For Any Agenda Where the Left and Right Disagree Name One the Left Are on the Side of Biblical Values

Here’s another

It is easier for a camel to pass though the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven
Wow, a personal attack!
Never saw that coming!!!

Post a stupid thread and get a stupid response.

I’ve made a number of posts on this thread, refuting the premise of this ridiculous thread, and you’ve chosen to ignore those completely. That’s proving my statement that you don’t have a mind to change.

What is laughable is your insistence that you know anything about the Bible because clearly you don’t. You’re just trying to use religion to beat on liberals.

You don’t even agree with the Bible on when life begins – “Adam drew his first breath and became human”.

And you certainly don’t believe in the concept of “free will” because you don’t want to allow that. Especially where women and racial minorities are concerned.

You’re certainly not prepared to “Do unto others” when it comes to welcoming strangers and oppressed peoples. You really should read the first four books of the Bible detailing, Jesus actual teachings, and not Paul’s interpretations of them.

Last but not least, 70% of all liberals are Christians. Some of us are church elders and retired Sunday school teachers and people who have actually read the Bible.

The religious right is as far from “Christian” as you can get. Their leadership has sold out to white nationalism for a promise of political power in a radical right wing Christian theocracy.

Jesus kingdom is not of this world. It is only of the spiritual realm. God gave human beings free will. The Republican Party would take that away from everyone but rich white men.
Post a stupid thread and get a stupid response.

I’ve made a number of posts on this thread, refuting the premise of this ridiculous thread, and you’ve chosen to ignore those completely. That’s proving my statement that you don’t have a mind to change.

What is laughable is your insistence that you know anything about the Bible because clearly you don’t. You’re just trying to use religion to beat on liberals.

You don’t even agree with the Bible on when life begins – “Adam drew his first breath and became human”.

And you certainly don’t believe in the concept of “free will” because you don’t want to allow that. Especially where women and racial minorities are concerned.

You’re certainly not prepared to “Do unto others” when it comes to welcoming strangers and oppressed peoples. You really should read the first four books of the Bible detailing, Jesus actual teachings, and not Paul’s interpretations of them.

Last but not least, 70% of all liberals are Christians. Some of us are church elders and retired Sunday school teachers and people who have actually read the Bible.

The religious right is as far from “Christian” as you can get. Their leadership has sold out to white nationalism for a promise of political power in a radical right wing Christian theocracy.

Jesus kingdom is not of this world. It is only of the spiritual realm. God gave human beings free will. The Republican Party would take that away from everyone but rich white men.
Missed your input! Will go back and see!
BTW - ‘I knew you in the womb’, free will is only to the point of intrusion upon the free will of others, I’ve spent years helping people in extreme poverty, a rare occurrence for Leftists, and not one Leftist is a Christian.
Matthew 7:21-23
Abortion. God gave us "free will" and Republicans would take it away.

The Bible says that "life" begins with the first breath drawn. The right wingers are trying to redefine what "life" means, and saying that a fetus is "alive" from the moment of conception. The Bible says otherwise.

Genesis 2:7

"Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."

Democrats are also in favour of: Thou shalt not kill; Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not bear false witness; Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God, in vain;

Trumpists in particular are all in favour of lying and "bearing false witness".

We'll pass on the Biblical justification for incest, stoning of adulterers, and condoning slavery.
Abortion. God gave us "free will" and Republicans would take it away.
Again, free will doesn’t mean you get to murder others.
Religion believes in taking money "at gunpoint". If you don't give 10% of your income, you won't go to Heaven.
Jesus was really clear on taxation. Jesus was also very clear on the division between the secular and the spiritual. He was not there to fight the Romans or involve himself of the politics of the day.

The American Right has utterly perverted Jesus' teachings. Instead of the JOY of Christianity where you live your life in service to Jesus, Others and Yourself, you're preaching "prosperity Christianity" which is an oxymoron if ever I heard one. Christianity has absolutely nothing to do with "self actualization" and the pursuit of personal success, but in living your life by two guiding prinicples:

Love the Lord thy God with all of your might; and

Love one another as I have loved you.

These two things. Because if you do the second, you would never post the bullshit you post.

