For Black Republicans, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is an obligatory fiction

Would that be like getting killed by the police, given longer prison sentences for the same crimes that you commit. Discriminated against and dealing with racism. You can keep that preferential treatment.

Thxs for the Stormfront commentary.

I'm glad I'm white. I'm proud as fuck to be white. I bet you think that makes me a racist. Well, whatever. I'm proud to be white.

See, because if I were black, and if there were even the slightest outside chance that I could ever be like you, I'd probably just blow my fucking brains out.

Feeling discriminated against? Dealing with racism? Tough shit, Buh'weet, suck it up. Colored boys like you bring it on yourself. You're just too stupid to realize that.

Anywho, I need to scoot. We're going out on my CFO's (he's black, by the way) boat today (a really sweet Sealine T50) and that just seems like it'll be more fun than making you look even more stupid than you do on your own...
Is that suppose to be a joke? You hated Malcolm X, Dr. King and any other black man who pointed out your racist ass.

I guess you missed when Malcolm stated this.

“I’m one of the 22 million Black victims of the Democrats. One of the 22 million Black victims of the Republicans and one of the 22 million Black victims of Americanism. And when I speak, I don’t speak as a Democrat or a Republican, nor an American. I speak as a victim of America’s so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy – all we’ve seen is hypocrisy. “
/----/ My generation never hated those men. So stop with your false accusations.
You didn't have to say it, that is how you boot licking fools think. It's amazing how when the racist in the party that you kiss ass to make racist remarks you are no where to be found, hiding, but you will come out of the wood work to argue with a black man to defend these racist. Then you have the nerve to turn around and talk about masters. Smfh.
ah so you used your prejudice based on the brainwashing your master told you to jump to that conclusion…i see plantation boy
Do us a favor and pretend like you are black and blow your fucking brains out.

Go fuck yourself, Sambo...

Yea I know, it's easy to be an arrogant, privilege punk ass bitch when the law protects your candy ass.

There's a fine line between arrogance and confidence, dipshit. And, if I'm a "privileged", it's because I've worked my ass to get there. And I don't need the law to protect me. See, unlike you and your colored-boy kin, I'm not a criminal.

How long's your rap sheet, negro?

Well don't work too hard keeping the drinks topped off and the deck clean.

Mike actually takes care of that himself. He's a gracious host and my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I love spending time with him and his family...
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ah so you used your prejudice based on the brainwashing your master told you to jump to that conclusion…i see plantation boy
I understand boot lickin Trump Humper, scared the racist republicans might turn on you. It's sad to see someone black who hates themself.
Go fuck yourself, Sambo...

There's a fine line between arrogance and confidence, dipshit. And, if I'm a "privileged", it's because I've worked my ass to get there. And I don't need the law to protect me. See, unlike you and your colored-boy kin, I'm not a criminal.

How long's your rap sheet, negro?

Mike actually takes care of that himself. He's a gracious host and my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend and I love spending time with him and his family...
I know it makes you feel tough to spew out your racist epithets, typical racist bitch.
I know it makes you feel tough to spew out your racist epithets, typical racist bitch.

If you were capable of demonstrating even a modicum of respect, you'd receive it back ten-fold.

But, when you spew your hateful bullshit that every white person is a racist, well, you can fuck off and die. You deserve every little last bit of vitriol that's hurled your way, and I would be hard-pressed to give a fuck if you like it or not.

You're too big a fucking coward to admit it, but coloreds like you are the biggest reason we have such a racial divide in this country. You won't work for anything, you demean blacks who do well and are successful, and you think all whites are racists.

Seriously, you whiny negroes are worthless pieces of shit, and the world will be infinitely better when you're gone...
If you were capable of demonstrating even a modicum of respect, you'd receive it back ten-fold.

But, when you spew your hateful bullshit that every white person is a racist, well, you can fuck off and die. You deserve every little last bit of vitriol that's hurled your way, and I would be hard-pressed to give a fuck if you like it or not.

You're too big a fucking coward to admit it, but coloreds like you are the biggest reason we have such a racial divide in this country. You won't work for anything, you demean blacks who do well and are successful, and you think all whites are racists.

Seriously, you whiny negroes are worthless pieces of shit, and the world will be infinitely better when you're gone...
First of all fuck boy I never said all white folks are racist, but your weak, white ass is definitely racist. Blah, blah, blah, here we go again with the bullshit, right wing propaganda. I was probably working before your punk ass was born. Actually this country will be a lot better when racist trash like you is thrown out.
First of all fuck boy I never said all white folks are racist, but your weak, white ass is definitely racist. Blah, blah, blah, here we go again with the bullshit, right wing propaganda. I was probably working before your punk ass was born. Actually this country will be a lot better when racist trash like you is thrown out.
You had a job?
First of all fuck boy I never said all white folks are racist...


but your weak, white ass is definitely racist.

I am, but only to those who earn it...

Blah, blah, blah, here we go again with the bullshit, right wing propaganda.

What "propoganda", Stymie?

I was probably working before your punk ass was born.

So what? All that means is that, after more than 60 years, you're still a failure, and you're still blaming whites for your shitty lot in life; one which you, alone, have been responsible for...

Actually this country will be a lot better when racist trash like you is thrown out.

I'm not going anywhere, fuckstick...
Not according to liberals.

It's pretty sad watching that video that guy going around asking black folks that they have ID.

It's insulting.

And that's just what these motherfuckers are doing is insulting black folks.

Black folks do not need government to wipe their asses for them and it's insulting for the Democrat party full of Democrat Democrats (fuck you moonglow and rightwinger) to suggest that black folks are not capable of handling their shit.
Bullshit, you always come with the same garbage. There are many black folks who have become successful in this country and contributed a great deal to society and most are not bootlicking, republicans. See racist garbage like you love these men because they will never criticize your racist ass because they want you to accept them, but we know that will never happen because you are a racist POS. Yea I know black folks like me and Dr. King, Thurgood Marshall, Medgar Evers, Jesse Jackson, etc. You don't like those kinds of black folks do you?
That's awfully elevated company you've put yourself in. What have you done that compares to them? NOTE: Being angry on the internet is not an accomplishment.

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