For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

What’s breathing have to do with it?

I guess you don’t read the Bible. Genesis 2:7

“God BREATHED into his nostrils the breath of life and he became a living being.

But he referred to tax collectors as evil, greedy and corrupt.

Try again.

That’s because Roman tax collectors could demand any amount of money they wanted. The Romans set the amount to be given to Rome, but any money they collected over what Rome wanted was theirs to keep. That’s how they got paid.

As a result, all tax collectors in Roman times were greedy and corrupt.

Context is everything.

So your response is a total fail.
In what world do you see every rich liberal giving up most all their wealth for taking care of the sick and the poor. They have been on the stage for yeas and decades. Nada.
Where do you see Any very rich people donate more than what supports their agenda or for a tax write off? No matter what political party they belong to.
I wonder about that, I donate 2 about 7 different charitable orgs. I do not claim them on my tax filing to get a tax deduction.

Most of the donations our church received paid maintenance costs on our 100+ year old buildings, and our minister’s salary. Very little went to the poor.
Rigby5 said:
That is silly because the Bible is full of atrocities.
You have fathers sacrificing sons, slavery, polygamy, Joshua massacring Canaanite women and children at Jericho, etc.
The Bible basically is what NOT to do.
Do the opposite instead.

That is what the left is busting its butt doing.
Another: Pride. Pride is a sin. That is satan's chief sin...that of Pride.

Now we are told by the left to celebrate Pride. anti-biblical.
I don't think Jesus ever made a statement that people should be compelled to do anything. And Paul is very clear that if one accepts Christ, one will want to act in a Godly manner. Of course he was preaching to Christian communities that were economically socialist in nature before socialism became a word.

When Jesus "cleansed" the Temple of those who made money from poor people just trying to worship their God, he acted to compel, but he was actually throwing out to the Temple those who enforced the religious elites rules' of compulsion about how prayers could be made. But whenever Jesus encountered a sinner (and everyone was/is one) he preached tolerance and forgiveness of God when a sinner asked for it.
All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.

That's because today's new breed of democrat are anti republican.

There was a time when democrats and republicans on average wanted America to be strong and it's people strong. They had different ways of going about it but in general everyone loved America.

Now new democrats want the opposite of what republicans want. And what do republicans want and are known for?

Decent christian morals. Don't even have to be Christian, just have decent morals.

A secure border with America for Americans,

Punishment for criminals and responsibility for your actions. With tough action on criminals.

No child killing disguised as pro choice.

For Americans to love America and appreciate it and recognize the people who founded it made everything happen so we could be free right now.

The right to bare arms.

Freedom of speech.

A strong country with strong people with little tolerance for the weak and soft.

A society that values America and loves it.

No tolerance for perversity, particularly aimed at children. You can be a tranny fag if you want, republicans never say that, but you need to keep it to yourself and the others you engage in it with. And we have no tolerance for anything aimed at kids and no one should.

And what has happened in the past 18 months since the neo liberals has taken power? The exact opposite of every one of those points I listed. Every one of those points conservatives are known for have been reversed by the current administration.

Conservatives want law and order and decency and the new liberal wants the opposite.
and kings are not supposed to overburden the people with heavy taxes. THIS is the reason that Israel split in two kingdoms.
I don't think Jesus ever made a statement that people should be compelled to do anything. And Paul is very clear that if one accepts Christ, one will want to act in a Godly manner. Of course he was preaching to Christian communities that were economically socialist in nature before socialism became a word.

When Jesus "cleansed" the Temple of those who made money from poor people just trying to worship their God, he acted to compel, but he was actually throwing out to the Temple those who enforced the religious elites rules' of compulsion about how prayers could be made. But whenever Jesus encountered a sinner (and everyone was/is one) he preached tolerance and forgiveness of God when a sinner asked for it.
Did you know that the priests got a kickback from the temple merchants who sold sacrificial animals for EXHORBITANT prices? Much like what we're seeing today. For instance the gov't telling the doctors what treatments they can use for covid patients or they'll lose their license or forego payment. Hospitals getting kickbacks from gov't for falsifying covid tests as positive and falsifying death certificates. Like big box stores that made deals with the gov't for special treatment (killing off the mom and pop competition) to monitor and force restrictions on customers. and more.

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