Food stamps and the abuse I see

Sure, corporate american has figured out a way to pass the cost of paying a living wage onto others.
They use their low wages to increase profits for investors who then invest money in non-taxable ways.
They then have the laws in favor of them to pay as little taxes as they can; who pays for the food stamp program and the medicaid , etc.
The workers.
Corporate America is about as unpatriotic one can be in this economy.

Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway

A home health care worker in Durham, N.C.; a McDonald’s cashier in Chicago; a bank teller in New York; an adjunct professor in Maywood, Ill. They are all evidence of an improving economy, because they are working and not among the steadily declining ranks of the unemployed.

Yet these same people also are on public assistance — relying on food stamps, Medicaid or other stretches of the safety net to help cover basic expenses when their paychecks come up short.

And they are not alone. Nearly three-quarters of the people helped by programs geared to the poor are members of a family headed by a worker, according to a new study by the Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California. As a result, taxpayers are providing not only support to the poor but also, in effect, a huge subsidy for employers of low-wage workers, from giants like McDonald’s and Walmart to mom-and-pop businesses.

“This is a hidden cost of low-wage work,” said Ken Jacobs, chairman of the Berkeley center and a co-author of the report, which is scheduled for release on Monday.

Taxpayers pick up the difference, he said, between what employers pay and what is required to cover what most Americans consider essential living costs.

The report estimates that state and federal governments spend more than $150 billion a year on four key antipoverty programs used by working families: Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps and the earned-income tax credit, which is specifically aimed at working families.

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

We need a war to purge out the disgusting, worthless commies.
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.

Wow you
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking



I am so sick of leftist calling INCENTIVES FOR BUSINESSES TO REMAIN and COME and CREATE jobs as corporate welfare. It beyond ignorant and show how simple minded the left is! It's companies of all sizes. When Gov Quinn raised the corporate tax on IL business, Caterpillar was threatening to leave, they were provided a 0% corporate backdoor deal and property tax relief. That pissed me off, but then again, that ensure the 1000s of high paying manufacturing jobs that Caterpillar provides remained in IL.

CA does it order for producers to actually make movies in CA, and it makes great business sense.

The former company I worked for nearly moved all their operations (600+ jobs that paid between $55K - $500K - not sure what the top executives make) to Texas, until they received a tax relief to stay. It makes perfect business sense to do it. These businesses produce revenue for the county, state and country in other ways!

Got it, you LOVE Corp welfare (especially among states) but call people getting to little pay who MUST rely on Gov't (as record Corp profits) are "moochers", lol

You can't make this shit up!
And,....the little league coach who can't handle the moms comes in.

I'm very content. Where do you get your info? Please cite a post of mine where I am complaining.

What have I made up? Name it.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?
by his own admission, he's a clerk at a convenience store that doesn't make enough to have to pay taxes.

And no one believes the story he coughed up in the OP. Well, except you.
Ahh....He just got through informing us that he manages the store.

So he makes an extra $2 an hour??? lol

Wingnutters *shaking head*
He is working supporting himself, so why are you making fun of him? Liberals hate the working people that support them. Lol

YOUR inability to use logic is noted Bubba
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.

Wow you
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking



I am so sick of leftist calling INCENTIVES FOR BUSINESSES TO REMAIN and COME and CREATE jobs as corporate welfare. It beyond ignorant and show how simple minded the left is! It's companies of all sizes. When Gov Quinn raised the corporate tax on IL business, Caterpillar was threatening to leave, they were provided a 0% corporate backdoor deal and property tax relief. That pissed me off, but then again, that ensure the 1000s of high paying manufacturing jobs that Caterpillar provides remained in IL.

CA does it order for producers to actually make movies in CA, and it makes great business sense.

The former company I worked for nearly moved all their operations (600+ jobs that paid between $55K - $500K - not sure what the top executives make) to Texas, until they received a tax relief to stay. It makes perfect business sense to do it. These businesses produce revenue for the county, state and country in other ways!

Got it, you LOVE Corp welfare (especially among states) but call people getting to little pay who MUST rely on Gov't (as record Corp profits) are "moochers", lol

You can't make this shit up!

Why MUST they rely on gov't? Because they're lazy? And think they're being victimized by Da Man if they don't have a box of ho hos next to their easy chair?
Sure, corporate american has figured out a way to pass the cost of paying a living wage onto others.
They use their low wages to increase profits for investors who then invest money in non-taxable ways.
They then have the laws in favor of them to pay as little taxes as they can; who pays for the food stamp program and the medicaid , etc.
The workers.
Corporate America is about as unpatriotic one can be in this economy.

Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway

A home health care worker in Durham, N.C.; a McDonald’s cashier in Chicago; a bank teller in New York; an adjunct professor in Maywood, Ill. They are all evidence of an improving economy, because they are working and not among the steadily declining ranks of the unemployed.

Yet these same people also are on public assistance — relying on food stamps, Medicaid or other stretches of the safety net to help cover basic expenses when their paychecks come up short.

