For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

The right ignor anything in the bible that doesnt match their views. Forexample, the bible says all debts must be forgiven after 7 years.

those were God's laws for the Israelites when they came into the promised land. They didn't keep that law God Came the exile.
those were God's laws for the Israelites when they came into the promised land. They didn't keep that law God Came the exile.

Oh, So not all of the laws that were written in the old testiment matter.......Thanks for proving my point.
Another: Pride. Pride is a sin. That is satan's chief sin...that of Pride.

Now we are told by the left to celebrate Pride. anti-biblical.
You are talking about the 7 deadly sins...

Could point out where they are in the Bible...

This is like a lot of those Al a carte Christians... They will ignore what Jesus actually said and then invent stuff to pretend it comes from the Bible...

Jesus did talk about greed and giving to the poor and taxes are a much fairer way for society to make that happen.

Fundamentally Democrats morally in a better place than GOP... The evangelical church leadership has used wedge issues like school segregation (in 60s & 70s) and Abortion from 1978 to create wedge issues... The evangelical church leadership didn't consider abortion a problem until 1978 when lost school segregation and went shopping for another issue, until then it was considered a "Catholic Isssue"
They use it to create political power, this is not 'Giving on to Caesar...', this was checked by there followers. This is not Christian and goes against Christ teachings.

This false Christianity is the same as the false Patriotism that GOP also show. They will cry while singing the anthem and then do every not pay for the infrastructure, cut fund to fellow Americans and support foreign enemies over there own intelligence agencies.. Believing Conspiracy Theories is lazy and undermines America.
You are talking about the 7 deadly sins...

Could point out where they are in the Bible...

This is like a lot of those Al a carte Christians... They will ignore what Jesus actually said and then invent stuff to pretend it comes from the Bible...

Jesus did talk about greed and giving to the poor and taxes are a much fairer way for society to make that happen.

Fundamentally Democrats morally in a better place than GOP... The evangelical church leadership has used wedge issues like school segregation (in 60s & 70s) and Abortion from 1978 to create wedge issues... The evangelical church leadership didn't consider abortion a problem until 1978 when lost school segregation and went shopping for another issue, until then it was considered a "Catholic Isssue"
They use it to create political power, this is not 'Giving on to Caesar...', this was checked by there followers. This is not Christian and goes against Christ teachings.

This false Christianity is the same as the false Patriotism that GOP also show. They will cry while singing the anthem and then do every not pay for the infrastructure, cut fund to fellow Americans and support foreign enemies over there own intelligence agencies.. Believing Conspiracy Theories is lazy and undermines America.

You're the exact kind of Mark Ass Bitch the Republicans love. MAGA crying about income inequality after they elected a man who announced his Presidency after sliding down a golden escalator paid for by tax fraud and grifting.
You are talking about the 7 deadly sins...

Could point out where they are in the Bible...

This is like a lot of those Al a carte Christians... They will ignore what Jesus actually said and then invent stuff to pretend it comes from the Bible...

Jesus did talk about greed and giving to the poor and taxes are a much fairer way for society to make that happen.

Fundamentally Democrats morally in a better place than GOP... The evangelical church leadership has used wedge issues like school segregation (in 60s & 70s) and Abortion from 1978 to create wedge issues... The evangelical church leadership didn't consider abortion a problem until 1978 when lost school segregation and went shopping for another issue, until then it was considered a "Catholic Isssue"
They use it to create political power, this is not 'Giving on to Caesar...', this was checked by there followers. This is not Christian and goes against Christ teachings.

This false Christianity is the same as the false Patriotism that GOP also show. They will cry while singing the anthem and then do every not pay for the infrastructure, cut fund to fellow Americans and support foreign enemies over there own intelligence agencies.. Believing Conspiracy Theories is lazy and undermines America.
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what are God’s” Matthew 22:21.

Jesus clearly believed what was Caesar’s had a limit. In modern terms, that means Jesus believed in Limited Government. The problem is the Cherry Picking Liberals (Statists) look at that statement and interpret that to mean that God and the State are equal.

You're the exact kind of Mark Ass Bitch the Republicans love. MAGA crying about income inequality after they elected a man who announced his Presidency after sliding down a golden escalator paid for by tax fraud and grifting.
It’s not a complaint about income inequality. It is an exposure on Liberals for all of their bitching and whining about Income inequality, it is the worst under their leadership now that they control everything. Your attempt to deflect onto Trump is irrelevant.

You should be focused on Democrats like Clinton, Obama, Sanders, Biden who spend a lifetime in politics and emerge multi-millionaires off the taxpayer.
The left is notoriously lax in charity. They prefer the gov't mandatorily take our tax dollars and give to LEFTIST charities to make themselves feel morally superior.
Not really... When you take out giving to Religion they even out a lot more...

But Democrats know that Charities can't take over the Government role in society.
“The evidence shows that private philanthropy can’t compensate for the loss of government provision,” Dr. Nesbit said. “It’s not equal. What government can put into these things is so much more than what we see through private philanthropy.”

Democrats know that the maintenance of a strong society means people have to pay for that, this is shown threw out the world. Strong Social Nets lead to stronger societies which eventually lead to stronger Economies... Look at Germany, has ran a surplus 9 out of the last 12 years..
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what are God’s” Matthew 22:21.

