Food stamps and the abuse I see

I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

And,....the little league coach who can't handle the moms comes in.

I'm very content. Where do you get your info? Please cite a post of mine where I am complaining.

What have I made up? Name it.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?
by his own admission, he's a clerk at a convenience store that doesn't make enough to have to pay taxes.

And no one believes the story he coughed up in the OP. Well, except you.
Ahh....He just got through informing us that he manages the store.

So he makes an extra $2 an hour??? lol

Wingnutters *shaking head*
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking


Trolling liberal/progressive blogs only confirms your lack of credibility..
Genius.....55% of the federal budget is spent on social programs

And 40% of federal revenues alone come from SS/Medicare taxes. Weird how small other taxes pay for those programs right?
Deflection.....You don't want a solution.
We are buried in debt and deficit. Yet you people want everyone to believe their is nothing wrong.

As Obama cut Dubya's final F/Y deficit by 2/3rds and about 90% of current debt can be traced back to Repug Ronnie/Dubya starve the beast policies. Weird
Obama? Cut?....Where you people get your information is a mystery..
An OP claims Obama....Yes Obama himself has "created 8 million jobs".....
There are over two million federal employees. Cutting out the redundancy and those who just take the job for the paycheck instead of accomplishing something, would be a great start...
100% focus on writing and passing into law a balanced budget bill would be another.
Our federal government spends too much on nonsensical crap.
And I mean ALL of it...
Everyone who complains about social spending is countered with the 'corporate welfare' argument. fair enough..
Here's the most galling aspect.....The federal government is not being "asked" for subsidies. The federal government offers the money.. The main reason is not genuine.
The main reason why the feds shower business and education with money is because the government wants a say in how these things are operated.
Two perfect examples of this are the TARP bank bailouts and the Stimulus.
In each instance the banks and the states were FORCED to take the money. In the case of the auto industry GM and Chrysler were told they were taking the money...OUR money....
The sad part is Chrysler is no longer an American car company...Yeah.. FIAT owns a majority share.
I think everything should be cut....Everything,
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking


Trolling liberal/progressive blogs only confirms your lack of credibility..
Genius.....55% of the federal budget is spent on social programs

And 40% of federal revenues alone come from SS/Medicare taxes. Weird how small other taxes pay for those programs right?
Deflection.....You don't want a solution.
We are buried in debt and deficit. Yet you people want everyone to believe their is nothing wrong.

As Obama cut Dubya's final F/Y deficit by 2/3rds and about 90% of current debt can be traced back to Repug Ronnie/Dubya starve the beast policies. Weird
Obama? Cut?....Where you people get your information is a mystery..
An OP claims Obama....Yes Obama himself has "created 8 million jobs".....
There are over two million federal employees. Cutting out the redundancy and those who just take the job for the paycheck instead of accomplishing something, would be a great start...
100% focus on writing and passing into law a balanced budget bill would be another.
Our federal government spends too much on nonsensical crap.
And I mean ALL of it...
Everyone who complains about social spending is countered with the 'corporate welfare' argument. fair enough..
Here's the most galling aspect.....The federal government is not being "asked" for subsidies. The federal government offers the money.. The main reason is not genuine.
The main reason why the feds shower business and education with money is because the government wants a say in how these things are operated.
Two perfect examples of this are the TARP bank bailouts and the Stimulus.
In each instance the banks and the states were FORCED to take the money. In the case of the auto industry GM and Chrysler were told they were taking the money...OUR money....
The sad part is Chrysler is no longer an American car company...Yeah.. FIAT owns a majority share.
I think everything should be cut....Everything,

We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."
Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address

In fiscal year 2009, which started almost four months before Obama's presidency began and ended eight months into it, the deficit was 9.8 percent of GDP. The 2014 shortfall is 2.8 percent of GDP -- a decrease of 71 percent. So that's where the claim comes from.

The situation largely tracks if you use real dollars

Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office PolitiFact

61 Straight Months Of Private Sector Job Growth


Mar 14, 2014 - The sheer size of the corporate welfare system should spark outrage whether we are conservatives, liberals, or libertarians.

