For Black Republicans, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is an obligatory fiction

It is really sad that Black folks underachieve despite the fact that they have been getting preferential treatment for over 50 years. Prior to the preferential treatment they had to work hard to achieve, and those who did work hard and had talent were successful. The preferential treatment non-Whites get makes them generally lazier, more obese, more ghetto. :dunno: In particular, the preferential treatment Blacks and Browns get are one reason the USA has become a third world cesspool. For example, the Black perp in this vid has served notice on society he had no business in society and really should been executed years ago, but the judicial system loves to let dangerous low IQ Blacks loose on society.

in my humble but street-wise opinion, we have a much bigger problem with "wanna-be" criminals.

I'm in the music biz. I (sometimes) work with rappers. (I try not to, but sometimes I have to).

The rap culture is FUCKED UP. And, it's a LARGE segment of the "black community".

To a lot of those low-life scumbags, women are all ho's, it's all about the bling and getting minez, I mean... it doesn't get a "lot" worse except in prison.

This is not an IQ issue. Some of these people are real smart. And they have money. They just don't care, they're little wanna-be thugs and they think it's cool.

THESE are the people who rip off stores while BLM protests are happening. It's not BLM doing it, they're too busy protesting. Watch the videos, of the looters. Look at the cars. Cadillac SUV's! These are not ghetto hoods, they're rich rappers from the burbs. Opportunists.

Yeah, you get your looting at the CVS too, but these guys are the ones smashing windows at the jewelry stores on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. And there's NO REASON they need to be doing it, it's just... more bling.

I'm getting pretty tired of "black folks" complaining about all the stuff they're not getting. Apparently, whatever efforts this country has made since 1964 have completely failed. So maybe we should stop all that and try something that works instead.

I can tell you (all) one thing for sure, all this leftist crap about sellouts and Uncle Tom's is the world's cheapest excuse and the world's biggest load of hypocritical bullshit. As long as that goes on, "black folks" have no chance.
Good for you. I'm convinced we're still here because our generation was stronger. We were more active and not coddled.
Me at age 70, and still bowhunting at 82 (it's the distilled water). :biggrin:

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You're a fucking idiot. Your premise is flawed in that it assumes that hard work always ensures success. That's just not true. Hard work does not guarantee success, it simply increases the odds of it. Not everyone who works hard becomes successful, just as there are lazy fucks (you know, people like you) who manage to become successful.

My CFO is a very successful guy who just happens to be black. He's worked his ass off his whole life and, I can assure you, the only reason he has the job he has now is because he's a conscientious, responsible, hard working guy. He's as educated as the white guys who I considered for the job, and he has a similar level of experience...
Like most right wing fools, it went right over your stupid ass head.
Aside from racial gerrymandering, suppressing votes, underfunding schools, upholding a biased criminal justice system, denying a woman’s right to choose, preventing access to healthcare, undermining democracy, opposing reparations and thwarting every effort for equal rights, perhaps the most preposterous part of conservative mythology is the insidiously racist idea of “bootstraps”.

According to this wholly absurd construct, hard work – and hard work, alone – is a magical key that unlocks the promises of the American dream. And, if one accepts this premise, then the converse must also be true. Anyone who doesn’t achieve their dreams is simply not working hard enough.

Although “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” was originally intended to be an obviously sarcastic phrase suggesting an impossible accomplishment, the concept has become a key component of the Republican ideology, especially as it relates to racial inequality. Apparently, the infallible founding fathers and the heralded leaders of the past wasted 250 years constructing laws, traditions, practices and a constitution that provided an economic, political and social advantage to the white majority when all they had to do was put their noses to the grindstone. America’s white majority benefited from human trafficking, free labor, segregation, redlining and the whole of government-sanctioned racism. Yet, to fulfill the promise that America offers, all Black people ever needed is a strong back, a good idea and an unfailing work ethic.

For Black Republicans, accepting this sliver of ahistorical fiction is the first step to ascending to a position of power and prominence in the Grand Old Party. Counterbalancing the accusations of racism lobbed at the Republican party is the main job of Black conservatives. To do this, they are required to fabricate a life story that serves as a parable and proof of the bootstrapping thesis.

Even before Herschel Walker decided to vie for the Georgia Senate seat occupied by Senator Raphael Warnock, the NFL running-back-turned-bootstrap-evangelist made a habit of explaining how his work ethic and a don’t-quit mentality led to accomplishments as a student, multimillionaire and a business mogul. There was only one problem with Walker’s backstory:

It doesn’t seem to be true.

