
Didn't John Kasich have his own show once?
It sucked apparently… A failure just like his governorship
He used to stand in for Bill O'Reilly on The Factor on Fox News.

I'm so sorry to see you reduced to ad hominems toward Kasich since you have been unable to prove he's a RINO compared to Trump.

He apparently infected o'Riley...
Kasich was soundly rejected by America… Just another has been - never was…
Didn't John Kasich have his own show once?
It sucked apparently… A failure just like his governorship
He used to stand in for Bill O'Reilly on The Factor on Fox News.

I'm so sorry to see you reduced to ad hominems toward Kasich since you have been unable to prove he's a RINO compared to Trump.

Like I said one issue… Gun control
His GRANDMOTHER was THERE... but hey... no one is supposed to believe that.
I remember the family in Kenya being interviewed when Barry was a Senator and granny said, "He was born right here in this house."
Nope. That's a lie. You made that up.
I'm not gonna waste my time digging up that video again but I've posted it before. The "lie" is the cover-up by the left for Obama ever since he became a public figure.
I just did post it. In post 40. You didn't post it because it completely refutes your bullshit.

Too bad for you.

Stop being a lying fucking rube.
Bullfuckingshit. I'm talking about the video in Granny's house with all the family shucking and jiving about the fact that he was born in this house and every head bobbing up and down in agreement. Next day, after everyone was assembled there was a shitload of denials because "the interpreter "confused" the old woman." It was on every news channel at the time but you were probably watching Thomas The Train.
That's a story that was made up by Donald Trump, retard.

Trump made up a story about a tape of Obama's grandmother saying she was there when Obama was born. Trump totally made that up. It was complete fiction.

And you drank that piss. There is no such interview where she says any such thing.

If there was, dumbass, it would be all over the internet, since you birfers number in the millions. At least one of you tards would have a copy.

But it doesn't exist. You drank Trump's piss.

Trump said, ""His grandmother in Kenya said, 'Oh no, he was born in Kenya and I was there and I witnessed the birth.' Now, she's on tape and I think that tape's going to be produced fairly soon."

Whenever Trump makes up a lie, he always says the evidence ill be "produced fairly soon." He knows you tards won't come back later and ask him where it is. You just bleev it blindly and never question it.
I remember the family in Kenya being interviewed when Barry was a Senator and granny said, "He was born right here in this house."
Nope. That's a lie. You made that up.
I'm not gonna waste my time digging up that video again but I've posted it before. The "lie" is the cover-up by the left for Obama ever since he became a public figure.
I just did post it. In post 40. You didn't post it because it completely refutes your bullshit.

Too bad for you.

Stop being a lying fucking rube.
Bullfuckingshit. I'm talking about the video in Granny's house with all the family shucking and jiving about the fact that he was born in this house and every head bobbing up and down in agreement. Next day, after everyone was assembled there was a shitload of denials because "the interpreter "confused" the old woman." It was on every news channel at the time but you were probably watching Thomas The Train.
That's a story that was made up by Donald Trump, retard.

Trump made up a story about a tape of Obama's grandmother saying she was there when Obama was born. Trump totally made that up. It was complete fiction.

And you drank that piss. There is no such interview where she says any such thing.

If there was, dumbass, it would be all over the internet, since you birfers number in the millions. At least one of you tards would have a copy.

But it doesn't exist. You drank Trump's piss.

Trump said, ""His grandmother in Kenya said, 'Oh no, he was born in Kenya and I was there and I witnessed the birth.' Now, she's on tape and I think that tape's going to be produced fairly soon."

Whenever Trump makes up a lie, he always says the evidence ill be "produced fairly soon." He knows you tards won't come back later and ask him where it is. You just bleev it blindly and never question it.
Barry is yesterday's news... in all 57 states
No one voted for the asshole, so no one gives a shit what he says except for progressives… Fact
I remember the family in Kenya being interviewed when Barry was a Senator and granny said, "He was born right here in this house."
Nope. That's a lie. You made that up.
I'm not gonna waste my time digging up that video again but I've posted it before. The "lie" is the cover-up by the left for Obama ever since he became a public figure.
I just did post it. In post 40. You didn't post it because it completely refutes your bullshit.

Too bad for you.

Stop being a lying fucking rube.
Bullfuckingshit. I'm talking about the video in Granny's house with all the family shucking and jiving about the fact that he was born in this house and every head bobbing up and down in agreement. Next day, after everyone was assembled there was a shitload of denials because "the interpreter "confused" the old woman." It was on every news channel at the time but you were probably watching Thomas The Train.
That's a story that was made up by Donald Trump, retard.

Trump made up a story about a tape of Obama's grandmother saying she was there when Obama was born. Trump totally made that up. It was complete fiction.

And you drank that piss. There is no such interview where she says any such thing.

If there was, dumbass, it would be all over the internet, since you birfers number in the millions. At least one of you tards would have a copy.

But it doesn't exist. You drank Trump's piss.

Trump said, ""His grandmother in Kenya said, 'Oh no, he was born in Kenya and I was there and I witnessed the birth.' Now, she's on tape and I think that tape's going to be produced fairly soon."

Whenever Trump makes up a lie, he always says the evidence ill be "produced fairly soon." He knows you tards won't come back later and ask him where it is. You just bleev it blindly and never question it.
That video was filmed in 2007 when Shitneck was still a senator. Trump wasn't in the picture then. I already said I won't dig it up because it's on this forum somewhere. You look it up.
Nope. That's a lie. You made that up.
I'm not gonna waste my time digging up that video again but I've posted it before. The "lie" is the cover-up by the left for Obama ever since he became a public figure.
I just did post it. In post 40. You didn't post it because it completely refutes your bullshit.

