Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

I kind of miss the days when leaded paint was sold in hardware stores, leaded gasoline was sold in gas stations, and McDonald's fried their potatoes in left over beef lard!

Those were the days!
Isn't the whole point of banning trans fats to bring back lard?
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.

The Obama administration is expected to all but ban trans fat in a final ruling that could drop as soon as next week, killing most uses of an ingredient that has been put in everything from frozen pizza to Reese’s Pieces but since deemed harmful to human health.

The agency may create some very limited exemptions, but the ruling could force food companies to cut trans fat use beyond the 85 percent reduction already achieved over the past decade — a key piece of the Obama administration’s broader agenda to nudge Americans toward a healthier diet. (Well hell, my mommy and daddy done both passed away. thank gawd for dear Leader)

The food industry believes low-levels of trans fats are safe. Industry leaders have banded together behind-the-scenes to craft a food additive petition that will ask FDA to allow some uses of partially hydrogenated oils, such as in the sprinkles on cupcakes, cookies and ice cream. The industry hasn’t shared details, but officials maintain the uses will represent “very limited amounts.”

For more than 60 years, partially hydrogenated oils have been used in food products under the status generally recognized as safe, which does not require FDA’s approval. But since the 1990s, reams of studies have linked trans fat consumption to cardiovascular disease, causing somewhere between 30,000 and 100,000 premature deaths before the industry started phasing it out.

In late 2013 the Obama administration issued a tentative determination that partially hydrogenated oils are not generally recognized as safe. The move sent shock waves through the food industry, which has already brought down average consumption from more than 4 grams per day to about 1 gram per day — an exodus largely fueled by mandatory labeling imposed a decade ago. Scores of popular products, including Oreos and Cheetos, have quietly dropped partially hydrogenated oils over the years, but it remains an ingredient in many products, including Pop Secret microwave popcorn, Pillsbury Grands! Cinnamon Rolls and Sara Lee cheesecake, as well as some restaurant fryers and commercial bakery goods.

If FDA sticks to its guns in its final determination — and most in food policy circles assume it will — the agency will be taking a firm step toward pushing out more of the remaining uses of trans fat.

all of it here:
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Yeah yeah, we did this a year or so ago. Again, number one, taking a substance off the GRAS list is not a "ban", and number two it's the FDA doing what it's mandated to do -- keep an eye on the safety of the food, drug and cosmetic supply.

--- which is why we had no Thalidomide sold here while it was causing birth defects outside the US, where FDA did its job and put the brakes on.

And number three, FDA is an agency -- it's not the black guy. Obama's name never even appears in your article. Read your own link, Dumbass.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

You haven't known anyone who died of heat disease? Lucky you.
Not what I said, dufus.
Plenty of people have eaten transfats and they're fine. Monitor the intake and you'll be fine.It is typcal of dems that they want to demonize the object and excuse the user.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

Have you ever seen anyone keel over for any reason? If so...what reason?
WHat was your point?

Anything else?
I've never seen anyone die of stupidity but you might be a first.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.

Well, with a little elbow grease and some help from the weird dude with the scary scythe...
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

Have you ever seen anyone keel over for any reason? If so...what reason?
WHat was your point?

Anything else?
I've never seen anyone die of stupidity but you might be a first.

Have you ever seen anyone keel over from anything other than ingesting poison?
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
really? if i eat broccoli every day ill get a heart attack because of it?....

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