And they are not alone. Nearly three-quarters of the people helped by programs geared to the poor are members of a family headed by a worker, according to a new study by the Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California. As a result, taxpayers are providing not only support to the poor but also, in effect, a huge subsidy for employers of low-wage workers, from giants like McDonald’s and Walmart to mom-and-pop businesses.

“This is a hidden cost of low-wage work,” said Ken Jacobs, chairman of the Berkeley center and a co-author of the report, which is scheduled for release on Monday.

Taxpayers pick up the difference, he said, between what employers pay and what is required to cover what most Americans consider essential living costs.

The report estimates that state and federal governments spend more than $150 billion a year on four key antipoverty programs used by working families: Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps and the earned-income tax credit, which is specifically aimed at working families.

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

We need a war to purge out the disgusting, worthless commies.

Your hate noted Bubba

I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.

Wow you
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking



I am so sick of leftist calling INCENTIVES FOR BUSINESSES TO REMAIN and COME and CREATE jobs as corporate welfare. It beyond ignorant and show how simple minded the left is! It's companies of all sizes. When Gov Quinn raised the corporate tax on IL business, Caterpillar was threatening to leave, they were provided a 0% corporate backdoor deal and property tax relief. That pissed me off, but then again, that ensure the 1000s of high paying manufacturing jobs that Caterpillar provides remained in IL.

CA does it order for producers to actually make movies in CA, and it makes great business sense.

The former company I worked for nearly moved all their operations (600+ jobs that paid between $55K - $500K - not sure what the top executives make) to Texas, until they received a tax relief to stay. It makes perfect business sense to do it. These businesses produce revenue for the county, state and country in other ways!

Got it, you LOVE Corp welfare (especially among states) but call people getting to little pay who MUST rely on Gov't (as record Corp profits) are "moochers", lol

You can't make this shit up!

Why MUST they rely on gov't? Because they're lazy? And think they're being victimized by Da Man if they don't have a box of ho hos next to their easy chair?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities


I never see people using food stamps.

I suppose I'm fortunate to live in the better part of town.
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.

Wow you
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking



I am so sick of leftist calling INCENTIVES FOR BUSINESSES TO REMAIN and COME and CREATE jobs as corporate welfare. It beyond ignorant and show how simple minded the left is! It's companies of all sizes. When Gov Quinn raised the corporate tax on IL business, Caterpillar was threatening to leave, they were provided a 0% corporate backdoor deal and property tax relief. That pissed me off, but then again, that ensure the 1000s of high paying manufacturing jobs that Caterpillar provides remained in IL.

CA does it order for producers to actually make movies in CA, and it makes great business sense.

The former company I worked for nearly moved all their operations (600+ jobs that paid between $55K - $500K - not sure what the top executives make) to Texas, until they received a tax relief to stay. It makes perfect business sense to do it. These businesses produce revenue for the county, state and country in other ways!

Got it, you LOVE Corp welfare (especially among states) but call people getting to little pay who MUST rely on Gov't (as record Corp profits) are "moochers", lol

You can't make this shit up!

Why MUST they rely on gov't? Because they're lazy? And think they're being victimized by Da Man if they don't have a box of ho hos next to their easy chair?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities



Way to gobble that propaganda, commie.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?
by his own admission, he's a clerk at a convenience store that doesn't make enough to have to pay taxes.

And no one believes the story he coughed up in the OP. Well, except you.
Ahh....He just got through informing us that he manages the store.

So he makes an extra $2 an hour??? lol

Wingnutters *shaking head*
He is working supporting himself, so why are you making fun of him? Liberals hate the working people that support them. Lol

YOUR inability to use logic is noted Bubba
No logic is your problem. A working man notices an ebt user abusing the system. You stick up for the abuser who is stealing from everyone, but you belittle the working man. Only in libbie land. I noticed something similar not long ago, but after she used her ebt card for sweets, she bought ice house beer and cigarettes.
Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.

Wow you
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking



I am so sick of leftist calling INCENTIVES FOR BUSINESSES TO REMAIN and COME and CREATE jobs as corporate welfare. It beyond ignorant and show how simple minded the left is! It's companies of all sizes. When Gov Quinn raised the corporate tax on IL business, Caterpillar was threatening to leave, they were provided a 0% corporate backdoor deal and property tax relief. That pissed me off, but then again, that ensure the 1000s of high paying manufacturing jobs that Caterpillar provides remained in IL.

CA does it order for producers to actually make movies in CA, and it makes great business sense.

The former company I worked for nearly moved all their operations (600+ jobs that paid between $55K - $500K - not sure what the top executives make) to Texas, until they received a tax relief to stay. It makes perfect business sense to do it. These businesses produce revenue for the county, state and country in other ways!

Got it, you LOVE Corp welfare (especially among states) but call people getting to little pay who MUST rely on Gov't (as record Corp profits) are "moochers", lol

You can't make this shit up!

Why MUST they rely on gov't? Because they're lazy? And think they're being victimized by Da Man if they don't have a box of ho hos next to their easy chair?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities



Way to gobble that propaganda, commie.