Too bad for you.

Stop being a lying fucking rube.
Bullfuckingshit. I'm talking about the video in Granny's house with all the family shucking and jiving about the fact that he was born in this house and every head bobbing up and down in agreement. Next day, after everyone was assembled there was a shitload of denials because "the interpreter "confused" the old woman." It was on every news channel at the time but you were probably watching Thomas The Train.
That's a story that was made up by Donald Trump, retard.

Trump made up a story about a tape of Obama's grandmother saying she was there when Obama was born. Trump totally made that up. It was complete fiction.

And you drank that piss. There is no such interview where she says any such thing.

If there was, dumbass, it would be all over the internet, since you birfers number in the millions. At least one of you tards would have a copy.

But it doesn't exist. You drank Trump's piss.

Trump said, ""His grandmother in Kenya said, 'Oh no, he was born in Kenya and I was there and I witnessed the birth.' Now, she's on tape and I think that tape's going to be produced fairly soon."

Whenever Trump makes up a lie, he always says the evidence ill be "produced fairly soon." He knows you tards won't come back later and ask him where it is. You just bleev it blindly and never question it.
That video was filmed in 2007 when Shitneck was still a senator. Trump wasn't in the picture then. I already said I won't dig it up because it's on this forum somewhere. You look it up.
Nope. You made the claim. The burden is on you to produce it.

You can't produce it. You don't have it, and never did.
Back to the subject at hand, Kasich sucks… That's why nobody voted for him

You have always claimed the tape exists, Hossfly, but have never once posted it. Because it doesn't exist.

There are videos still online. And they are CNN and MSNBC videos. Google Obama's Kenyan grandmother, videos. I already did. Find your own videos before you make a bigger fool of yourself.


You don't have it. Because it does not exist.

You lied above when you said you have posted it on this forum before.

It's all you do. Lie.

You have always claimed the tape exists, Hossfly, but have never once posted it. Because it doesn't exist.

There are videos still online. And they are CNN and MSNBC videos. Google Obama's Kenyan grandmother, videos. I already did. Find your own videos before you make a bigger fool of yourself.


You don't have it. Because it does not exist.

You lied above when you said you have posted it on this forum before.

It's all you do. Lie.
The fact remains, there would be no trump if there was no Obama

You have always claimed the tape exists, Hossfly, but have never once posted it. Because it doesn't exist.

There are videos still online. And they are CNN and MSNBC videos. Google Obama's Kenyan grandmother, videos. I already did. Find your own videos before you make a bigger fool of yourself.


You don't have it. Because it does not exist.

You lied above when you said you have posted it on this forum before.

It's all you do. Lie.
The fact remains, there would be no trump if there was no Obama
And there would be no Obama if there was no Bush.
Back to the subject at hand, Kasich sucks… That's why nobody voted for him
We had at least four real conservatives, including Kasich, to choose from in the primaries, but you tards chose a New York limousine liberal con artist and game show host.

Why? Because like all good hucksters, Trump knew your weakness. He came out attacking Mexicans and Muslims, and you fell immediately in love with him.

After years and years and years of whining about the GOP losing because it never nominated a real conservative, it turned out what you really wanted was a world class ignorant bigot.

You have always claimed the tape exists, Hossfly, but have never once posted it. Because it doesn't exist.

There are videos still online. And they are CNN and MSNBC videos. Google Obama's Kenyan grandmother, videos. I already did. Find your own videos before you make a bigger fool of yourself.


You don't have it. Because it does not exist.

You lied above when you said you have posted it on this forum before.

It's all you do. Lie.
The fact remains, there would be no trump if there was no Obama
And there would be no Obama if there was no Bush.
True... career politicians are the lowest of life forms
Back to the subject at hand, Kasich sucks… That's why nobody voted for him
We had at least four real conservatives, including Kasich, to choose from in the primaries, but you tards chose a New York limousine liberal con artist and game show host.

Why? Because like all good hucksters, Trump knew your weakness. He came out attacking Mexicans and Muslims, and you fell immediately in love with him.

After years and years and years of whining about the GOP losing because it never nominated a real conservative, it turned out what you really wanted was a world class ignorant bigot.
First of all Kasich is no conservative, second of all - career politicians are not human...
Kasich is 100% anti-firearm... that makes him a progressive
Hey... show me, hell, show the entire world for that sake, a "hard copy original certificate of birth", that can be held in hand and AUTHENTICATED as GENUINE, and I'll quit. Until then, all I've seen is digital forgeries and heard bull shit stories. There is no proof obama was born in Hawaii. None. Period. End of story.
His own brother said he was born in Kenya.
His GRANDMOTHER was THERE... but hey... no one is supposed to believe that.
I remember the family in Kenya being interviewed when Barry was a Senator and granny said, "He was born right here in this house." The whole family agreed but the next day every one of them said granny was confused and then everyone denied what they had agreed on the day before.
POS then MELAS palakalo possess malaka?

So if I asked you that and it meant where are you from, being a Greek American you might answer America or Greece because originally your family came from Greece.

I remember that video. Sorry but the birthers are nuts. And we elected one
Tell g5000 about that video. He never saw the original newscasts.
he turns me on every time i watch a u-tube video of him eating at a diner

Makes me want to slap the shit out of him. I mean does this prick have no manners ? Just go's on aTV with a maw full of slop and gabs away. And he is supposed to be upper crust?

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