I recently read the February 24 Good Jobs First report, “Subsidizing the Corporate One Percent,” by Philip Mattera, a respected thought leader in our business. It says that three-quarters of all state economic development subsidies went to just 965 corporations since the beginning of the study in 1976. The Fortune 500 corporations alone accounted for more than 16,000 subsidy awards, worth $63 billion – mostly in the form of tax breaks.

Think about that. The largest, wealthiest, most powerful organizations in the world are on the public dole. Where is the outrage?

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare - Forbes


The "abuse" the OP "sees" is subjective and irrelevant, in no way "representative" of the SNAP program overall.
Oh yes it is....Because we see more abuse than honesty.
The dude is lying. That's why he got insulted.

Here is a question for the OP:

WHAT TAX MONEY????? You don't pay federal income taxes.
How would you know? You have no clue how much a Manger makes .... as for me lying .. fuck you I don't lie like you

I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

And,....the little league coach who can't handle the moms comes in.

I'm very content. Where do you get your info? Please cite a post of mine where I am complaining.

What have I made up? Name it.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?

Are you lying now.....or were you lying back then?

PC Alert New term we re not supposed to use Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I don't forget it when a loser bitches and moans.
A new mercedese c300....the rich are abusing the food stamp program.

So the rich are abusing the food stamp program.

While at the supermarket self check-out, I notice a lady at the kiosk in front of me paying her tab using an EBT card (bridge card). I failed to notice the items she purchased. Then while exiting the supermarket and walking in the parking lot to get into my 9 year old paid for automobile, I notice the lady getting into a new Mercedes C300. Great looking automobile.

I must be doing something wrong.
Try again...
Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway

A home health care worker in Durham, N.C.; a McDonald’s cashier in Chicago; a bank teller in New York; an adjunct professor in Maywood, Ill. They are all evidence of an improving economy, because they are working and not among the steadily declining ranks of the unemployed.

Yet these same people also are on public assistance — relying on food stamps, Medicaid or other stretches of the safety net to help cover basic expenses when their paychecks come up short.

And they are not alone. Nearly three-quarters of the people helped by programs geared to the poor are members of a family headed by a worker, according to a new study by the Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California. As a result, taxpayers are providing not only support to the poor but also, in effect, a huge subsidy for employers of low-wage workers, from giants like McDonald’s and Walmart to mom-and-pop businesses.

“This is a hidden cost of low-wage work,” said Ken Jacobs, chairman of the Berkeley center and a co-author of the report, which is scheduled for release on Monday.

Taxpayers pick up the difference, he said, between what employers pay and what is required to cover what most Americans consider essential living costs.

The report estimates that state and federal governments spend more than $150 billion a year on four key antipoverty programs used by working families: Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps and the earned-income tax credit, which is specifically aimed at working families.

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

Why do you have to personally attack someone like you just did. If this OP has done it to you in the past well then I am sorry.
Even if you don't agree with what this OP writes , you do not need to hit below the belt.

Any way I have seen some lazy ass people laying around collecting from the Government too

The dude is lying. That's why he got insulted.

Here is a question for the OP:

WHAT TAX MONEY????? You don't pay federal income taxes.
How would you know? You have no clue how much a Manger makes .... as for me lying .. fuck you I don't lie like you

I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

Why should we tax our working class to afford non working losers a better lifestyle than they can afford themselves?

Answer: It's how progressive scumbags buy votes. Free stuff for idiots.
Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway

A home health care worker in Durham, N.C.; a McDonald’s cashier in Chicago; a bank teller in New York; an adjunct professor in Maywood, Ill. They are all evidence of an improving economy, because they are working and not among the steadily declining ranks of the unemployed.

Yet these same people also are on public assistance — relying on food stamps, Medicaid or other stretches of the safety net to help cover basic expenses when their paychecks come up short.

And they are not alone. Nearly three-quarters of the people helped by programs geared to the poor are members of a family headed by a worker, according to a new study by the Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California. As a result, taxpayers are providing not only support to the poor but also, in effect, a huge subsidy for employers of low-wage workers, from giants like McDonald’s and Walmart to mom-and-pop businesses.

“This is a hidden cost of low-wage work,” said Ken Jacobs, chairman of the Berkeley center and a co-author of the report, which is scheduled for release on Monday.

Taxpayers pick up the difference, he said, between what employers pay and what is required to cover what most Americans consider essential living costs.

