Food Stamp Capital of the US - White and Republican

Ok, let's not use per capita numbers.


How about we use percentages? Those being the true indicators.

You mean like the forty percent shown?

You're kidding right?
How about in your infinite wisdom you post up the percentage of blacks on welfare or snap and the percentage of whites?
We both know the numbers wont be to your liking.

It's on the graph professor.
If you are trying to make the point that more blacks receive assistance than whites, don't bother. The US taxpayer still spends more on whites.
Do you understand ratios? proportionally we spend more on blacks,its in the graph Einstein.

Arr..Arr...Arr...(clapping seal)

Proportionally but not over all. (My point the entire time, typical con context problem)
It's not in the graph. It's simply the overall percentage of participants by race.( that's in the graph)
How about we use percentages? Those being the true indicators.

You mean like the forty percent shown?

You're kidding right?
How about in your infinite wisdom you post up the percentage of blacks on welfare or snap and the percentage of whites?
We both know the numbers wont be to your liking.

It's on the graph professor.
If you are trying to make the point that more blacks receive assistance than whites, don't bother. The US taxpayer still spends more on whites.
Do you understand ratios? proportionally we spend more on blacks,its in the graph Einstein.

Of course he understands. But it doesnt fit the narrative he's pushing so out the window it goes.

Do you understand the US ( your taxes) spend more on white folks than any other racial group? Of course you do but if you admit that then you have no argument.
There is nothing to understand. Whites cost more than any other race regardless of the percentage of users for each race.

You're a tad confused and percentages obvious challenge you

In you mind it's worse that more blacks receive assistance than whites costing the most. Obviously you don't understand percentages when a smaller group uses more but the larger group is much larger. If you think the US spends too much on SNAP than your beef is with the most expensive group.

Actually my beef is with all welfare and snap recipients.
If you're so against white people getting em you should be against blacks as well.
But of course your not...because you're a hypocritical lefty.

I'm not against SNAP at all. Your side argues against it often using blacks as the scapegoat. The hypocrisy is all yours.

Ah yes...the typical liberal. Putting words in someones mouth to try and make a point.
I want every single able bodied American off of welfare and snap.
Although with the obammy economy it's going to be tough.

Yes, I put words in your mouth responding to the post where you put words in my mouth.
More con context problems.
What is it with liberals and links? They post em up to refute yet they always end up slapping themselves upside the head?
Your link says it's also the fault of strict new regulations regarding coal fired plants.
And to top it off the only reason we have more NG is because of the dreaded fracturing process which you liberals abhor.
Do you morons ever think anything through?

What is it with Cons and comprehension?
Yes fracking, a Repub policy. Remember the free market?

Cracking sounds more like something that happens in the hood.

Nothing to say to the point huh.

I replied. Not my fault you cant manage the quote alert.

You said nothing, again.
Probably because you have nothing.

I've destroyed everything you clowns have posted yet you never respond.
All I get is your one liner bullshit responses because you cant refute my posts.
Typical liberal tactic...
You mean like the forty percent shown?

You're kidding right?
How about in your infinite wisdom you post up the percentage of blacks on welfare or snap and the percentage of whites?
We both know the numbers wont be to your liking.

It's on the graph professor.
If you are trying to make the point that more blacks receive assistance than whites, don't bother. The US taxpayer still spends more on whites.
Do you understand ratios? proportionally we spend more on blacks,its in the graph Einstein.

Of course he understands. But it doesnt fit the narrative he's pushing so out the window it goes.

Do you understand the US ( your taxes) spend more on white folks than any other racial group? Of course you do but if you admit that then you have no argument.

Hmmm...77% vs. 13%

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %

Those numbers look pretty even,in fact blacks use a slightly larger piece of the pie yet they are only 13% of the population.

Welfare Statistics Statistic Brain
How about we use percentages? Those being the true indicators.

You mean like the forty percent shown?

