For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

Crybabies on the Left and the Right

There's a passage in the Bible that favors abortion. A slutty Hebrew girl was whoring to the heathen and got pregnant, so the head rabbi made her take a potion that would kill the fetus.

Also, Numbers 5: 11-31 mandates abortion for conception from adultery.

The frigid fetus-fetishists adopted their bullying Puritanical position because they only care about their Leftist classmates and wanted to go "even more touchy-feely than thou," shaming the weepy left by thinking up some way to make them look as insensitive as baby-killers. Both sides come on like childish weaklings with this sensitivity crap.
Educate yourself.
Pushovers Preaching Pacifism

The "turn the other cheek" by the early Christians made the Roman Empire fall defenseless, leading to the Dark Ages, when the escapist superstition of Christianity thrived.

Christianity had some to do with the fall of the Roman Empire, as did the Romans beming more open and accepting to other cultures, and allowing them to become Roman citizens. Much like we're doing with the horde of illegals coming across the southern border. Romans became fat, bloated, lazy, and more tolerant of other cultures, much like we have.

I was brought up in a Christ-believing atmosphere, but I do have respect for the pre-Christian era of Rome. They ran a tight ship and knew how to deal with any resistance. The Roman Empire at the height of their power didn't fuck around. They had no qualms about lining the roads leading into Rome with the crucified bodies of anyone and everyone who threatened the sovereignty of their domain.

The American empire on the other hand, has just about ran its course.
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No, they aren’t. There is no legal requirement to honor God and only God. There is no legal impediment to blasphemy. There is no legal requirement to “honour the sabbath”.

Lying, stealing, murder and adultery are all illegal but “coveting” is not. Nor are you legally required to “honour your parents”.

So only 4 out of 10 are in your laws.
Read the 10 Commandments before you spew anymore nonsense.
Christ said his kingdom is not of this earth.

He did say give unto Caesar what is his.

The parable of the Samaritan is far more of the prog values here than of the libertarian or MAGA.
All Leftist views were there’s disagreement are always anti-Biblical.
Change my mind.
Cheat on three wives? Oh, that's okay.

Steal the life savings of the elderly at a fake university? Oh, that's okay.

Fuck a porn star while the wife is home nursing your newborn? Oh, that's okay.

Pay off mistresses to affect the outcome of an election? Brilliant!

Hire the most corrupt people ever to work for a president's administration? Awesome!

Pardon the guy who colluded with Russia and laundered his ill-gotten gains from Ukraine? We have no idea what you are talking about!

Pardon the guy who robbed the very rubes who voted for you? Well, they are the most submissive cucks in history, you know.

Refuse to accept an electoral loss and attempt to foment an insurrection to overthrow our democracy? That's totally cool.

Steal the money given to you by your rube herd for your non-existent "legal defense fund" and pass it out to your friends and take some for yourself for other uses? Again, they are the most submissive cucks in history and will continue to give you, a billionaire, their money.

Treat our most grave national security secrets like entertainment for the house guests? Sure, why not?

The Trumptards have set so many low benchmarks for what is acceptable, they can never ever again criticize anyone for anything.

Every rule of governing and common decency has been shattered.

And they're cool with that.

This shit is going to come back and smack their stupid mouthbreathing faces one day.

Some clown on the Internet posts an opinion that Hitler and the Democrats are similar. That’s evidence of nothing.

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