According to investigations by the Associated Press, Georgia Public Broadcasting and the Atlanta Constitution-Journal, there is no evidence that supports Walker’s claims to own the largest minority-owned food business in America, his supposed net worth of $65m, or his proprietary mist that can “kill any Covid in your body”. It is possible that Walker isn’t a liar; maybe he simply meant to inspire others with the story about how he worked his way out of poverty to graduate in the top 1% of his class at the University of Georgia … Except he didn’t graduate from college.

Although he was hailed as the only hope of regaining the invaluable Senate seat, Walker’s Republican challengers are now convinced that his fabricated backstory, and domestic violence allegations by his ex-wife, have become a risk to the party, according to a report by Politico. Now that Walker’s con has been exposed, he is of no use to his Republican colleagues. The fairytale life that was once his biggest attribute has become “baggage”.

The South Carolina senator Tim Scott is taking note. For years, he has repeatedly extolled the values of hard work as part of his origin story. He often recounts the tale of his poor, illiterate grandfather who – Scott conveniently forgets to mention – owned 900 acres in South Carolina. While Scott once told me during an interview that he “struggles to come up with a concise definition of what systemic racism looks like”, he confidently told the world that “America is not a racist country”. And, according to Axios, Scott is now preparing to give a speech that warns against “teaching kids that they are oppressors”. How convenient. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Scott’s name has been bandied about as a presidential candidate.

Perhaps America’s highest-ranking Black Republican is Clarence Thomas. During his rise to the supreme court, Thomas loved to tell the tale of how his sister was content to survive on government assistance while he embraced the all-American ethos of hard work. “She gets mad when the mailman is late with her welfare check,” Thomas told a group of Black conservatives in 1980. “What’s worse is that now her kids feel entitled to the check too. They have no motivation for doing better or getting out of that situation.’’ It turns out, it was all a lie. But of course, it served its purpose. As a supreme court justice, Thomas’s life has turned into a liability that may cost his party a supreme court seat.

“What has happened too often is that people who seemingly mean well have promoted things that do not encourage development of any innate talent in people,” explained another Black bootstrapper, Ben Carson. “Hence we have generation after generation living in dependent situations. It’s not that they’re bad people, it’s that this is what they’ve been given, and it’s all they know in some cases.” As secretary of the housing and urban development department, Carson, a former presidential candidate, pledged to reverse policies that “created a culture of dependency in urban communities”. Carson didn’t mention that those same policies provided shelter, food and even the ability to see clearly during his quest to become one of the most celebrated neurosurgeons in American history. But, alas, he has been discarded, too.

Unlike their white counterparts, Black Republicans are required to promote the idea that – instead of discrimination, systemic inequality and history – Black people are victims of their own laziness. Kelly Loeffler, who held the Georgia Senate seat before Walker’s opponent, came from a family that profited from government assistance. However, Loeffler didn’t bear the burden of representing the shiftlessness of white “culture”. Ben Carson didn’t point out that the man who appointed him could serve as the poster boy for white privilege, if Trump could manage to wrestle the title from the man who appointed Thomas to the supreme court, George HW Bush.

But that’s not what makes this a racist idea.

By preaching the tenets of the bootstrap gospel, Black Republicans are essentially saying that 83% of Black voters, 63% of Hispanic voters and 72% of Asian American voters are wrong. The fact that every non-white demographic in America has rejected this narrative cannot unseat this fraudulent conservative conceit. They might not know much about history, business, systemic racism or inequality in their own country but, apparently, white people know what’s best for everyone else.

The willingness to toss aside the people who labored for the conservative movement actually disproves the logic of bootstrap mythology. Ultimately, when the premise of the false narrative is exposed as a fantasy, they have no use for the Black people whose lives once supported the idea that the gears to equality are lubricated with elbow grease.

It turns out, it was snake oil all along.

Just listen to the new tokens the Republicans have adopted, Herschel Walker and Tim Scott are the two they parade out front today. It used to be Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Allen West, etc., but they seemed to have fallen off the map.
/----/ democRATs gotta keep those Darkies on the Dem plantation one way or the other.
And many Blacks like Clarance Thomas, Alan Page, Dr. Carson, Thomas Sowell, Senator Scott, etc, who have worked hard and contributed greatly to society get nothing but nasty vile insults from putrid trash like you simply because their political beliefs are different than yours. Blacks like you have always been the problem, not White people.
Bullshit, you always come with the same garbage. There are many black folks who have become successful in this country and contributed a great deal to society and most are not bootlicking, republicans. See racist garbage like you love these men because they will never criticize your racist ass because they want you to accept them, but we know that will never happen because you are a racist POS. Yea I know black folks like me and Dr. King, Thurgood Marshall, Medgar Evers, Jesse Jackson, etc. You don't like those kinds of black folks do you?
i never said that. Geez…you think it’s all about race…guess that’s what your Masters keep telling you
You didn't have to say it, that is how you boot licking fools think. It's amazing how when the racist in the party that you kiss ass to make racist remarks you are no where to be found, hiding, but you will come out of the wood work to argue with a black man to defend these racist. Then you have the nerve to turn around and talk about masters. Smfh.
Isn't this the fool who said he was going to run for the Governor of Alabama as a Republican. Of course you would parade a boot licking, ass clown out front.
/-----/ "Of course you would parade a boot licking, ass clown out front."
Spoken like a true liberal racist. Now, is Malcom X a bootlicker in your book?
Some have, some haven't.

