Food industry braces for Obama trans fat ban

LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.

The Obama administration is expected to all but ban trans fat in a final ruling that could drop as soon as next week, killing most uses of an ingredient that has been put in everything from frozen pizza to Reese’s Pieces but since deemed harmful to human health.

The agency may create some very limited exemptions, but the ruling could force food companies to cut trans fat use beyond the 85 percent reduction already achieved over the past decade — a key piece of the Obama administration’s broader agenda to nudge Americans toward a healthier diet. (Well hell, my mommy and daddy done both passed away. thank gawd for dear Leader)

The food industry believes low-levels of trans fats are safe. Industry leaders have banded together behind-the-scenes to craft a food additive petition that will ask FDA to allow some uses of partially hydrogenated oils, such as in the sprinkles on cupcakes, cookies and ice cream. The industry hasn’t shared details, but officials maintain the uses will represent “very limited amounts.”

For more than 60 years, partially hydrogenated oils have been used in food products under the status generally recognized as safe, which does not require FDA’s approval. But since the 1990s, reams of studies have linked trans fat consumption to cardiovascular disease, causing somewhere between 30,000 and 100,000 premature deaths before the industry started phasing it out.

In late 2013 the Obama administration issued a tentative determination that partially hydrogenated oils are not generally recognized as safe. The move sent shock waves through the food industry, which has already brought down average consumption from more than 4 grams per day to about 1 gram per day — an exodus largely fueled by mandatory labeling imposed a decade ago. Scores of popular products, including Oreos and Cheetos, have quietly dropped partially hydrogenated oils over the years, but it remains an ingredient in many products, including Pop Secret microwave popcorn, Pillsbury Grands! Cinnamon Rolls and Sara Lee cheesecake, as well as some restaurant fryers and commercial bakery goods.

If FDA sticks to its guns in its final determination — and most in food policy circles assume it will — the agency will be taking a firm step toward pushing out more of the remaining uses of trans fat.

all of it here:
Read more:

I'd be happy to send you a case of Crisco, by way of Fed ex, and you can sit and eat it with a spoon.
A tub of pig lard tis better........
Judging from the Eric Garner case, conservatives will care about this issue right up until a black person is killed by police while selling black market Crisco.
Proving, once again, that there is no issue anywhere that a liberal cannot bring in race and use it to call conservatives racist.
The entire idea of freedom is lost on people these days.

Are trans fats bad for you? Yes, we all know they are just like thousands of other things you consume or do on a daily basis. What makes this nation great is that you have the freedom to live, and eventually die, as you chose. Your life and you chose to live it.

It is fucking disgusting that so many damn busy bodies feel that they have to get involved to run our lives and force us into doing what they perceive as best. Why can you not mind your own damn business? The left claims to support freedom and then actively undermines it every chance they get - it is infuriating.
The entire idea of freedom is lost on people these days.

Are trans fats bad for you? Yes, we all know they are just like thousands of other things you consume or do on a daily basis. What makes this nation great is that you have the freedom to live, and eventually die, as you chose. Your life and you chose to live it.

It is fucking disgusting that so many damn busy bodies feel that they have to get involved to run our lives and force us into doing what they perceive as best. Why can you not mind your own damn business? The left claims to support freedom and then actively undermines it every chance they get - it is infuriating.
You can raise an animal and render it all you like, then consume the lard that is the product of the action..No one will care.......
The entire idea of freedom is lost on people these days.

Are trans fats bad for you? Yes, we all know they are just like thousands of other things you consume or do on a daily basis. What makes this nation great is that you have the freedom to live, and eventually die, as you chose. Your life and you chose to live it.

It is fucking disgusting that so many damn busy bodies feel that they have to get involved to run our lives and force us into doing what they perceive as best. Why can you not mind your own damn business? The left claims to support freedom and then actively undermines it every chance they get - it is infuriating.
You can raise an animal and render it all you like, then consume the lard that is the product of the action..No one will care.......
Sorry, local ordinances don't allow me to do that either. Nice try though.

