Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
really? if i eat broccoli every day ill get a heart attack because of it?....
If that's all you eat then you'll probably die.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?

Your ignorance knows no bounds, asswipe.

Here, learn:

FDA to ban trans fats in effort to prevent 7 000 deaths a year US news The Guardian

The Scientific Case for Banning Trans Fats - Scientific American

Don't worry, we already understand how little you value human life.

Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?

Your ignorance knows no bounds, asswipe.

Here, learn:

FDA to ban trans fats in effort to prevent 7 000 deaths a year US news The Guardian

The Scientific Case for Banning Trans Fats - Scientific American

Don't worry, we already understand how little you value human life.

7000 deaths? A totally made up statistic. I realize made up statistics are like mother's milk to you, fakejew. But you might as well ban meat, cheese, whole milk, salt, and a host of other things if that's the approach you want to take.
Now piss off.
In a country that has a population of over 300 million 7,000 deaths is not only ridiculously miniscule but impossible to attribute to a single dietary cause.
In a country that has a population of over 300 million 7,000 deaths is not only ridiculously miniscule but impossible to attribute to a single dietary cause.
Idiots like Statistheilhitler are easily impressed with fake numbers. He goes for it like 97.3% of the time.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?
rabbi why dont you show us a medical study saying that trans-fats are not harmful to the human body.....because i can show you dozens saying that it is the worst fat to raises your LDL levels and lowers your HDL levels.....and in case you dont know, you dont have to be fat to have heart disease.....
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?

Your ignorance knows no bounds, asswipe.

Here, learn:

FDA to ban trans fats in effort to prevent 7 000 deaths a year US news The Guardian

The Scientific Case for Banning Trans Fats - Scientific American

Don't worry, we already understand how little you value human life.

7000 deaths? A totally made up statistic. I realize made up statistics are like mother's milk to you, fakejew. But you might as well ban meat, cheese, whole milk, salt, and a host of other things if that's the approach you want to take.
Now piss off.

Ok, I get it that you think all those brilliant minds behind 'Scientific American' are also fakes.

Yepp, you are one sick puppy.

You still don't get it and the reason is obvious: you let your hateful ideology get in the way of something as simple as common sense.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?

What sterling logic.

By this same logic, nobody dies from smoking cigarettes; they died from lung cancer. And this just in: JFK didn't die from an assassin's bullet; for some reason his brain stopped sending autonomic commands to pump blood. No one knows why.

Fucking brilliant.

Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
Ive eaten transfats for decades. I'm perfectly heatlhy.
Eat enough of anything and you'll keel over from a heart attack or stroke. It isnt the food, it's the eater.
really? if i eat broccoli every day ill get a heart attack because of it?....
If that's all you eat then you'll probably die.
is that what i said?.....or are you starting to do what your buddy dean does... dance around the question?...
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?

What sterling logic.

By this same logic, nobody dies from smoking cigarettes; they died from lung cancer. And this just in: JFK didn't die from an assassin's bullet; for some reason his brain stopped sending autonomic commands to pump blood. No one knows why.

There, now you did it. You confused him with logic.
The food industry believes low-levels of trans fats are safe.

Food industry? Most of that shit they make isn't food. You can eat it but it isn't food in any real sense of the word. Food Industry? Yeah, see the problem now? What you eat isn't supposed to be manufactured like iPhones.

You're free not to buy it if you don't like it.
It should have never been legal in the first place. Parents who let their kids consume it even in small amounts should be fined.
Well, unlike some federally banned substances, trans-fats actually kill people.
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?
rabbi why dont you show us a medical study saying that trans-fats are not harmful to the human body.....because i can show you dozens saying that it is the worst fat to raises your LDL levels and lowers your HDL levels.....and in case you dont know, you dont have to be fat to have heart disease.....
Why dont you show a study that says hamburgers are not harmful? How about cheese? Heavy cream? There are none. eat any of those in enough quantities and they'll kill you. Transfats are no different.
Dont like them? Dont eat them.
Why arent you trying to ban bacon? Is there anyone who believes you can eat as much bacon as you want and not die?
You'll like higher food prices and earlier expiration dates!

unbelievable. this is going to hurt the poor and middle class the most. Just like his raising the cigarette tax. he could give a shit less about people in this country

Exactly correct, perfect examples of liberals throwing the poor and middle class under the bus in favor of the liberal agenda. I have never seen control freaks the likes of these dumb ass lying liberals, they want to ban and control everything. In one liberal city the idiots banned home owners from cutting down trees on their own property then slapped a leaf tax on them for cleaning up the leaves in the street. lol
We've been eating transfats for decades. I havent seen anyone keel over because he ingested the stuff.

By that point they're generally in a hospital bed, which are notoriously difficult to keel.
rabbi is kinda slow.....he thinks this stuff kills you quick...
People certainly act like it.
Please show me the people who have died from eating transfats. There arent any. There are people who died because they were obese, people who died because they didnt take care of themselves, people who died because they didnt monitor their blood pressure--all kinds of reasons But eating transfats wasnt one of them. The proof: Plenty of people have eatne transfat containing foods for decades and are perfectly healthy.
What about that is tough to understand?
rabbi why dont you show us a medical study saying that trans-fats are not harmful to the human body.....because i can show you dozens saying that it is the worst fat to raises your LDL levels and lowers your HDL levels.....and in case you dont know, you dont have to be fat to have heart disease.....
Why dont you show a study that says hamburgers are not harmful? How about cheese? Heavy cream? There are none. eat any of those in enough quantities and they'll kill you. Transfats are no different.
Dont like them? Dont eat them.
Why arent you trying to ban bacon? Is there anyone who believes you can eat as much bacon as you want and not die?

I'd like to Fed ex you a tub of trans fat, so you can shovel it in your face. LOL!

Trans fat is double trouble for your heart health
Trans fat raises your LDL ("bad") cholesterol and lowers your HDL ("good") (HDL) cholesterol. Find out more about trans fat and how to avoid it.

Trans fat is considered by many doctors to be the worst type of fat you can eat. Unlike other dietary fats, trans fat — also called trans-fatty acids — both raises your LDL ("bad") cholesterol and lowers your HDL ("good") cholesterol.

A high LDL cholesterol level in combination with a low HDL cholesterol level increases your risk of heart disease, the leading killer of men and women.

Trans fat Avoid this cholesterol double whammy - Mayo Clinic
Judging from the Eric Garner case, conservatives will care about this issue right up until a black person is killed by police while selling black market Crisco.

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