The report estimates that state and federal governments spend more than $150 billion a year on four key antipoverty programs used by working families: Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps and the earned-income tax credit, which is specifically aimed at working families.

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

Yeah, cuz it has nothing to do with the fact that the working class and business owners are being penalized up the ass for daring to try to support themselves.

Commies are idiots. We need to purge this country, it's time for war. This is never going to be resolved until we get rid of them.
Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway

A home health care worker in Durham, N.C.; a McDonald’s cashier in Chicago; a bank teller in New York; an adjunct professor in Maywood, Ill. They are all evidence of an improving economy, because they are working and not among the steadily declining ranks of the unemployed.

Yet these same people also are on public assistance — relying on food stamps, Medicaid or other stretches of the safety net to help cover basic expenses when their paychecks come up short.

And they are not alone. Nearly three-quarters of the people helped by programs geared to the poor are members of a family headed by a worker, according to a new study by the Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California. As a result, taxpayers are providing not only support to the poor but also, in effect, a huge subsidy for employers of low-wage workers, from giants like McDonald’s and Walmart to mom-and-pop businesses.

“This is a hidden cost of low-wage work,” said Ken Jacobs, chairman of the Berkeley center and a co-author of the report, which is scheduled for release on Monday.

Taxpayers pick up the difference, he said, between what employers pay and what is required to cover what most Americans consider essential living costs.

The report estimates that state and federal governments spend more than $150 billion a year on four key antipoverty programs used by working families: Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps and the earned-income tax credit, which is specifically aimed at working families.

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

Yeah, cuz it has nothing to do with the fact that the working class and business owners are being penalized up the ass for daring to try to support themselves.

Commies are idiots. We need to purge this country, it's time for war. This is never going to be resolved until we get rid of them.

You are the classic Rushblo follower with zero brains but lots of venom. Shocking you can't use reason and logic!

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed
Sure, corporate american has figured out a way to pass the cost of paying a living wage onto others.
They use their low wages to increase profits for investors who then invest money in non-taxable ways.
They then have the laws in favor of them to pay as little taxes as they can; who pays for the food stamp program and the medicaid , etc.
The workers.
Corporate America is about as unpatriotic one can be in this economy.

Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway

A home health care worker in Durham, N.C.; a McDonald’s cashier in Chicago; a bank teller in New York; an adjunct professor in Maywood, Ill. They are all evidence of an improving economy, because they are working and not among the steadily declining ranks of the unemployed.

Yet these same people also are on public assistance — relying on food stamps, Medicaid or other stretches of the safety net to help cover basic expenses when their paychecks come up short.

And they are not alone. Nearly three-quarters of the people helped by programs geared to the poor are members of a family headed by a worker, according to a new study by the Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California. As a result, taxpayers are providing not only support to the poor but also, in effect, a huge subsidy for employers of low-wage workers, from giants like McDonald’s and Walmart to mom-and-pop businesses.

“This is a hidden cost of low-wage work,” said Ken Jacobs, chairman of the Berkeley center and a co-author of the report, which is scheduled for release on Monday.

Taxpayers pick up the difference, he said, between what employers pay and what is required to cover what most Americans consider essential living costs.

The report estimates that state and federal governments spend more than $150 billion a year on four key antipoverty programs used by working families: Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps and the earned-income tax credit, which is specifically aimed at working families.

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.
Anothe ridiculous retort.
Question....What is the difference between someone committing fraud against the taxpayers and one who burglarizes your home?

Purple! Because aliens don't wear hats!

And if you think calling out a brazen liar as a liar is a "ridiculous retort" then you are making a ridiculous retort.
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.
Anothe ridiculous retort.
Question....What is the difference between someone committing fraud against the taxpayers and one who burglarizes your home?

Purple! Because aliens don't wear hats!

And if you think calling out a brazen liar as a liar is a "ridiculous retort" then you are making a ridiculous retort.
Unlike you I don't lie
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap
Maybe it is time you went back to school, educated yourself and got a better job than assistant to the head cashier at your local Wawa.
Hey, he is working dipshit, and is supporting himself without the help of government, but you stick up for the one taking advantage of welfare. While insulting the working man. Thanks for showing what liberalism is.
I am standing here at work

Then why are you wasting your employers' money by wasting your time here?
I don't see how people posting from work keep their jobs.
Because they work meaningless jobs that do not expect much more of them then they show-up and not steal too much.
Then why is it your kind wants to pay $15.00 an hour to start those meaningless jobs?
I never pay attention to what other people do in the check out line. Republican working stiffs (and social security recipients), are obviously trained to be super snoops. "Oooooh, Rush was right, that Black woman bought ding dongs for her little pickanniny using her EBT card." Don't forget to tune in to fox news and rush for your hatred fix, all you busy bodies.
Yeah, I never get why Republicans are such busy bodies.

