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Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

This is a major factor driving the new regulation. Government and business decided you did not have the freedom to decide what was in food products when they refused to add "trace amounts" of trans fat to labels. Instead the government conspired with the food industry to allow the fraudulent claim of "0%" to be used. That is the real case of the government determining what you can and can not eat. The misstated labels have been tricking citizens into eating an unhealthy commercial product against their will by lying on the labels. This law fixes that injustice and fraud.

And you would have a point IF the FDA were thinking about reworking the label requirements for such foods. They are not though.
I fully support requiring labels on food to include a warning label that this shit might kill you slapped right across the front of the package. Even require it to cover half the front of the package as well – whatever informs the customer of what they are purchasing. HOWEVER – that still allows the customer to purchase it. What a concept – freedom to buy and consume what you will AND the proper information supplied so that people understand what they are doing.
I think what happened is all the food labeling requirements allowed the manufacturer to round down so anything lower than .5 was 0. That works for saturated fat, and total fat but not trans fat. Just by changing the labeling requirement we will see more manufactures going to "no trans fats" and labeling it as such.
And that is ALL the FDA should be doing (other than adding a warning label with it)
By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?
rabbi why dont you show us a medical study saying that trans-fats are not harmful to the human body.....because i can show you dozens saying that it is the worst fat to consume....it raises your LDL levels and lowers your HDL levels.....and in case you dont know, you dont have to be fat to have heart disease.....
Why dont you show a study that says hamburgers are not harmful? How about cheese? Heavy cream? There are none. eat any of those in enough quantities and they'll kill you. Transfats are no different.
Dont like them? Dont eat them.
Why arent you trying to ban bacon? Is there anyone who believes you can eat as much bacon as you want and not die?

See, now you've gone too far. Fun is fun, but don't bring bacon into this nonsense. Bacon is an essential element. You start throwing this kind of message out there--even in jest--and someone's bound to pick up on it. Next thing you know, I'm forced to buy my thick cut pieces of heaven in a dark alley in the bad part of town. :cry:
SillyWabbit ain't havin that. :thup:

Of course not – YOU like bacon and even though it is bad for you, YOU want the freedom to continue eating it.
However, we know what is best for you so tough shit, no more bacon. At least that is what you seem to support for everyone else when there is something that they might like on the line.
Sheer ignorance! You don't see people dropping dead from smoking cigarettes, yet we know that approx 6 million worldwide die from smoking each year. You're a complete idiot. The number one cause of death in this country is heart disease. There are plenty of credible reports showing how dangerous trans fat is. Go read something for cripes sake.

Scientists Unlock How Trans Fats Harm Your Arteries

Trans fat Avoid this cholesterol double whammy - Mayo Clinic
Yet smoking is NOT banned. Another one torpedoing their own position.
This always cracks me up.
Its okay that I eat shit, smoke cigarettes and drink to excess because science with save my fat diabetic ass.
And the taxpayers will pay for my health care.
No, science will not save you. It will kill you and you have that right – go on and drink, smoke and eat till you keel over and die.
I notice that you are not advocating to make any of those actions illegal though. Still on the train that smoking and drinking should remain legal yet suddenly TRANS FATS should be banned. The horror that trans fats are able to be purchased.
Asinine. You do not need to save everyone from themselves.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

You haven't known anyone who died of heat disease? Lucky you.
Not what I said, dufus.
Plenty of people have eaten transfats and they're fine. Monitor the intake and you'll be fine.It is typcal of dems that they want to demonize the object and excuse the user.
Plenty of people smoke cigarettes, drink a quart a liquor a day, and use drugs and they are still alive but that still doesn't make it safe.

How does one monitor the amount trans fats in their diet when process food labels say 0 grams when they actually contain up .5 grams? Actually any amount of trans fat is bad, worse than saturated fat. A trans-fat diet reduces blood vessel function by 30%, raises LDL ("bad")-cholesterol, and lowers HDL ("good")-cholesterol levels by about one fifth.
And yet those unsafe products are legal. You are torpedoing your own argument. The move to remove trans fats from the marketplace is bullshit.
Sorry, local ordinances don't allow me to do that either. Nice try though.

