Food Stamps: Middle Class Entitlement


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Review & Outlook: Food Stamp Fiasco -

Yes, $770 billion on a single program. And you wonder why the U.S. had its credit-rating downgraded?
When the food stamp program began in the 1970s, it was designed to help about 1 of 50 Americans who were in severe financial distress. But thanks to eligibility changes first by President George W. Bush as part of the 2002 farm bill and then by President Obama in the 2008 stimulus, food stamps are becoming the latest middle-class entitlement.

A record 44.7 million people received food stamps in fiscal 2011, up from 28.2 million as recently as 2008. The cost has more than doubled in that same period, to $78 billion, and is on track to account for 78% of farm bill spending over the next decade. One in seven Americans now qualifies.

This Country is a fucking joke, and the joke is on you ......
The collapse will be along soon enough.

The good news is that silver is way down -in relation to gold- for some inexplicable reason....I suggest snapping up as much "junk" coin as you can.

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