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Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

you are losing this argument.....i disagreed with you on the harmful effects of trans fat.....if you learn to read i stated above that no one is saying a set percentage,they are saying Trans Fats are a MAJOR contributor to heart disease.....no study i read gives a percentage,just that it is not good for you....and what flooper said was backed up in the link he showed.....but then you dont go for things being proved with science do ya?...remember i have been in pot threads with you....you felt smoking pot is not good even if you smoked casually....because the lungs are harmed but eating foods with TF's are ok as long as you do it "casually".....
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument? No, I dont think so.
We agree eating trans fat is not part of a healthy lifestyle. We probably agree eating a certain amount is going to have bad effects. I think people ought to have the right to make those decisions on their own. You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
That's the difference here.

PS They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet.
You deflect to a thread that is months old and I am losing the argument?
oh im sorry you cant use past examples, ok ill remember that when i see you doing just that....
You think we need Big Brother stepping in to tell us we cannot make those decisions.
the difference is ...you think the food industry will voluntarily tell us if they find out something they have been adding for 50 years is not to good for us and do something about it.....i dont........
They cant be a major contributor to heart disease because they arent a major part of anyone's diet
you dont pay attention to well do you?..here i will say it again for you and all the other slow kids here....for a long time last Century this stuff was added to quite a few foods and has been pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease.....now go ahead prove me wrong....
You are rapidly entering Rightwinger territory.
What does "added to quite a few foods" mean? Care to quantify that?
What does "been pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease" mean?
No one argues hot dogs are good for you. Have hot dogs been "pegged as one of the major contributors to heart disease"? SHould we ban hot dogs? Or should people be free to eat hot dogs if they want, and it is up to them to decide if they want to stuff their faces with them every day or make it a once a month maybe sort of thing?
You are simply a statist moron, wanting Big Daddy Government to tell you what you should eat.
you have problems grasping things dont you?....hot dogs are not added to hundreds of foods out there are they?.....but trans fats were....does that help?...and if i have to explain my first 2 sentences than i might as well start treating you like your good friend shootspeeders....he aint to bright either....
Sugar is added to hundreds of foods out there. If you eat 5 pounds of candy every day you will die from it. There is zero difference between sugar and transfats in that regard. Yet sugar hasnt been banned. How do you explain this?
thats a good question.....millions of little kids across the country sit down to a bowl of sugar in the morning,sugared snacks are a part of their day including non diet sodas .....juvenile Diabetes has risen dramatically over the years ....what is the food industry doing about it?.....not much....and so far the government hasnt either,apparently the sugar industry has more clout than the trans fat people....but you dont see the food industry caring to much about this though, do you?....they will keep on pouring it on until someone puts the clamps on them....if the major food suppliers showed some concern and acted on their own to try and rectify problems with their products no one would be fucking with them.....i dont even see cereal on the shelves with reduced sugar anymore,and there used to be a few.....
It is simply not the job of government to save you from your own bad decisions.

That is exactly the job of the FDA.

The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety

No -- right. It's the whole reason it exists. It's exactly why the Biologics Control Act was passed to ensure purity and safety of serums, vaccines, and similar products (1902); why the Food and Drugs Act regulating misbranded and adulterated foods, drinks and drugs was passed (1906, with the Meat Inspection Act passed the same day); why the GRAS list --which is the issue here-- was established in 1958; and why the United States didn't suffer the birth defect epidemic of Thalidomide, because the FDA put up a stop sign (1962).

The issue here directly is the removal of transfats from that GRAS list, meaning they're NOT recognized as safe -- which is simple truth. What do you have against truth?

Now your slavishly Randian efforts to champion the rights of Duh People to ingest salmonella and have babies without limbs is admirable but it's also god damned silly.


Thalidomide kids (UK)
you do understand that not to long ago trans fats were added to a lot of foods for taste and preserving....before the 90's not much was known about how they affect your health....if they occur naturally thats one thing,but when they were added to so many different things that is another thing,lots of foods had them.....
And your point is?
i have to explain that?.....geezus.....dean was right.........