It is also an asinine response in general. Freedom is just that - mind your own damn business and stop trying to get in my way if I want a nice trans fat burger. It is MY choice what I consume - not yours or any other do gooder.
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
you do understand that not to long ago trans fats were added to a lot of foods for taste and preserving....before the 90's not much was known about how they affect your health....if they occur naturally thats one thing,but when they were added to so many different things that is another thing,lots of foods had them.....
And your point is?
i have to explain that?.....geezus.....dean was right.........

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.
Here is the difference between Democratic administrations that ban things and Republican administrations that ban things:
When Democratic administrations ban things, there is usually a logical, rational reason for the ban. Trans fat kills people.
When Republican administrations ban things, there is usually not any logical or rational reason for the ban other than "if I don't like it, you can't have it."
The left likes to use the SAME argument that the right does all the time – it is not good for you and we know what is best. You can take that bullshit and get lost with it. The government does not need to be the purveyor of what I do. It is asinine.
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
you do understand that not to long ago trans fats were added to a lot of foods for taste and preserving....before the 90's not much was known about how they affect your health....if they occur naturally thats one thing,but when they were added to so many different things that is another thing,lots of foods had them.....
And your point is?
i have to explain that?.....geezus.....dean was right.........

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.
Here is the difference between Democratic administrations that ban things and Republican administrations that ban things:
When Democratic administrations ban things, there is usually a logical, rational reason for the ban. Trans fat kills people.
When Republican administrations ban things, there is usually not any logical or rational reason for the ban other than "if I don't like it, you can't have it."
The left likes to use the SAME argument that the right does all the time – it is not good for you and we know what is best. You can take that bullshit and get lost with it. The government does not need to be the purveyor of what I do. It is asinine.
You are still allowed to eat trans fats. Don't you make your own? Be independent stop relying on ithers
Sheer ignorance! You don't see people dropping dead from smoking cigarettes, yet we know that approx 6 million worldwide die from smoking each year. You're a complete idiot. The number one cause of death in this country is heart disease. There are plenty of credible reports showing how dangerous trans fat is. Go read something for cripes sake.

Scientists Unlock How Trans Fats Harm Your Arteries

Trans fat Avoid this cholesterol double whammy - Mayo Clinic
Yet smoking is NOT banned. Another one torpedoing their own position.

You don't know what my position is on smoking, so I've torpedoed nothing.

One thing that is different in banning things like alcohol and tobacco, is the black market. Do you remember hearing about the prohibition years?

Do you think people will be trying to make trans fat in their bathtubs if it's removed from food? Of course not.

You might also take into consideration, health care cost and the overall health of the country. With the leading cause of death in this country being heart disease, I'm happy to hear that the FDA is finally doing their damn job.

This is not about the Gubmint, trying to take away your freedumb.

Who do you want having a longer shelf life, you or the food?

Obesity Is Hurting the U.S. Economy in Surprising Ways - Bloomberg Business
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

You haven't known anyone who died of heat disease? Lucky you.
Not what I said, dufus.
Plenty of people have eaten transfats and they're fine. Monitor the intake and you'll be fine.It is typcal of dems that they want to demonize the object and excuse the user.
Plenty of people smoke cigarettes, drink a quart a liquor a day, and use drugs and they are still alive but that still doesn't make it safe.

How does one monitor the amount trans fats in their diet when process food labels say 0 grams when they actually contain up .5 grams? Actually any amount of trans fat is bad, worse than saturated fat. A trans-fat diet reduces blood vessel function by 30%, raises LDL ("bad")-cholesterol, and lowers HDL ("good")-cholesterol levels by about one fifth.
And yet those unsafe products are legal. You are torpedoing your own argument. The move to remove trans fats from the marketplace is bullshit.

That is an insane comment. However, I will see if I can google directions on how you can make your own trans fat.
He reads. He is just an ignorant fuck with no morals, ethics or character. He just gets a kick out of arguing with people. No rhyme or reason necessary. Just a lonely fucking turd looking for attention.



A leftist talking about morals, ethics, or character is just too fucking much.

Y'all are fucking sociopaths. Isn't the whole goal of the left to purge yourself of the last lingering vestige of integrity, become one with the lie, and achieve Obamahood?
RWs would rather have lard, thank you very much.

Puddly Pillowbite, your god is declaring law against partially hydrogenated vegetable oils - the hate sites programmed this into you, right?

Lard has no trans-fats, the hate sites programmed this into you, right?