Luke 20:25
"And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's."
Religion believes in taking money "at gunpoint". If you don't give 10% of your income, you won't go to Heaven.
You really are a Bible ignoramus.
Bible says to only give cheerfully.
The zygot has no such thing. It has no brain or thought.

It's not surprising that misogynistic prick such as yourself is opposed to giving women rights. You couch it as concern for the "innocent children" but you have no interest in the lives of the children once they're born. Your entire interest is in the power to force women to bear these children whether they can afford to look after them or not.

If you gave even the smallest concern for the children the USA wouldn't have the highest rate of infant mortality in the first year of life in the first world.

The Republican Party is a death cult. You don't care about the women or the babies. Just forcing women to have babies gets you off.
The zygot has no such thing. It has no brain or thought.
So you’re for banning abortion at 6 weeks.
Let’s do it!
Post a stupid thread and get a stupid response.

I’ve made a number of posts on this thread, refuting the premise of this ridiculous thread, and you’ve chosen to ignore those completely. That’s proving my statement that you don’t have a mind to change.

What is laughable is your insistence that you know anything about the Bible because clearly you don’t. You’re just trying to use religion to beat on liberals.

You don’t even agree with the Bible on when life begins – “Adam drew his first breath and became human”.

And you certainly don’t believe in the concept of “free will” because you don’t want to allow that. Especially where women and racial minorities are concerned.

You’re certainly not prepared to “Do unto others” when it comes to welcoming strangers and oppressed peoples. You really should read the first four books of the Bible detailing, Jesus actual teachings, and not Paul’s interpretations of them.

Last but not least, 70% of all liberals are Christians. Some of us are church elders and retired Sunday school teachers and people who have actually read the Bible.

The religious right is as far from “Christian” as you can get. Their leadership has sold out to white nationalism for a promise of political power in a radical right wing Christian theocracy.

Jesus kingdom is not of this world. It is only of the spiritual realm. God gave human beings free will. The Republican Party would take that away from everyone but rich white men.
Well, you struck out looking every time.
Quote one person.

BTW - the Left give very little assistance to the poor versus the right.

No, the left to give less to “charity” than the right. But “charity” includes donations to their churches.

Mormons tithe - giving 10% of their income to the church. Last year it was revealed that the Church has a multi-billion slush fund built of those untaxed donations to “charity”.

Last, but not least, donations to churches are only used within that church’s local community. Rich communities have more funds to work with than poor neighbourhoods, but less need. The churches where there is the most need, there are the least resources.

A big chunk of my charitable donations went to my church in Toronto, but those donations were used to pay salaries to the Minister, and utilities, upkeep on a 100+ year-old building complex, which included suites of offices, a gymnasium, a large banquet room, and the Sanctuary. Even with rental income from NGOs for our office suites, for use of our meeting rooms, gymnasium, and kitchen, we were dipping into Trust Funds to pay bills.

Other than donations of food to the local food bank, and closing to the local rummage sales, our congregation did nothing for the poor other than provide counselling and recreation programs for poor residence of the community.
Learn to read and comprehend.
No, the left to give less to “charity” than the right. But “charity” includes donations to their churches.

Mormons tithe - giving 10% of their income to the church. Last year it was revealed that the Church has a multi-billion slush fund built of those untaxed donations to “charity”.

Last, but not least, donations to churches are only used within that church’s local community. Rich communities have more funds to work with than poor neighbourhoods, but less need. The churches where there is the most need, there are the least resources.

A big chunk of my charitable donations went to my church in Toronto, but those donations were used to pay salaries to the Minister, and utilities, upkeep on a 100+ year-old building complex, which included suites of offices, a gymnasium, a large banquet room, and the Sanctuary. Even with rental income from NGOs for our office suites, for use of our meeting rooms, gymnasium, and kitchen, we were dipping into Trust Funds to pay bills.

Other than donations of food to the local food bank, and closing to the local rummage sales, our congregation did nothing for the poor other than provide counselling and recreation programs for poor residence of the community.
Well, you have a problem with your pastor eating food and having a roof over his head and your church having a location, find another church.

But what I’m talking about is what YOU do personally. Very rare for a Leftist to give time or money to directly help those in need.

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