It is also an asinine response in general. Freedom is just that - mind your own damn business and stop trying to get in my way if I want a nice trans fat burger. It is MY choice what I consume - not yours or any other do gooder.
The entire idea of freedom is lost on people these days.

Are trans fats bad for you? Yes, we all know they are just like thousands of other things you consume or do on a daily basis. What makes this nation great is that you have the freedom to live, and eventually die, as you chose. Your life and you chose to live it.

It is fucking disgusting that so many damn busy bodies feel that they have to get involved to run our lives and force us into doing what they perceive as best. Why can you not mind your own damn business? The left claims to support freedom and then actively undermines it every chance they get - it is infuriating.
You can raise an animal and render it all you like, then consume the lard that is the product of the action..No one will care.......
Sorry, local ordinances don't allow me to do that either. Nice try though.

It is also an asinine response in general. Freedom is just that - mind your own damn business and stop trying to get in my way if I want a nice trans fat burger. It is MY choice what I consume - not yours or any other do gooder.
Move to the country.......
The entire idea of freedom is lost on people these days.

Are trans fats bad for you? Yes, we all know they are just like thousands of other things you consume or do on a daily basis. What makes this nation great is that you have the freedom to live, and eventually die, as you chose. Your life and you chose to live it.

It is fucking disgusting that so many damn busy bodies feel that they have to get involved to run our lives and force us into doing what they perceive as best. Why can you not mind your own damn business? The left claims to support freedom and then actively undermines it every chance they get - it is infuriating.
You can raise an animal and render it all you like, then consume the lard that is the product of the action..No one will care.......
Sorry, local ordinances don't allow me to do that either. Nice try though.

It is also an asinine response in general. Freedom is just that - mind your own damn business and stop trying to get in my way if I want a nice trans fat burger. It is MY choice what I consume - not yours or any other do gooder.
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
The entire idea of freedom is lost on people these days.

Are trans fats bad for you? Yes, we all know they are just like thousands of other things you consume or do on a daily basis. What makes this nation great is that you have the freedom to live, and eventually die, as you chose. Your life and you chose to live it.

It is fucking disgusting that so many damn busy bodies feel that they have to get involved to run our lives and force us into doing what they perceive as best. Why can you not mind your own damn business? The left claims to support freedom and then actively undermines it every chance they get - it is infuriating.
You can raise an animal and render it all you like, then consume the lard that is the product of the action..No one will care.......
Sorry, local ordinances don't allow me to do that either. Nice try though.

It is also an asinine response in general. Freedom is just that - mind your own damn business and stop trying to get in my way if I want a nice trans fat burger. It is MY choice what I consume - not yours or any other do gooder.
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
Yes, Do you understand consumer protection from an industry which would like to sell you items that are negatively affecting humans ability to live?
The entire idea of freedom is lost on people these days.

Are trans fats bad for you? Yes, we all know they are just like thousands of other things you consume or do on a daily basis. What makes this nation great is that you have the freedom to live, and eventually die, as you chose. Your life and you chose to live it.

It is fucking disgusting that so many damn busy bodies feel that they have to get involved to run our lives and force us into doing what they perceive as best. Why can you not mind your own damn business? The left claims to support freedom and then actively undermines it every chance they get - it is infuriating.
You can raise an animal and render it all you like, then consume the lard that is the product of the action..No one will care.......
Sorry, local ordinances don't allow me to do that either. Nice try though.

It is also an asinine response in general. Freedom is just that - mind your own damn business and stop trying to get in my way if I want a nice trans fat burger. It is MY choice what I consume - not yours or any other do gooder.
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
Yes, Do you understand consumer protection from an industry which would like to sell you items that are negatively affecting humans ability to live?
Sure. That does not apply here one iota.