We got into the who trans-fat mess because you ninnies started dictating what people could eat in the 50' and 60's - pushing margarine as a substitute for butter -it was YOU fucktard leftists who demanded that saturated fats be purged from American diets and replaced with partially hydrogenated oils. the hate sites programmed this into you, right?

Seriously Pillowbite, your masters at the Soros hate sites have not prepared you to post on this topic at all. I know you're just a mindless drone reciting what you are programmed to recite - still, you look awfully fucking dumb here.
you want to show me were i said .....any consumption of transfats will harm you.....dumbshit....ill wait....
It was Statisheilhitler who posted that banning trans fats would save 7,000 lives a year I called it a bogus statistic. You disagreed with me.
It was Flopper who maintained that the tiniest bit of trans fats were harmful. Again, you didnt disagree with him.
You seem unclear on the concept of quantity as a determinative factor. I cant help that
you are losing this argument.....i disagreed with you on the harmful effects of trans fat.....if you learn to read i stated above that no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease.....no study i read gives a percentage,just that it is not good for you....and what flooper said was backed up in the link he showed.....but then you dont go for things being proved with science do ya?...remember i have been in pot threads with you....you felt smoking pot is not good even if you smoked casually....because the lungs are harmed but eating foods with TF's are ok as long as you do it "casually".....
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument? No, I dont think so.
We agree eating trans fat is not part of a healthy lifestyle. We probably agree eating a certain amount is going to have bad effects. I think people ought to have the right to make those decisions on their own. You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
That's the difference here.

PS They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet.
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument?
oh im sorry you cant use past examples, ok ill remember that when i see you doing just that....
You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
the difference is ...you think the food industry will voluntarily tell us if they find out something they have been adding for 50 years is not to good for us and do something about it.....i dont........
They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet
you dont pay attention to well do you?..here i will say it again for you and all the other slow kids here....for a long time last Century this stuff was added to quite a few foods and has been pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease.....now go ahead prove me wrong....
You are rapidly entering Rightwinger territory.
What does "added to quite a few foods" mean? Care to quantify that?
What does "been pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease" mean?
No one argues hot dogs are good for you. Have hot dogs been "pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease"? SHould we ban hot dogs? Or should people be free to eat hot dogs if they want, and it is up to them to decide if they want to stuff their faces with them every day or make it a once a month maybe sort of thing?
You are simply a statist moron, wanting Big Daddy Government to tell you what you should eat.
you have problems grasping things dont you?....hot dogs are not added to hundreds of foods out there are they?.....but trans fats were....does that help?...and if i have to explain my first 2 sentences than i might as well start treating you like your good friend shootspeeders....he aint to bright either....
It was Statisheilhitler who posted that banning trans fats would save 7,000 lives a year I called it a bogus statistic. You disagreed with me.
It was Flopper who maintained that the tiniest bit of trans fats were harmful. Again, you didnt disagree with him.
You seem unclear on the concept of quantity as a determinative factor. I cant help that
you are losing this argument.....i disagreed with you on the harmful effects of trans fat.....if you learn to read i stated above that no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease.....no study i read gives a percentage,just that it is not good for you....and what flooper said was backed up in the link he showed.....but then you dont go for things being proved with science do ya?...remember i have been in pot threads with you....you felt smoking pot is not good even if you smoked casually....because the lungs are harmed but eating foods with TF's are ok as long as you do it "casually".....
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument? No, I dont think so.
We agree eating trans fat is not part of a healthy lifestyle. We probably agree eating a certain amount is going to have bad effects. I think people ought to have the right to make those decisions on their own. You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
That's the difference here.

PS They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet.
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument?
oh im sorry you cant use past examples, ok ill remember that when i see you doing just that....
You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
the difference is ...you think the food industry will voluntarily tell us if they find out something they have been adding for 50 years is not to good for us and do something about it.....i dont........
They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet
you dont pay attention to well do you?..here i will say it again for you and all the other slow kids here....for a long time last Century this stuff was added to quite a few foods and has been pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease.....now go ahead prove me wrong....
You are rapidly entering Rightwinger territory.
What does "added to quite a few foods" mean? Care to quantify that?
What does "been pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease" mean?
No one argues hot dogs are good for you. Have hot dogs been "pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease"? SHould we ban hot dogs? Or should people be free to eat hot dogs if they want, and it is up to them to decide if they want to stuff their faces with them every day or make it a once a month maybe sort of thing?
You are simply a statist moron, wanting Big Daddy Government to tell you what you should eat.
you have problems grasping things dont you?....hot dogs are not added to hundreds of foods out there are they?.....but trans fats were....does that help?...and if i have to explain my first 2 sentences than i might as well start treating you like your good friend shootspeeders....he aint to bright either....
Sugar is added to hundreds of foods out there. If you eat 5 pounds of candy every day you will die from it. There is zero difference between sugar and transfats in that regard. Yet sugar hasnt been banned. How do you explain this?
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
you do understand that not to long ago trans fats were added to a lot of foods for taste and preserving....before the 90's not much was known about how they affect your health....if they occur naturally thats one thing,but when they were added to so many different things that is another thing,lots of foods had them.....
And your point is?
i have to explain that?.....geezus.....dean was right.........