Your dodge noted low info one!
by his own admission, he's a clerk at a convenience store that doesn't make enough to have to pay taxes.

And no one believes the story he coughed up in the OP. Well, except you.
Ahh....He just got through informing us that he manages the store.

So he makes an extra $2 an hour??? lol

Wingnutters *shaking head*
He is working supporting himself, so why are you making fun of him? Liberals hate the working people that support them. Lol

YOUR inability to use logic is noted Bubba
No logic is your problem. A working man notices an ebt user abusing the system. You stick up for the abuser who is stealing from everyone, but you belittle the working man. Only in libbie land. I noticed something similar not long ago, but after she used her ebt card for sweets, she bought ice house beer and cigarettes.

Oh was this "story" supposed to be taken for truth? lol

Like your??? Get a life Bubba, get off the poor's ass!
I am standing here at work

Then why are you wasting your employers' money by wasting your time here?
I don't see how people posting from work keep their jobs.
Because they work meaningless jobs that do not expect much more of them then they show-up and not steal too much.
Then why is it your kind wants to pay $15.00 an hour to start those meaningless jobs?

If those jobs are so meaningless, why do they exist in the first place? They must be meaningful to someone.
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.

Wow you
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking



I am so sick of leftist calling INCENTIVES FOR BUSINESSES TO REMAIN and COME and CREATE jobs as corporate welfare. It beyond ignorant and show how simple minded the left is! It's companies of all sizes. When Gov Quinn raised the corporate tax on IL business, Caterpillar was threatening to leave, they were provided a 0% corporate backdoor deal and property tax relief. That pissed me off, but then again, that ensure the 1000s of high paying manufacturing jobs that Caterpillar provides remained in IL.

CA does it order for producers to actually make movies in CA, and it makes great business sense.

The former company I worked for nearly moved all their operations (600+ jobs that paid between $55K - $500K - not sure what the top executives make) to Texas, until they received a tax relief to stay. It makes perfect business sense to do it. These businesses produce revenue for the county, state and country in other ways!

So basically the taxpayers in your state are in effect, subsidizing your job. It's welfare. Subsidizing a business that can't make it on it's own merits in Illinois. Same things happen when low income citizens can't make it on their small paychecks. So they get food stamps etc.
Ahh....He just got through informing us that he manages the store.

So he makes an extra $2 an hour??? lol

Wingnutters *shaking head*
He is working supporting himself, so why are you making fun of him? Liberals hate the working people that support them. Lol

YOUR inability to use logic is noted Bubba
No logic is your problem. A working man notices an ebt user abusing the system. You stick up for the abuser who is stealing from everyone, but you belittle the working man. Only in libbie land. I noticed something similar not long ago, but after she used her ebt card for sweets, she bought ice house beer and cigarettes.

Oh was this "story" supposed to be taken for truth? lol

Like your??? Get a life Bubba, get off the poor's ass!
I will when the poor ones that don't deserve it, gets off my ass.
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

If you're working in a convenience store, ringing up quick trip items, I'm sure you get money back each year for taxes.

That car may be borrowed from her mother, and she may do her nails don't know shit. You don't know anything about her personal life.
I am standing here at work

Then why are you wasting your employers' money by wasting your time here?
I don't see how people posting from work keep their jobs.
Because they work meaningless jobs that do not expect much more of them then they show-up and not steal too much.
Then why is it your kind wants to pay $15.00 an hour to start those meaningless jobs?

If those jobs are so meaningless, why do they exist in the first place? They must be meaningful to someone.
I was commenting on occupied. You need to ask him about the meaningless part.
While at the supermarket self check-out, I notice a lady at the kiosk in front of me paying her tab using an EBT card (bridge card). I failed to notice the items she purchased. Then while exiting the supermarket and walking in the parking lot to get into my 9 year old paid for automobile, I notice the lady getting into a new Mercedes C300. Great looking automobile.

I must be doing something wrong.

What a load of BS. You just pulled that story out of your ass, didn't you?
While at the supermarket self check-out, I notice a lady at the kiosk in front of me paying her tab using an EBT card (bridge card). I failed to notice the items she purchased. Then while exiting the supermarket and walking in the parking lot to get into my 9 year old paid for automobile, I notice the lady getting into a new Mercedes C300. Great looking automobile.

I must be doing something wrong.
What a load of BS. You just pulled that story out of your ass, didn't you?
No, but it could be the car was not hers...maybe a friend or family member.
While at the supermarket self check-out, I notice a lady at the kiosk in front of me paying her tab using an EBT card (bridge card). I failed to notice the items she purchased. Then while exiting the supermarket and walking in the parking lot to get into my 9 year old paid for automobile, I notice the lady getting into a new Mercedes C300. Great looking automobile.

I must be doing something wrong.
What a load of BS. You just pulled that story out of your ass, didn't you?
No, but it could be the car was not hers...maybe a friend or family member.

Next time you're out shopping, why don't you stick your nose a little further into other people's business, that way you can come back and have something to tell us. :p

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