For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what are God’s” Matthew 22:21.

Jesus clearly believed what was Caesar’s had a limit. In modern terms, that means Jesus believed in Limited Government. The problem is the Cherry Picking Liberals (Statists) look at that statement and interpret that to mean that God and the State are equal.

Jesus was talking about the coin used all over the Roman empire.. he thought the Jews should pay their taxes.
Jesus sounds like an historical moral role model whether one believes he is the son of God or not. I have met many people whose religion does not recognize Him as the don of God but who know a lot and respect a lot about him.

Makes one wonder why Democrats would fight so hard to keep him out of public schools and public squares since they brag how morally aligned they are with him.

Jesus commands Christians to feed and clothe the poor and take care of the sick but said nothing about relying on Caesar to be the agent to do so. Further, I am sure Jesus is no fan of Caesar using the plight of the poor to pay off its friends and punish its enemies.
Fundamentally Democrats morally in a better place than GOP...

That's bullshit, of course, as is very obvious to any sane, decent person.

The Democraps are the side that supports the cold-blooded murder of thousands of innocent children every day.

They are the side that supports violent criminal/terrorist gangs such as Black [/b]LIES[/b] Matter.

They are the side that supports and defends homosexuality, transsexualism, and other insane and depraved sexual perversions.

They are the side that now defends abusively grooming and brainwashing young children in the direction the aforementioned perversions.

They are the side that is treasonously aiding and abetting a hostile foreign invasion of this country, giving aide, comfort, and support to the invaders.

They are the side that cooked up a huge fake “pandemic” out of a routine cold/flu outbreak, which they used to seize and abuse unprecedented powers, to the great harm of this nation and its people.

They are the side that turns violent, dangerous criminals loose, while seeking to deprive actual human beings of the means to defend ourselves against these criminals.

They are the side that robs honest, hard-working humans of the fruits of our labor, in order to prop up deadbeats and parasites.

In every way that matters of political controversy line up with the clear distinction between good and evil, between reason and madness, the Democraps are found standing solidly on the side of evil and madness.
US has a smaller middle class and lower Economic mobility than Western Europe...
Middle Class
The share of the adult population that lives in middle-income households varies considerably across Western Europe and the U.S. In 2010, the latest year for which data are available for all countries, the middle-income share was near 80% in Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway, the highest three among the countries examined, and as low as 59% in the U.S. Among the eight countries with data for 2013, the middle-income share ranged from 58% in the U.S. to 79% in Norway.

The size of the middle class across the selected Western European nations is related to the countries’ overall standards of living. The countries fall into three groups based on their national median disposable incomes in 2010. National incomes and the middle-income shares were the lowest in Ireland, Italy, Spain and the UK (64% to 69%); higher in Finland, France and Germany (72% to 75%); and higher still in Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Norway (75% to 80%).

Social Mobility
US behind nearly every country in Western Europe except Spain.

So think of the statements you just said and note that they are built on facts that are not true... Yes you can point that US is better than the third world but that is not who we compare ourselves too. So are you going to re-evaluate your positions with this new found information?
You said the Middle Class in Europe is similar, not the same as the US. Further, why is the US the top destination among Immigrants worldwide? In a word, Freedom. A big part of Freedom is Economic Opportunity and a strong Middle Class.
You are talking about the 7 deadly sins...

Could point out where they are in the Bible...

This is like a lot of those Al a carte Christians... They will ignore what Jesus actually said and then invent stuff to pretend it comes from the Bible...

Jesus did talk about greed and giving to the poor and taxes are a much fairer way for society to make that happen.

Fundamentally Democrats morally in a better place than GOP... The evangelical church leadership has used wedge issues like school segregation (in 60s & 70s) and Abortion from 1978 to create wedge issues... The evangelical church leadership didn't consider abortion a problem until 1978 when lost school segregation and went shopping for another issue, until then it was considered a "Catholic Isssue"
They use it to create political power, this is not 'Giving on to Caesar...', this was checked by there followers. This is not Christian and goes against Christ teachings.

This false Christianity is the same as the false Patriotism that GOP also show. They will cry while singing the anthem and then do every not pay for the infrastructure, cut fund to fellow Americans and support foreign enemies over there own intelligence agencies.. Believing Conspiracy Theories is lazy and undermines America.
“To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, even behavior and perverse speech.” Proverbs 8:13

Hannah prayed, “Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed” (1 Samuel 2:3).

Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” God’s word assures us pride is the root of the rubble in our lives. 1 Corinthians 10:12 warns, “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” Psalm 10:2-11 describes the oppressive result of pride, and a plea to God for justice and defense for those caught in its tailspin.
Oh, So not all of the laws that were written in the old testiment matter.......Thanks for proving my point.
The laws for daily living for the israelites. Old Testament means old will. New Testament is the new will given to us by Christ.
Cowboy Ted said:
This false Christianity is the same as the false Patriotism that GOP also show. They will cry while singing the anthem and then do every not pay for the infrastructure, cut fund to fellow Americans and support foreign enemies over there own intelligence agencies.. Believing Conspiracy Theories is lazy and undermines America.

Don't know if you realize it yet Ted but Conspiracy theories have become Conspiracy Reality. Conspiracy Theorists (realists) don't have to worry about myocarditis.
God's word says that women are the weaker vessel. That is not to be an insult. Women ARE weaker in strength and I dare sat weaker in emotional state as in Ruling anything. There ARE exceptions. Margaret Thatcher. Golda Meir i think i would put in the strength category. God created woman from Man's side, not his head, not his foot. She is his equal as far as God is concerned in value.

The left likes to hold up women as superior to men. Especially caucasian men. The left has put leftist women on a pedestal as if they can solve all the problems of the world. They can't and don't. Yes the left has actually said that, put women in charge and all problems in the world would end. And you see here below that this has trickled down into society

Why would democrats who actively seek the support of minorities and that includes women think of women as superior or tell women that they are superior to men? I think because they know women are not but paying this lip service can keep these women in their power. And we see that democrat women will do anything even ruin their own reputations for the good of the democrat party.
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The laws for daily living for the israelites. Old Testament means old will. New Testament is the new will given to us by Christ.

Hmm if the old testament doesn't matter, and was replaced by the new one, then why do conservatives continuous quote the old testament when speaking out against things like gay marriage. Jesus never said anything against gays.
Hmm if the old testament doesn't matter, and was replaced by the new one, then why do conservatives continuous quote the old testament when speaking out against things like gay marriage. Jesus never said anything against gays.
Because there is a difference in the laws that apply to the hebrews when they were travelling to the promised land and the laws of jewish tradition. Jesus was a practicing jew and he followed those laws. Leviticus 20:13. He may not have specifically mentioned 'gay' marriage but he addressed marriage and it did not include homosexual marriage. Also see matthew 19:4-6

additionally: Jesus affirmed that people are either to be single and celibate or married and faithful to one spouse of the opposite gender. Jesus considered any other expression of sexuality sinful. This would include same-sex activity.

and more: just because Jesus did not address it specifically..such as gay marriage, his remarks on marriage in general excluded same sex activity. Jesus didn't mention the knock out game or kidnapping either but we know that it is morally wrong dont we.
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The matter of Transgenderism
Not really... When you take out giving to Religion they even out a lot more...

But Democrats know that Charities can't take over the Government role in society.
“The evidence shows that private philanthropy can’t compensate for the loss of government provision,” Dr. Nesbit said. “It’s not equal. What government can put into these things is so much more than what we see through private philanthropy.”

Democrats know that the maintenance of a strong society means people have to pay for that, this is shown threw out the world. Strong Social Nets lead to stronger societies which eventually lead to stronger Economies... Look at Germany, has ran a surplus 9 out of the last 12 years..
Well thanks for pointing out anotherbiblical difference between the left and right in charitable giving. The Bible, GOD's WORD, does not say that gov't is to take over the practice of taking OUR money and then giving it to THEIR 'charities'. The left's charities are OFTEN, NOT Charities in the true sense of the word but rather political organizations that fund other evil organizations SUCH AS Planned Butcherhood, for one example.

The Bible says that WE are to be glad givers OURSELVES and Through the Church.

Not once does the word of God or Jesus say give to the gov't your money for charitable giving. it was put into the giving to the church for those purposes and ourselves to be charitable. Jesus said, Give to Caesar what is caesars, pay taxes, pay revenues i think the word is...but not once...your money for charity.

and at this point, in today's climate, i would not give any more of my money willingly to the government than what i have to.
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