy food.
Our grandparents didnt live nearly as long as we do.

They didn't have the medications and the science of medicine we have now, such as beta blockers and cholesterol medications
Even small amounts of trans fat in the diet can have harmful health effects. For every extra 2 percent of calories from trans fat daily, the risk of coronary heart disease increases by 23 percent.

You can eat a normal meal with 3 servings, salad, and a desert and end up with 2 grams of trans fats yet the package labeling will indicate you're getting no trans fats.

Fats and Cholesterol Out with the Bad In with the Good The Nutrition Source Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
97.8% of statistics thrown out on the internet are completely bogus and unprovable.
What percentage or amount of trans fat do you claim is a safe amount to consume on a daily or weekly basis?
What percent do you claim is harmful? Keep in mind people have been eating transfats for decades and no one can quantify the harmful effects.
Do any search, google or whatever, with the word harm trans fat and you will get page after page of of data about heart decease, strokes and other vascular illnesses. One can differentiate between natural trans fat found in natural food products and man created and engineered trans fats, but even the natural trans fat need to be consumed with moderation and personal regulation. There is no amount of man made trans fat that is deemed as safe.
Bullshit. Why hasnt everyone dropped dead after eating that shit for 50 years?
Steph you do realize that heart disease is rising and many people have dropped dead because of it....and Trans Fats are considered a big contributor to that.....yea 50 years did a lot of damage no one knew about.....the reason they started exploring this was because kids in their 20's who died of circulatory problems pre 1990' mortem showed they had clogged arteries as bad as people in their 50's,they wanted to know why.....well they found out one of the major contributors was a little thing called Trans Fats,which was added to a lot of food stuffs for quite a while.....
rabbi why dont you show us a medical study saying that trans-fats are not harmful to the human body.....because i can show you dozens saying that it is the worst fat to raises your LDL levels and lowers your HDL levels.....and in case you dont know, you dont have to be fat to have heart disease.....
Why dont you show a study that says hamburgers are not harmful? How about cheese? Heavy cream? There are none. eat any of those in enough quantities and they'll kill you. Transfats are no different.
Dont like them? Dont eat them.
Why arent you trying to ban bacon? Is there anyone who believes you can eat as much bacon as you want and not die?
is that you dean?.....
Your surrender on this topic is noted and accepted.
in other words you cant back up anything you have said about Trans Fats not being harmful.....your surrender is also noted....
Im not the one making the claim that we'll all die if we have any exposure to it, Nimrod. That would be you. Why you cant you explain why people are living longer now, that people have been consuming transfats for 50 years, than 50 years ago? If transfats were soooo bad you would see it in mortality statistics. But you dont. You see the opposite. People living longer healthier lives.
i have to explain this shit?.....have you ever heard of Medical Advancements? we made a lot of them last about those "wonder" drugs you see advertised on TV all the time?.....did they make a difference?........why is heart disease STILL the number 1 killer of Americans? many people with clogged arteries go and get them "unclogged" as compared to pre 1950?....take your head out of your ass Rabbi,you might actually learn why things are happening and have some of your questions answered.....
Why dont you show a study that says hamburgers are not harmful? How about cheese? Heavy cream? There are none. eat any of those in enough quantities and they'll kill you. Transfats are no different.
Dont like them? Dont eat them.
Why arent you trying to ban bacon? Is there anyone who believes you can eat as much bacon as you want and not die?
is that you dean?.....
Your surrender on this topic is noted and accepted.
in other words you cant back up anything you have said about Trans Fats not being harmful.....your surrender is also noted....
Im not the one making the claim that we'll all die if we have any exposure to it, Nimrod. That would be you. Why you cant you explain why people are living longer now, that people have been consuming transfats for 50 years, than 50 years ago? If transfats were soooo bad you would see it in mortality statistics. But you dont. You see the opposite. People living longer healthier lives.
i have to explain this shit?.....have you ever heard of Medical Advancements? we made a lot of them last about those "wonder" drugs you see advertised on TV all the time?.....did they make a difference?........why is heart disease STILL the number 1 killer of Americans? many people with clogged arteries go and get them "unclogged" as compared to pre 1950?....take your head out of your ass Rabbi,you might actually learn why things are happening and have some of your questions answered.....
So th effects of trans fats are mitigated by advances in medical technology.
You just made the case for not banning the stuff. Thank you, now fuck off.

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