
Hey... show me, hell, show the entire world for that sake, a "hard copy original certificate of birth", that can be held in hand and AUTHENTICATED as GENUINE, and I'll quit. Until then, all I've seen is digital forgeries and heard bull shit stories. There is no proof obama was born in Hawaii. None. Period. End of story.
His own brother said he was born in Kenya.
His GRANDMOTHER was THERE... but hey... no one is supposed to believe that.
I remember the family in Kenya being interviewed when Barry was a Senator and granny said, "He was born right here in this house." The whole family agreed but the next day every one of them said granny was confused and then everyone denied what they had agreed on the day before.
POS then MELAS palakalo possess malaka?

So if I asked you that and it meant where are you from, being a Greek American you might answer America or Greece because originally your family came from Greece.

I remember that video. Sorry but the birthers are nuts. And we elected one
Tell g5000 about that video. He never saw the original newscasts.
You don't have it. Don't tell me about it. Produce it!

You can't. It never existed, and you lied when you said you had posted it before.

Birther liar.

If it existed, it would be all over YouTube with all the other birther videos.

Liar. You never posted it. You have no shame about lying. And you are actually stupid enough to lie when I'm around.
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His own brother said he was born in Kenya.
His GRANDMOTHER was THERE... but hey... no one is supposed to believe that.
I remember the family in Kenya being interviewed when Barry was a Senator and granny said, "He was born right here in this house." The whole family agreed but the next day every one of them said granny was confused and then everyone denied what they had agreed on the day before.
POS then MELAS palakalo possess malaka?

So if I asked you that and it meant where are you from, being a Greek American you might answer America or Greece because originally your family came from Greece.

I remember that video. Sorry but the birthers are nuts. And we elected one
Tell g5000 about that video. He never saw the original newscasts.
You don't have it. Don't tell me about it. Produce it!

You can't. It never existed, and you lied when you said you had posted it before.

Birther liar.

If it existed, it would be all over YouTube with all the other birther videos.

Liar. You never posted it. You have no shame about lying. And you are actually stupid enough to lie when I'm around.
You on crack?
His GRANDMOTHER was THERE... but hey... no one is supposed to believe that.
I remember the family in Kenya being interviewed when Barry was a Senator and granny said, "He was born right here in this house." The whole family agreed but the next day every one of them said granny was confused and then everyone denied what they had agreed on the day before.
POS then MELAS palakalo possess malaka?

So if I asked you that and it meant where are you from, being a Greek American you might answer America or Greece because originally your family came from Greece.

I remember that video. Sorry but the birthers are nuts. And we elected one
Tell g5000 about that video. He never saw the original newscasts.
You don't have it. Don't tell me about it. Produce it!

You can't. It never existed, and you lied when you said you had posted it before.

Birther liar.

If it existed, it would be all over YouTube with all the other birther videos.

Liar. You never posted it. You have no shame about lying. And you are actually stupid enough to lie when I'm around.
You on crack?
You're embarrassed, aren't you. You got caught drinking a bucket of piss, and then tried to cover it up by lying some more.


You never saw such a video, you never posted such a video. Liar.
I'm talking about the video in Granny's house with all the family shucking and jiving about the fact that he was born in this house and every head bobbing up and down in agreement.
Here's the only video of Obama's grandmother and some relatives "shucking and jiving" (nice!). And it isn't what you say it is. Liar.

Well he ain't a liberal.

On a scale of 1-10 Kasich is a 5, trumps a 4, Jeb 3, Carson 7 Cruz 10
Kasich is a fence rider, he has no spine and tells people what they want to hear… Typical progressive
I heard him on NPR. He's the only kind of Republican that stands a chance. Romney, McCain, Kasich, Trump are moderates. You guys need to nominate a RINO.

I love you trashing a candidate I fear. I hope you like Cruz and nominate him
Only a fool would fear Kasich, he makes no sense and is spineless…
I fear him because he's what Americans want. Not a complete rwnj.
Hey... show me, hell, show the entire world for that sake, a "hard copy original certificate of birth", that can be held in hand and AUTHENTICATED as GENUINE, and I'll quit. Until then, all I've seen is digital forgeries and heard bull shit stories. There is no proof obama was born in Hawaii. None. Period. End of story.
His own brother said he was born in Kenya.
His GRANDMOTHER was THERE... but hey... no one is supposed to believe that.
I remember the family in Kenya being interviewed when Barry was a Senator and granny said, "He was born right here in this house." The whole family agreed but the next day every one of them said granny was confused and then everyone denied what they had agreed on the day before.
POS then MELAS palakalo possess malaka?

So if I asked you that and it meant where are you from, being a Greek American you might answer America or Greece because originally your family came from Greece.

I remember that video. Sorry but the birthers are nuts. And we elected one
Tell g5000 about that video. He never saw the original newscasts.
They did mistakenly say he was born there. I remember seeing it.
Kasich took the Medicaid expansion because the taxpayers of his state were being forced to pay for it. Why should he allow the federal government to take his people's money and not get some of it back? I await your explanation with bated breath.

80 percent of the American people believe illegals should be given legal status or a path to citizenship. Do you believe our politicians should obey the Will of the People, or only when it is convenient to you? I await your answer with bated breath.

Common Core was created entirely on the state level, with no federal dollars or oversight. It was then enacted in 46 states. Do you think they were all blue states? Nope. Almost every red state enacted it. Conservatives lined up to praise Common Core. They loved Common Core. Loooooooooved it. And then one day, Barack Obama said he also like Common Core. And in true Orwellian fashion, the pseudocons like you suddenly decided they hated Common Core! "We've always been at war with Eastasia." I await your explanation with bated breath.

Ronald Reagan favored an assault weapons ban. He supported the Brady Bill. Was he not a conservative? I await your answer with bated breath.

Donald Trump is okay with gay marriage. I await your decrying of Donald Trump as not a conservative. Which he isn't, actually. He's the biggest RINO of all RINOs.

I wish he could understand what you posted but I'm afraid it will all go over his head. Great, informative post, btw.
Pfft... there's still people that think obama was born in Hawaii.

Hey... show me, hell, show the entire world for that sake, a "hard copy original certificate of birth", that can be held in hand and AUTHENTICATED as GENUINE, and I'll quit. Until then, all I've seen is digital forgeries and heard bull shit stories. There is no proof obama was born in Hawaii. None. Period. End of story.


Gotta love you burfur twits.

Also gotta love that The Magic Kenyan left Africa, went to Hawaii, stayed long enough to place TWO (2) birth announcements in TWO (2) different newspapers and still made it back to Kenya in time to be born to an American woman who was in Hawaii.

I dare you to start a new thread in the conspiracies forum, splain this to me and I'll check it tomorrow.

Betcha can't.


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I was really looking forward to learning how The Magic Kenyan did this.

Well, I'm sure 007 will be along later to splain it.

Meanwhile, can the other burfurs tell me how President Obama's mommy gave birth to him in Kenya even though she was in Hawaii?

Thanks ever so much.

Didn't John Kasich have his own show once?
It sucked apparently… A failure just like his governorship

You're thinking of that horror The Apprentice. Canceled because no one watched it. That's why the pussy grabbing cheeto decided to run for prez and you numb nuts actually voted for him.

You just remember that.

YOU did this.

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