You see, cigarettes are more dangerous than trans fats are. Trans fats can be, and are for the most part, consumed in a perfectly safe manner by the vast majority of [people in this nation. Further, those health effects experienced from trans fats are NOT a direct result of consuming fats themselves but rather an eating habits that is likely to created those health effects even without them. Fat people are going to be fat and will be more predisposed to things like heart attacks.

Now, if you (or Obama or the FDA - whoever) were advocating for clearly applying warning labels to food and/or informational campaigns to heighten public awareness then you would get my full support. Consumers should be well aware of what they are purchasing and the ill effects that can come of that. but that is not what is proposed, is it. No, outright control is what is wanted. Screw the FDA - they should have no right to deny me the freedom to go out and purchase something I want to access knowing full well the ill effects that may come from over consuming the product.

This is what is called freedom.
You can raise an animal and render it all you like, then consume the lard that is the product of the action..No one will care.......
Sorry, local ordinances don't allow me to do that either. Nice try though.

It is also an asinine response in general. Freedom is just that - mind your own damn business and stop trying to get in my way if I want a nice trans fat burger. It is MY choice what I consume - not yours or any other do gooder.
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
Yes, Do you understand consumer protection from an industry which would like to sell you items that are negatively affecting humans ability to live?
Sure. That does not apply here one iota.

You see, cigarettes are more dangerous than trans fats are. Trans fats can be, and are for the most part, consumed in a perfectly safe manner by the vast majority of [people in this nation. Further, those health effects experienced from trans fats are NOT a direct result of consuming fats themselves but rather an eating habits that is likely to created those health effects even without them. Fat people are going to be fat and will be more predisposed to things like heart attacks.

Now, if you (or Obama or the FDA - whoever) were advocating for clearly applying warning labels to food and/or informational campaigns to heighten public awareness then you would get my full support. Consumers should be well aware of what they are purchasing and the ill effects that can come of that. but that is not what is proposed, is it. No, outright control is what is wanted. Screw the FDA - they should have no right to deny me the freedom to go out and purchase something I want to access knowing full well the ill effects that may come from over consuming the product.

This is what is called freedom.
The tobacco companies can afford to pay off the govt. I am guessing the lard industry is not that organised or powerful...
Sorry, local ordinances don't allow me to do that either. Nice try though.

It is also an asinine response in general. Freedom is just that - mind your own damn business and stop trying to get in my way if I want a nice trans fat burger. It is MY choice what I consume - not yours or any other do gooder.
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
Yes, Do you understand consumer protection from an industry which would like to sell you items that are negatively affecting humans ability to live?
Sure. That does not apply here one iota.

You see, cigarettes are more dangerous than trans fats are. Trans fats can be, and are for the most part, consumed in a perfectly safe manner by the vast majority of [people in this nation. Further, those health effects experienced from trans fats are NOT a direct result of consuming fats themselves but rather an eating habits that is likely to created those health effects even without them. Fat people are going to be fat and will be more predisposed to things like heart attacks.

Now, if you (or Obama or the FDA - whoever) were advocating for clearly applying warning labels to food and/or informational campaigns to heighten public awareness then you would get my full support. Consumers should be well aware of what they are purchasing and the ill effects that can come of that. but that is not what is proposed, is it. No, outright control is what is wanted. Screw the FDA - they should have no right to deny me the freedom to go out and purchase something I want to access knowing full well the ill effects that may come from over consuming the product.

This is what is called freedom.
The tobacco companies can afford to pay off the govt. I am guessing the lard industry is not that organised or powerful...
Heh. I would doubt that. I am willing to bet that they are FAR more profitable than tobacco ever was.

That is irrelevant to the point though - apparently you do not understand what freedom really is or at least don't think that we should be free to make our own decisions - poor or not. You would not have deflected if you did.

There is nothing wrong with getting out of the way of smokers. They are well aware of the health risks and choose to engage in that activity anyway. Again, that is exactly what freedom looks like and it is a GOOD thing.
Move to the country.......
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
Yes, Do you understand consumer protection from an industry which would like to sell you items that are negatively affecting humans ability to live?
Sure. That does not apply here one iota.

