Foods you love that others are repulsed by

Lima beans. I can't figure out why people hate them so much, but it's more for me so it's all good. I've happily cooked up a whole package and had them ala carte for my whole meal, plenty of butter, s & p
No butter for me.
Rinse the beans then put them in your slow cooker to soak over night in chicken stock.
Next morning fire up the cooker and add a ham hock.
Sometime after noon when the ham hock is fully cooked, remove it. Use forks to pull all of the ham from the hock and add the shredded ham back to the beans. Discard the hock. If necessary thicken the dish with a little rux. I use butter/flour rux but you can use the fat of your choice for the rux. Bacon drippings would be good to pork it up a bit.

Fermented soy beans.

You sick fuck

I've been told that before, and by people a lot more naked than you.
Im at work, so im pretty naked..
For example: those little tins of smoked oysters. On a ritz cracker, with a drop of hot sauce, paired with an ice cold cheap American beer. Love it!
My missus, on the other hand, won't touch them.
Lima beans. I can't figure out why people hate them so much, but it's more for me so it's all good. I've happily cooked up a whole package and had them ala carte for my whole meal, plenty of butter, s & p
No butter for me.
Rinse the beans then put them in your slow cooker to soak over night in chicken stock.
Next morning fire up the cooker and add a ham hock.
Sometime after noon when the ham hock is fully cooked, remove it. Use forks to pull all of the ham from the hock and add the shredded ham back to the beans. Discard the hock. If necessary thicken the dish with a little rux. I use butter/flour rux but you can use the fat of your choice for the rux. Bacon drippings would be good to pork it up a bit.
Sounds good. I don't remember seeing ham hocks around here. Every time I've tried adding ham to a recipe, like scalloped potatoes, the flavor cooks out of the ham. My mom used to make a really good split pea and ham soup with the leftover Easter ham bone, but I don't know how she did it so the ham still tasted like ham.
Whale is (as you'd imagine) a little fatty, but has a good flavor. Sort of buttery.
Lima beans. I can't figure out why people hate them so much, but it's more for me so it's all good. I've happily cooked up a whole package and had them ala carte for my whole meal, plenty of butter, s & p
Lima and green beans :no_text11:
Green beans rock!
I'm not fussy, but restaurant's artful tendency to serve them whole, half cooked, is awful. No, I do not want crunch in my cooked vegetables. And
I don't appreciate needing a knife to get them in my mouth, either.
Lima beans. I can't figure out why people hate them so much, but it's more for me so it's all good. I've happily cooked up a whole package and had them ala carte for my whole meal, plenty of butter, s & p
Lima and green beans :no_text11:
Green beans rock!
I'm not fussy, but restaurant's artful tendency to serve them whole, half cooked, is awful. No, I do not want crunch in my cooked vegetables. And
I don't appreciate needing a knife to get them in my mouth, either.
Whole green beans do make a nice lookin dish
Lima beans. I can't figure out why people hate them so much, but it's more for me so it's all good. I've happily cooked up a whole package and had them ala carte for my whole meal, plenty of butter, s & p
Lima and green beans :no_text11:
Green beans rock!
Green beans (aka string or snap beans) are if cooked southern style. Thats cooked to death and with some bacon grease added to flavor them up a bit. Onions are optional. Green bean casserole is good too.
Whale is (as you'd imagine) a little fatty, but has a good flavor. Sort of buttery.
I would like to try whale.
I tried shark! It was pretty good.
They were (illegally) serving shark as scallops at this seafood restaurant on the Connecticut shore. At least I think it was shark. Or dolphin. Did it taste like scallops?
Well, kind of a fishy chicken lol.
Never tried dolphin but i would. Would rather play with them, though.
Whale is (as you'd imagine) a little fatty, but has a good flavor. Sort of buttery.
I would like to try whale.
I tried shark! It was pretty good.
They were (illegally) serving shark as scallops at this seafood restaurant on the Connecticut shore. At least I think it was shark. Or dolphin. Did it taste like scallops?
Generally they take searay wings and a hole saw to make "diver scallop$$$" I've made them for myself a few times. Hard to tell much off a difference.Pro's can(scallop trappers) all "tasted like that thar chicken" to the rest of us
Whale is (as you'd imagine) a little fatty, but has a good flavor. Sort of buttery.
I would like to try whale.
I tried shark! It was pretty good.
They were (illegally) serving shark as scallops at this seafood restaurant on the Connecticut shore. At least I think it was shark. Or dolphin. Did it taste like scallops?
Well, kind of a fishy chicken lol.
Never tried dolphin but i would. Would rather play with them, though.
Never ate flipper. I had manatee a couple times in the Bahamas...greasy and strange but fine with carib jerks sauce and stuff.
Lima beans. I can't figure out why people hate them so much, but it's more for me so it's all good. I've happily cooked up a whole package and had them ala carte for my whole meal, plenty of butter, s & p
Lima and green beans :no_text11:
Green beans rock!
I'm not fussy, but restaurant's artful tendency to serve them whole, half cooked, is awful. No, I do not want crunch in my cooked vegetables. And
I don't appreciate needing a knife to get them in my mouth, either.

Oh, you want this....
Lima beans. I can't figure out why people hate them so much, but it's more for me so it's all good. I've happily cooked up a whole package and had them ala carte for my whole meal, plenty of butter, s & p
Lima and green beans :no_text11:
Green beans rock!
Green beans (aka string or snap beans) are if cooked southern style. Thats cooked to death and with some bacon grease added to flavor them up a bit. Onions are optional. Green bean casserole is good too.
My stepmother cooks 'em forever low and slow in olive oil and garlic, and they're wonderful.
I cook 'em about half way, then throw them in a skillet with bacon grease, butter and a big pile of chopped mushrooms. When I serve them, I put the crumbled bacon in.
Lima beans. I can't figure out why people hate them so much, but it's more for me so it's all good. I've happily cooked up a whole package and had them ala carte for my whole meal, plenty of butter, s & p
Lima and green beans :no_text11:
Green beans rock!
Green beans (aka string or snap beans) are if cooked southern style. Thats cooked to death and with some bacon grease added to flavor them up a bit. Onions are optional. Green bean casserole is good too.
My stepmother cooks 'em forever low and slow in olive oil and garlic, and they're wonderful.
I cook 'em about half way, then throw them in a skillet with bacon grease, butter and a big pile of chopped mushrooms. When I serve them, I put the crumbled bacon in.
Fungus? smh

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