Food stamps and the abuse I see

I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap
Maybe it is time you went back to school, educated yourself and got a better job than assistant to the head cashier at your local Wawa.

Or he could make less, and have the gubmint give him food so he can use all his income for fun stuff.

This is the problem with this program. Foodstamp recipients should NOT have a higher standard of living than people who work for a living and are not on the dole.
I never pay attention to what other people do in the check out line. Republican working stiffs (and social security recipients), are obviously trained to be super snoops. "Oooooh, Rush was right, that Black woman bought ding dongs for her little pickanniny using her EBT card." Don't forget to tune in to fox news and rush for your hatred fix, all you busy bodies.
But it's ok for you drippy faced libs to chase cops with your cell phone on video?.....And other people are snoops?
Why do you have to personally attack someone like you just did. If this OP has done it to you in the past well then I am sorry.
Even if you don't agree with what this OP writes , you do not need to hit below the belt.

Any way I have seen some lazy ass people laying around collecting from the Government too

The dude is lying. That's why he got insulted.

Here is a question for the OP:

WHAT TAX MONEY????? You don't pay federal income taxes.
How would you know? You have no clue how much a Manger makes .... as for me lying .. fuck you I don't lie like you
What is a Manger? The guy that wrings out mops?
What the fuck do you do for a living?

I've told YOU before. Did you forget?
Your reply wasn't high on the list.
Besides...That was a rhetorical question....
Here's your opportunity to help out the people for which you care so much...Write a check...
I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap

Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.
Why do you have to personally attack someone like you just did. If this OP has done it to you in the past well then I am sorry.
Even if you don't agree with what this OP writes , you do not need to hit below the belt.

Any way I have seen some lazy ass people laying around collecting from the Government too
The worst "abuse" is that the rules let people buy garbage food that was once not allowed.

And the people that can least afford the main consequences of the shitty diet allowed on SNAP, morbid obesity, and morbid obesity related disorders, are the people who suffer from it, die early, die crippled from excess weight, diabetes, etc.

Good grief, give up the "obesity makes lots of people die" line. It's a load of hooey.
I did notice that to many automatically attacked me personally and my Job even though they have no idea what I do or am paid .....Unlike most of you I see this fraud every day... By the way yes i do pay taxes.
Because they have substance on which to base their argument. All they have are personal attacks
I printed out a sticker and pasted it to the front of my Amex so my Amex looks exactly like an EBT card. I love dressing up like a $1000 hooker and waltzing into the grocery store filling up my cart with ribeyes and stone crab claws and wine and smokes and paying for all of it with my "EBT" card. I think I've given several Republicans heart attacks.

Yeah. People give you dirty looks if you use one of those cards. Quite a few people are total assholes though when it comes to judging people - doubt anyone realized that some people unemployed are that way because of mental illness (in my case clinical/severe depression).

Though, even talking about it in a cafe with a family friend, at a level others in the room can hear doesn't always get through people's heads.

I was just talking away with a nice family friend who just happened to be a catholic charity worker, and this asshole in a suit at a nearby table gave me looks like I was a sub-human life form beneath his presence or carrying a contagious disease.

Happened in New Zealand, so not sure that it works here. But I never plan to be on unemployment ever again because you discover how awful or dehumanizing the world is while you are on it.
Well. For those who are able to work, but choose to collect from the taxpayer, there should be public shame..
Why do you have to personally attack someone like you just did. If this OP has done it to you in the past well then I am sorry.
Even if you don't agree with what this OP writes , you do not need to hit below the belt.

Any way I have seen some lazy ass people laying around collecting from the Government too

The dude is lying. That's why he got insulted.

Here is a question for the OP:

WHAT TAX MONEY????? You don't pay federal income taxes.
How would you know? You have no clue how much a Manger makes .... as for me lying .. fuck you I don't lie like you

I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

And,....the little league coach who can't handle the moms comes in.

I'm very content. Where do you get your info? Please cite a post of mine where I am complaining.

What have I made up? Name it.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?
The dude is lying. That's why he got insulted.

Here is a question for the OP:

WHAT TAX MONEY????? You don't pay federal income taxes.
How would you know? You have no clue how much a Manger makes .... as for me lying .. fuck you I don't lie like you

I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

And,....the little league coach who can't handle the moms comes in.