You see, cigarettes are more dangerous than trans fats are. Trans fats can be, and are for the most part, consumed in a perfectly safe manner by the vast majority of [people in this nation. Further, those health effects experienced from trans fats are NOT a direct result of consuming fats themselves but rather an eating habits that is likely to created those health effects even without them. Fat people are going to be fat and will be more predisposed to things like heart attacks.

Now, if you (or Obama or the FDA - whoever) were advocating for clearly applying warning labels to food and/or informational campaigns to heighten public awareness then you would get my full support. Consumers should be well aware of what they are purchasing and the ill effects that can come of that. but that is not what is proposed, is it. No, outright control is what is wanted. Screw the FDA - they should have no right to deny me the freedom to go out and purchase something I want to access knowing full well the ill effects that may come from over consuming the product.

This is what is called freedom.
The tobacco companies can afford to pay off the govt. I am guessing the lard industry is not that organised or powerful...
Heh. I would doubt that. I am willing to bet that they are FAR more profitable than tobacco ever was.

That is irrelevant to the point though - apparently you do not understand what freedom really is or at least don't think that we should be free to make our own decisions - poor or not. You would not have deflected if you did.

There is nothing wrong with getting out of the way of smokers. They are well aware of the health risks and choose to engage in that activity anyway. Again, that is exactly what freedom looks like and it is a GOOD thing.
Freedom in the US? Something that has been advertised for many years yet did not exist in society by US citizens equally to all involved in society...until fairly recently....A nation that does what the majority wants or lawsuits and equal representation take away, where peer pressure rules for the poor but not the rich...Yeah, that freedom....
Or you could simply not purchase trans fats rather than force them out of the market because you don't like them.

You do understand the concept of freedom, do you not?
Yes, Do you understand consumer protection from an industry which would like to sell you items that are negatively affecting humans ability to live?
Sure. That does not apply here one iota.

You see, cigarettes are more dangerous than trans fats are. Trans fats can be, and are for the most part, consumed in a perfectly safe manner by the vast majority of [people in this nation. Further, those health effects experienced from trans fats are NOT a direct result of consuming fats themselves but rather an eating habits that is likely to created those health effects even without them. Fat people are going to be fat and will be more predisposed to things like heart attacks.

Now, if you (or Obama or the FDA - whoever) were advocating for clearly applying warning labels to food and/or informational campaigns to heighten public awareness then you would get my full support. Consumers should be well aware of what they are purchasing and the ill effects that can come of that. but that is not what is proposed, is it. No, outright control is what is wanted. Screw the FDA - they should have no right to deny me the freedom to go out and purchase something I want to access knowing full well the ill effects that may come from over consuming the product.

This is what is called freedom.
The tobacco companies can afford to pay off the govt. I am guessing the lard industry is not that organised or powerful...
Heh. I would doubt that. I am willing to bet that they are FAR more profitable than tobacco ever was.

That is irrelevant to the point though - apparently you do not understand what freedom really is or at least don't think that we should be free to make our own decisions - poor or not. You would not have deflected if you did.

There is nothing wrong with getting out of the way of smokers. They are well aware of the health risks and choose to engage in that activity anyway. Again, that is exactly what freedom looks like and it is a GOOD thing.
Freedom in the US? Something that has been advertised for many years yet did not exist in society by US citizens equally to all involved in society...until fairly recently....A nation that does what the majority wants or lawsuits and equal representation take away, where peer pressure rules for the poor but not the rich...Yeah, that freedom....
What does any of that have to do with this recent move to limit that freedom?

Are you really advocating that we should ignore one infringement because there are others? You are justifying a shit move by trying to cover it up with other shit moves. Sorry but that asinine argument does not fly.
The food industry believes low-levels of trans fats are safe.

Food industry? Most of that shit they make isn't food. You can eat it but it isn't food in any real sense of the word. Food Industry? Yeah, see the problem now? What you eat isn't supposed to be manufactured like iPhones.