And have every right to be. They are spending our money after all.
They don't pay attention or care, because if they reduce welfare recipients. They loose voters.
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap
Maybe it is time you went back to school, educated yourself and got a better job than assistant to the head cashier at your local Wawa.
Weak comeback. He has a legit grip. Food stamps are a legit and necessary program. However, the fraud that is associated with it is disgusting. Too many people making over the poverty level are on this program.
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.

Wow you
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking



I am so sick of leftist calling INCENTIVES FOR BUSINESSES TO REMAIN and COME and CREATE jobs as corporate welfare. It beyond ignorant and show how simple minded the left is! It's companies of all sizes. When Gov Quinn raised the corporate tax on IL business, Caterpillar was threatening to leave, they were provided a 0% corporate backdoor deal and property tax relief. That pissed me off, but then again, that ensure the 1000s of high paying manufacturing jobs that Caterpillar provides remained in IL.

CA does it order for producers to actually make movies in CA, and it makes great business sense.

The former company I worked for nearly moved all their operations (600+ jobs that paid between $55K - $500K - not sure what the top executives make) to Texas, until they received a tax relief to stay. It makes perfect business sense to do it. These businesses produce revenue for the county, state and country in other ways!
where ever the op came up with that crap, rest assured its crap.

and this clerk knows a $600 dollar purse when he sees one? How? Is he a gay boi?
He said he is married dumbass, I knew a little something about over priced purses when I was married, because my ex would talk about them when she saw them. Oh and why you being a homophobe? Trying to demean the boy, by associating him with queers? I thought you liked queers. Only a liberal. A queer basher.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

And,....the little league coach who can't handle the moms comes in.

I'm very content. Where do you get your info? Please cite a post of mine where I am complaining.

What have I made up? Name it.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?
by his own admission, he's a clerk at a convenience store that doesn't make enough to have to pay taxes.

And no one believes the story he coughed up in the OP. Well, except you.
Ahh....He just got through informing us that he manages the store.

So he makes an extra $2 an hour??? lol

Wingnutters *shaking head*
He is working supporting himself, so why are you making fun of him? Liberals hate the working people that support them. Lol
Working, but Needing Public Assistance Anyway

A home health care worker in Durham, N.C.; a McDonald’s cashier in Chicago; a bank teller in New York; an adjunct professor in Maywood, Ill. They are all evidence of an improving economy, because they are working and not among the steadily declining ranks of the unemployed.

Yet these same people also are on public assistance — relying on food stamps, Medicaid or other stretches of the safety net to help cover basic expenses when their paychecks come up short.

And they are not alone. Nearly three-quarters of the people helped by programs geared to the poor are members of a family headed by a worker, according to a new study by the Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education at the University of California. As a result, taxpayers are providing not only support to the poor but also, in effect, a huge subsidy for employers of low-wage workers, from giants like McDonald’s and Walmart to mom-and-pop businesses.

“This is a hidden cost of low-wage work,” said Ken Jacobs, chairman of the Berkeley center and a co-author of the report, which is scheduled for release on Monday.

Taxpayers pick up the difference, he said, between what employers pay and what is required to cover what most Americans consider essential living costs.

The report estimates that state and federal governments spend more than $150 billion a year on four key antipoverty programs used by working families: Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, food stamps and the earned-income tax credit, which is specifically aimed at working families.

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

Yeah, cuz it has nothing to do with the fact that the working class and business owners are being penalized up the ass for daring to try to support themselves.

Commies are idiots. We need to purge this country, it's time for war. This is never going to be resolved until we get rid of them.

You are the classic Rushblo follower with zero brains but lots of venom. Shocking you can't use reason and logic!

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

Working but Needing Public Assistance Anyway - OmniFeed

Commies are idiots.

Your utopia doesn't exist, and never will.

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