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.
Here is the difference between Democratic administrations that ban things and Republican administrations that ban things:
When Democratic administrations ban things, there is usually a logical, rational reason for the ban. Trans fat kills people.
When Republican administrations ban things, there is usually not any logical or rational reason for the ban other than "if I don't like it, you can't have it."
The left likes to use the SAME argument that the right does all the time – it is not good for you and we know what is best. You can take that bullshit and get lost with it. The government does not need to be the purveyor of what I do. It is asinine.

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.

if you cant figure out what i said up above on your own,are you going to understand someone explaining that too you?......
You are in favor of government making choices for people. That much is clear.
yea when the industries involved wont do it on their own...you on the other hand can give a fuck what any industry does,even to the point of them hurting people or the environment because....well they should not be told what to do by anyone outside their industry....that much is clear.....some company dumps shit into a river...hey its their right.....some company puts trans fats into a food that you eat,but dont know about it....tough shit,its their right....let me ask you something Rabbi.....who should police or at least watch what goes into food and the environment?......
Another day, another banning. Police States are fun, huh? ;)


Evil Communist Dictator John Fascist Kennedy awards Frances Kelsey of the FDA (Fascist Dictator Agency) the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service (1962) for doing her goddam job and thereby depriving the United States, alone in the developed world, the joys and freedoms of Thalidomide.

Kelsey's still with us. She's 100 years old, and still actively planning the death camps where esteemed patriots like Paulitician and Rabbid will be marched by Obamian Brownshirts.

Note to paulitician -- please forward this to your guru Alex Jones. He's about due for another comedy show since the Kentucky 'unschooler' thing bombed.
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Just a precursor to Big Brother food, water, and electricity rationing. It's all about the control. But hey i know, that's all just paranoid 'Tinfoil Hat' nonsense. ;)
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
you do understand that not to long ago trans fats were added to a lot of foods for taste and preserving....before the 90's not much was known about how they affect your health....if they occur naturally thats one thing,but when they were added to so many different things that is another thing,lots of foods had them.....
And your point is?
i have to explain that?.....geezus.....dean was right.........

Yes you do since you are quoting me and what you stated has NOTHING to do with anything I have said thus far.
Perhaps you should stick with Dean – you do not seem to understand anything above that bar.
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.
Here is the difference between Democratic administrations that ban things and Republican administrations that ban things:
When Democratic administrations ban things, there is usually a logical, rational reason for the ban. Trans fat kills people.
When Republican administrations ban things, there is usually not any logical or rational reason for the ban other than "if I don't like it, you can't have it."
The left likes to use the SAME argument that the right does all the time – it is not good for you and we know what is best. You can take that bullshit and get lost with it. The government does not need to be the purveyor of what I do. It is asinine.

I put out a query to show what the positive effects of transfats are -- why anyone would actively seek them-- quite a ways back. No one seems to want to touch that question.

Wonder why.
Leftwing logic - base something on taxes on things that we don't want you to purchase.

What utter lunacy. Left wingers are completely insane.
Just a precursor to Big Brother food, water, and electricity rationing. It's all about the control. But hey i know, that's all just paranoid 'Tinfoil Hat' nonsense. ;)

See, deep down you know it's paranoid nonsense.

I'm confident it will be a reality at some point. Controlling what people eat, drink, and how much electricity they consume, is the ultimate control. One day the People will have to beg Big Brother to give em a little food and electricity. Big Brother will have everyone on lock-down if we continue on this path. Bet on that.
No, there are 0 grams of trans fat per serving listed on the label. What this mean there is less than .5 grams/ tablespoon. This in the new Crisco. Since the FDA declared war on Trans Fats, 85% of the trans fats have been eliminated from foods. However there are still brands of foods and bakery sold products that loaded with it.

So effectively, no trans fats.

In a pie crust or most applications, Crisco is harmless.

It will not be affected by the Obama Administration mandates, even if they WERE to survive the court challenges - which they will not.

{Crisco and margarine became regular staples in American kitchens, though many of these products have now mostly phased out their use of partially hydrogenated oils.

Read more: Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban - Helena Bottemiller Evich - POLITICO}

Crisco hasn't used hydrogenated oils in a decade or more.
Crisco consists of a blend of soybean oil, fully hydrogenated palm oil, and partially hydrogenated palm and soybean oils.

has significantly reduced the amount of trans fats in their shortening - just enough to allow them to legally claim 0 grams. It contains just under .5 grams.