Jesus clearly believed what was Caesar’s had a limit. In modern terms, that means Jesus believed in Limited Government. The problem is the Cherry Picking Liberals (Statists) look at that statement and interpret that to mean that God and the State are equal.
That not what that says... It clearly means Government and Church should not interfere with each other, there should be a separation.

If you are taking the Caesar’s had a limit, then you are also saying God had a limit too...
It’s not a complaint about income inequality. It is an exposure on Liberals for all of their bitching and whining about Income inequality, it is the worst under their leadership now that they control everything. Your attempt to deflect onto Trump is irrelevant.

You should be focused on Democrats like Clinton, Obama, Sanders, Biden who spend a lifetime in politics and emerge multi-millionaires off the taxpayer.
Seriously... Income inequality is the result of policies which are enacted...

Countries with more liberal polices have less inequality than countries that don't... Just look a bunch of Western European countries...
That not what that says... It clearly means Government and Church should not interfere with each other, there should be a separation.

If you are taking the Caesar’s had a limit, then you are also saying God had a limit too...
Exactly my point…. you people think God and the State are equals. Christians don’t. That’s not a criticism on my part; just an analysis. Why can’t you as it that is your view?
Seriously... Income inequality is the result of policies which are enacted...

Countries with more liberal polices have less inequality than countries that don't... Just look a bunch of Western European countries...
Countries with more liberal policies have a true, locked-in 1 percent, no middle class, and no economic opportunity for advancement . I will trade the US level of income inequality for economic opportunity any day. Economic opportunity is the primary reason immigrants from all over the world choose the US. They don’t give a shit about income inequality. They were already exposed to that failed class warfare tactic.
You are talking about the 7 deadly sins...

Could point out where they are in the Bible...

This is like a lot of those Al a carte Christians... They will ignore what Jesus actually said and then invent stuff to pretend it comes from the Bible...

Jesus did talk about greed and giving to the poor and taxes are a much fairer way for society to make that happen.

Fundamentally Democrats morally in a better place than GOP... The evangelical church leadership has used wedge issues like school segregation (in 60s & 70s) and Abortion from 1978 to create wedge issues... The evangelical church leadership didn't consider abortion a problem until 1978 when lost school segregation and went shopping for another issue, until then it was considered a "Catholic Isssue"
They use it to create political power, this is not 'Giving on to Caesar...', this was checked by there followers. This is not Christian and goes against Christ teachings.

This false Christianity is the same as the false Patriotism that GOP also show. They will cry while singing the anthem and then do every not pay for the infrastructure, cut fund to fellow Americans and support foreign enemies over there own intelligence agencies.. Believing Conspiracy Theories is lazy and undermines America.
Technically there is no exact wording of separation of Church and State in the Constitution. The Bible is two books. It tells us how humans are. It tells us how they dealt with things in those times. Secular or religious. The more we ph uk up the worse things can be. Except if you are truly privileged. And we see them all around us.
Exactly my point…. you people think God and the State are equals. Christians don’t. That’s not a criticism on my part; just an analysis. Why can’t you as it that is your view?
I am just reading what the actual Bible says...

God said to stay out of the affairs of Caesar (e.g. Government)...For people who have claimed to read the Bible , you don't seem to understand it that much...
Exactly my point…. you people think God and the State are equals. Christians don’t. That’s not a criticism on my part; just an analysis. Why can’t you as it that is your view?

Jesus said render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
Countries with more liberal policies have a true, locked-in 1 percent, no middle class, and no economic opportunity for advancement . I will trade the US level of income inequality for economic opportunity any day. Economic opportunity is the primary reason immigrants from all over the world choose the US. They don’t give a shit about income inequality. They were already exposed to that failed class warfare tactic.

US has a smaller middle class and lower Economic mobility than Western Europe...
Middle Class
The share of the adult population that lives in middle-income households varies considerably across Western Europe and the U.S. In 2010, the latest year for which data are available for all countries, the middle-income share was near 80% in Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway, the highest three among the countries examined, and as low as 59% in the U.S. Among the eight countries with data for 2013, the middle-income share ranged from 58% in the U.S. to 79% in Norway.

The size of the middle class across the selected Western European nations is related to the countries’ overall standards of living. The countries fall into three groups based on their national median disposable incomes in 2010. National incomes and the middle-income shares were the lowest in Ireland, Italy, Spain and the UK (64% to 69%); higher in Finland, France and Germany (72% to 75%); and higher still in Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Norway (75% to 80%).

Social Mobility
US behind nearly every country in Western Europe except Spain.

So think of the statements you just said and note that they are built on facts that are not true... Yes you can point that US is better than the third world but that is not who we compare ourselves too. So are you going to re-evaluate your positions with this new found information?
Technically there is no exact wording of separation of Church and State in the Constitution. The Bible is two books. It tells us how humans are. It tells us how they dealt with things in those times. Secular or religious. The more we ph uk up the worse things can be. Except if you are truly privileged. And we see them all around us.
"Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.”-[Matthew 22:21]
it commands people to respect state authority and to pay the taxes it demands of them.

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