For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

I’ve never called for our borders to be opened to invading foreign criminals. That’s a lie

You explicitly suggested that such a treasonous position is consistent with the Bible. These are your very own words, from earlier in this thread…

I’d say the lefts [sic] view on immigration issues, especially with dreamers falls more in line with teachings of the Bible…. Wouldn’t you agree?

Your suggestion that the Bible supports treason is ignorant and deeply offensive.

But then that's not at all out of line with nearly everything else you ever post, on any other topic.
You explicitly suggested that such a treasonous position is consistent with the Bible. These are your very own words, from earlier in this thread…

Your suggestion that the Bible supports treason is ignorant and deeply offensive.

But then that's not at all out of line with nearly everything else you ever post, on any other topic.
Since when did dreamers, commit treason? They were brought here as underage children, weren't they?

When have you done as Jesus asked, to welcome a stranger? Ever?
You explicitly suggested that such a treasonous position is consistent with the Bible. These are your very own words, from earlier in this thread…

Your suggestion that the Bible supports treason is ignorant and deeply offensive.

But then that's not at all out of line with nearly everything else you ever post, on any other topic.
Haha. I at no time ever explicitly suggested that. You’re insane
I’ve never called for our borders to be opened to invading foreign criminals. That’s a lie

By supporting the party that is doing it, you support them. You don't have to SAY you do. that is your plausible deniability, isn't it. That's not gonna work.
By supporting the party that is doing it, you support them. You don't have to SAY you do. that is your plausible deniability, isn't it. That's not gonna work.
Well that’s just silly… does everybody that voted for Trump support sticking fingers in womens vaginas without asking?
Well that’s just silly… does everybody that voted for Trump support sticking fingers in womens [sic] vaginas without asking?

You are, of course, deliberately missing the important point.

There are some degenerate elements that tend to align with the right. The vast majority of us on the right utterly reject and repudiate these elements.

There are some much worse, seriously depraved elements that align with the left wrong. Degenerate sexual perverts, such as homosexuals, transsexuals, and such, violent criminal mobs, such as Black LIES Matter, traitors who openly aid and abet foreign criminals who are invading our country, abortionists, and so on. Not only do most of those of you on the left wrong not reject these very bad elements, but you openly embrace and support them, and condemn those of us who dare to call them out for what they very clearly are.
You are, of course, deliberately missing the important point.

There are some degenerate elements that tend to align with the right. The vast majority of us on the right utterly reject and repudiate these elements.

There are some much worse, seriously depraved elements that align with the left wrong. Degenerate sexual perverts, such as homosexuals, transsexuals, and such, violent criminal mobs, such as Black LIES Matter, traitors who openly aid and abet foreign criminals who are invading our country, abortionists, and so on. Not only do most of those of you on the left wrong not reject these very bad elements, but you openly embrace and support them, and condemn those of us who dare to call them out for what they very clearly are.
That all well and good but when you accuse an individual of something then you need to go off the things they have actually said and not make blanket assumptions playing the team sport partisan hate games. I have never supported open borders. Most democrats I know do not support open borders. I know you all love to characterize everybody that’s not a MAGA as an open border supporter but you’re straight up lying. It’s not sly what your doing, you’re not fooling anybody.
Slade said:
Well that’s just silly… does everybody that voted for Trump support sticking fingers in womens vaginas without asking

well you're just gonna have to ask Joe and many other democrats about that aren't you. You've got a fount of experience right there. Save yer bullshit lies for people who still believe the bullshit leftist media's lies and omissions.
well you're just gonna have to ask Joe and many other democrats about that aren't you. You've got a fount of experience right there. Save yer bullshit lies for people who still believe the bullshit leftist media's lies and omissions.
I’m not asking Joe, I’m asking you. How about an answer? Do all trump supporters also support everything trump does and says including the cheating and pussy grabbing?
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slade said:
I’m not asking Joe, I’m asking you. How about an answer? Do all trump supporters also support everything trump does and says including the cheating and pussy grabbing?
first off, you have not proven that he did the second, and let me ask you....... are you guilty? Let him who is without blemish cast the first stone. heh?
So you need to look at people and avoid the Bible.
Thanks for validating the OP.
In YOUR thread
Which asks to compare "leftist" views to the teachings of the Bible...
We're now supposed to ignore the Bible
It agrees to much with "Leftists?"


And the dumb goes on
Yeah the dumb goes on
Spreading lies all across the web
Lie about this
Lie about that....

We pay our taxes, shitstain

It's not voluntary, it's under threat of prosecution.

You really are one stupid SOB
Who is we?

I pay my taxes.
I want the government to tax at a level that pays for what we do.
That means raising taxes or cutting EVERYTHING.

So, ready for that $15 a gallon gas when those subsidies are gone?
Ready for that 25% unemployment rate when the military and govt contracting are cut?
Ready for the absolute decimation of those over 65 when Medicare and SS are eliminated?

C'mon shitbrain, what EXACTLY are you willing to sacrifice to cut your precious taxes?

Me? I'm ready to pay the price for the society I want.
How many are you willing to kill for the society you want?

OH, and a question for you...

Name one single successful society across the last 6000 years that did not collect tax in some form. Anyone? Just one....
But he referred to tax collectors as evil, greedy and corrupt.

Try again.
He was right. they were.


What did he say about taxes?

Imagine, if everyone paid their fair share...
No tax collectors


Your greed is the problem, not the taxes or the tax collectors.
Dems want to destigmatize pedophila, use innocent children for pleasure.

Why does the left do things like this. It's like they want to take anything that is innocent and should be protected and filthy it up and use it in deviant ways. De stigmatizing Pedophila. HOW is this a good idea at all. I'd love to hear some leftist democrat here defend this??

Not enough to use them for sexual gratification. Use their little bodies for experimentation. It's all in the name of child sacrifice.

God says this about children. They are a blessing.

Psalm 127:3-5 ESV /​

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.

Leviticus 19:29 ESV /​

“Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, lest the land fall into prostitution and the land become full of depravity.

Matthew 18:10 ESV /​

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

Proverbs 17:6 ESV /​

Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.

Matthew 18:6
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
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All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.

You don’t have a mind so how can there be any changes.

Christian Democrats believe in the 10 Commandments, upon which western law is based.

Republicans claim to be Christians, but fail to live up to Christian values - barring refugees from entering the USA, gerrymandering, racial injustice, lying continually, and harming their own people to favour corporations.

You said conservatives give more money than the left.

I said, they give that money to their churches.

Their churches might not be spending all that money on the poor and needy.
I wonder about that, I donate 2 about 7 different charitable orgs. I do not claim them on my tax filing to get a tax deduction.

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