Crisco - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It's paranoid nonsense to think that leftwingers want to control everything people do and impose their morality on all of us?

Nah, its called we've seen this movie before.
Just a precursor to Big Brother food, water, and electricity rationing. It's all about the control. But hey i know, that's all just paranoid 'Tinfoil Hat' nonsense. ;)

See, deep down you know it's paranoid nonsense.

I'm confident it will be a reality at some point. Controlling what people eat, drink, and how much electricity they consume, is the ultimate control. One day the People will have to beg Big Brother to give em a little food and electricity. Big Brother will have everyone on lock-down if we continue on this path. Bet on that.

You might want to start a new thread over in the "Conspiracy Theory" section.
Is Margarine still committing genocide on the poor unsuspecting public? Remember when that was supposed to be killing everyone? Of course later studies showed that to be absolute Bullshite.

Never trust anyone who depends on Government funding for their 'studies.' That's exactly how we've gotten to this absurd Global Warming Boogeyman hysteria.
Just a precursor to Big Brother food, water, and electricity rationing. It's all about the control. But hey i know, that's all just paranoid 'Tinfoil Hat' nonsense. ;)

See, deep down you know it's paranoid nonsense.

I'm confident it will be a reality at some point. Controlling what people eat, drink, and how much electricity they consume, is the ultimate control. One day the People will have to beg Big Brother to give em a little food and electricity. Big Brother will have everyone on lock-down if we continue on this path. Bet on that.

You might want to start a new thread over in the "Conspiracy Theory" section.

I see the future, and it's not a bright one for Americans. Big Brother rationing of food, water, electricity, and so on, will likely be the future.
Just a precursor to Big Brother food, water, and electricity rationing. It's all about the control. But hey i know, that's all just paranoid 'Tinfoil Hat' nonsense. ;)

See, deep down you know it's paranoid nonsense.

I'm confident it will be a reality at some point. Controlling what people eat, drink, and how much electricity they consume, is the ultimate control. One day the People will have to beg Big Brother to give em a little food and electricity. Big Brother will have everyone on lock-down if we continue on this path. Bet on that.

You might want to start a new thread over in the "Conspiracy Theory" section.

I see the future, and it's not a bright one for Americans. Big Brother rationing of food, water, electricity, and so on, will likely be the future.

Okie doke.
How can we possibly survive this Trans Fat, Large Soda, Salty Food Genocide? We need Big Brother to completely control what we eat and drink. We'll all surely die if he doesn't.

Oh, and then there's that Global Warming Boogeyman too. What's Big Brother gonna do about that? And what about?...
Just a precursor to Big Brother food, water, and electricity rationing. It's all about the control. But hey i know, that's all just paranoid 'Tinfoil Hat' nonsense. ;)

See, deep down you know it's paranoid nonsense.

I'm confident it will be a reality at some point. Controlling what people eat, drink, and how much electricity they consume, is the ultimate control. One day the People will have to beg Big Brother to give em a little food and electricity. Big Brother will have everyone on lock-down if we continue on this path. Bet on that.
When does an issue of the health or safety of the country out weight an individual freedom? On one end of the spectrum, the answer is never. On the other end of the spectrum it's always. I say it really depends on the issue. The argument that one should be fee to choose trans fats seems a bit weak because it's almost impossible to tell how much trans fats there are in a meal.

My concern is what will the food processing industry come up with to replace trans fats. In the mid twenty century, replacement of animal fats with vegetable oils in cooking was praised as a step forward because it reduced saturated fats. By the end of century, we learned that trans fats due to hydrogenation of vegetable oils was worst than the saturated fats.
How can we possibly survive this Trans Fat, Large Soda, Salty Food Genocide? We need Big Brother to completely control what we eat and drink. We'll all surely die if he doesn't.

Oh, and then there's that Global Warming Boogeyman too. What's Big Brother gonna do about that? And what about?...
After discovering there are no trans fats in Krispy Kreme donuts and only .1g in Mcdonald's fries, I find my interest waning.

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