Have Faith in Obama, Little Prog. Accept him as your Messiah
You'll like higher food prices and earlier expiration dates!

unbelievable. this is going to hurt the poor and middle class the most. Just like his raising the cigarette tax. he could give a shit less about people in this country
wrong dummy. Fast food cost more than going to the grocery store. Figures you wouldn't know that.

That is irrelevant. Fast food is largely consumed by the poor.

You really should avoid calling people dummy.
You'll like higher food prices and earlier expiration dates!

unbelievable. this is going to hurt the poor and middle class the most. Just like his raising the cigarette tax. he could give a shit less about people in this country
wrong dummy. Fast food cost more than going to the grocery store. Figures you wouldn't know that.

That is irrelevant. Fast food is largely consumed by the poor.

You really should avoid calling people dummy.
Then there must be billions since that is how much in McDonald burgers alone are sold daily...
Right now the federal government has control over the products that can be purchased by federally issued food stamps. Since most of the food stamp recipients seem to suffer from obesity it might be an idea to try the trans fat experiment on them and restrict food stamp purchases to low trans fat products and see how it works out before the FDA wraps their tentacles around the private sector.
LOl, you all should be so pleased you voted in these tryants who can wave a magic wand and BAN things in your life. Maybe we can get a petition going to BAN ABORTIONS.

The Obama administration is expected to all but ban trans fat in a final ruling that could drop as soon as next week, killing most uses of an ingredient that has been put in everything from frozen pizza to Reese’s Pieces but since deemed harmful to human health.

The agency may create some very limited exemptions, but the ruling could force food companies to cut trans fat use beyond the 85 percent reduction already achieved over the past decade — a key piece of the Obama administration’s broader agenda to nudge Americans toward a healthier diet. (Well hell, my mommy and daddy done both passed away. thank gawd for dear Leader)

The food industry believes low-levels of trans fats are safe. Industry leaders have banded together behind-the-scenes to craft a food additive petition that will ask FDA to allow some uses of partially hydrogenated oils, such as in the sprinkles on cupcakes, cookies and ice cream. The industry hasn’t shared details, but officials maintain the uses will represent “very limited amounts.”

For more than 60 years, partially hydrogenated oils have been used in food products under the status generally recognized as safe, which does not require FDA’s approval. But since the 1990s, reams of studies have linked trans fat consumption to cardiovascular disease, causing somewhere between 30,000 and 100,000 premature deaths before the industry started phasing it out.

In late 2013 the Obama administration issued a tentative determination that partially hydrogenated oils are not generally recognized as safe. The move sent shock waves through the food industry, which has already brought down average consumption from more than 4 grams per day to about 1 gram per day — an exodus largely fueled by mandatory labeling imposed a decade ago. Scores of popular products, including Oreos and Cheetos, have quietly dropped partially hydrogenated oils over the years, but it remains an ingredient in many products, including Pop Secret microwave popcorn, Pillsbury Grands! Cinnamon Rolls and Sara Lee cheesecake, as well as some restaurant fryers and commercial bakery goods.

If FDA sticks to its guns in its final determination — and most in food policy circles assume it will — the agency will be taking a firm step toward pushing out more of the remaining uses of trans fat.

all of it here:
Read more:

I'd be happy to send you a case of Crisco, by way of Fed ex, and you can sit and eat it with a spoon.

Hey, they are running out of storage space in their doomsday bunkers, what with all the crates of incandescent light bulbs!
You'll like higher food prices and earlier expiration dates!

unbelievable. this is going to hurt the poor and middle class the most. Just like his raising the cigarette tax. he could give a shit less about people in this country
wrong dummy. Fast food cost more than going to the grocery store. Figures you wouldn't know that.

That is irrelevant. Fast food is largely consumed by the poor.

You really should avoid calling people dummy.
Then there must be billions since that is how much in McDonald burgers alone are sold daily...
Billions per day. Care to restate that because you are WAY off.

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