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for all the racist..this'll pop you balloon

"Hispanic" isn't a race. 50% of 'hispanics' are considered caucasians, being of Spanish descent. This is why most poll questions and census forms have the line:

"Caucasian (non-Hispanic)"
Originally posted by William Joyce
for all the racist, this'll pop you balloon?

What kind of ghetto sentence is that? This is what happens to the King's English when Spanish becomes our first language.

I can only hope the white balloon gets popped. Mine has been, but most whites are living in OCA/dmp fantasy-land, where they think Hispanic women are as pictured above, who is of predominately European blood in any event. She appears to have one Indian of 32 ancestors. That's like pretending all black women look like Halle Berry.

The story above is proof only that whites need to start fighting back --- beginning with anti-white assholes like OCA and dmp.

Yes, Sweet William...Your lilly-white ass is well on the way to becoming a minority. Get used to it cracker-boy.
heres more ammo???? a quote from 200 plus years ago...times change william...it aint 1787 anymore and "if we are to win this thing" what thing? you playing a game here? aint no realwinners here only losers....and I cant help but feel that the people losing are you and your friends that think the way you do. You arelosing out on what life has to offer because you have choosen to close eyes and mind to the real world....its techno-color time william...black and white and brown and yellow and any other color you can find.... americans are americans are Americans....
jon_backward's inability to use a comma properly causes me to disregard most of what he says.

"Get used to it cracker-boy."

What I'm getting used to is the fact that too many of the enemies of the white race are themselves white. That's pretty pathetic, but whites have excelled in battling other whites, and if it comes down to a battle between racist whites and idiot whites, idiot whites will be dead before the hour is out.
This is nothing new, does anyone know how many goverment loan programs there are for only hispanics to buy homes that they don't even have to pay back on?

This is big business, and this hispanic guy who once ran the goverments HUD programs know this all to well, thats why he went into the private sector because he saw how much money these company's were making off the taxpayers.

Does anyone want to know the foreclosure rate for hispanics?

I am from Los Angeles, Do you know how many areas I have seen revitalized or built brand new and handed over to hispanics at taxpayers expence, just to see these areas destroyed.

And thats the point, this area in San Antonio that is being built for hispanics will be a drug dealing, gang infested, crime ridden, cess pool within five years.

Does anyone know the hispanic crime rate in San Antonio today?

I think I saw Soul Brother about 4 times in this thread. A few more and is will stick.

And yeah it has a nice ring to it. Soul Brother Willie :thup:
Originally posted by William Joyce
jon_backward's inability to use a comma properly causes me to disregard most of what he says.

"Get used to it cracker-boy."

What I'm getting used to is the fact that too many of the enemies of the white race are themselves white. That's pretty pathetic, but whites have excelled in battling other whites, and if it comes down to a battle between racist whites and idiot whites, idiot whites will be dead before the hour is out.

which hour? The hour this fantasy 'battle' will begin? So, you'll find every white man you consider an idiot, and kill them all within 30 minutes? I'll grant that there is even a 'group' of Soul Brotha Willies (SBW) with whom to do battle. I'll grant that group is even 1,000,000 people strong.

By my back-of-the-envelope math, that leaves 289,342,554 Crackers, *******, Spics, Wetbacks, Chinks, and Fags to kick your collective asses.

I'm just a black man...searching for truth.

I love you, SBW...I really do. And I pray for you daily.
HHMMM...confronted with facts william lowers himself to name-calling....run out of meds this week? you are the one living in a fantasy world, william and friends...seek help soon...you are missing out on living life....
Originally posted by William Joyce
I pray for your soul, my brother.

Someone's got something to say about this response:


One of two things are going on here, either this is Willie writing these articles under another pseudonym or Willie's lack of intelligence leads him to have other people answer for him. I think the former because I believe the quote from a christian conservative on a message board was from Gop_Jeff. Anyway like I said its a mute point, my side has already won the war, these are just pockets of resistance that will always be around but don't know their ass from their elbow so you sort of treat em like mosquitoes, don't go out purposely to squash them but if they get too close WHACK and down they go. I especially like how anyone who does not believe in grouping races together from the actions of a few of their members is a communist and that god condones racism. Uhhh news flash: maybe he shouldn't try and find obscure passages in the old testament as most Christians recognize that the new testament is the guidepost now and just try and find something in there condoning hate or racism. Old testament was for a vastly different time and place.

But like I said Its much easier intellectually on these people if all Blacks are *******, Asians are gooks, Hispanics are spicks and in Willie's case Jews are kikes. Saves them brainwork.

Willie and Big D you guys know you are the white equivalent mentally to the minority dope dealer in the ghetto listening to Snoop Dog right?
. I advocate an especially large caliber bullet for the ones who sign off a race debate with, "I'll be praying for you


I made the tirade! :)
weird - perhaps WJ has changed his ways? Maybe the prayer worked? I was just browsing Google.com, and found this.
Yep thats Willie at an official rally after a shave and haircut.

You know the funny thing is i've posed this question "Do you think Adolph Hitler to have been a great historical figure" to Willie a few times and never recieved an answer. I mean this is the web if you can't be truthful here where can you be? Oh i've gotten that was a long time ago, libs always scream nazi(i'm not a lib) but you'd think anyone who had that question posed to them would scream HELL NO! I think his silence screams the answer though and also his constant harping on the Jews.
He ccan cry that was a long time ago...hell..the crap he is posting is 200 plus years old an doesnt apply to these modern times...
The Minority Homeownership Gap Has Widened
· Since the President Bush took office the homeownership gap between whites and African-Americans increased by 5% (from 26.1% to 27.3%) and by 7%between whites and Hispanics (from 26.4% to 28.3%). [Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Data compares 4th quarter, 2000 and 1st quarter 2003]

· The homeownership rate for African-Americans and Hispanics has trended downward since the Administration took office. The African-American homeownership rate has fallen from 47.8% to 47.7%. The Hispanic homeownership rate has fallen from 47.5% to 46.7%

Nation wide the home ownership for hispanics is on the decline.

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