You're kidding right?
How about in your infinite wisdom you post up the percentage of blacks on welfare or snap and the percentage of whites?
We both know the numbers wont be to your liking.

It's on the graph professor.
If you are trying to make the point that more blacks receive assistance than whites, don't bother. The US taxpayer still spends more on whites.
Do you understand ratios? proportionally we spend more on blacks,its in the graph Einstein.

Arr..Arr...Arr...(clapping seal)

Proportionally but not over all. (My point the entire time, typical con context problem)
It's not in the graph. It's simply the overall percentage of participants by race.( that's in the graph)
LOL sharp as a bowling ball,your position states the blatantly obvious,you ignore the meat of the subject,yet blubber about context.
Yes over all more will be spent on whites,they vastly out number all other groups. Trying to play patti cake with what really is the subject makes you look like an 8th grader trying to hard.
Leave it to a dishonest troll to ignore the REASON for this.......

From your link....

The decline in the profits from coal, tobacco and lumber industries led to a harsh toll being taken on the community.

Cale Turner, county executive of Owsley County told ABC back in 2010 that economic hardships have led to a high incidence of drug addiction.

So, Obama basically puts every industry these folks worked in, out of business, and you have the gall to blame Republicans for the food stamps they now need...because they were layed off....because the companies that used to hire them....were run out of business by Obama's policies....

You're a fucking asshole you know that. And a dishonest, lying sack of shit to boot.

There's a bit more to it then that and blaming Obama is also a bit dishonest. Tobacco, for instance, has been in increasing trouble for decades now (much of it the industries own fault). The regions where tobacco was king had little else to take it's place partly because tobacco was one of the few lucrative crops that could be profitably grown by small holders. Coal and timber have had a history of ups and downs, independent of political policies. Right now, the biggest issue for coal is cheap and abundent natural gas.

Other areas that have seen high welfare and foodstamp use include towns where the industries - steele, mills, etc have left for other countries where human life is cheap..

The reason's are complex and I think what we see here is poverty - and the need for assistance is not based on any one political party. I too get tired of seeing the Democrats constantly dinged for being the party of welfare - not exactly an honest assessment either.
You have an excuse for everything and it begins with and O.
Look up the economics of the area and the income per capita for that county.
They were a one industry area for too long. Their leaders needed to diversify. But you
cannot grasp that because it doesn't fit your excuse.

In a coal town, that THE Obama declared war on?

No need to say much in this thread. The OP has already had his ass handed to him.
You have an excuse for everything and it begins with and O.
Look up the economics of the area and the income per capita for that county.
They were a one industry area for too long. Their leaders needed to diversify. But you
cannot grasp that because it doesn't fit your excuse.

In a coal town, that THE Obama declared war on?

So you blame the citizens for not moving away from a home that's probably been in their family for generations?

I hate to be critical but I don't see how this can be the highest use of food stamps considering this is a rural area which is sparse populated.
This is the only time Dembulbs will use per capita numbers

Ok, let's not use per capita numbers.


How about we use percentages? Those being the true indicators.

You mean like the forty percent shown?
Can you read?

What does is say? It says, "PARTICIPATING HOUSEHOLDS"

Do you equate that to ALL HOUSEHOLDS in the USA?
You mean like the forty percent shown?

You're kidding right?
How about in your infinite wisdom you post up the percentage of blacks on welfare or snap and the percentage of whites?
We both know the numbers wont be to your liking.

It's on the graph professor.
If you are trying to make the point that more blacks receive assistance than whites, don't bother. The US taxpayer still spends more on whites.
Do you understand ratios? proportionally we spend more on blacks,its in the graph Einstein.

Of course he understands. But it doesnt fit the narrative he's pushing so out the window it goes.