"Black folks" are no different from anyone else.

I'll tell you what "black folks" need to do, they need to start applying social pressure the deadbeat dads

I know a guy that fathered six children and he's not paying for any of them.

There's a LOT of people like that. It's a problem among black folks. All the moms end up on welfare because they can't work, they have to stay home and take care of the kids
Where do you know this guy from?
It is really sad that Black folks underachieve despite the fact that they have been getting preferential treatment for over 50 years.
Would that be like getting killed by the police, given longer prison sentences for the same crimes that you commit. Discriminated against and dealing with racism. You can keep that preferential treatment.
Prior to the preferential treatment they had to work hard to achieve, and those who did work hard and had talent were successful. The preferential treatment non-Whites get makes them generally lazier, more obese, more ghetto. :dunno: In particular, the preferential treatment Blacks and Browns get are one reason the USA has become a third world cesspool. For example, the Black perp in this vid has served notice on society he had no business in society and really should been executed years ago, but the judicial system loves to let dangerous low IQ Blacks loose on society.

Thxs for the Stormfront commentary.
Like most right wing fools, it went right over your stupid ass head.

No, it didn't.
You didn't have to say it, that is how you boot licking fools think. It's amazing how when the racist in the party that you kiss ass to make racist remarks you are no where to be found, hiding, but you will come out of the wood work to argue with a black man to defend these racist. Then you have the nerve to turn around and talk about masters. Smfh.

Speaking of "masters", someone needs to get a hold of your master and tell him his negro got loose again...
/-----/ "Of course you would parade a boot licking, ass clown out front."
Spoken like a true liberal racist. Now, is Malcom X a bootlicker in your book?
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Is that suppose to be a joke? You hated Malcolm X, Dr. King and any other black man who pointed out your racist ass.

I guess you missed when Malcolm stated this.

“I’m one of the 22 million Black victims of the Democrats. One of the 22 million Black victims of the Republicans and one of the 22 million Black victims of Americanism. And when I speak, I don’t speak as a Democrat or a Republican, nor an American. I speak as a victim of America’s so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy – all we’ve seen is hypocrisy. “
Bullshit, you always come with the same garbage. There are many black folks who have become successful in this country and contributed a great deal to society and most are not bootlicking, republicans. See racist garbage like you love these men because they will never criticize your racist ass because they want you to accept them, but we know that will never happen because you are a racist POS. Yea I know black folks like me and Dr. King, Thurgood Marshall, Medgar Evers, Jesse Jackson, etc. You don't like those kinds of black folks do you?
Wrong. They're all great Americans, except for Jesse Jackson. He's just another race hustler like you. You don't even know who Alan Page is, do you. You're just a hater. Anyone who's on the right is worthy of your hate, White, Black, Brown, etc. You're very ill.
Wrong. They're all great Americans, except for Jesse Jackson. He's just another race hustler like you. You don't even know who Alan Page is, do you. You're just a hater. Anyone who's on the right is worthy of your hate, White, Black, Brown, etc. You're very ill.
Why is Rev Jackson not a great American? Because he won't kiss your pasty ass like these black republicans do.
Why is Rev Jackson not a great American? Because he won't kiss your pasty ass like these black republicans do.
I think he's a hustler, like you. See, you're nothing more than a Democrat party step-and-fetch-it. I'm the kind of guy that judges people by their character. Who told us to judge people by their character and not the color of their skin?
I think he's a hustler, like you. See, you're nothing more than a Democrat party step-and-fetch-it. I'm the kind of guy that judges people by their character. Who told us to judge people by their character and not the color of their skin?
You wouldn't know character if it hit you in the ass. You're a racist POS that hates anyone black who doesn't bow down and kiss your pasty white ass. Racist love quoting Dr King now that he is dead, when he was living whites like you hated Dr King.
You wouldn't know character
You wouldn't know character if it hit you in the ass. You're a racist POS that hates anyone black who doesn't bow down and kiss your pasty white ass. Racist love quoting Dr King now that he is dead, when he was living whites like you hated Dr King.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Martin Luther King

You're very ill. Your hatred is consuming you.
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"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Martin Luther King

You're very ill. Your hatred is consuming you.
Too bad racist like you don't share that dream.

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