I'm very content. Where do you get your info? Please cite a post of mine where I am complaining.

What have I made up? Name it.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?
by his own admission, he's a clerk at a convenience store that doesn't make enough to have to pay taxes.

And no one believes the story he coughed up in the OP. Well, except you.
How would you know? You have no clue how much a Manger makes .... as for me lying .. fuck you I don't lie like you

I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
You dont know you lying turd. Unlike her and you I work and pay for everything ....I dont sponge off other sweat like you. You progressives make me sick with how you think it is alright for other to pay for your shit.

What do I do for a living?
Come on here to bitch and moan.....

Again, an example of me bitching and moaning. I'll wait.
Ahh you never surprise. A lib takes what he does and accuses others of doing it......
where ever the op came up with that crap, rest assured its crap.

and this clerk knows a $600 dollar purse when he sees one? How? Is he a gay boi?
How would you know? You have no clue how much a Manger makes .... as for me lying .. fuck you I don't lie like you

I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

And,....the little league coach who can't handle the moms comes in.

I'm very content. Where do you get your info? Please cite a post of mine where I am complaining.

What have I made up? Name it.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?
by his own admission, he's a clerk at a convenience store that doesn't make enough to have to pay taxes.

And no one believes the story he coughed up in the OP. Well, except you.
Ahh....He just got through informing us that he manages the store.
The Reagan welfare queen myth makes another appearance. Shocking


Trolling liberal/progressive blogs only confirms your lack of credibility..
Genius.....55% of the federal budget is spent on social programs

And 40% of federal revenues alone come from SS/Medicare taxes. Weird how small other taxes pay for those programs right?
Deflection.....You don't want a solution.
We are buried in debt and deficit. Yet you people want everyone to believe their is nothing wrong.

As Obama cut Dubya's final F/Y deficit by 2/3rds and about 90% of current debt can be traced back to Repug Ronnie/Dubya starve the beast policies. Weird
I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

And,....the little league coach who can't handle the moms comes in.

I'm very content. Where do you get your info? Please cite a post of mine where I am complaining.

What have I made up? Name it.
You accused thalantos of having a low wage job. You also accused him of not paying taxes.
You made that up....For starters.
BTW, I never coached little league.
Another thing you made up.
Keep it coming...Your lies and fabrications are well noted here.
BTW, when's the last time you contributed anything but a complaint to a thread?
What gave you the idea you had any chance of winning this argument?
by his own admission, he's a clerk at a convenience store that doesn't make enough to have to pay taxes.

And no one believes the story he coughed up in the OP. Well, except you.
Ahh....He just got through informing us that he manages the store.
Yeah, I know a guy that "manages" a convenience store. He looks like a homeless person and is not as educated as a homeless person. Lives in a trailer, gets all kinds of tax freebies. :thup:
Ever notice that from year to year with this stereotypical welfare queen, the only thing that changes in the story is the year of the new car she is driving? Funny shit you all believe.

I know a young white woman who has an EBT card. She works in a nursing home doing the long week end hours, cause that's the only way she can get her kids watched by their dead beat dad is on the wk ends. So she watches them during the week, no car, about 13 buck an hour. She's my tenant. She needs the help to feed her two kids and herself.
There are many many many more of her than there is welfare queen ladies with new cars whose story will never die.
And my tenant is even real.
Wait a minute.....So why is the dead beat dad not working?
This is what pisses off us taxpayers.
Here we have a woman who makes $30k per year raising two kids with an able bodied father who refuses to work. So instead of the guy working and footing the bill for his offspring, the asshole found a way to have US do this.......
You tell me where the justice is in that?
Don't give me some sob story straw man bullshit such as "throw the kids into the street".....
"She needs help"......Hey, LOWER THE RENT.....Why should YOU get to rake in the cash then think you get to point the finger at US demanding WE have to pay?
You could single handedly allow this woman to end her trip to the taxpayer trough by lowering her rent...
How about it?
Welcome to the welfare state, where nearly half the population doesn't work - and not because they are ill/physically impared. Though on both of those cases, there are plenty of employers who would be prepared to give either a job. The local McDonalds and Subway here always have signs out saying there a jobs on offer.

I worked at a supermarket for several years, doing basic jobs. It wasn't rocket science, but it was a job that paid well enough and helped me through university.