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.
Here is the difference between Democratic administrations that ban things and Republican administrations that ban things:
When Democratic administrations ban things, there is usually a logical, rational reason for the ban. Trans fat kills people.
When Republican administrations ban things, there is usually not any logical or rational reason for the ban other than "if I don't like it, you can't have it."
The left likes to use the SAME argument that the right does all the time – it is not good for you and we know what is best. You can take that bullshit and get lost with it. The government does not need to be the purveyor of what I do. It is asinine.

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.

if you cant figure out what i said up above on your own,are you going to understand someone explaining that too you?......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
you do understand that not to long ago trans fats were added to a lot of foods for taste and preserving....before the 90's not much was known about how they affect your health....if they occur naturally thats one thing,but when they were added to so many different things that is another thing,lots of foods had them.....
And your point is?
i have to explain that?.....geezus.....dean was right.........

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.
Here is the difference between Democratic administrations that ban things and Republican administrations that ban things:
When Democratic administrations ban things, there is usually a logical, rational reason for the ban. Trans fat kills people.
When Republican administrations ban things, there is usually not any logical or rational reason for the ban other than "if I don't like it, you can't have it."
The left likes to use the SAME argument that the right does all the time – it is not good for you and we know what is best. You can take that bullshit and get lost with it. The government does not need to be the purveyor of what I do. It is asinine.

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.

if you cant figure out what i said up above on your own,are you going to understand someone explaining that too you?......
You are in favor of government making choices for people. That much is clear.
you are losing this argument.....i disagreed with you on the harmful effects of trans fat.....if you learn to read i stated above that no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease.....no study i read gives a percentage,just that it is not good for you....and what flooper said was backed up in the link he showed.....but then you dont go for things being proved with science do ya?...remember i have been in pot threads with you....you felt smoking pot is not good even if you smoked casually....because the lungs are harmed but eating foods with TF's are ok as long as you do it "casually".....
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument? No, I dont think so.
We agree eating trans fat is not part of a healthy lifestyle. We probably agree eating a certain amount is going to have bad effects. I think people ought to have the right to make those decisions on their own. You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
That's the difference here.

PS They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet.
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument?
oh im sorry you cant use past examples, ok ill remember that when i see you doing just that....
You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
the difference is ...you think the food industry will voluntarily tell us if they find out something they have been adding for 50 years is not to good for us and do something about it.....i dont........
They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet
you dont pay attention to well do you?..here i will say it again for you and all the other slow kids here....for a long time last Century this stuff was added to quite a few foods and has been pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease.....now go ahead prove me wrong....
You are rapidly entering Rightwinger territory.
What does "added to quite a few foods" mean? Care to quantify that?
What does "been pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease" mean?
No one argues hot dogs are good for you. Have hot dogs been "pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease"? SHould we ban hot dogs? Or should people be free to eat hot dogs if they want, and it is up to them to decide if they want to stuff their faces with them every day or make it a once a month maybe sort of thing?
You are simply a statist moron, wanting Big Daddy Government to tell you what you should eat.
you have problems grasping things dont you?....hot dogs are not added to hundreds of foods out there are they?.....but trans fats were....does that help?...and if i have to explain my first 2 sentences than i might as well start treating you like your good friend shootspeeders....he aint to bright either....
Sugar is added to hundreds of foods out there. If you eat 5 pounds of candy every day you will die from it. There is zero difference between sugar and transfats in that regard. Yet sugar hasnt been banned. How do you explain this?

Sugar Industry Takes on the World Health Organization NPR

The sugar lobby s sour tactics - The Washington Post

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