Do you understand the US ( your taxes) spend more on white folks than any other racial group? Of course you do but if you admit that then you have no argument.
Because they're the largest demographic?
Proportionately we all know who has the highest percentage of recipients.
And it's a culture issue, not an economic one.
Get it now?
I hate to be critical but I don't see how this can be the highest use of food stamps considering this is a rural area which is sparse populated.
This is the only time Dembulbs will use per capita numbers

Ok, let's not use per capita numbers.


How about we use percentages? Those being the true indicators.

You mean like the forty percent shown?
Can you read?

What does is say? It says, "PARTICIPATING HOUSEHOLDS"

Do you equate that to ALL HOUSEHOLDS in the USA?

Yes, participating households, those receiving benefits. 40% of which are white.
Not sure what your point is.
You're kidding right?
How about in your infinite wisdom you post up the percentage of blacks on welfare or snap and the percentage of whites?
We both know the numbers wont be to your liking.

It's on the graph professor.
If you are trying to make the point that more blacks receive assistance than whites, don't bother. The US taxpayer still spends more on whites.
Do you understand ratios? proportionally we spend more on blacks,its in the graph Einstein.

Of course he understands. But it doesnt fit the narrative he's pushing so out the window it goes.

Do you understand the US ( your taxes) spend more on white folks than any other racial group? Of course you do but if you admit that then you have no argument.
Because they're the largest demographic?
Proportionately we all know who has the highest percentage of recipients.
And it's a culture issue, not an economic one.
Get it now?

I've always gotten it.
Highest percentage of recipients but still costs less than whites.
You mean like the forty percent shown?

You're kidding right?
How about in your infinite wisdom you post up the percentage of blacks on welfare or snap and the percentage of whites?
We both know the numbers wont be to your liking.

It's on the graph professor.
If you are trying to make the point that more blacks receive assistance than whites, don't bother. The US taxpayer still spends more on whites.
Do you understand ratios? proportionally we spend more on blacks,its in the graph Einstein.

Arr..Arr...Arr...(clapping seal)

Proportionally but not over all. (My point the entire time, typical con context problem)
It's not in the graph. It's simply the overall percentage of participants by race.( that's in the graph)
LOL sharp as a bowling ball,your position states the blatantly obvious,you ignore the meat of the subject,yet blubber about context.
Yes over all more will be spent on whites,they vastly out number all other groups. Trying to play patti cake with what really is the subject makes you look like an 8th grader trying to hard.

The "real" subject? You mean that blacks are awful even though whites cost us 15% more?
You're kidding right?
How about in your infinite wisdom you post up the percentage of blacks on welfare or snap and the percentage of whites?
We both know the numbers wont be to your liking.

It's on the graph professor.
If you are trying to make the point that more blacks receive assistance than whites, don't bother. The US taxpayer still spends more on whites.
Do you understand ratios? proportionally we spend more on blacks,its in the graph Einstein.

Of course he understands. But it doesnt fit the narrative he's pushing so out the window it goes.

Do you understand the US ( your taxes) spend more on white folks than any other racial group? Of course you do but if you admit that then you have no argument.

Hmmm...77% vs. 13%

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %

Those numbers look pretty even,in fact blacks use a slightly larger piece of the pie yet they are only 13% of the population.

Welfare Statistics Statistic Brain

We are talking SNAP. Context is everything.
If all they do is bitch about how it is. Move!

You have an excuse for everything and it begins with and O.
Look up the economics of the area and the income per capita for that county.
They were a one industry area for too long. Their leaders needed to diversify. But you
cannot grasp that because it doesn't fit your excuse.

In a coal town, that THE Obama declared war on?

So you blame the citizens for not moving away from a home that's probably been in their family for generations?
In a coal town, that THE Obama declared war on?


Yeah, it's all Obama's fault. He invented all that fracking of natural gas... Obama cleverly forced energy companies to transition over to the cheaper power option and stop buying coal. Then he tricked the coal companies into cutting corners and conspire to violate MSHA laws causing accidents that resulted in law suits and criminal investigations.

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