It is just about getting your hands dirty, and being prepared to work hard without airs or bad attitude towards others - or in other words keeping a positive workplace.

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

The claim behind these critiques is clear: federal spending on entitlements and other mandatory programs through which individuals receive benefits is promoting laziness, creating a dependent class of Americans who are losing the desire to work and would rather collect government benefits than find a job.

Such beliefs are starkly at odds with the basic facts regarding social programs, the analysis finds. Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percentof the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
I am standing here in a bar on a yacht, and in comes a Wall Street dealer. He tells me he bought the yacht from all the money he ripped off from 401k schmucks and because his capital gains aren't taxed at the same rate as the little people's incomes. Plus he gets to write off the yacht as a business expense. And then he laughs so hard he nearly chokes on his caviar.
Spinning yarns again?....
I assume you believe capital gains should be taxed at the same rate is regular income?....
You do realize that is government getting a second bite at the apple? Taxed TWICE...
And what do you say about those tens of millions of people who have 401k's, IRAs, etc? Middle class people scraping by and using a few bucks out of their pay to prepare for their retirement?
And what say you to all the people who buy stocks for their kids future? Perhaps a few shares of some blue chip stock that will grow in value so that the kid can afford to pay for their college?.....
I think your yacht story is a figment of your imagination.
Like all true believer libs, you are full of shit.

Dummy, you ONLY tax NEW income with capital gains taxes. Grow a brain!

The Top 0.1% (1/10th of 1%) Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains (includes dividends)

The Top 0.1 Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes

Andrew Mellon had a few distinctly progressive ideas. Of particular note, he suggested taxing "earned" income from wages and salaries more lightly that "unearned" income from investments. As he argued:

The fairness of taxing more lightly income from wages, salaries or from investments is beyond question. In the first case, the income is uncertain and limited in duration; sickness or death destroys it and old age diminishes it; in the other, the source of income continues; the income may be disposed of during a man's life and it descends to his heirs.

Surely we can afford to make a distinction between the people whose only capital is their mental and physical energy and the people whose income is derived from investments. Such a distinction would mean much to millions of American workers and would be an added inspiration to the man who must provide a competence during his few productive years to care for himself and his family when his earnings capacity is at an end.

Tax History Project -- The Republican Roots of New Deal Tax Policy
Thanks for confirming what I've always known. You're a pathetic, low life, piece of scum who fails at life and the only work you can get is at a gas station.

Either that, or you're a flaming liar.

Or both.

Why do you have to personally attack someone like you just did. If this OP has done it to you in the past well then I am sorry.
Even if you don't agree with what this OP writes , you do not need to hit below the belt.

Any way I have seen some lazy ass people laying around collecting from the Government too

The dude is lying. That's why he got insulted.

Here is a question for the OP:

WHAT TAX MONEY????? You don't pay federal income taxes.
How would you know? You have no clue how much a Manger makes .... as for me lying .. fuck you I don't lie like you

I know that you don't make enough to pay federal income taxes. The welfare queen that you made up in your story isn't using your tax dollars.
Stop lying.........You are nothing but a malcontent. A whiny angry liberal. All you do is complain.
And make up stuff out of left field. it's your security blanket.
Go vote for Hillary and shut the fuck up.

I am standing here at work and incomes this nice 2014 ford expedition. A lady steps out in the designer cloths comes in grabs a water some cashews and a small bag of chips and after I ring this up asks if I take ebt . I said yes. She then lifts up her 600 dollar purse and pays with ebt . She trout with the touch screen because her 30 dollar nails don't work on it.......

Wtf!!!! This infuriates me and it is not something rare. Me and my wife both work and make to much to qualify for food stamps and we drive a 2003 Buick that was handed down to us. I have to scrap for cloths and rent and bills everyday . My wife has entered had her nails done in well over a year. And yet here is this woman eating off my fucking tax money. I wish I could say this was a rare thing I see but truth is it is more rare to see a person who is actually down on their luck using my tax money. Maybe it is time we do away with snap
Maybe it is time you went back to school, educated yourself and got a better job than assistant to the head cashier at your local Wawa.

Or he could make less, and have the gubmint give him food so he can use all his income for fun stuff.

This is the problem with this program. Foodstamp recipients should NOT have a higher standard of living than people who work for a living and are not on the dole.


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